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About Capital press. (Salem, OR) 19??-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 2019)
March 08, 2019 21 743 Alpacas & Llamas Dairy Cows For Sale: Whole herds or heifers. Also buying all types of dairy cattle. Lowell Chaffey, Aurora, OR. 503-678-5269, 503-559- 0830 Kiln Dried Shavings: Smaller truck loads now available. Hogfuel also available. Call for details. Forest Grove, OR. 503- 849-0216 Beautiful AKC Australian Shepherd Puppies. Blue Merles, $900. I can de- liver to Washington and Oregon. Silverton, OR. 541-525-6431 AKC German Wirehair Pointer Puppies: born 01/30/19, dew claws, docked, vet checked. Guaranteed healthy. Both parents health checked and superior hunters. Amazing family dogs, liver/ white; black/ white. 1 female, 5 males, $1000. Must be fixed. $1200 come with papers. Clatskanie, OR. 503- 522-9882 Airedales AKC Regis- tered: Adults & puppies. Fort Sage Kennels. Pa- tricia Sharp, Doyle, CA. 530-827-2271 Border Collie McNab puppy: female 3/4 bob, 14 weeks, working par- ents, $250. Vinton, CA. 530-249-0114 Amish family wagon: 2 seat, rubber on wheels and complete roll up flaps. All in great shape, $4800 OBO. Janesville, CA. 530-253-2125 Looking for EQUESTRIAN PROPERTY? Go to Class. 552 731-1-48-2/HOU (2) Jersey springer heif- ers, $1250. Sandy, OR. Alpacas, Llamas, Sheep, 503-753-9133 Goat Shearing, Hooves and Teeth. Will travel Custom Heifer Raising. anywhere in the North- Over 45 years experi- west. 35+ Years experi- ence in raising and an- ence. Santana Shearing. imal care. McMinnville, 541-570-2756, 541-981- OR. 503-437-6628 1866 (20) ORGANIC Spring- ing Heifers: Holstein/ 746 Goats Jersey/ Norwegian Red ADGA Yearling LaMan- cross. High component cha Buck from tested herd. Trout Lake, WA. herd. Great manners, 509-637-0239 wonderful disposition. $400. Canby, OR. 971- 269-8824. Looking for DAIRY FARMS? This AD space could be yours! Go to Class. 567 1-800-882-6789 or FAX 503-370-4383 755-1-48-2/HOU 740 Sheep 752 Mixed Livestock Sales Horned Dorset Ewes & Join us for our Lambs: purebred, regis- tered, old-style. Heavy Centennial Celebration bodies, good mothers, good milkers, fast grow- ers, great meat. Price based on age of ewe. BULL SALE $250-325 per ewe, $75 th th per lamb. Mount Vernon, March 10 & 11 WA. 360-420-3355 ANGUS Border Collie/ McNab/ Carter puppies: best dog you will ever have, males/ females, $450. Colton, OR. 503-314-0145 Bordie Collie Puppies: males, born 12/7/18, black & white, 1st & 2nd shots, wormed, $300. Parents on site. Spring- field, OR. Call between 9am-5pm 541-933-2345, 541-912-0354. Can text photos Selling 10-1/108 269 Spring Cove Rd. Bliss, Idaho 200 Angus Bulls 100 Angus Females Patrick Green Cottage Industry Wool Carder: does batts and rovings. Used, not abused. You haul, $7000. Photos available. Siletz, OR. 541-444-2278, Certified Sheep Shear- er: experienced, small and big flocks. Oregon, Northern California. Call John 541-417-2172 For Catalogs: 208-352-4332 755 Cattle Dairy Quality Heifer Replacement Program: Haven Hills LLC located near Royal City, WA., has new customer avail- ability. For more info call Ryan at 509-760-5108 LEBANON AUCTION YARD, INC. MARKET REPORT: 02/28/2019 37063 KGAL Dr., Lebanon, OR 97355 541-259-1251 Total Receipts: 110 McNab Female Puppy black/ white, 15 weeks, from verifiable DNA test- ed working lines, $900 OBO. Colbert, WA. 509- 846-9526. FEEDER STEERS/BULLS/HEIFERS: No Test BUTCHER COWS: Top Cow: $63.00; Top 10 Cows: $61.29; Top 50 Cows: $54.85 TOP ORGANIC COW: $72.00 TOP CONVENTIONAL BULL: $74.00 GOATS: $135.00-$230.00/ Head Special Sheep & Goat Sale Sunday, March 31 st , 1PM COMPLETE AUCTION RESULTS AT P.O Box 335, Woodburn, OR 97071 “Both Tractors SOLD! Thanks!” Jim Pettersen • Gig Harbor, Wash. Sell yours too in Capital Press! 752 Mixed Livestock Sales th TOTAL RECEIPTS 312…287... Cattle 10 Top Slaughter Cows A/P $56.98 cwt 50 Top Slaughter Cows A/P $50.38 cwt 100 Top Slaughter Cows A/P $42.77 cwt Top Certified Organic Cattle NT - NT cwt All Slaughter Bulls $40.00 - $68.00 cwt SPRING FEEDER SPECIAL Tuesday, March 12 th & Tuesday, March 19 th Over 100 head of weaned and vaccinated calves already consigned for each week. TOP BEEF STEERS TOP BEEF HEIFERS 400-500#..........................NT - NT cwt 400-500#...........$120.00-$135.00 cwt 500-600#............$130.00-$150.00 cwt 500-600#...........$125.00-$135.00 cwt MIXED LIVESTOCK Cow/Calf Pairs...........NT - NT HD Day Old Beef Cross Calves $160.00-$170.00 HD Bred Cows...................NT - NT HD Day Old Dairy Calves $5.00-$37.50 HD HOGS SHEEP Block Hogs.....$55.00-$69.00 cwt Lambs (40-70#)....$157.00-$185.00 cwt Feeder Pigs................NT - NT HD Lambs (75-150#)..$137.00-$157.50 cwt Sows.........................NT - NT cwt Thin Ewes......$83.00-$102.50 cwt Weaner Pigs..............NT - NT HD Fleshy Ewes.....$57.00-$77.00 cwt Ewe/Lamb Pairs $50.00-$67.50 HD GOATS: 10-39#.........$25.00-$50.00 HD 80-89# ....................NT - NT HD 40-69# .......$52.50-$137.50 HD 90-99# ....................NT - NT HD 70-79# .....................NT - NT HD 100-199# $157.50-$175.00 HD 200-300#................ NT - NT HD NEXT SHEEP, GOAT & HOG SALE - MONDAY, MARCH 11 TH @ 11:30 AM PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT: 10-1/106 ROCK’N D RANCH: Spring Bull Session Sat- urday, March 9th, 2019. Lunch at 11AM, sale starts at 1PM. (34) year- ling Angus bulls. (29) yearling Angus heifers. (1) halter broke Angus show heifer prospect. Junction City, OR. For more information or to request a catalog, con- tact Pam: 541-913-2128 or Donald: 971-219-6729 or visit website: 9-1/108 Working Border Collie Puppies. Parents are working cattle/ sheep. Registered with the American Border Collie Association, $750 each. Clackamas, OR. 503- 388-3702 (80) Salers Bulls: All ages from yearlings to 2 year olds. Red and Black calving ease polled bulls developed on our east- ern Oregon ranch for 36 years. Quiet tempera- ment, delivery available. Flying T Ranch Sprague River, OR. 541-533-2416 Purebred Angus heifers, calving in March, pick 20 of 55, avg weight 1200 lbs, $1850 each. Dallas, OR. 503-551-3233 Registered Black An- gus Bulls: Yearling and 2 year olds. Low birth weights, great dispositions. Reedsport, OR. 541-271- Outstanding Calv- 4940. ing Ease, dark cherry Red Angus, 3 year old 1-800-238-2934 Year- Herd Sire, excellent ling Black Angus Bulls: bloodlines and EPDs Upward, Final Answer incl MARB 1.27 huge genetics. Semen tested, IMF 6.27. Can be seen virgin, delivery available, at Symons Livestock. starting at $2500. Rolfe Call for details Madras, Angus Acres, Grass Val- OR. 541-409-6873. ley, OR. Black Angus Feeder Cattle: approximately 40 head, mixed steers and heifers, 400 to 1,000 pounds, 100% grass fed, good condition. Want to sell all or large lots. Make Offer. Nehalem, Registered Yearling OR, 503-322-0265. Red Angus Bulls: Multi- ple traits in the top 10% of Angus Waygu F1 cross: the breed, $3000-$3500. May- June heifers from Oakville, WA. Call or text closed herd, all natural Rand 360-470-3050 and de-wormed, $1.45/ LIVINGOOD RANCH lb. Beavercreek, OR. Murry Grey coming 2 503-702-8255, 503-632- year old bulls available. 3588 Will background thru April 2019. Reasonable price. Bred heifers avail- able. Burns, OR. 541- 493-2076 Tom Elder 503-981-9497 • Fax 503-981-9543 Market Report for March 5 Quality Limousin Bulls: Polled, Black or Red. Available Now. Leave Message. Wilde Ranch- es, Arlington, OR, (541)454-2994, 758 Cattle Beef 758 Cattle Beef 3 Registered Black An- gus yearling Bulls. Low birth EPDs. Schmidlin Angus Farms, Vernonia, OR, 503-429-7861 Polled Hereford Bulls: 3 year old & 6 year old. Registered Black Angus Semen tested. Eugene, Bulls: Basin Excitement, OR. 541-344-4344 Hoover Dam, Quaker Hill (150) Yearlings and Rampage 0A36, RB Tour Coming 2 year old of Duty 177, Sitz Upward Bulls: Noah’s Angus 307R, Connealy Concord. Ranch, Angus Cattle Ultrasound & Semen Since 1955. Cambridge, Tested. Ready for imme- ID. 208-257-3686 diate turn out. Ellensburg, WA, 509-899-9451 West Brook Angus Performance Angus yearling bulls at WCA Bulls that will enhance Bull Test 3/20/19 @ the saleability of your 12:30pm. Eltopia, WA. cattle and enhance the Bulls sired by calving maternal traits of your re- ease and moderate BW placement heifers! Bulls sires. Basin Payweight, designed, feed and bred TEX Playbook, SAC Con- to last! Coulee City, WA. versation, VAR Index. washingtoncattlemen. 509-632-5662 org/bull-test-sale Angus Bulls: Long year- or call 360-301-2687 lings and 2 year olds, BLACK SIMMENTAL very gentle, $1200 to BULLS, quality yearling $1500. At least 5 avail- and 18 month old polled, able. Rose Lodge OR. black bulls bred for Call Jim 541-992-2158 growth, maternal traits, and calving ease. Excel- lent dispositions. Sires include Upgrade, Inva- sion, 12M, Bullet Proof, Element, Catalyst, King of Clubs and Trailblazer. Nice selection of Sim- Angus cross bulls also available. Angus sires include Tour of Duty, 2 Year Old Black Sim- Chisum, Final Answer Angus Bulls: moderate and Innovation. Semen size, roughage raised, tested and EPD’s. Dou- docile, good feet and ble Arrow Farms, Pasco, legs, easy calving. Elkflat WA. 509-539-7290. Cattle Company. Cald- Visit our website at well, ID 208-454-3790 Retiring Herd Reduction. Angus pairs. Calved October, November and Decem- ber. Spring Calvers also available. Buhl, ID. 208- 934-7148 Saturday March 16th, 2019 Lundgren Charolais annu- al bull and female sale. (38) 2 year old and year- ling bulls. (7) open heifers. 1pm @ Stockland Livestock, Davenport WA. 509-535- 2444. Bid online at: CATTLEUSA under Stockland Livestock Auction. Cody Lungren 509-341- 4150, Don Lungren 509- 341-4178, Dr. Beau Lun- gren DVM 208-546-8574 For online catalog go to: 758 Cattle Beef Polled Hereford Herd Sires: 2 1/2 year old, yearling bulls, excellent quality, thick, muscular and structurally correct. Will sire lots of pounds. Gentle, halter broke, easy to work with. Cox Herefords. Jefferson, OR. 541-327-2458 Mastel Family Murray Greys purebred com- mercial herd: bulls and heifers. Roseburg, OR. 541-679-0677 leave message 2017 and 2018 Polled Hereford heifers and bulls for sale. Rosburg, WA. 360-751-2763 Registered Black An- gus Bulls: out of top AI Sires, Semen tested, BVD/ PI negative. Docile and easy to work. Free delivery. JSL Angus, Madras, OR. 503-849- 0803. Find us on Face- book. 10-2/110 18 TH ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE BLEVINS ANGUS RANCH MARCH 19, 2019 at 1pm (MT) 5 Valleys Livestock Auction | Missoula, MT Sale day phone (406) 728-3052 Breeding for Balanced EPDs , Birth to Carcass and Length Thickness, Muscle, Eye appeal, and Calving ease. Bulls/ Polled Herefords: Growthy, gentle, easy calving from Canadian bloodlines, all shots, quan- tity discounts. Portland, OR. 503-789-1531 10-2/100 WOODBURN LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE ABCA Borders Col- lie puppies: black and white, males/ female. Health tested parents, stock trial winning moth- er, $800. Canby, OR. 503-369-2937 Private Treaty Red Angus Bulls Opening Weekend March 15th and 16th. Heifer Bulls, Growth Bulls, Yearlings and 2 year old. Breeding eval- uations, EPD’s, per- formance data, TRIC tested. Raised in the Mountains, not in the feed lot. O’Doherty Cattle Co. Boardman, OR, 541-481- 2866 Full Blood Limousin: (3) 2 year old bulls, (1) Scottish Highland 1-1/2 year old bull. (3) Organic managed herd cow calf pairs, calves for last 10 years. ready to wean, $1250 per •19 Scottish Highland pair. Dallas, OR, 503- Cows ages 7-10, $2000 910-4769, 503-623-2707 each. •16 Scottish Highland Weanlings, $800 each. •15 Scottish Highland Yearlings, $1200 each. •14 Scottish Highland 2 year olds, $1500 each. Lostine, OR 435-640-4644 Hereford Bull Calf: reg- istered, polled, born 3/30/18, BW 81lbs, AI (exceptional Churchill and Chandler genetics), gentle, friendly, easy to handle, would make a great working herd sire, •Registered Pairs $1,950. Terrebonne, OR. •Registered Bred Cows & Call Luis at 512-680-1192 Heifers (calving Feb-Apr) •We have been breeding for calving ease, maternal traits, good disposition, & high growth for 60 years. Call Bill 208-573-9525 or Chelsea 208-965-9733 Red Angus registered Blue Roan shorthorn yearling bulls, also plus yearling bull, bw (1) two year old, good 71lbs. Asking $2000. growth, great epd’s, calv- Philomath, OR. 541-297- ing ease, very gentle, 5956 also (2) nice Hereford ƔźƔźƔźƔźƔźƔźƔźƔ bulls, 2500 each. Nam- pa, ID. 208-941-1507 Shorthorn Bulls: March-April Yearlings, MONTANA RANGE Selected for length, COWS: 46 top quality, width, depth and mus- large framed 4 to 7 year cling. Mothers sound, old Black Angus cows, thick, calm, good milk. bred to Fancy Black An- Good carcass data. gus Bulls. These cows Coulee-City, WA. Call are calving now, will sell 509-632-8709, 509-683- 2 or more. For more in- 3272 formation phone Joe (40-45) Spring calv- Chappell. 509-301-4402 ing pairs, mostly black, Milton-Freewater, OR, good solid and broken mouth cows with lots of life left. Calves born Jan- Feb. Calves black or gray. $1300/ pair, or $1250/ all. Silver Lake, OR. 541-576-4842 Wagyu cattle: bred cows/ Registered Black An- bulls/ 2018 heifers. Med- gus bull: born 12/29/16, ford, OR. 702-274-1964 AAA 18852548, 1780lbs, deep ribbed, stout con- Black Angus Bulls: structed, ultra sound, se- Fall coming 2 year olds, men tested, brucellosis top AI sires, reasonably and trick tested, $3250 priced, delivery avail- OBO. Delivery available. able. Ellensburg, WA. Terrebonne, OR. Call 509-607-0747 Mark or Nicholas 503- 319-7592, 503-209-2247 WE ARE ALSO ON FACEBOOK 758 Cattle Beef 758 Cattle Beef 1:00pm(MT) at AKC Australian Shep- herd: parents are genet- ic tested and have hips, elbows and eyes all test- ed and clear. Puppies are very well socialized, raised with kids and farm animals. Will be de- wormed every 2 weeks, have age appropriate vaccines, microchipped and vet checked. Prices start at $800. Deadwood, OR. 541-999-6105 755 Cattle Dairy 8-5-2/101 731 Horses, Mules, Donkeys SELLING: Registered Two Year Olds Registered Yearling Bulls Registered Yearling Heifers Commercial Yearling Heifers ALSO SONS OF : CTS Remedy 1T01 Blevins Mission Ten X 4515 Let Us Be Your Source For Quality Black Angus Bulls & Replacement Heifers BLEVINS ANGUS RANCH | 3 8 3 0 6 D e l l w o R d . | C h a r l o , M T. Wa y n e ( 4 0 6 ) 6 4 4 - 2 3 0 9 • C e l l ( 4 0 6 ) 2 7 4 - 2 7 3 2 8-3-3/103 10-3/102 728 Dogs, Cats, Pets