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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1934)
l'Uffc Four 1 GRANDE EVENING ODSERVER, LA GRANDE. ORE. Thursday, January 25, 193 1 OLD AGE PENSION 15 ISSUED, IN SALEM SALBM P Tue old ego pension statute makes lb mandatory upon ithe ' county , count to grant pensions to au. pllcanta entitled thereto regardless of budget limitation, Attorney General I. H. Van Winkle held In an opinion rendered the district attorney of Des- . chutes county. Deschutes county requested .tho opinion aa to what procedure should be taken when the county's 3,000 i budget for old age pensions Is tided i up. The request stated a much larg er amount than sot In the budget would be required to pay the pensions set forth. r ! 1 I (' ( Under the statutes, cited by the at torney general in Ills opinion on old age pensions, 'he said "It would ap pear that the counties would havo ample authority to provide for suoh payments, either from the par ticular fund or out of the emergency fund." , i I 'I ' t His opinion further emphasized the duty of the court by stating that "when application is made by a pc, son to tho old ago pension commis sion for a pension, it is the manda tory duty of ithe pension commission to grant suoh pension If the appli cant is entitled thereto, which, how ever shall ho In such amount, not to exceed 130 a month, as it may deem advisable, but which must bo suffic ient to provide for mich person in accordance with the mandatory duty expressly Imposed upon tho county by statute so to do. "That when the pension commis sion has fixed the amount of such pension. It is the imperative duty of the county to Issue and pay the war. rants covering the amounts of the in- whether or not a sufficient amount. or any amount at all. was provided, tor in the parUcuW Hem Ui U bud-, get to provide for the aggregate amount of all such claims during any partloular period." The opinion held further that tho old age pension law and the statuto of 1930 requiring counties to care for the poor thus Imposes "mandatory duty .upon ..the counties to provide toy- the oare and maintenance of its joor persons." : v Northwest Area ; ' Gets 25 Million Man-Days' Work ' PORTLAND, ore. -W-More than .200,000.000 and. 3S.O0O.00O man-days of work have been provided In the , lour states of Oregon. Washington, Idaho and Montana to date by fcder-il DFPPV flit A HP, ' ttl and non-federal projects.- It was ' iilC I UlllUa ' Announced by Marshall N. Dana, re- I SCHOOL LOSES glonal advisor for the fifth public! T i . - works region, comprising these states. Since the P.- W. A. administration has operated, 130 non-federal proj ects have been approved for tho dis trict, and 41 federal projects have been authorized. Dana revealed that the 1.10 non-federal projects so far approved will cost 18.408.220, and will provide 1,056, 001 men-days of work. The 41 non federal Items wilL cost tlOO.174,000 and give 23,008,734 man-days em ployment. Washington leads tho four states Willi 00 non-federal and 11 federal projects thus for authorized, for a total of 87.643.425. Montana has 31 projects to cost $81,350,000; Oregon 31 at 33,763,513, and Idaho 23 proj ects totaling $6,085,488. Duna announced that In addition UonoZ a oTiwwZ Toon I approved for Oregon for irrlgaUon ritinnn Thi nmiort inriudo Hood River, W3.375; Achoco. -iB6.. : 04a; raienc, 3a,uw, ana uoia n.ui, 37,200. New ''Auto99, Device kUlspft Hoppers - ?$ filecirociitidn MAN DAN, N. D, (p) a lot of grasshoppers in this section arc doomed to dentil by electrocution. The lethal device invented by Clin ton Marteneeu of nearby Rydor, con BlBtB chleily of closely woven wires mounted on a frume placed on the front end of an automobile. The wires are charged with elec tricity taken from the generator or battery, and the hoppers go to their d?atlis as they hit tho wires. Driving a car through an lnfcstoed field, Mnrtensen hns dealt out In stant death to thousands of the pests. Seattle Defeats City Manager Pfan UijK 1 SEATTLE. Jan. OS (Vi With the city council's disapproval of a final move to put a city manager proposal on the March 13 muiilcipal election ballot, by a vote; of 0 to 1, propon- onts of the plan met their, final de feat. : novi:l ,mm kky hamhcai' TO FKATl ltlC MIAMI MKKT MIAMI. Pla. W The Jockey championship, in which five of the best riders wilt match their hoine mnn&hlp, will be one of the features of the 45 -tiny meeting opculng at JUa leah Park Jan. 35. Patterned from England's racing, the event was planned by the late Joo McLennan, whan position as rac ing secretary has been token by his son, Charles McLennan. The mounts will be handicapped by weight so that the race will be ft near n genuine tost of tlve Jockeys ability as possi ble. LOTS OK SOAP IMPORTANT wm:s h i; box I Quantities of hot water and soap suds are required for cleaning the Jc box, Wash well in hot water to which soda has been added, using 1 tablespoon of soda for each quart of wateri required Wipe dry with a soft cloth and 1st the -box air for half an hour before adding the lee or turning on tho power, if you have a. mechanical rcfrigcrntor, . " AT THE LIBERTY .. tV 'Til t( J Robert Montgomery in' - J fugitive Lovers - All tho sensations of a rapid, thril ling cross-country trip are promlstd by advance ; reports to audiences at tile Liberty theatre, when - Fugitive Lovers." new Metro-Ooklwyn-Mayer melodrama, opens here for a two day engagement. In addition to authentlo scenes shot from) ft great Greyhound bU3 as It actually sped from New York to Hollywood, the audlenco will also sae tho most daring prison .DreaK ana thrilling man-hunt ever screened: A huge "road cruiser" rolls out of kts tcrmlna! In New York City and, on Its first night out, encounters a prison break as It parses a penitent tlary. Repeated firing- mum tne us. Robert Montgomery has the role, of roner, lamvr rJl ul . Montgomery Slves an eKl'lng pe formance In Ills effort to evade cap ture and at the same tune protect the girl with whom lie to .In love. Daly, the cold-blooded detective, to played toy O. Henry Gordon, ace ohar,. aoter actor, o... h - . - SMALLPQX ON ' WANE IN BAKER , k i i i : The smallpox epidemic Is waning in taker county, according to the weekly -report of the stnto board .erf health. Only tlirco oases wore re. ported lost .week,. also three coxes of measles and one of scarlet fever. Wal lowa county was free of communl- '.' diseases I ""1""; "" n ease -of flu and two of pneu- mania. The Perry grndo sohoal basketball team lost to the Elgin graders 13-0 at Elgin this week. Perry mecWTm blcr at lmbler next Wednesday. Lineups: Perry Joo Smith, Virgil Carman, fcrwards; Harold Carman, center; Stephen Proctor. Arnold Proctor, gunrdi; Elgin: Waldo Jacobs, center; Jim Coats, Arthur Adams, for wards: Verio Wisdom, Donald Shol ton, guards; Kenneth Adams, Dick Henderson, Milton Culp, Slols Trump, substitutes. - i' ! pi IfFNTS! VISIT " ' , SCOUT MEETING Rlvorln troop No. 17 of the' Boy Ecouts held parent night Wednesday, with '.uito'a n of and enjoying 1 u its and mimical munbere etven by the boys. Franklin Uurnelfs patrol took nrst uliico. Billlo Pelpors patrol was eoc ond and Kenneth Lilly's patrol third. .. In nddUion to being special guests on parent' night, parents aro inviicp to attend" any of the Wednesday eve ning moetliigs. 1 :' - " AVIATION I'ltOdllESS UNTKI NEW YORK UV In the opinion of Capt.-B. V. Rlckenbacker. Ameri can worm war pee, wio wubb hiwv tmiwrtant advance in aviation dur ing 1933 were the .practical applica tion of acoustical engineering to air transport craft, tho beginning of aer ial sleeper service and the perfection of adjustable pitch propellers. Easy Pleasant Way TO LOSE FAT How would you llko to lose 15 pounds of fat In a month and at the same tlmo increase your enefKy jvnd improve your healtJi? ;-llow would you like to lose your double chin and your too promi nent abdomen and tit the &ime time make your skin ho clean and clear that it will compel admiration? (.let on the scales today and seo how much xu weigh then tfit an 5 cent -bottle ot Kruschen. ijalts which will last you four weeks. Take one half teapxuful in a ghuss of aot water every monitng and when you have finished tho contents of this txbt bottle weigh yourself again. After that you'll want to walk aivund and oay do your friend. "One H5 cent bottle of Kruschen Salts Is wxirtli one hundred doiUrs or any fat person's money." Ltndlng drugglstM America over sell Kruschen S:ilt You-en sv.tivs get it at Olasti Drugs, lnc,t L. Jc L. Drug ( . Mixtn Drug Co. Adv. TftiS SERVICE k For WALLOWA, ENTKItPRISE, JOSKI'll and Way Tolnta. Ieave La arande. Dally 10:30 A. M. 4:10 P. M. For rEI)I.ETnv n-.v iv,inl. Lear La anna,, Dally 10:30 A. M. I'. P. Slnee Iit, uns Adauii Plione MAIM 411 BUTTER CODE IS GIVEN APPROVAL BYMAXGEHLHAR SALBM, Ore. VP) The new state butter code, as approved by Max Gelilhar, dlrocto of agrtpulturo, would stabilize tho. wholesule and re. tall butter trade In Oregon, he staW cd. toy maklnir clu&elliur, price cutting and all below com saleu punishable, by a tSOO tine and revocation of il cense. ' , .mi ' ." This Is the second code adopted un. uer Uie laws ot the elate to o-oper. ate wltti the lederal government to promatlnK the rehabllltaUon o.' utfrl oulture, on Ice cream code h&'rtng been adopted last week. The coda, Gehlnor announced, dees not set up a creamery operators or retailers minimum margin . -high enough to protect the Inetllclent op erator or which would give .the eHl olent operator an undue profit. The clause providing such a minimum was eliminated by Oehlhar cn the theory that It woul& put O half million dol lar., extra Into ithe pockets of private creamery men and retailers with no provision at passing. It on to the f armor. . . ; The only price cutting below cost would be . upon a permit from the butter board tor wholesalers, while re tailers may do so by branding tho package, "second grade butter." The code further holds that (the sale of butter at wholesale by cream eries, wholesalers and manufacturera, at a price less than the Portland cube price plus the entire cost of cutting, wrapping,-, selling and distribution would be prohibited. : Manufacturers selling at retail shall add .to the price the same minimum markup aa l re quired, by reUUlers. A higher, mini mum prloe tor small and Icebox de liveries. No attempt was made to tlx a definite minimum price. . ... ... s . - MAnufetUTvrs shall require re tailors who purchase butter from them to sell suoh butter to consum ers at not less than a minimum price of 1 cent above the wholesale print price paid by them or such, greater sum as may be epeclf led la any codo of laic competition or marketing agreement which rmay come into ef fect among suoh Thallers. Manufacturers shall also require that such retailers shall not sell but. tor In combination sales with .other merchandise. i - . I ; Tlie agreement shall Uso contain a provision placing; a, fixed llnUt, or maximum, which may .be levied by tho committee upon the creamery In dustry, to moke enforcement self- supporting. Order Machinery For 150-Ton Mine BAKUR, Ore., (Special) Basil Prevcott, trustee operating. a group of mines on the E and E lode In the Bourne district has made arrange, monta with the Eastern Oregqn Light and Power company for a large supply, of c, it-rent and lias ordered machinery tor n 15 Oton dally capacity pilot mill i wie om plant of the E and E mine. NEW ARRIVALS for the Exactly as Illustrated Including full size double bed, chest of drawers, vanity and bench- BOHNENKAMFS Four Floors of Fine Furnishings Ruling 1 ; " ' Answer lo Trovlous Puzzle' HOniZOSTAL" lWllO ill tl)Q , ruler In tho picture? .... 10 Deposited. 11 To put on. 18 High mountain 14 Self. 15 Itnllun river, It He is an official in 18 Chum. 19 UowliiK tool. 20 To. diversify. 21 Hops kiln. . . 22 Pussy. . : ., 23 Having no :hair. 2G Owed. 27 Payment - demand. 28 Oo on (rnuslc). 29 Rubber tree. 30 By. 31 Encountered. 32 Knave of clubs. 33 Animals ' allied lu Die camels. :, 35 Edge of a skirt. 33 .10 .Marked .with, lines. 37 Xiglit liefore. 38 He has liecn .hiii counlry's since. 19i!3. 'II Em. 42 Landing places 43 Perfect type 15 Senior. 46 Lyre-liko ... iiistrunienls. 47 To betroth. 48 By. profes sion he is IpSEpT INI t fell uW? T R 'QBiP'A JOSEF NlApC w5iCXjslionMri.Ul iTlAlOlY ; ' I f - II L4- - m Nyja '" gR I ' I I I 1 I I - 1 - I" 1 ""r " " n Bourne from which a crew of men are tomovlng the old machinery and making preparations for the new in stallation which will occur as fast as - the machinery arrives, About 20 m n are now employed- at and. near Bourne. . , : The operation will Include all the main properties along a. vein about tour miles long, suoh as the E and E, Golconda, Columbia, Taber Frac tion, North Pole and South Pole, ail famous old producers. Gold pre dominates In the .money value of the pres.; , ; Nearly 6,000 residents of Now Or leans and . tho . Immediate vicinity moke their living by fishing. . Genuine Walnut Veneers, with other fine woods, Pour Pieces This, suite can be had with either four post or panel bed and with smooth top or Hollywood Vanity,; Pashi " ' wds abolished ' hy law...:. I ; 14 Ever (con . traction). 15 Nominal value 17 Arabian - shrub. ,:: IS Butter lump. 20 Mover's, truck 21 Your and my. 22 Slash. 24 Brisk (music). 25 To depart. 20 Notwith standing. 27 Half. 2S Superior opportunity. .'10 Father. 31 llodgepodgfa 32 Ut semhliUK a pine cone. 34 Myself. 35 Pronoun. 30 Itorky ahelf. 3!1 Back. 40 'Co eat. 41 Ouager. 42 Taro paste. 44Cjulded. 40 Uoad. 47 And. 49 Mads obdurate. VERTICAL 2 Winked. 3 The esfolar. 4'Doiwose. D 1' puhllclly 0 Disagreeably sliarp. 7 To luvV as a cow. . , S Variant of "a." a TliSichlt t city of hi country is 12 In J025 Man Who Prepares Income Tax Return Held Responsible PORTLAND, Ore.. . Jan. 25 (P) Re sponsibility for federal income tax returns, as filed will hereafter be fixed on the person who prepared the return, .It .was announced .here by James W. Maloney, collector of Inter nal revenue for Oregon. -.. I. ..--" Each return filed tor 1033 must state whether any person or company wne Mnnlnunl Althflr to DreDBXe tllS return or to advise In Its preparation. l'IsIuIpIsIkI 1 1 BED ROOM $49.75 FIND IT HERE Copy for this Column ni ' - bs ta-Djp $ a. m. r- . KIMIKIUI.VBTKS' . . and term, beginning. Jan. 20. domes for beginners and advanced pupils of 4 to 7 years of age. Sacajawea Annex, gr. floor on Wash. Call 420 J. Eunice Herr. 1-2S-3 f. NOTICE Not responsible for any dcots contracted by any other than myself personally. Leo Hansen. ; . 1-24-3 tp. I ,. McKesson's Vitamin Concentrate tablets of Cod Liver Ol! (1.00 at Moon Drug Co. '1-25-1 rn. Wrist watches cleaned 2.50. New main spring 13.00. Guthrie's, 1108 Ad ams. 1-23-3 t. See "BOX Ac COX" at I, O. O. F. hall Prl. night, Jon. 26. Specialties, cords, dancing, refreshments. Adm. 25c. 1-26-2 t. Remodeling coats, suits and dresses. Ohlldren's work and fur coats, a spe cialty. Special prices during January arid February. Mrs. Pearl Moser, 1612 Sixth St., Phone 287 W. 1-17-1 m. Lady Esther Toiletries at Moon Drug Co. l-25-l m A new line of toe latest In Ladles' Costume Rings Is now being shown at Richardson's Art and Olft Shop. Also .new. zipper purses cm . special sale at 65 cents each. ... These In all colors. . -M v.... i;i...J-18-t.f i ''''"' t -j 1 Dry Box Factory-Wood. Large truck ; load delivered 5.50' per, load.- Tele phone orders coHect. ...pondcoa Pine Lumber Oo., Elgin,- Ore. ; , , ... 1-86 -2 it. CONVEX POnTItAlT FRAMES A new lino of fine Frames ton Con vex portraits of all .sizes , hae Just been received by Richardson's Art and Olft Shop., You pan now .;havft your pictures framed for. hajly price- with these attractive, frames, at Blohord ""t'8. - - ' i... - . ivi-t f. Just a FewMoreDays JANUARY CLEARANCE PRICES i? , ; k i ! i . v -i t ;. ' '. . t . t y. . , SUIT IP A Besides getting : HATS .1 1 One lot of values to '$1.95 "FORTUNE" SHOES & QXFORDS S3.i53 C AC Va ''alue t3iit7J . $t.93 $3.95 Value FLORSHEIMS Most (PPiQCT Styles ipO.OD SWEATERS i An odd lot of $2.95 values. $1.95 PENDLETON BLANKETS $6.35 ' Only 10 left. This rs a real bargain. i HOSIERY Full Fastened - Service and Chiffon weight. Colore Smokv - Gun Metal - Clear -S,llunlotte- 1 ' 3 Pair ... $2.23 TROTTER'S rv.fiiia" t.hnt ' will ' keeo. Home grown. Unusual size, 11.00 doz. Cher ry's Florists. Inc. ..-- DID Olt KNOW THAT our cleaning method removes ALL the oils and greases from felt hats? Perspiration oil do not show up again within a short time when your hat is cleaned at the Standard Laun dry. l-VM f- Flowers by wire. - Anywhere, any time. Wo are bonded membBrs of he F. T, D, Cherry's Florists, lno. i ;; i J ji , .1-84-2 t. 8CQOOL CB1LDBEN , Tou can. fet soratch. paper for school at the Observer. Now pads 6c. . .-. v .. i.,,, ,8-U-tt FOR SALE Two yard hydraulic dump bed. Also one gravity dump bed. Both In good condition.-: Larlson-Freea , ,, Chevrolet Co. Phone Main 2. 1t34-2 t. When you need fuel "Call -Main 628 QAlTHRRJOBdl FUEL CO. r,j:;r :.c. . rr : iw l'"'1 - - ...-.( NOTICE OF PILINO OF PINAL ..ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his Final Ac count and Report as executor of the estate of Eugene AshwlU, deceased, and the County Court - of Union County, Oregon, has fixed Monday, the 6th day of February, 1034, at ten o'clock In the .'orenoon, t Its Court Room at the Court House In La Grande, Oregon, ai the time and place for hearing Any and all objec tions to: the said Flnai Account and settlement;! 6Bld estate, xy ' Date of first publication January 4th. 1034. . !,,-. i R. J. GREEN, Executor, residing at ; La Grande,- Oregon, Jan.- 4, 11, 18, 25. Feb. 1. j(EEP YOUR SKiN YOUNG IV 'Tedious? treatments unnecessary ' If th'tf soap used for dally 'cleansing fe Resinol of the Low SU 0' $1395 and others on up. DOUBLE SAVING a discount from this winters low price you also save on the'advance for Spring. $2.95 ' Women's Holeproof Moloney Explains ;Liquor,Tax As Tp j Stocks 6h JIand PORTLAND, Ore.' (Special) J, W. Maloney, collector of Internal revenue, today called attention to the fact that under the new liquor tow Just. passed by congress, payment of floor taxes will . be required - from all persons holding stocks of - distilled spirits, Wines, etc., on hand, for sale at the effective date of the sot. This would Include both wholesale and retail dealers. . - ' .... . .. Maloney stated that all persons who had. stocks of. distilled spirits Includ ing alcohol, .rectified spirits, wines, cordials, etc,, on hand at. the begin ning of business January 12 should Immediately ' take an Inventory .of their stock, segregating the wines by alcoholic content and listing each v kind of spirits, .wines, -etc.; separately. ' This Inventory should be held' by the taxpayer pendlng. tho receipt of forms from his .office on which to file the return ot .the .floor , -taxes. These forms wlil be mailed to all per sons liable for payment of the floor taxes as soon, as- they., are available for distribution. ,.i v. '-,,!., .. Good 1x12 Pine 2fa)fcrFjMt Mo'it 'Complete Line of Build ing .Mutcrlol in rnlon County. Home Luirtber & Coal Co. Phone Main1 17 MIckey) McCoy W." O. Sawyer mi t.'..' .A. $ GOATS 16 RAYON SOX 1 r s . 1 ... .. n Special for the last days of January. 5Pair-$l.( SHIRTS r.road'cioth; Solid Colors- 80c 3 for J .'.'SS2.2.") Odds and Ends but All Good Pattern $1.29 3 for . . . $3.50 NECKTIES A good range of patterns. 25c 79c,