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About The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 2019)
✮✯✰✱✲✳ ✯❖✱✲✳ ❍❖✴✵■✶✰✷ ✸❖✹✱✲✰✶■❖✱ ✰✱✲ ✵✯❖✹✲✷❨ ■✱✺■✶✳ ❨❖✹ ✶❖ ❬❭❪❫❬❴❵ ❜❴❬❝❜❵ ❞❵❢❣❬❴❪❢❫❤ ❝❢❥❦❬❴❫ ❧❬❵❫❬❴ ❭❫ ❑▲◆◗❘ ❙❯❱ ❙❲❳❩ ❪❢♠ ❜♥❧❥❜❧q ❢❵ ❫r❬ ❬❣❬❵❢❵❝ ❚✻ P✼✿❈❀❁❂❃ ❚❄❈❅❃❚❂ ❇✻ ❚✻ ❇✿❀❉✻✿❇❊❇❁❏❁ ❋♦✝✝♦✞ ✟✠ ♦✡ ☛☞✌ ✞✌✍ MONDAY ✎ ✏❡✑✒✉✓✒✔ ✕✽✖ ✥✗✕✾ ✎ $1.50 ●✘✘✙ ✙✚② ✛✘ ✘✜✢ ✣✚❛✜✤✙ ✦✜✧✦★✢✐✧✤✢ ●✤✢✚❛✙ ✩✚✤✙✤✪✤ ✘✫ ✬✭✛✤✢♣✢✐✦✤ Elgin’s Opera House Youth Actors earn awards at nat’l festival ❇ ●❍✂✝■✂ ❏✆✞❡❑▲♦■ ❚❤✠ ✡☛☞✠✌✈✠✌ ✖ ❊❈❈▼✩ ◆✓✙✘✖ ❃✜✔✎✚ ✲✏✑✪✔❀✪ ✖✔✯ ✔❖✔✢✑✍✘✸✔ ✗✘✎✔✢✍✏✎ ❋✔✎✎★ ✲✚✓✔ ✚✖✗ ✰✘✪ ✯✘✺✔✩ ✏✜✔✎✚ ✰✏✑✪✔ ✒✏✚✎✗ ✣✔✣✒✔✎ ✮✍✔✜✰✚✖✘✔ ✲✚✓✔✩ ✣✏✸✔✗ ✺✎✏✣ P✏✎✍✓✚✖✗ ✍✏ ◆✓✙✘✖ ✍✏ ✑✖✗✔✎✬ ✍✚✧✔ ✍✰✔ ✣✚✪✪✘✸✔ ✜✎✏✿✔✢✍ ✏✺ ✎✔✪✑✎✎✔✢✍✘✖✙ ✍✰✔ ❃✜✔✎✚ ✲✏✑✪✔✤ ◗✖ ❊❈✽❅✩ ✍✰✔ ❃✜✔✎✚ ✲✏✑✪✔ ❘✏✑✍✰ ✴✢✍✏✎✪ ✙✎✏✑✜ ✍✏✏✧ ✰✏✣✔ multiple awards from a national festival, evidence that ✍✰✔ ✲✚✓✔✪❀ ✰✚✎✗ ✯✏✎✧ ✏✸✔✎ ✍✰✔ ✜✚✪✍ ✽✼ ★✔✚✎✪ ✰✚✪ ✜✚✘✗ ✏❙✤ ✥❯✰✔✖ ✯✔ ✕✎✪✍ ✣✏✸✔✗ ✰✔✎✔✩ ✍✰✔ ❃✜✔✎✚ ✲✏✑✪✔ ✯✚✪ ✒✚✎✔✓★ ✏✖ ✍✰✔ ✣✚✜✩❁ ❋✔✎✎★ ✪✚✘✗✤ ✥❱✏✯✩ ✙✏✘✖✙ ✍✏ ✍✰✔ ✹✑✖✘✏✎ Theater Festival and receiving such great recognition, there are people all over the country who have heard of ◆✓✙✘✖✩ ❃✎✔✙✏✖✩ ✚✖✗ ✚✪✪✏✢✘✚✍✔ ✘✍ ✯✘✍✰ ✍✰✔ ✍✰✔✚✍✔✎✤❁ ❃✲❘✴ ✚✍✍✔✖✗✔✗ ✯✏✎✧✪✰✏✜✪✩ ✯✚✍✢✰✔✗ ✜✔✎✺✏✎✣✚✖✢✔✪ ✺✎✏✣ ✱✎✏✚✗✯✚★ ✜✎✏✺✔✪✪✘✏✖✚✓✪ ✚✖✗ ✓✘✪✍✔✖✔✗ ✍✏ ✘✖✪✜✘✎✚✬ ✍✘✏✖✚✓ ✍✚✓✧✪ ✺✎✏✣ ✘✖✗✑✪✍✎★ ✔❖✜✔✎✍✪ ✚✍ ✍✰✔ ❊❈✽❅ ✹✑✖✘✏✎ ❋✰✔✚✍✔✎ ✦✔✪✍✘✸✚✓ ❯✔✪✍ ✘✖ ✮✚✢✎✚✣✔✖✍✏✩ ✷✚✓✘✺✏✎✖✘✚✩ ✦✔✒✤ ❉✬✽❈✤ ✹❋✦ ✜✑✓✓✪ ✍✰✔✚✍✔✎ ✪✍✑✗✔✖✍✪ ✚✙✔✪ ❉✬✽❉ ✺✎✏✣ ✚✓✓ ✏✸✔✎ ✍✰✔ ✢✏✑✖✍✎★ ✘✖ ✚✖ ✚✖✖✑✚✓ ✢✔✓✔✒✎✚✍✘✏✖ ✏✺ ✜✔✎✺✏✎✣✘✖✙ ✚✎✍✪✤ ❋✰✘✪ ★✔✚✎❀✪ ✔✸✔✖✍ ✺✔✚✍✑✎✔✗ ✾❊ ✙✎✏✑✜✪✩ ✣✏✪✍ ✏✺ ✯✰✘✢✰ ✯✔✎✔ from metropolitan areas with large theater programs, I st✈✇①③④⑤ ⑥⑦t①t ⑧⑨⑩❶ ❷❸❹❺ ❻❼❽❾❿❽➀➁ ➂➃❼➄❽ ❾➄❽➁➂ ➅➆➀➇❼❽➈ ➉➊➆➋➆❼ ❾❿❽➌➄➅➃❿❽➅➁➈ ➍ ❾❽❿➀ ➂➃❼➄❽ ➎➇❽➄➏➋❼➏ ➐❼❽➁➄❿➅ ❿❾ ➉➑➆➒➁ ➎➅➏ ➓❿➔➔➁➈ →❽ ➍ ➣ ✣✚✧✘✖✙ ❃✲❘✴❀✪ ✪✑✢✢✔✪✪ ✔✸✔✖ ✣✏✎✔ ✖✏✍✚✒✓✔✤ ❋✰✘✪ ✘✪ ✍✰✔ ✪✔✢✏✖✗ ✍✘✣✔ ❃✲❘✴ ✰✚✪ ✍✎✚✸✔✓✔✗ ✍✏ ✮✚✢✎✚✬ ✣✔✖✍✏ ✺✏✎ ✹❋✦ ❯✔✪✍✩ ✯✘✍✰ ✍✰✔✘✎ ✕✎✪✍ ✸✘✪✘✍ ✘✖ ❊❈✽❉ ✔✚✎✖✬ ✘✖✙ ✍✰✔✣ ✍✰✔ ❲✏✪✍ ◗✖✪✜✘✎✚✍✘✏✖✚✓ P✔✎✺✏✎✣✚✖✢✔ ✚✯✚✎✗✤ ❋✰✘✪ ★✔✚✎✩ ✍✰✔ ✙✎✏✑✜❀✪ ✚✒✎✘✗✙✔✗ ✜✔✎✺✏✎✣✚✖✢✔ ✏✺ ✥✶✑★✪ ✚✖✗ ❳✏✓✓✪ ✹✎✤❁ ✗✘✗ ✖✏✍ ✗✘✪✚✜✜✏✘✖✍ ❂ ✘✖ ✺✚✢✍✩ ✍✰✔ ✍✎✏✑✜✔ ✒✎✏✑✙✰✍ ✰✏✣✔ ✪✔✸✔✎✚✓ ✚✯✚✎✗✪✩ ✘✖✢✓✑✗✘✖✙ ✍✰✔ ✦✎✔✗✗✘✔ ✶✤ ❃✑✍✪✍✚✖✗✬ ✘✖✙ P✔✎✺✏✎✣✚✖✢✔ ✚✯✚✎✗✩ ✯✰✘✢✰ ✙✚✸✔ ✍✰✔✣ ✍✰✔ ✏✜✜✏✎✍✑✖✘✍★ to perform their opening number, “Fugue for Tinhorns,” ✏✖ ✪✍✚✙✔ ✺✏✎ ✣✏✎✔ ✍✰✚✖ ❊✩❈❈❈ ✺✔✪✍✘✸✚✓ ✚✍✍✔✖✗✔✔✪✤ ✥◗❀✣ ✪✏ ✜✎✏✑✗ ✏✺ ✏✑✎ ✧✘✗✪✩❁ ✪✚✘✗ ❋✔✎✎★ ✘✖ ✚ ✜✎✔✪✪ ✎✔✬ ✓✔✚✪✔✤ ✥❋✰✔★❀✸✔ ✙✎✏✯✖ ✘✖ ✪✏ ✣✚✖★ ✯✚★✪ ✚✖✗ ✰✚✸✔ ✜✎✏✸✔✗ to themselves that with hard work and determination, ✧✘✗✪ ✺✎✏✣ ✪✣✚✓✓✩ ✎✑✎✚✓ ✢✏✣✣✑✖✘✍✘✔✪ ✢✚✖ ✯✘✖ ✒✘✙✤ ◗❀✣ ✓✏✏✧✘✖✙ ✺✏✎✯✚✎✗ ✍✏ ✔❖✜✚✖✗✘✖✙ ✍✰✔ ❃✲❘✴ ✜✎✏✙✎✚✣ ✘✖✍✏ Wallowa Valley and other communities so that more ✧✘✗✪ ✢✚✖ ✔❖✜✔✎✘✔✖✢✔ ✍✰✔ ✢✏✖✕✗✔✖✢✔ ✚✖✗ ✢✏✑✖✍✓✔✪✪ ✏✍✰✔✎ ✒✔✖✔✕✍✪ ✍✰✚✍ ✢✏✣✔ ✺✎✏✣ ✒✔✘✖✙ ✘✖✸✏✓✸✔✗ ✘✖ ✍✰✔ ✚✎✍✪✤❁ ✴✒✘✙✚✘✓ ✲✚✓✔✩ ❋✔✎✎★ ✚✖✗ ✮✍✔✜✰✚✖✘✔❀✪ ✗✚✑✙✰✍✔✎✩ ✯✏✖ ✍✰✔ ✦✎✔✗✗✘✔ ✶✤ ✚✯✚✎✗ ✺✏✎ ✒✔✪✍ ✢✰✏✎✔✏✙✎✚✜✰★ ✚✖✗ ✰✔✎ ✯✏✎✧ Sen. Hansell introduces bill La Grande officials lobbied ❇ ✁✂✄ ☎✆✝✝✞✝✟ ❚❤✠ ✡☛☞✠✌✈✠✌ When the City of La Grande lost a city employee who worked as its electrical inspector — re- viewing build- ing and con- structions plans for compliance with City ordi- ↕➙➛➜➝➞➞ nances — it had ✍✎✏✑✒✓✔ ✕✖✗✘✖✙ ✚ ✛✑✚✓✘✕✔✗ ✎✔✜✓✚✢✔✣✔✖✍✤ ✥✦✎✚✖✧✓★✩ ✘✍ ✘✪ ✗✘✫✢✑✓✍ ✍✏ compete with the private sector for trade profes- sionals with the required licenses that are needed to ✒✔✢✏✣✔ ✢✔✎✍✘✕✔✗ ✚✪ ✚✖ ✔✓✔✢✬ trical inspector,” City Man- ✚✙✔✎ ✭✏✒✔✎✍ ✮✍✎✏✜✔ ✪✚✘✗✤ ✮✏ ✯✰✔✖ ✮✔✖✤ ✱✘✓✓ ✲✚✖✬ ✪✔✓✓ ✳✭✬✴✍✰✔✖✚✵ ✚✖✗ ✭✔✜✤ ✶✎✔✙ ✱✚✎✎✔✍✏ ✳✭✬✷✏✸✔✵ held a discussion with lo- ✢✚✓ ✏✫✢✘✚✓✪ ✘✖ ✓✚✪✍ ✹✑✓★ at Eastern Oregon Uni- ✸✔✎✪✘✍★✩ ✏✫✢✘✚✓✪ ✺✎✏✣ ✻✚ Grande broached the idea of passing a state law al- lowing cities to hire con- tractors to do electrical in- ✪✜✔✢✍✘✏✖✪✤ ✲✚✖✪✔✓✓ ✖✏✯ ✰✚✪ ✘✖✍✎✏✗✑✢✔✗ ✮✔✖✚✍✔ ✱✘✓✓ ✼✽✾✩ ✯✰✘✢✰ ✯✏✑✓✗ ✗✏ ✿✑✪✍ ✍✰✚✍✤ ✮✱ ✼✽✾❀✪ ✢✚✍✢✰ ✓✘✖✔ ✪✍✚✍✔✪ the bill “allows municipalities with building inspection pro- gram that includes admin- istration and enforcement of electrical code to use con- ✍✎✚✢✍✔✗ ✔✓✔✢✍✎✘✢✚✓ ✘✖✪✜✔✢✍✏✎✪✤❁ The bill makes it clear that municipalities could still have a full-time elec- trical inspector, and has only a few lines of amend- ments to the statutes that currently set the legal standards for electrical in- ✪✜✔✢✍✘✏✖✪ ❂ ❃✭✮ ✾❄❅✤❆✼❈✩ ✾❄❅✤❉❊❈ ✚✖✗ ✾❄❅✤❉❆❆✤ The major change can be found on pages three ✍✏ ✺✏✑✎ ✏✺ ✮✱ ✼✽✾✩ ✯✰✔✎✔ ✘✍ adds a clause in a statute: “A city or county may use employees or contract for electrical inspection servic- es to carry out the county or city responsibilities regard- ing inspections under the ✔✓✔✢✍✎✘✢✚✓ ✪✚✺✔✍★ ✓✚✯✪✤❁ When Strope originally contacted the state about using a contractor for elec- trical inspections, the state ✍✏✓✗ ✰✘✣ ✍✰✚✍ ✯✚✪ ✘✓✓✔✙✚✓✤ “The reason provided to us was that we could not delegate government functions to contractors,” ✮✍✎✏✜✔ ✪✚✘✗✤ ✥✱✔✢✚✑✪✔ ✍✰✔ decisions made by build- ✘✖✙ ✏✫✢✘✚✓✪ ✚✎✔ ✒✏✍✰ ✎✔✙✑✬ latory and discretionary, those decisions must be made by government em- ✜✓✏★✔✗ ✜✔✎✪✏✖✖✔✓✤❁ ❋✰✚✍ ✜✑✍ ✍✰✔ ✢✘✍★ ✘✖ ✚ ✒✘✖✗✤ See Bill / Page 5A ❇ ➟ ▲✞❡ ➠ ➡ ✆▲✟✆❡ ✌ ❚❤✠ ✡☛☞✠✌✈✠✌ The coronation of Eastern Or- egon University student Taylor Ann Skramstad as Miss Rodeo Oregon ❊❈✽❅ ✯✚✪ ✢✔✓✔✒✎✚✍✔✗ ✦✔✒✤ ❅ ✚✍ ❯✘✓✗✬ ✰✏✎✪✔ ✭✔✪✏✎✍ ➥ ✷✚✪✘✖✏ ✘✖ P✔✖✗✓✔✍✏✖✤ ❲✏✖✔★ ✎✚✘✪✔✗ ✚✍ ✍✰✔ ✔✸✔✖✍❀✪ ✪✘✓✔✖✍ and live auctions will help her to pay for costs incurred as she performs ✰✔✎ ✰✏✖✏✎✔✗ ✗✑✍✘✔✪ ✗✑✎✘✖✙ ✍✰✔ ★✔✚✎✤ As Miss Rodeo Oregon, Sk- ramstad will be eligible to com- pete in the week-long Miss Ro- ✗✔✏ ✴✣✔✎✘✢✚ P✚✙✔✚✖✍✩ ✯✰✘✢✰ will be held in December in conjunction with the Wrangler ❱✚✍✘✏✖✚✓ ✦✘✖✚✓✪ ✭✏✗✔✏ ✘✖ ✻✚✪ ➦ ✔✙✚✪✩ ❱✔✸✚✗✚✤ ✮✧✎✚✣✪✍✚✗ ✯✘✓✓ ➢➤ st✈✇①③④⑤ ⑥⑦t①t ➧❷➨ ➁➂➆➏❼➅➂➌➎➒➔❿❽ ❺➅➅ ➩➫❽➎➀➁➂➎➏ ➄➁ ➭➄➁➁ ➯❿➏❼❿ ❷❽❼➋❿➅ ⑧⑨⑩❶➣ ❺➏➎➀➁ ❻❿➁❼ ↔➄➂➃ ➂➃❼➄❽ ➄➅➏➄➐➄➏➆➎➔ ➎↔➎❽➏➁➣ compete against other reigning state rodeo queens in the areas of horsemanship, appearance ✚✖✗ ✜✔✎✪✏✖✚✓✘✍★✤ ✮✧✎✚✣✪✍✚✗❀✪ ❊❈✽❅ ✪✢✰✔✗✑✓✔ ✚✪ Miss Rodeo Oregon will include thousands of miles of travel through- out the state, representing Oregon, ✘✍✪ ✎✏✗✔✏ ✢✏✣✣✘✍✍✔✔✪ ✚✖✗ ✍✰✔ P✎✏✺✔✪✬ ✪✘✏✖✚✓ ✷✏✯✒✏★✪ ✴✪✪✏✢✘✚✍✘✏✖✤ “Miss Rodeo Oregon is some- ✍✰✘✖✙ ✍✰✚✍ ◗❀✸✔ ✗✎✔✚✣✔✗ ✏✺ ✪✘✖✢✔ ◗ ✯✚✪ ★✏✑✖✙✩❁ ✮✧✎✚✣✪✍✚✗ ✪✚✘✗✤ ✥❲★ ✗✎✔✚✣✪ ✰✚✸✔ ✕✖✚✓✓★ ✢✏✣✔ ✍✎✑✔✩ ✚✖✗ ✘✍❀✪ ✚ ✓✏✍ ✏✺ ✯✏✎✧✤ ◗❀✣ ✎✔✚✓✓★ ✔❖✢✘✍✔✗ ✍✏ ✎✔✜✎✔✪✔✖✍ ✣★ ✺✚✸✏✎✘✍✔ sport and the state that I love and ✚✓✓ ✍✰✔ ✢✏✯✒✏★✪ ✚✖✗ ✢✏✯✙✘✎✓✪✤ ◗✍❀✪ See Rodeo / Page 5A Imbler School District plans barn raising ❇ ☎✞ ➲➳ ✁✂❡♦✝ ❚❤✠ ✡☛☞✠✌✈✠✌ The Imbler School District will soon ✰✚✸✔ ✍✰✔ ✔❖✍✎✚ ✒✑✘✓✗✘✖✙ ✪✜✚✢✔ ✖✔✔✗✔✗ ✺✏✎ ✘✍ ✍✏ ✣✏✎✔ ✔❙✔✢✍✘✸✔✓★ ✣✚✘✖✍✚✘✖ ✚✖✗ ✎✔✜✚✘✎ ✘✍✪ ✒✑✪✔✪✤ The school district is preparing to construct ✚ ✖✔✯✩ ✓✚✎✙✔✎ ✒✑✪ ✒✚✎✖✤ Materials for the con- ✪✍✎✑✍✘✏✖✪ ✚✎✔ ✔❖✜✔✢✍✔✗ ➺➙➻➝➼➽ ✍✏ ✢✏✪✍ ✚✒✏✑✍ ➵ ❆❈✩❈❈❈✤ ➾➙➚➪➶➝➞➞ ✱✘✗✪ ✺✏✎ ✍✰✔ ✜✎✏✿✔✢✍ have been submitted and one should be awarded to a ✕✎✣ ✓✚✍✔✎ ✍✰✘✪ ✣✏✖✍✰✩ ✪✚✘✗ ◗✣✒✓✔✎ School District Superintendent An- ✙✘✔ ✻✚✧✔★✬✷✚✣✜✒✔✓✓✤ ❋✰✔ ✖✔✯ ✒✑✪ ✒✚✎✖ ✯✘✓✓ ✒✔ ✼✩✼❈❈ ✪✛✑✚✎✔ ✺✔✔✍✩ ✪✘✙✖✘✕✢✚✖✍✓★ ✓✚✎✙✔✎ ✍✰✚✖ ✍✰✔ ✪✢✰✏✏✓ ✗✘✪✍✎✘✢✍❀✪ ✜✎✔✪✔✖✍ ✺✚✢✘✓✬ ity, which is not large enough to ✰✏✑✪✔ ✚ ✪✍✚✖✗✚✎✗✬✪✘ ➸ ✔ ✪✢✰✏✏✓ ✒✑✪✤ This means that when maintenance ✯✏✎✧ ✘✪ ✗✏✖✔ ✏✖ ✚ ✒✑✪✩ ✏✖✓★ ✚✒✏✑✍ ❄❆ ❽⑤⑥✇②②②②②②②②②②②②②❻④ ➂➄t➅t⑤➅②②②②②②②②②②③⑨ ❾⑤❿❿✇⑩❺②②②②②②②②②②②②➀⑨ ➆➄⑤⑩❿s ②②②②②②②②②②②②➇⑨ ➁✇⑦⑤⑩① ②②②②②②②②②②②➀⑨ ➂❹t❿➃r⑩t✇s②②②②②②⑧⑨ WEDNESDAY See OHYA / Page 5A st✈✇①③④⑤ ⑥⑦t①t ❺➇➄➋➎➄➔ ❸➎➔❼ ➎➅➏ ❸➆➅➂❼❽ From horsemanship to law school, Miss Rodeo Oregon aims high ➘➩➴➷➬ ♣qrsst✉t✇①②②②②②②②③④ ♣⑤⑥t⑦s②②②②②②②②②②②⑧⑨ ♣⑩⑤ss❶⑤⑩①②②②②②❷④ ❸✇r⑩ ⑨❹❹❺ ②②②❻❼④ ✚✪ ❃✲❘✴❀✪ ✿✑✖✘✏✎ ✢✰✏✎✔✬ ✏✙✎✚✜✰✔✎✤ ✴✒✘✙✚✘✓ ✰✏✜✔✪ ✍✏ continue her passion for ✍✰✔✚✍✔✎ ✚✺✍✔✎ ✰✘✙✰ ✪✢✰✏✏✓✤ “I heard my name and just started crying because I felt like all of my hard ✯✏✎✧ ✕✖✚✓✓★ ✜✚✘✗ ✏❙✩❁ ✪✚✘✗ ✽▼✬★✔✚✎✬✏✓✗ ✴✒✘✙✚✘✓✩ ✯✰✏ is a sophomore attending ✪✢✰✏✏✓ ✏✖✓✘✖✔✤ ✥✹❋✦ ✰✚✪ ✎✔✬ ✚✓✓★ ✏✜✔✖✔✗ ✑✜ ✣★ ✔❖✜✔✎✘✬ ence as a choreographer, and all of my opportuni- ✍✘✔✪ ✰✚✸✔ ✙✎✏✯✖✤ ❱✏✯ ◗ ✢✚✖ ✪✚★ ◗❀✣ ✚✖ ✚✯✚✎✗✬✯✘✖✖✘✖✙ choreographer at such a ★✏✑✖✙ ✚✙✔✤❁ ✲✑✖✍✔✎ ✴✗✚✣✪✩ ✚ ✽❆✬★✔✚✎✬ ✜✔✎✢✔✖✍ ✏✺ ✘✍ ✕✍✪ ✘✖✪✘✗✔ ✍✰✔ ✒✑✘✓✗✘✖✙✤ ✥❯✔ ✎✔✚✓✓★ ✢✚✖❀✍ ✗✏ ✣✚✘✖✍✔✖✚✖✢✔ work on the buses now (because part of the bus would) be out in the ✯✔✚✍✰✔✎✩❁ ✻✚✧✔★✬✷✚✣✜✒✔✓✓ ✪✚✘✗✤ The new bus barn, which will be ✚✒✏✑✍ ✾❆ ✒★ ❄❆ ✺✔✔✍✩ ✯✘✓✓ ✒✔ ✓✚✎✙✔ ✔✖✏✑✙✰ ✍✏ ✔✚✪✘✓★ ✕✍ ✚✖ ✔✖✍✘✎✔ ✪✢✰✏✏✓ ✒✑✪ ✘✖✍✏✤ ◗✍ ✯✘✓✓ ✒✔ ✑✪✔✗ ✜✎✘✣✚✎✬ ✘✓★ ✺✏✎ ✒✑✪ ✣✚✘✖✍✔✖✚✖✢✔ ✚✖✗ ✎✔✜✚✘✎✤ The site will also have a large metal ✓✔✚✖✬✍✏ ✍✰✚✍ ✯✘✓✓ ✜✎✏✍✔✢✍ ✺✏✑✎ ✍✏ ✕✸✔ ✒✑✪✔✪ ✺✎✏✣ ✍✰✔ ✔✓✔✣✔✖✍✪✤ A portion of the new bus barn will be used to store paper products including paper towels and copy ✜✚✜✔✎✤ ❋✰✘✪ ✯✘✓✓ ✚✓✓✏✯ ✍✰✔ ✪✢✰✏✏✓ district to purchase paper projects in greater bulk, enabling it to save ✣✏✖✔★✩ ✻✚✧✔★✬✷✚✣✜✒✔✓✓ ✪✚✘✗✤ ✷✑✎✬ rently the school district purchases paper products every month of the school year, since it does not have ✪✜✚✢✔ ✍✏ ✪✍✏✎✔ ✍✰✔✣✤ The new bus barn will be built ❮❰ÏÐÑ❰Ò ÓÔÕÕ Ö×ØÙÚÛÜÝ ×Þ ÝßÙ àÛÚá ×Ö â ÜÙÚÝã×Þ äåæçèéê ëë ìíî ùúûüýþÿý ▼ ú äóôõö÷ø ïðñðò ❆✁✂▼ ü ✄✄ ü ☎ ü ✄✆ in an empty space north of Imbler ✲✘✙✰ ✮✢✰✏✏✓✤ ❋✰✔ ✪✢✰✏✏✓ ✗✘✪✍✎✘✢✍ rents its current bus barn, which is on Esther Street east of where the ✖✔✯ ✏✖✔ ✯✘✓✓ ✒✔ ✢✏✖✪✍✎✑✢✍✔✗✤ Lakey-Campbell said she hopes the bus barn will be installed by the ✔✖✗ ✏✺ ✪✑✣✣✔✎✤ A second project on the school ✗✘✪✍✎✘✢✍❀✪ ✗✏✢✧✔✍ ✘✪ ✍✰✔ ✎✔✖✏✸✚✍✘✏✖ of its concession stand, which is lo- ✢✚✍✔✗ ✚✒✏✑✍ ✽❈ ✺✔✔✍ ✏✑✍✪✘✗✔ ✍✰✔ ✣✚✘✖ ✔✖✍✎✚✖✢✔ ✏✺ ✍✰✔ ✰✘✙✰ ✪✢✰✏✏✓ ✙★✣✤ The district plans to add a wall oven and replace its aging dishwasher, ✎✔✺✎✘✙✔✎✚✍✏✎ ✚✖✗ ✢✚✒✘✖✔✍✪✤ The wall oven will be much more convenient since presently food has to be cooked in another part of the high school and then brought to the con- ✢✔✪✪✘✏✖ ✪✍✚✖✗✩ ✻✚✧✔★✬✷✚✣✜✒✔✓✓ ✪✚✘✗✤ She said it would be ideal if the concession stand work was com- ✜✓✔✍✔✗ ✒✔✺✏✎✔ ✍✰✔ ✪✍✚✎✍ ✏✺ ✍✰✔ ❊❈✽❅✬ ❊❈ ✪✢✰✏✏✓ ★✔✚✎✤ ➧➨➩➫➭➧➫ ➯➲ ➮➭➱➷ ➭ ➲➫➨✃❐ ➘➴➷➭❒ ➳➵➸➺➻➼➽➺➽➸➼➸ ➾ss➃✇ ➀❻ ➀ s✇⑦❿t⑤➅s➚ ❻➪ ➄r➶✇s ❾r ➹⑩r➅①✇➚ ➂⑩✇➶⑤➅ ➈➉➊➊ ➋➌➍ ➎➏➐➍➑➒➍➑ ➓➍➔➐➑→→➣ ➉↔ ↕➙➛➜➝➞➟➜➟➛➞➛ →➑ ➐➍➓➠ ➉➓ ➍➣➉➡➊ ↔→ ➓➍➔➐➢➊➉➤➑➉➓➠➍→➏➐➍➑➒➍➑➥➦→➣➥ ❨❩❬❭❪❫❴❵❛❜❫❴❵ ❝❞❞❵ ❞❢❣❪✐❥❦❧❞ ❦❴ ♠❩♥ Online at