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About The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 2019)
SPORTS ÏÐÑÒÓÔ ÐÕÒÓÔ ÖÕ×ØÙÚÑÛ ÜÕÝÒÓÑÚÙÕÒ ÑÒÓ ØÐÕÝÓÛÞ ÙÒßÙÚÔ ÞÕÝ ÚÕ Mountaineers tame Lions ➐➑➒➓➔→ ûüýþûÿ ❊ ❖ ÿû ❖❊ ❯❊✁✂ ûÿý ✁ þ ❨ ✁●✄ ûÿþ ❈ û ❊ þûÿ ðñòóô õö÷ õøùú üþ ý ✁❙ ❖☎❈●❖❈✆ ✁❊ þ ❚ û û ✂ û ❊✁❊ àá âãäåæçèé àêåëéàè ìá àá ìäæíáäìîìçïç ➣↔↕↕↔➙ ➛➜ ↔➝ ➞➟➠ ➙➠➡ WEDNESDAY ➢ ➤➥➦➧➨➩➧➫ ➭➯➲ ➭➯➳➵ ➢ $1.50 ➸➺➺➻ ➻➼➽ ➾➺ ➺➚➪ ➶➼➹➚➘➻ ➴➚➷➴➬➪➮➷➘➪ ➱➚➷➽ ✃➪➼❐➮➘➪ ➺❒ ❮➼➹➹➺❰➼ URA discusses Call for Project program’s future 62 measles cases in Washington, 4 in Oregon ❋ ❍■❏❑▲ ▼◆❑P▲◆P ◗■❘❱❏ ❲❑P ❳❩P◆❱ ❬② ❭❪ P❩❱◗◆ ❫◆❬❴ ❵ ❇✝ ❆✞✟✠✡✟ ☛❡☞✌✍✎♦✡ ✏❤✑ ✒✓✔✑✕✈✑✕ ❇✝ ➝➞❡✎☞✌❡ ➟✟❡❾➞❡➠❡ ✏❤✑ ✒✓✔✑✕✈✑✕ ✪✛✜ ❂✗✬★✥ ➡✜✥✜✽★✲ ✳✵✜✥✤❃ ✧✴✩✤✱✩✩✜✧ ✙★➄✴✥✵ On Monday, Clark County Pub- lic Health announced the measles outbreak in Southwestern Wash- ington has risen to 62 cases, up some changes to the point system of the Calls for Project program, which will likely make the pro- cess more automated instead of subjective. ✪✱✜✩✧★❃ ✥✴✵✛✚✷ ✚✛✜ ❂➡✳ ✧✴✩✤✱✩✩✜✧ ✚✛✜ ✤✘✗✜ ✜✤✘❄ ➩❜❥ ➇➈❦❥✐➉❥✐ ➊➋❥ ➌❜❝❞❝ ✥✘✙✴✤ ✧✜✭✜✲✘✮✙✜✥✚ ✮✗✘✵✗★✙✩ ✘✾✜✗✜✧ ✽✴✚✛✴✥ ✚✛✜ ❂✗✬★✥ ➡✜✥✜✽★✲ ❉✴✩✚✗✴✤✚✰ ✪✛✜ ❂➡✳ ✘✾✜✗✩ ✩✜✭✜✗★✲ qr⑨ ➫➭ ➯⑨❺❺⑨❹ ➏→s❷⑧s❺⑤ t④⑦❹t ➍⑦⑩⑦❺④ programs for those interested in making invest- ⑦❶④⑨⑥ ④r⑨ ⑩③❻①⑦❺❹ ⑧⑨⑩s⑧⑨⑧ ④③ ⑩❷③t⑨ ④r⑨ ➒⑦ ments with their business projects within the ➲⑥⑦❺⑧⑨ ❷③⑩⑦④s③❺❼qr⑨ ➏→s❷⑧s❺⑤ ❸⑦t ③❺⑨ ③❶ ④r⑨ URD. A loan program, Call for Projects and the ⑨➳⑦❻①❷⑨t ⑤s➍⑨❺ ⑦④q→⑨t⑧⑦❹ ❺s⑤r④➵t ❻⑨⑨④s❺⑤ ➆✱✩✴✥✜✩✩ ★✥✧ ✪✜✤✛✥✘✲✘✵❃ ➢★✗➄ ★✗✜ ★✙✘✥✵ ✚✛✜✙✰ ❸r⑨⑥⑨ ④r⑨ ➸⑥➏⑦❺ ➺⑨❺⑨❸⑦❷ ➻⑤⑨❺⑩❹ ❸③→❷⑧ ❷s➣⑨ ✪✛✜ ✶✯➢ ✴✩ ✲✴➄✜✲❃ ✚✛✜ ✙✘✩✚ ✴✥✭✘✲✭✜✧ ✮✗✘✵✗★✙✷ ④③ t⑨⑨ t③❻⑨③❺⑨ s❺➍⑨t④ s❺ ④r⑨ ➏→s❷⑧s❺⑤❼ ✽✛✴✤✛ ✘✾✜✗✩ ➤✺➥➥✷➥➥➥ ✴✥ ✵✗★✥✚✩ ✚✘ ★✮✮✲✴✤★✥✚✩ every year as long as they follow certain criteria. ✪✛✜ ✮✗✘✵✗★✙ ★✥✧ ✴✚✩ ✤✗✴✚✜✗✴★ ✽✜✗✜ ✧✴✩✤✱✩✩✜✧ ★✚ length. In previous meetings, some agency mem- bers voiced they wanted to get rid of the program altogether since it’s so subjective and tends to ✛★✭✜ ✥✜✽ ➦★✽✩ ✜✭✜✗❃ ❃✜★✗✰ ❅✘✽✜✭✜✗✷ ✘✚✛✜✗ ★✵✜✥❄ cy members said it’s the most important program ✚✛✜ ❂➡✳✘✾✜✗✩ ★✥✧ ✚✛✜ ★✵✜✥✤❃ ✽✘✱✲✧ ✛★✭✜ ✲✴✚✚✲✜ ✚✘ show for the URD if they got rid of it. ✪✛✜ ✮✗✘✵✗★✙ ✛★✩ ✬★✩✜✧ ✮✗✘➙✜✤✚✩ ✘✥ ★ ✮✘✴✥✚ ✩❃✩❄ ✚✜✙✰ ✪✛✜ ✮✘✴✥✚ ✩❃✩✚✜✙ ✧✴✧ ✥✘✚ ★✲✽★❃✩ ✤✘✙✜ ✴✥✚✘ the main consideration in previous years, which top priority. Retail and commercial businesses located inside and outside the CBZ were ranked with varying points and additional points were suggested to be given to those businesses who wanted to occupy a building that had been va- cant for more than six and 12 months. Another section focused on comparing how much private investment was being used ver- sus investment from public dollars. According to the packet, it “provides incen- tive for larger projects that do not rely as heav- ily on public funds, including grants or loans ✽★✩ ✮★✗✚✘✖ ✚✛✜ ➦★✽✜✧ ✩❃✩✚✜✙✰ ➜✥ ★ ✮★✤➄✜✚✵✴✭✜✥ ✚✘ ✖✗✘✙ ✘✚✛✜✗ ✮✱✬✲✴✤ ✩✘✱✗✤✜✩✰✿ the agency, District Manager Robert Strope pro- ✪✛✜ ✛✴✵✛✜✩✚ ✮✘✴✥✚✩ ✵✴✭✜✥ ✽★✩ ✖✘✗ ★ ✮✗✘➙✜✤✚ ✽✴✚✛ posed several ideas to the agency for discussion, ✙✘✗✜ ✚✛★✥ ➤✣❀➥✷➥➥➥ ✴✥ ✮✗✴✭★✚✜ ✴✥✭✜✩✚✙✜✥✚✰ such as increasing the point scale system to al- ✪✛✜✗✜ ✽✜✗✜ ★✲✩✘ ✩✜✤✚✴✘✥✩ ✚✛★✚ ✚✘✘➄ ✴✥✚✘ ★✤❄ low for a much larger point scale. ✸✪✛✴✩ ✛✜✲✮✩ ✧✜✲✴✥✜★✚✜ ✛✴✵✛✜✗ ➧✱★✲✴✚❃ ✮✗✘➙✜✤✚✩ ★✥✧ ★✭✘✴✧✩ ✚✛✜ ✮✘✚✜✥✚✴★✲ ✖✘✗ ✚✴✜ ✩✤✘✗✜✩✷✿ ★✤✤✘✗✧❄ count working on blighted buildings and busi- ness viability. ✪✛✜ ✮✗✘✮✘✩★✲ ★✲✩✘ ✩✱✵✵✜✩✚✜✧ ✤★✮✮✴✥✵ ✚✛✜ ✮✗✘➙❄ ing to the packet. ✜✤✚✩ ★✚ ➤➨❀✷➥➥➥ ★✥✧ ✵✴✭✴✥✵ ✚✛✜ ✛✴✵✛✜✩✚ ✗★✥➄✜✧ ➜✥ ✚✛✜ ✦✗✩✚ ✩✜✤✚✴✘✥ ✘✖ ✚✛✜ ✮✗✘✮✘✩✜✧ ✩✤★✲✜✷ ✚✛✜ ✮✗✘➙✜✤✚✩ ✽✛★✚ ✚✛✜❃ ★✩➄✜✧ ✖✘✗ ➂✱✮ ✚✘ ➤➨❀✷➥➥➥➃ ★✥✧ impact on the Central Business Zone ranked trade sector businesses at any location as the funding the second and third highest ranked proj- See URA / Page 5A ✖✗✘✙ ✚✛✜ ✢✣ ✤✘✥✦✗✙✜✧ ✤★✩✜✩ ✪✛✜ ✫✬✩✜✗✭✜✗ ✗✜✮✘✗✚✜✧ ✘✥ ✯✜✬✰ ✣✰ ✪✛✜ Oregon Health Authority cited ✖✘✱✗ ✤✘✥✦✗✙✜✧ ✤★✩✜✩ ✘✖ ✙✜★✩✲✜✩ in Multnomah County as of Feb. 7. ✳✤✤✘✗✧✴✥✵ ✚✘ ✪✛✜ ✶✘✲✱✙✬✴★✥✷ ★ newspaper in Vancouver, Wash- ✴✥✵✚✘✥✷ ✸✘✖ ✚✛✜ ✹✺ ✤✘✥✦✗✙✜✧ ✤★✩✜✩ in Clark County, 54 were not im- ✙✱✥✴✻✜✧ ★✥✧ ✩✴✼ ✽✜✗✜ ✱✥✭✜✗✴✦✜✧✰ ✪✛✜✗✜ ★✗✜ ✥✘✽ ✚✽✘ ✤★✩✜✩ ✽✛✘ ✛★✭✜ received one dose of the MMR vaccine, which provides 93 per- ❛❜❝❞❝ ❢❝❣✐❞❥❦❧ ❝♠ ♥♣♥ qrst ✉✇✇✇ ①r③④③⑤⑥⑦①r ⑧⑨①s⑩④t ④r⑨ ✤✜✥✚ ✜✾✜✤✚✴✭✜✥✜✩✩✰✿ ✪✛✜ ✶✘✲✱✙✬✴★✥ ✲★✩✚ ✗✜✮✘✗✚✜✧ ❀❁ ❶⑦⑩⑨ ③❶ ⑦ ⑩rs❷⑧ ❸r③ ❸⑦t ⑧st①❷⑦❹s❺⑤ measles cases in Washington state ④r⑨ ⑩r⑦⑥⑦⑩④⑨⑥st④s⑩ ❻⑨⑦t❷⑨t⑥⑦tr❼ on Friday, showing just how viral this disease is, with nine more in- stances of the sickness appearing over the weekend. Elizabeth Sieders, communi- cable disease nurse at the Center for Human Development in La Grande, wrote in an email update on Feb. 15 that there “continues to be no suspect measles activity in ❂✥✴✘✥ ✶✘✱✥✚❃ ★✚ ✚✛✴✩ ✚✴✙✜✰✿ Sieders also noted because it has been 23 days since a person from Union County knowingly was exposed to measles, and the disease’s incubation period is only seven to 18 days, she is encour- aged when calculating the dimin- ishing risk of measles reaching Union County through resident travel or importation. “GRH and CHD are continuing to promote education of the dis- ease within the community as the main method of outbreak preven- ✚✴✘✥ ★✚ ✚✛✴✩ ✚✴✙✜✷✿ ✩✛✜ ✽✗✘✚✜✰ ✸✪✛✴✩ ✛★✩ ✗✜✩✱✲✚✜✧ ✴✥ ★ ✩✴✵✥✴✦✤★✥✚ ✴✥❄ crease in demand for (the) MMR vaccine, which both GRH and ✶❅❉ ✛★✭✜ ✬✜✜✥ ★✬✲✜ ✚✘ ✖✱✲✦✲✲✰✿ ✪✛✜ ✶✜✥✚✜✗✩ ✖✘✗ ❉✴✩✜★✩✜ ✶✘✥✚✗✘✲ and Prevention state two doses of the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine are 97 percent See Measles / Page 5A Are 16-year-olds ready to vote? ❇✝ ❽☞❾❿ ➀✟✌♦✠ ✏❤✑ ✒✓✔✑✕✈✑✕ A push in State Legislature to change the voting age in Oregon from 18 to 16 years old is drawing mixed reaction in Northeast Oregon. Sen. Bill Hansell, R-Athena, is among the outspoken opponents of the drive. “People are not legally considered adults ✴✥ ✚✛✴✩ ✤✘✱✥✚✗❃ ✱✥✚✴✲ ✚✛✜❃ ★✗✜ ✣➁✷✿ ❅★✥✩✜✲✲ said, noting in the United States, in most cases, you cannot enter into contracts, own ✦✗✜★✗✙✩✷ ✵✜✚ ✙★✗✗✴✜✧✷ ✜✥✲✴✩✚ ✴✥ ✚✛✜ ✙✴✲✴✚★✗❃ or own land until you are 18. ✸✪✛✜❃ ➂✣✹❄❃✜★✗❄✘✲✧✩➃ ★✗✜ ✥✘✚ ✧✜✜✙✜✧ mature enough and old enough (to do ★✥❃ ✘✖ ✚✛✜✩✜ ✚✛✴✥✵✩➃✰ ✪✛✜❃ ★✗✜ ✚✜✜✥★✵❄ ➇➈❦❥✐➉❥✐ ➊➋❥ ➌❜❝❞❝ ✜✗✩✷ ✚✛✜❃ ★✗✜ ✤✛✴✲✧✗✜✥✷✿ ❅★✥✩✜✲✲ ✩★✴✧✰ qr⑨➍③④s❺⑤⑦⑤⑨ s❺➎⑥⑨⑤③❺❻⑦❹ ➏⑨⑩r⑦❺⑤⑨⑧❶⑥③❻ “Yet, in light of all that, we want to ✉➐ ④③✉➑❼ ➒③⑩⑦❷ ③①s❺s③❺t➍⑦⑥❹❸s⑧⑨❷❹ ❶⑥③❻❷⑨⑤st❷⑦➓ give them the tremendous privilege ④③⑥t➔ t④→⑧⑨❺④t⑦❺⑧ ④⑨⑦⑩r⑨⑥t⑦❷s➣⑨❼ and responsibility of voting. It (would ❇✝ ➀✟↔ ❽❡✠✠☞✠↕ ✏❤✑ ✒✓✔✑✕✈✑✕ ✚✘ ✚✛✜ ✴✥➙✱✗✴✜✩ ✩✛✜ ✩✱✾✜✗✜✧✰ ➛✜✲✲✩ was treated and later released. Enterprise Police Chief Joel Fish said the department is lead- ing an investigation into the acci- dent, but no one has been charged with a crime. “We don’t have all the informa- ✚✴✘✥ ❃✜✚✷✿ ✯✴✩✛ ✩★✴✧✰ He said there were a number of witnesses to the event and the po- lice have interviewed many of them. ✿✱✯✯✭❁❜❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲✮❵ ❡✼✱❁✯✫ ❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❢❵ ❃❛✰✯✬✽❁✰✭✫❲❲❲❲❲❲❫❵ ❡✯✽✯✭❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲✹❵ ❃✼✰✴✰✱✴❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❭❵ ❞✭✷✱❁❂ ❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❫❵ FRIDAY ing sparked by state Sen. Shemia Fa- gan, D-Portland. Fagan introduced a measure Monday calling for the state’s voting age to be lowered from 18 to 16. Fagan is proposing a change to the Or- egon Constitution. If lawmakers pass the measure, it would then be sent to voters, who would have a chance to make this the only state where 16-year- olds can vote. La Grande High School history teach- er John Lamoreau supports the mea- sure Fagan introduced. “First of all, I have found that many of the students I have taught of this age care about their communities and are incred- ibly motivated to make their communities better. I know too many people of current voting age who do not vote at all. If we taken to Wallowa Memorial Hos- pital via ambulance. Kim died due An 80-year-old Enterprise wom- an is dead after she and a woman walking with her across West North Street were struck by a ve- hicle at approximately 5:30 p.m. Friday in Enterprise. According to the Enterprise Po- lice Department, Kathleen Kim and 40-year-old Molly Wells of Lostine were both hit by a vehicle driven by Charles Cannon, 54, of Flora, near Safeway. Both were ❄✙❅❋● ❯✬✫✰✴✭✫✫ ❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲✸❯ ❳❩✽✫✫✰❬✰✭❂❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❭❯ ❳✱❪✰✷✫❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❲❫❯ ❴✭✽❁ ❵❛❛❜ ❲❲❲❲ ❝❯ have citizens who care, by all means, let’s ✬✜➃ ★ ✛✱✵✜ ✙✴✩✚★➄✜✰✿ ✪✛✜ ✲✘✽✜✗ ✭✘✚✴✥✵ ★✵✜ ✧✜✬★✚✜ ✴✩ ✬✜❄ ✵✴✭✜ ✚✛✜✙ ✛★✭✜ ✚✛✜ ✘✮✮✘✗✚✱✥✴✚❃ ✚✘ ✭✘✚✜✿ he said. “If we give 16-year-olds the privi- lege of driving a motor vehicle, let’s give ✚✛✜✙ ✚✛✜ ✮✗✴✭✴✲✜✵✜ ✘✖ ✤★✩✚✴✥✵ ★ ✬★✲✲✘✚✰✿ LHS students who also support Fagan’s measure include Kael Bartlett, a junior. “I’m down for that (allowing 16-year- ✘✲✧✩ ✚✘ ✭✘✚✜➃✰ ✪✛✜✗✜ ★✗✜ ★ ✲✘✚ ✘✖ ✚✛✴✥✵✩ we could say, but we cannot (because ✽✜ ✤★✥➅✚ ✭✘✚✜➃✷✿ ➆★✗✚✲✜✚✚ ✩★✴✧✰ Palama Cooke, a LHS senior, said she believes 16-year-olds should be able to vote on issues and candidates that will impact them later in life. She cited pres- idential races and measures addressing climate change as examples. LHS junior Alex Larvik, who turned 17 less than a week ago, thinks allowing ✣✹❄❃✜★✗❄✘✲✧✩ ✚✘ ✭✘✚✜ ✸✴✩ ★ ✬★✧ ✴✧✜★✰✿ Elizabeth Casebourn, a resi- dent of Enterprise, did not see the actual accident but witnessed the immediate aftermath. “Usually when it’s just a little fender bender, just one or two ✤✘✮✩ ★✗✜ ✚✛✜✗✜✷✿ ✶★✩✜✬✘✱✗✥ ✩★✴✧✰ “So we knew it wasn’t good when probably everybody who was on ✧✱✚❃ ✽★✩ ✚✛✜✗✜✰✿ She said she saw blood all over the sidewalk as well as two ambulances. “We were like oh man, that’s not ✵✘✘✧✷✿ ✩✛✜ ✩★✴✧✰ ❣❤✐❥❦❤❧ ♠✉♦♦ ♣qrst✈✇① q② ①③s ④✈t⑤ q♣ ⑥ ✇st①⑦q② ⑧⑨⑩❶❷❸❹ ⑧❸➁➂➃➄➅➆ ❺❺ ❻❼❽ ➇➈➉➊➋➌ ➍➎➋ ➏➉➈➋ ❾❾❿➀➀ ➇➈➉➊➋➌ ➍➎➋ ➏➉➈➋ ▲■❇❊❘❚❨ ❚❍❊❆❚❘❊ ❘❊◆❖❱❆❚■❖◆ ✥P❉❆❚❊ See Voting / Page 5A Casebourn said it seemed like the whole town was outside of Safeway watching the scene. She noted it was dark, and the weath- er had been very poor. ✪✛✜ ✥✜✼✚ ✧★❃✷ ✚✛✜ ✜✭✴✧✜✥✤✜ ✘✖ the accident remained. ✸✪✛✜ ✩✥✘✽ ✽★✩ ✤✘✭✜✗✜✧ ✴✥ ✬✲✘✘✧✷✿ ✶★✩✜✬✘✱✗✥ ✩★✴✧✰ ✸➜✚ ✽★✩ ★✽✖✱✲✰✿ Fish said EPD is not currently looking for more witnesses and should have an update on its in- vestigation Friday. ✗✘✙✚✛✗✚ ✜✢ ❏✛❑❋ ✛ ✢✚✘▼◗ ❄❅❋✛❙ ✣✤✶✦✧★✩✦✩✶★✶ ✪✫✫✬✭ ✮✮ ✮ ✫✭✷✯✰✱✴✫✵ ✸✹ ✼✽✾✭✫ ✿✽ ❀❁✽✴❂✭✵ ❃❁✭✾✱✴ ❈ ✁✁ ✂✄☎ ✆✝✞☎✟✠☎✟ ✡☎☛✞✟☞☞✌ ✍ ✺✎✏✲✑✒✓✲✓✏✒✏ ☞✟ ✞☎✡✻ ✡ ☎✌ ✔✁ ✍☞ ✡☎☛✞♥✁ ✕✟ ✡✻☎☞✝✞☎✟✠☎✟✳✖☞✌✳ Online at