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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1911)
LA URASDE JhiVilN'ING OBSEUVElt, "WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1911. Lad We are making SPECIAL PRICE for TAILORED SUITS FOR ONE WEEK. CALL IPS ll he l A. V. Andrews fOC OUGHT TO KNOW this shop, and Its ability to imt yon best Oar one strongest desire Is to turn ont the best CLEANING ND PRESSING and1 to price our services t meet yonr satisfaction. We be I Iava wa iln thin. 1 t'linv lMs. '' ments nerd our attention ama , them to ns and we will do yonr work promptly and grnnrautc not to rain the materials. ELITE DYEING & For . WOOD AND COAL Phone Main 6 t r,,:,.,,.,. '. :l',;Lf;,.'i,L auxaue Plumbing anHeatih John Melville 123 Adams Avt LA GRANDE, ORE- Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY 5 ...... .: J...-. . . .,,'. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY , PHYSICIANS AND SURGHONS V. MOL1TOR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon: Corner Adams Ave. and Depot' St. Phones: Office, Main 68; Residence, 69. 4. L. RICHARDSON. M. D. 1. W. LOUGH LIN, M. D. : Drs. Richardson $ Loughlin, ' Physicians and Surgeons Phone Office Black 1362. -Dr. Rlchardson'a Res. Main 55. Dr. Loughlin's eRa. Main 767. OR. M. K. II ALL Physician and Sur geon. Cor. Adams Ave. and Depot . tit. Phone, Main 23. 'J, H. UPTON, Ph. Q.'M. D Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Bye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Office In La Orande National Bank Build ing Phones: Office Main 2; Resi dence Mala 32. . ' DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD Diseases of the eye a specialty. DR. DORA J. UNDEWOOD Diseases of women and children. Offices: Adams avenue, over Wright Drug Co. JEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer BIdg., Rooms 1. Si 9 8D4 1?( Phones: Home 1332. Pacific. Main 63; Residence, Black B51. Successor to Dr. F, B. Moore OR. Ct A. SMITH, MECHANO-THER-APIST. Successfully treats rheu matism, kidney dls'ftue. heart dls ease, weak lungs, constipation, pel vic disease, catarrh, and diseases of vlnVrY9"S ytem. . Consultation free.. Chattel reasonable. Fhon;: Black 3351. 1411 Madison Avenue. VETERINARY. -R. P, A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug stor, La Grande. Residence Phone, Red 701; Office Phone, Black 1361; In dependent Phone 63;' Both Phones at Residence. , DOCTOR OF. CHIROPRACTIC. : GT. DARLAND. ailROPKACTOU- All acute and cnronlc disease. Not drugs, not surgery not osteopathy. 1 remove the cause of your dlseasa Then you get well. Rooms 20-21, La Grande National Bank. Phone Red 3181. ATT0R'EYS AT LAW OCHRAN ft COCHRAN Attorneys baa. K. Cochran and Qeo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande, Oregon. r. H. CRAWFORD ROBT. s! EAKIN CRAWFORD & EAKIN Attorneys flee In La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande, Oregon, at law. Practices 1n all the courts of the state and United States. Of- ENGINEERS. D. W. 0. NELSON Mining Engineer, Raker City. Oregon. mil flis COMIC OPERA SATlliDAY AND DRAMA 31 OX DAY. A Mevvard Presenting Two Good ' um bers for Theatre Goers Here. THE NEXT STEWARD AT. TRACTIONS. Saturday night "The GolJ;n Girl" a spectaVar musical com- 3 erty j $ Monday night "The " White Sister," a drama of rure quail- . ties. . . 1 . t & , g 4t . jf, g g Ensembles of dazzling gorgeous-' ness and a host of novel stagij effects glimmer of W. P. Cullen's "The Gold en Girl," one of the latest productions of Hough, Adams and Howard, which comes to the Steward theatre Satur- ""J The curtain rises on the grounds of; West Point, the Stars and Stripes fluttering In the breezes of the Hud- Boa gleaming between the palisades In the distance. The appeal of the unoccupied stage, eloquent with a j08eph, Ore Nov. 8 (Special) thrilling significance, is Instantaneous The ;horae.rule local optlon e,ectlon The atmosphere of romance, sno- he,d heni TueBd wa3 an overwhelra. tie but real, marks both the opening and the cloa, of this interesting musl- ln MoTl the "wets." The offi eal play. Between, there Is a dre3s cial canvass made by the judges of scene with its novelties, in which election appointed both by the Wal the two principal characters hava Iowa county court and the Jorrph city Visions of the past and future. He council showed the following result, has boasted of a noble ancestry bu'. For prohibition, 62; against prohibi now sees them as they really were, tion, 97. Considerable Interest was The f;r branches of his family trei taken In the election and about thirty being a convict, a piratra, an architect voters wore sworn In, their names not and a loan shark, all of the humoroua appearing on the last registration type. The girl also dreams that sho books, sees herself married to another, ii ' ' rich man. and in turn become a W to Be Sought, statue of gold. , , " That saloons will not be opened The close of-the dream marks the immediately as a. result of the elx linale of the second act, which i the tion seems certain, Inasmuch as a lo most magnificent gpectackj ever at- cal attorney was engaged all day tempted since HumptyDumpty. A Tuesday working on injunction pa shower of gold falls upon . a ballet pers. Circuit court meets within ,i glorious In golden trappings surround- few days and it Is thought that the lng a golden statue,' and like the matter will be settled la th? lower uceni? In Henley'a ppem, forms a, pic-J covrts without much delay, but an ture that dazzles the eye by the cheer appeal to the supreme court will de magnificence of the scenic Rffect, but lay iflnal action until after "; next this beautiful scene Is scarcely more March. The alleged defects In the impressive than the close of tbj first election, it is understood, are the act, when the two old soldiers from' failure of the county court to fix the the north and south lo-r the Star terr'tor'al l'rtfts of the city of Jo and stripes at the signal of the sun- seph as a separata precinct, prior to siH gun to the inspiring itralni of th the election, and an election may Star Spangled Banner, "Tfie Ooldeii' not be legally held at tMs time, Under ;.!f v 4 f J 0- 5 : .: A Bcne from "The White Siarnr" shoving the talented actress, -.Jeanne Towler at the right. This drama appears at tha Steward Monday night Girl" contains a number of musical .hits, the most popular oelng "I Can't; 'Love verybody." "I Want to Fight j ! Like Ma." "Wine, Woman and Song." i 1 Bnd many others. The Frisco Frolic ' tho Bensation dance of New York and j Chicago, is one of the features of the already overstocked musical play. "The White Sister, .v. 13. With the coming of Jeanne Towl'er n '(The White Sistrr," at the Stew ard theatre on next Monday night lovers of the .drama have in store a distinctive dramatic treat. To those who have not N'en this distinguished player in one of the most striking roles she has ever assumed. It should p be sufficient to say tint it will be a i misfortune to miss this opportunity & of Dicing a play of powerful grip and Intense interest, that. is. if you desire ,or your dramatic enlightenment and entertainment a star or tne first ranK . ?I t t-e l?hest class offerings w have had submitted on the stage today. ... ' T 1 1 a I nai nnun I VIST OUT-, OF WETS IN JOSEPH EDS L0CAL CAMPAIGN : .AnPeed Fa- to Be m. Grounds for Thorough Airing In Court. V MAY Vr . .:v i J Pi STUDENTS BON A'M Z A Banner Premium Contest .TO BE GIVEN AWAY BY THE INTER-MOUNTAIN SALES CO., LA GRANDE, ORE., AS AN INTRODUCTORY OFFER. BIG VALUES IN POPULAR PBE3II13I.S GIVEN FREE TO STU- .... , ', DENTS. As a reward to students ovar sixteen years of age who act as our representatives wo are to give what we consider the most dshable and liberal selection of premiums ever offered. 'SOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO SECURE HOLIDAY GIFTS FREE. Don't put it oft until tomorrow but begin right now and get as many premiums as you can. ' ' EVERY PBE2BICM WE OFFER YOU IS GUARANTEED TO SATISFY .. ;Wlth every'premium on our list is sent a guarantee by the manu facturer and we stand ready to make anything right that la not right. Here are a few of the premiu us that we offer. A three months' courso In the La Grande Busin -ss college, bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting. A three months' course in the La Grande Musical institute, piano or vocal. One dozen fine cabinet photographs, by a La Grande artist A handsomelady's or gent'3 watch; also many oth er useful and beautful premiums. A premium for everyone selling ot er $1.00 worth of onr goods. Our specialties consist of a line of household necessities, the modern food flavors, non-alcoholic . flav.. oring extracts in tubes, pure extracts without alcohol, gelatine, toilet preparations, fine perfumes, Imported soaps, gloss starch, Salome ran mii nin-r artlrlpa which can only be obtained through us. FILL IN THIS BLANK AND SEND IT TO US AT ONCE. Inter-Mountain Sales Co., La Grande, Oregon. , . Gentlemen: I desire to ejtr your premium contest. Kindly Bend me full information and conplete list cf prem'ums. ' '"'''.' -y ';: . ; ; Yaurs trtily ;7 , ."'' ' Name .,..,.................... Date .................. P. O TflE INTER-MOUNTAIX SALES CO, 1102H Adams Av, La G ran tie. the provisions f tho Oregon local option law. ' Is First Home Rule Test s : This 1b the first test of the "home rule" amendment to the state consti tution hold at the loll8 In this part bflhe stae, In a county legally "dry," Wallowa county having gone "dry" as a whole in 906 and remained in that column, notwithstanding an elec tion has been' held evnry election since. Joseph precinct went "wet one year ago, but the precinct em braced outside territory. .' Council Bluffs, Iowa, will votn next week on the question of adopting the commission plan of government. Printed word! fail t give you a full '.lea oi Goesard style-leadership. You :aust sea a Gossard Corset better still rou must try one on at the mirror, be fore yo.i can nnrieratand how fie Gos said enable! any woman to display a dgure that is stylish and attractivo, besides being easy to wear in any po sition, Indorsed by our leading .phyMclan? tnd dress makera. A model for every :)e of Jorm. PrlceB $3.60 to $8.EQ . ,.. "'. MRS. ROBT. PATT1SON. phone Blk 1-181. "roraetlero UMMER uggestions TAKE TWO-THIRDS OF A GLASS OF COLD SPARKLING SAM-O, ADD ONE-THIRD OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING FRUIT JUICES: LEMON, ORANGE, PINEAPPLE OR GRAPE. "Measure it right and mix it together 1 It's Good for what ails you in this kind of weather.' Must Sell ftf Once! A GOOD 4-ROOM HOUSE, BARN; LOT 120x140. $100.00 WILL CLOSE THE DEAL. : BALANCE EASY PAYMENTS. THIS IS A BARGAIN AT $900.00. SEE US TODAY BEFORE IT IS SOLD. The Slough Investment Co. 2ND DOOR EAST OF TOSTFFICf Remember, We Loan Money r A ..... -...vXs y Up to date methods fn taking car of the teeth will save you no littld palnd and . discomfort and will gfra you relief from the disagreeable on dltions of neglect-ad dental- Work', Ton should have your teeth examined fre quently to KEEP them , in good, con dlt'on. The old adage of a "stitch In tinw Is more applicable here than ill 4n other plafie,. r . , ' We tak4 of your troubles. evens on s uentai urn s 29X3 " cv, 1 X