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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1911)
TA(iE LA UKANDK EVKN'ING OliSEUVl;! Tilt KSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1911. We are making a SPECIAL PRICE for TAILORED SUITS FOR ONE WEEK. CALL The T A. V. Andrews C01CIL11S SHOUT HIDEO ..,vu .li.;. ftlaUt Sotlce. ,. Tbere will be a convention of the socialists of La Grande la Lewis' ball. Depot street, Tuesday evening, Nov. 14th, 1911, for the purpose of nominat ing a full city ticket. All members of the party urged to be present. Local La Grande, Socialist Party. , M. E. CARBERRY. : Secretary Pro Tem. Gall M sfht i Retail Department Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Ruberoid Roof in Doors, etc. George Palmer Lumber Co. 333ft Hurry, with Your,, Order for A TELEPHONE and have your name in our NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY PRINTING OF WHICH HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO NOVEMBER 15th OWING TO LARGE MM HERS OF ORDERS BEING RECEIVED FROM SEW SUBSCRIBERS. Home Independent Telephone Co. nno lubes IbrMidielin and all otkrEnvelopes The majority of motor' ists throughout the world are satisfied users of Michelin Inner Tubes. They are the best judges. Ask them, ' Ait rife OK lfnf ft- IN STOCK BY DITTEBRANDT AUTO CO-, Washington. St., La Grande. MAYOR A.D TWO COUXCILMEX ARE ABSENT. Much Important Business at Special Session of Council Last Niglt. , With the mayor absent and Council men Davis. Orvis and Fleming not : pesent the city council was neces sarily of a unanimous opinion In all measures pasbed last night for Presi dent W. J. Church occuDied the chair and the five remaining votes were necessary- to nass ordinances. It was somewhat f a busy night, however, and a great many Important pieces t leg islation were enacted Into iw. ' Would Tax Rinks. An ordinance was introduced last night which places a license on skat ing rinks, requiring their orderly con duction. The sums to be taxed al the punishment Is blank, to be filled out by the ndlclary committee where the document now lies awaiting the next meeting. J. F. O'Ccnnell has surrendered his ftttlUUU IKtllU ,u A .Mum - Mr. Greenhall. The Judiciary com mittee reported the matter favorably and the" council adopted the commit tee report. Mars Bltf Accepted. The street committee report recom mending the John L. Mars bid for con. structlng macadam on North Fir, was accepted. The contract with Mr. Mars will be entered into at once that the work may start at th first opportune day. ; Various street improvements were accepted. Work done by Samuel Story on Monroe avenue was accepted and a warrant for $493.22 was ordered drawn In payment. Sidewalks on Sec ond Third and L avenue recently, built were accepted and sums reading $820.21, $285 00 and 181.86 were or dered paid. The county however, ii to pay $90.93 as Its half of the cost of building the walk on ' L avenue, in front of the court house, . Harry T. Hill petitioned for a crose walk on Third and 0. ' New by laws governing the La Grande fire department were read and referred to the police committee. The changes are quite extensive and make material changes in the rules of the company. . - Bids for construction of board walk on Spring from Fourth to Alder were read. J. M. Matot and Mr. Oesterling were the bidders and their bids were referred. L. P.,Oesterling's bid war accepted. " Chinese Gambling; Charged. ' A communication sned by G. W Tull asserts gambling is carried on In the Hong Tuck store In the Chi nese quarter. The gambling com mences at 8 p. m. and 8 p. m. Thf communication asks that the police take steps to end it. The ordinance taxing all flre insur ant companies a sum of $25.00 per year, was re-Introduced In a modified form and was passed. The funds so received shall be used to maintain tfie flre department. As there are enough companies here to create a sum an proxlmatly 12,000 annually, the de partment will soon be put on an up to-date basis. ill, i, n'" THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTORS ARE GITI5G THEIR SUCCESSFUL TREATMENTS FREE. To every ailing man and woman, who need no long er suffer .with dreaded diseases Let these famous Chinese doctors send you a free treatment of their wonderful remedies They want to prove to you that their marvelous remedies will benefit your health. No matter what treatment you have tried and failed In. don't let this opportunity pass. It will cost you nothing to try it Their aim Is to restore your health and In return you can show yoir gratitude by reemmending them to your friends. . Write them today and describe your symptoms. Write this way: Please Bend me one of your free treatments for YORK ft YORK CHINESE MEDICINE " ' CO., 210 W. Main St, Walla Walla, Wn. To Take on BcattieV Case. Richmond. Va., Nov. The supreme court of appeals of Virginia which convened for its autumn session to day is expected to take up next week the appeal In the case of Hnry Clay Beattle. Jr., the young man now un der eentencfe of death for the murder of his wife. Should a writ of error. 1 flowed Jt is probable! tbat. Be:ittfe's seebn'd trial will be est for the Janu ary term. ' . , - j ': A MASS OF FIRE Horrible torture poln nuendurable days when the whole body seems, to be burnRIng up long night of. sleep less agony Then ; Instant relief the skin cooled and refreshed all burning and Itching gone! Thousands testify to this thou sands who suffered from enema, psoriasis and other ekln troubles un til they heard of that simple cooling wash of wlntergreen, thymol and oth er Ingredients known as D. D. D. prescription. J. Samuel Lewis of St. Paul, Minn., write: "I used three bottles of D. D. D. prescription and now my skin. once a mass of Ore and irritation, is as smooth and soft as a child's." A 25c trial bottle will give you positive proof! We are so certain of what D. D. D. will do for you that we offer you a full sire bottle on this guarantee. if you do not find that It take away the Itch AT ONCE, it coats you not 8 cent Call here and talk It over. Newlin Drug company. J. H. Richardson E.S. Giveni " " 1 " 1 E. S. Givens Investment Co. Rear La Grande Nat'l Bank Real Estate, i . c ' Insurance. High Class " Invest ments and Securities Plumbing and Heating John Melville ; 1428 Adams An v LA GRANDE, ORE- : sT5SSWf? Have You Tried Our Teas and Coffees? We carry a full line o Hills Bros.' highest grade teas, cof fees, spices ana extracts. All goods guaranteed satisfactory or money refunded The Grocery Phone 70. Stageberg & Sandborg The Farmer more so than any. other business man, re quires the services of a bank, if he manages his farm in a systematic way. While he has no need for a set of books in which to keep a record of every transaction made, yet, dur ing the course of a year he must pay out large sums of money for various purposes, and a record for future reference is highly ' important. .Merchants may fail to give a re ceipt for cash, a neighbor may not recall the payment of money owed, but the farmer who pays his obligations by check has writ ten evidence of such payments which any court must recognize. In the same way he -has a record of monies received by the de posit entries on his bank book. To the farmer, who desires such a record for his business, we efctend an invitation to open an account with this bank. . United States National Bank A GOOD 4-R00M HOUSE, BARN; LOT 120x140. $100.00 WILL CLOSE THE DEAL. BALANCE EASY PAYMENTS. THIS IS A BARGAIN AT $900.00. SEE US TODAY BEFORE IT IS SOLD. The Slough Investment Co. : ' 2D DOOR EAST OF F0STFFICI . - Remember, We Loan Money STUDEMtS BOllANZA Banner Premium Contest TO BE GIVEN AWAY BY THE INTER-MOCNTAIN SALES CO., LA . GRANDE, ORE., AS AN INTRODUCTORY OFFER. ' BIG VALUES IX POPCllU TREMICMS G1YEN FREE TO STU- - -':-.';..rv. dexts. ;' ;, , . As a reward to student over sixteen years of age who act as our T .representatives we are to give what we consider th8 most dslrable - vand liberal selection of premiums ever offered. ." 1 ' SOW IS YOUR ClIAXCE TO SECURE HOLIDAY GIFTS FREE Dont put It off until tomorrow but begin right now and get as" ' many premiums as you can. ; EVERY PREMIUM WE OFFER YOU IS GUARANTEED TO SATISFY ' With every premium on our list is sent a guarantee by the manu facturer and we stand ready to make anything right that is not right. . Here are u few of the premiums that we offer. A three months' course in the La Grande Business college, bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting. A three months' course in the La Grande Musical Institute, piano or vocal. One dozon fine cabinet photographs, by a La Grande artist A handsomelady's or gent's watch; also many oth er useful and beautful premiums. A premium for everyone selling or. er $1.00 worth of our gods. Our specialties consist of a line of l( household necessities, the modern food flavors, non-alcoholic flav orlng extracts in tubes, pure extracts without alcohol, gelatine, toilet preparations, fine perfumes, imported soaps, gloss starch. Salome soap and oth.?r articles which can only be obtained through us. FILL IS THIS BLANK AND SEND JT TO US AT ONCE. , Jnter-MounUla Sales Co., La G rande, Oregon. Gentlemen: I desire to enter your premium contest Kindly ,-send me full Information and complete list of premiums. '' ' . Youra truly ' ' 'anie w.. ........... Date , p o .',- THE INTER-MOUNT IIS SALES CO., 1102H Adams At!,' La Grande