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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1911)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1911. PAGE 3 4 car! IttleJ on Toil fre4 con inw' 4iW Retail Department j ItLLjW I Lll.tU1 H ..... li:i1:itendent Wallowa county; J. S. Landers, city superintendent ot schools Pendleton, Oregon. 1:43: "The Mechanics ot Class Organization," Ar thur H. Chamberlain. ' ' r- r cpMPOiurNjin) i Lumber, : Lath, Shingles, Ruberoid Roofing, Sash Doors, etc. at the . George Palmer Lumber Co. PKOMINENT EDCCATORS WILL; 1IAYE SUPERVISION. j - ' ; I Primary, Grammar, High School and j Others Cared For. Sectional work at the 11th annua' ffiTPliSED MUCH PUBLICITY Uptown office Main 720 Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE . L bussey HACK AND t r lv. mi trnu- T ble have them examined and A properly fitted" with glasses' by a reliable optometrist and X the only attendance graduate I 010 STYLE ; xKRYPTOK. : optometrist In Union county, t The most modern methods only used. - ' J ; If you have trouble glasses will not correct you will be told the prop- , , er course to pursue. I make a specialty of fitting glasses. W. M. Peare, graduate Northern ; ; Illinois College of Opthamology. Chicago, with ! J. H. PEARE, a SON. i La Grande's leading Jewelers and optometrists. Opposite U. S. land , - office. Broken lenses replaced In a few minutes. , We grind our own ; ; lenses. ' "' . ' nnnimniiiiHnntumiiiimiitMmtooitii THE IDAHO JUNK HOUSE AT BOISE, IDAHO. S. KOPPEL, Proprietor WILL PAT YOU TOP PRICES FOB ALL KINDS OF METAL AND RUBBER. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CONSIGNMENT SHIPMENTS. REFERENCE BOISE CITY NATIONAL BANK. rAnvonHnn nt trtA TTnatArn Orpsrmi ill- V U T . SI tlV4 V . aM v- - 0 , vision of the Oregon State Teachers'! BBHCM'ltUlUU UI1U UJO ouuuai icou cjo institute at Baker, Nov. 27-29 Inclus ive, promises to be a big feature of tfc3 gathering. Ruby E. Shearer is the leader In the primary studied and Ar thur H. Chamberlain takes charge of( tke grammar section. The entire pro-i gram for sectional studies has been announced as follows: Primary Section. Monday 10:10 and 1:41: "Stand ards and How Attained" Ruby E. Shearer. " " Tuesday 10:10 and 1:45: "Num bers, Subject M.V'p- and Methods of Wednesday-VP.10: "Language, vlc ti'Ps Stor.ies, art! Mechanical Work, Rub E. Shears-. l:4r. "Study Per iod Work," Ruby E. Shearer. C.rairnnr Section, Monday 10-10: "Selection of Fun damentals,', Arthur H. Chamberlain. 1:45: "The Foundation of Method," Arthur H. Chamberla'n. . Tuesday "The Meaning of Efficien cy," Arthur H. Chamberlain. IMC; "A Geography Lesson With the Seventh Grade," Thomas, H. Gentle. Wednesday 10:10: "Art Educa tion." Mary J. Campbell. 1:45. "An Intermediate Reading Lesson, Thought Getting," Thomas H. Gentle. Hlph School Section. . Monday 10:10: "A Young. Man's t Ideal," C. J. C. Bennett, professor of 1 psychology, . University of Oregon. 1:45: "The College Boy," E. D. ResB ler, professor of Industrial pedagogy, Oregon Agricultural College. ; ' Rural School Section. , Tuesday 10:10: "The Country Teacher, a Specialist." E. D. Ressler. 1:45: "Improvements of Rural Schools," Arthur H. Chamberlain. Supervision. ; Wednesday 10:10, ' Round table talks, led by J. C. Conley, county su- G0YERN0RS' SPECIAL WILL GET EXPLOITATION. Prominent Newspaper Men to Accom pany Western Executives. ,, III,,..., I - "I W ji: FOLETS j I; i ' ') li ( By P. H. Doyle.) Boise, Ida , Nov. S (Special) That the western governors wh will short-j iy tour the oast as the guests of the "Governors' Special." will" be busy during each wakii'g moment ou the trip, becomes evident from the sched ule of the enteralnmeuts provided for the visiting governors during their " stay in Chicago, on the firsst day of the special's trip. Though there will each one a star attractions, it has been found difficult to meet the re quests ot the numerous organizations in each city to be visited, asking that one or more of the executive attend , gatherings held by the different or ganizations in honor ot the visit of the party. Many of the requests have come from equal suffrage organiza tions, who want the governors to pub licly make known their views of the question of equal suffrage. Gover nors llawley of Idaho, Hay of Wash ington and Johnson of California seem to be fayorltes with the ladies' clubs, though they are not averse, so it would seem, to have the other gov ernors express their opinions at the suffrage meetings. The special's . stay in the "Windy j City" will give the executives a good Idea of the way In which their time has been alloted during the rest of the trip. Arriving in Chicago on the morning of the 28th, the party will ' go to the hotel provided for thism, where an Informal reception will be In order until noon. The Minnesota club has arranged, a luncheon In hon or of her most prominent citizen Governor Eberhardt. Other luncheons have been provided for the visitors mm compound enriiu n mm. M UKHFttt. tAUQS CMMMntfod tor Ctnifth feCMf ana lite V ftntttM AllKMM at tfM Throat. .Ghest and Lungs. FOLEY k CO. I CWCAOO.IU. I FOa CHILDREN AND GROWN PERSONS Host 8'8Ciii8 witk Cray? tsl Whooping Cou;i Foley's Honey andTar Compound is quick and reliable. It stops the cough by promptly healing the cause. Contains no opiates. Is indispensable in a family where there are children. 8T. JOSEPH, MICH. Mrs. Frnk Mrti, 41T Church St., lay! "Foley's Money and Tar Compound saved the life of our bsby boy. Wo contracted a aevera bronchial trouble and couched violently and had spella oicouehinrr and raKKtni and turned black In the lace. I always had treat faith in Foley'a Honey and Tar Compound and started giving It to the child. Ia a short time ha was relieved and finally the cough was entirely stopped and the coughlnf and fagging spells ceased both ering him. Ha got well in a short time, gaining in weight and getting robust. Foley'a Honey and Tar Compound naa many times saved us trouble and this with the wonderful curs in baby's caw shows its great merit. Wo are never without Foley'a Hooey and. Tar Compound. We always keep it ia the house." . TAKE UO SUBSTITUTE. FOR SALE BY HILL'S D.IUO STORE. by several of the commercial orgaul- .tliw unil tl Innrl ahnw manno-a- ment, which will furnish a lunch, and; will then take the party to the land show at the colllseum, where a spe cially arranged program has been provided. In the evening, the party will be divided, as there are two big banquets on the program, at which several ot the governors must make addresses. One will be the annual banquet of the Cook county realty board. Governor James H. flawley of Idaho is the atar attraction for that affair, as he recently accepted a spe cial Invitation from that body to at tend. Some of the other governors are also acheduled for addresses. The Chicago association of cdmmerce will : tender a banquet dn honor of the gub ernatorial parfy, at which those of the governors who are not on the pro gram at the former affair, will attend. , The special will be accompanied from St. Paul to Chicago, by staff cor respondents of the Chicago Tribune and the Record Herald. It Is also assured that the train will be accom panied for the full trip by an Associ ated Press correspondent. On board the special from time to time will be correspondents of various papers who will meet the party at thie preceding cities, so it is assured that the trip will be fraught with plenty of publi city for the west. ,; .,. NEW .C MAXWEl 'PI I aUaaaatf aUaaaaJ aUaaaJ MERCURY Stylish Speedjr, 30 Hp. Roadster, $1150 If you expect to buy a roadster see the new Max well Mercury. Don't fail if you choose this catf you will save money. Tb e new Maxwell Mercury is a teat-proven mile a minute roadster. Smatf "lines" stylish finish all the power and speed you could wish for in a car of this typelno matter what the price you would pay. V:;-;;:,:';'-'--- Compare it with expensive roadsters built fori 1912 and you will appreciate its remarkable value. The smooth, fiush-side, vestibuled and ventilated . fore-door body 110 in. wheel base high tension racing magneto, high speed carburetor, Columbia Honeycomb type radiator, new design hood, de mountable rims, are refinements that mark it as an aristocrat. ."v. Don't take this for granted satisfy yourself that any manwould be proud to own it. 'Phone! or write if you cannot call. y R. W. LEIGHTON'S GARAGE, AGENTS Fir Street, La Grande, Or. separator, feeder, hoist and derrick mounted on ; nna- trwplr.i. rinliiv with the hoe down men and dtirilck teams. The machinery will save one half of th labor and more grain by having a steady feed that can ba regu lated while the machine Is in motion.' The nuchlne will be built in alzei a suit the purchasers. I met tho mana ger, Mr. John Shanks and I find him to be a very conservative and reliable man. The statement of his puns ar as follows: ., First the La Grande Manufacturing company Is capitalized for 30,000, 1 per share.; Second He intends to build during the winter, five machines for the coming season to be distributed tc be distributed Jn different parts of the county and in order to do this he would like to dispose of corn stock to enable him to put the machine on the market. The price of sharts Is 3 sold on ten month's time. Payments v irzi umi uua aua caiieciauie me first of every month, or 10 per cent for cash. There Is no douh tin vst j mind that the machine Is what the rarmer la looking for. GEORGE MILLER. Covo. To Whom It May Concrn t Regarding the La Grande Manufac turing company which is now making the automatic threshers at the Walla Walla plant, being Interested In that line of machinery, I have Just return ed from a trip of Investigation from Walla Walla. I find that on looking over the machine which has leon in use the past season, that It is going to be of great Interest to the farme' in the way of saving grain, saving straw and a great reduction of hired libor.i The automatic thesher U a combined' PERMANENTLY n 1 V tt n.;-, . LXTRODUCIJtG LOCATED . iteliaDle UentlSZS EASTERN PRICES ). Our untarnished reputation wherever we have established offices is a recommendation we look to with pride,; and our motto, "Honest work," "fair dealings,-- has always made our success continuous for ' the past 10 years. We guarantee our work, nd If It Is not right we make It right without any extra expense to ,'ou. ; . ' . . . We would rather be buiy all ths time and make a smaller profit from each Individual patient than charge prohibitive prices. Peo ple In all stations ot life patronize this Institution of Modern Den : tlstry.'" v (. PAINLESS EXTRACTION 50c P. EXAMINATION, CONSULTATION a itci $15 Set of Teeth ........ .fS.00 $10 Bridge Work (best) aj- qq $10 Gold Crowns 22k . 2D. 'ESTIMATES AND ADTICE Prices-for the Best Work -12 year protection guaranteed. Gold Fillings $1.60' up Silver Fillings ........... ,76 Plates Repaired ......$1.00 m Modern Dentists Our offices- DEPOT & ADAMS AVE. OYER NEWLIN DRUG CO. Salt Lake, Baker, La Grande, Portland. l: ' Father's Tengcance- j 1,1 would have fallen on any one who attacked the eon of Peter Bondy, of South Rockwood, Mich., but he was powerless before attacks of kidney trouble. 'Doctors could not.. help him," he wrote, "so at last we gave' him Electric Bitters and h Improved -wonderfully from taking six bottles -Its the best kidney medicine I ever ' saw." Backache, tined feeling, ner vousness, loss of appetite, warn of kidney trouble that may end In drop sy, diabetes or Brights disease. Be wane: Take Electric Bitters and be safe. Every bottle guaranteed. 50c at all druggists. ; eodwkly Don't waste your money buying strengthening pasters. Chambelain' Liniment Is cheaper and better. Dam pen a piece of flannlel : with It and bfnd. It over th affected parts and It will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all dealers. 1 eodwklv n IT ESffTIUE t -.WuaWjp,j is' mjpJ -