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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1911)
f t "-fi'lTI-fV 1 til H LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1911. PAGE 3 PER3IAKEXTLY n i. It IV:c WTRODUOSO located Keliable UentiSiS eastern prices Our untarnished reputation wherever we have established office is a recommendation we lodk to with pride, and our motto, "Honest work," "fair dealings," has always made our success continuous for the past 10 years. ; 1 We guarantee our work, nd If It is not right we make-it right without any extra expense to ou. We would rather be buiy all tha time and make a smaller profit from each Individual patient than charge prohibitive prices. Peo ple in all stations of life patronize this institution of Modern Den-, tlstry. PAINLESS Ca II EXAMINATION, CONSULTATION EXTRACTION OUC FrCCESTIMATES AND ADYICE ' Prices for the Best Work ilB Set of Teeth ....18.00 $10 Bridge Work (best) $5.22- Gold Fillings .. Silver Fillings Plates Repaired L50 op .750 ...11.00 Vf COUNCIL PUTS ISSUE TO UOTE cinct against licensed saloons, while; lug stations throughout the country 08 were oast for the licensed saloon. ! there Is a great shortage of telegraph ,-1.1.1' - G fQf1nl Tho -The! drays won an overwhelming victory in yesterday's election. The total vott cast was 56. or wnich 37 voted for no Position, pay beginners from $70 to $90 per month with good chances of license, and 19 in favor .of licensed sa-( advancement. The National Telegraph loons. The result was a surprise to everyone, as It was thought by both sides that the vote would be close. 12 year protection guaranteed. n a l T" A i. DEP0T adaxs ate. Modern Dentists oyer newun drug co. Our offices. .. Salt Lake, Baker. La Grande. Portland, y Treasurer's Call for Cfty Warrants.' 1910. Interest on all warrants on wa- ter iuna irom wi. ...... iu There are also fudns in the treasury to pay all warrants Issued against wa- ,,ta nt T.a Grande city up to and Including No. 0895 endorBedNovMg inclusive ceases from date of this call. La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 1, 1911. Roy W. Logan, , City Treasurer, n-l-10t ' MMlllMMMHIinniHIllHlllllinilillHllHHM II your eyes give you trou ble have them examined and properly fitted with glasses by a reliable optometrist and the only attendance graduate OLD STYLE' ... NCKYPTOlv ... optometrist in union coumj. The most modern methods only used. If you have trouble glasses will not correct you will be told the prop- , er course to pursue. , ; . ..- I make a specialty of fitting glasses. W. M. Peare. graduate Northern Illinois College of Opthamology. Chicago, with ' , . j X ':l H; REARER SON; I Tji Grande's leading Jewelers and optometrists. Opposite TJ. S. Land V . u..i.M nr. lnl An nwn ssV t office. Broken lenses repiacea in. a ww uiuui.e. - a, 4 lenses. ' . . . . . 1 REIMBURSEMENT OF FORMER JL1T1 TREASURER REQUESTED 1 I Petition Liberally Signed Jlr. Wright Last of Thrtw Who Lost Taxpayers of La Grande will be giv en an opportunity to reimburse the third and last party to lose public moneys in the failure of the Farmers & Traders National bank. On th strength of a petition signed bv a large number of taxpayers, the city council last night determined to olac on the ballot for the coming municiDRl election the question of re imbursing J. K. Wright, formerly treasurer of the city of La Grande, for money lost in the bank craBh. The petition sets forth that In view of the fart that the school dlBtrlct reimburs ed A. C. Williams and the legislature ordered Treasurer' Frawley and Sher iff Childer8 reimbursed It is only meet and lust that Mr: Wright should be re lmbursed as well. The question will he rut to a" public vote December 11 at which time the municipal tuncuuu is held. 1 Surrenders Proof of Claim. In the event that the voters order the reimbursement of Mr. Wright, the latter will surrender to the city his proof of claims and any subsequent dividends that might be issued from the government will then go to the city direct. Mr. Wright paid every rpnt lost back to the treasurer im mediately after th,e failure of the in stitution. This sum amounted to $3, 4R2 as. The first dividend reduced the trttal sum Jl.667.07 and the second dividend Issued by the government was for 1384.24. ' There Is left, there fore, a total of $1,567.07 which Mr. Wright is loser because he was a pub lic nfflrial and could In no wise be Warned for the loss. The city, how ever, has at no time been "out" for the citv treasurer was reimbursed Im mediately and what dividends have been paid by the government have went to Mr. Wright. The petitioa urg ing the placing of this question on the ballot was large. NOTICE OF STREET I3IPROYE3IENT institute of Portland, Oregon, operates under the supervision of railroad and wireless officials, and p!ces all 8 ifvd uates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details. . ll-8-4t . DRTS WIN IN RICnLAND. Many Interior Towns Take Vote on Llanor Question. ' Halfway, Nov. 8 (Special) At yes terday's local option election there were 44 votes, out of which 2& were for license saloons and 16 for no II censes. -In precinct No. 1 the vote was 48 wet, and 24 dry. Precinct No, 2, 58 votes were cast for llcens and 36 agalnBt license, a majority in the two precincts of 60 In favor of saloons Cornucopia, Nov. 8. (Special) On 1v four votes were cast In this pre TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice Is hereby given that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the com mon council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the th day of OctolKr, 1911, creating improvement district No. 41 and designating V avenue ?s such district, and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said comraor council on the 4th day of October, 1911 whereby Bald council determined on'1 declared its intention to improve all that portion of V avenue, in said im provement district as hereinafter de scribed, by laying thereon standard board walk, south side, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice vpon the owiVra of the prop erty . affected and benefited by suih Improvement, order that said above described Improvement be made; that i the boundaries of said district to be Improved are as follows.- . . , , - All that portion of V avenue rrora the east line of Spruce street, to the east city limits. (A) And th property affected or benefited by Bald improvement Is as follows: Along north side of lots 1, 2, 3 and block 4 and lots 2. 3, and 4 and 37V feet of lot 1, block 6. Pleasant Home addition to La Grande, Oregon. Notice Is hereby further siiven that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefited by such improvement for the Durnose of naving for such improve ment. That the estimated cost of such Improvement is the sum of $423.55. That the council will, on the 15th day of November, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour or s o'clock, p. m., to consider said esti mated cost and th levy of said assess ment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. .- ' La Grande, Oregon, November 1st, 1911. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. Bv C. M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the city of La Grande, Oregon. ' " V-V. ' ll-4-10t ; ' ministers ana lay delegated gathered tere today tor the annual Western North CaroUua Conference or the M. E. church, South, The sessions will last five or s'-x day ani will be presided over by Bishop liosa of Ok lahoma. The iniiiis'i rial assign ments for the year not be an nounced until the first of next week. M. E. Conference in Session. Statesvllle, N. C, Nov. 8 Nearly 400 , . ; PROFESSIONAL DIRECTRT ; PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS N. MOLITOR, M. D. Physician ano Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot St. Phones: Office, Main 68; Residence, 69. 1. L. RICHARDSON. M. D. I. W. LOUGHLIN, M. D. Drs. Richardson & Ixjughlln, , Physicians and Surgeons Phones Office Black 1362. Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 55." " Dr. Loughlin8 eRa. Main 757. DR. M. K. II ALL Physician and Sur geon. Cor. Adams Ave. and Depot St. Phone, Main 23. C. H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician , and Surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phones; Office Main 2; Resi dence Mala 32. ' DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD Diseases of the eye a specialty. DR. DORA J. UNDEWOOD Diseases of women and children.- Offices: Adams ,avenue, over Wright Drug - v0. ' ' ' ' GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, ... 8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63; Residence, Black ' 951. Successor to Dr. F. E. Moore. P34S(J HUL W JHT TO K0 this shop, and Us ability to serv jon best Oar one strongest desire Is to turn out the best CLEANING AND PRESSING antf to price onr services t meet your saMsfactlon. We be- ments ned our attention sen! them to us and we will do your work promptly and: guarantee not to ruin the materials. ELITE DYEING & CLEANING v703 Vatn 4. IS. R. Wairitoner 1 A Good Position Can be had by ambitious young men and women in the field of "Wireless" or railway telegraphy. Since the 8 hour law became effective, and since the wireless companies are establish- Sfisk Sneedv. 30 H II p. Roadster, $1 150 If you expect to buy a roadster see the new Max well Mercury. Don't fail if you choose this catf you will save money. The new Maxwell Mercury is a test-proven mil a minute roadster! Smart "lines" stylish finish all the power and speed you could wish for in a car, of this typei no matter what the price you: would pay. '.. '. Wy':J Comparo it with expensive roadsters built fori 1912 and you will appreciate its remarkable value. The smooth, flush-side, vestibuled and ventilated fore-door body 110 in. wheel base high tension racing magneto, high speed carburetor, Columbia Honeycomb type radiator, new design hood, de mountable rims, are refinements that mark it as an aristocrat. Don't take this for granted satisfy yourself that any man would be proud to own it. . 'Phone! or write if you cannot call. R. W. LEIGHTON'S GARAGE; AGENTS DR. C. A. SMITH, MECHANO-THER-APIST. Successfully treats rheu matism, kidney disease, .heart dis ease, weak lungs, constipation, pel vic disease, catarrh, and diseases of the neVvous system. Consultation free. Charge reasonable.1 Pborie i Black 3351. 1411 Madison Avenue. Sf ,f:v. : VETEMNARY. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Sur geon. ; Office at Hill's Drug store, La Grande. Residence Phone, Red 701; Office Phone, Black 1361; In- , dependent Phone 63; Both Phones at Residence. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC. G. T. DARLAND, CHIROPHACTOR All acute and chronic diseases. Not drugs, not surgery, not osteopathy. . I remove the cause of your disease. Than rn.. mrall Knnmi 9(1.91 A .it'll JUW 6 - ' " . 11UUI11U mv-a, La Grande National Bank. Phone Red 3181. ATTORNEYS AT LAW '' dHHMUHM XMM ' ' ft -JOCHRAN ft COCHRAN Attorneys Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch- ' ran, La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande. Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD ROBT, S. EAKIN CRAWFORD ft . EAKIN Attorneys flee In La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon, at law. Practices in all the courts of the state and United States.; Of- ' ' ' " -ENGINEERS," ' '" ' D. W, C. NELSON Mining Engineer, Baker City. Oregon. ; : f . te i ,.. ! 'mm!- JW , Up to date methods in taking care of the teeth will save you no little palnd and discomfort and will give you relief from the disagreeable con ditions of neglected dental work. You should have your teeth examined fre- , quently ' to KEEP them in good con dition. - . . The old adage or a "stitch In time'"" Is more applicable here than In any; other place. We take care of your troubles. St even son's " Dental Office For WOOD AND y;coAL;:; Phone Main 6 Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY swJsvrfShlSK.AtbkiSdAJsvMSSvsWtiSfekia, .bkdBkBfctkssuAeAkAfcfHfeihdivALdtfAfcvhtffl COME to our shop and let ns demonstrate the use of Terry Pnen matlc Water Systenjs to jron. IT haTe Jnst installed one at "Connty P r Farm". Why not bare a bath room, not and cold water, nice lawns and also fire protection for yoor homes! Too can have a 1-4 men stream at a pounds pressure in case 01 nre. tail ana let as t&ie i yon ont and show you one In every day operation, : ZWE1FEL i BAY 6 PLUMBERS, HEATERS, jFir &ireci, juu irruiuc, Kjr, Workers i! SHEE1 METAL sS7SL2 SSCEBfcsf