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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1911)
v.-.,. t rA GRANDE OBSEKVLK, ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1911. i-tl infest THEAli! "Tfce Clown and ( His Best Performance" .... yitagraph The circus la a thing of beau ty and a joy forever. It helps everybody keep young. This picture features that wonderful boy actor Kenneth Ca ay who,' after he hat been to the circui thinks ther is nothing better in the world than being a clown. iT 19 A BEAUTIFUL VITA UHAPH. . . .. , ., "The Ranchmani Son" Kmnay A fine west:rn dramar Full of vitality and dramatic situation b. There I enough gun play to satisfy everybody. . "Friday the 13th" . . .'. . Edison Ch, this is a good one. - Fri day being the 13th of th3 month Is the presumable cause for lots of trouble. It's a superlative Edison comedy. That's enougn. We say it's good. Illustrated song. "Th-3 Wreck of the Good Ship 'Love.' Bung by Mis Garrlck ." Matinees Mr, Birnie ... Evenings of Sept 30. N. K. West. 10-3-tf - o .Gasoline wood saw. Phone black 3851. J. A. OLIVER. IWhen you take & notion to buy a notion remember we are very notional. Also carry' practical millinery.' E. "M. Wellman & Co. . ' l0-5-3t . Littl Eleanor Harvey at the par sonag? fe'l yesterday evening and sustained a dislocated elbow and a broken arm. Dr. MoHtor reduced the ira tviie. . ," ": 6UUft FACTORY WILL START. Tuesday morning. All applicants be at the mill at 2 o'clock Monday p. m. A. Thomas, Supt. 1 10-6-3t Six acres, close in, good soil; build ings and water right. Especially adapted for chicken ranch. Price $2750, on terms. T I pntvn i vitctw I-v n irt La Grande, Oregon. WANTED-To rent a small house or a few rooms furnished or unfurntsh . ed. Must be modern and in good neighborhood. Cooley, at Silvir- thqrns' drug store. 10-6-2t , PEK60KAL8. - - - " Nate Ardrey, the piano tuner, is at the Savoy. hotel for a few days. ! J. D. Casey of HUgard'was at the Savoy last night. ' rt argain Jolb . LOCALS i $ H. T. Love, Jeweler. 1212 Adams av Or. rosej, Specialist for Eye, Ear, 5oe, Throat diseases and catarrh, iher Selderg store. Eyes fitted with xlafsfs. Honrs 9 to 11:30) 1:30 to i and 7 to 8 p. m. Error In Announcement. .The "Tree to Tire" moving picture iow for which tlckes have been sent out to a gr at many, and which has been tttenslvely advertised waE ajvertently named in the 'Observer for Monday piM. : It Is tonight. See th. display ad for particulars in this 1b J. D. Moore of Seattle stayed at the Savoy, yesterday. . , ! , . " " Guy 3. Glenn stayed at the Savoy last right. ... '. R. A. Barton and wife of Joseph registered 'at the Savoy last night. . W. A. Pope and A. H. Timms, of Ba ker are at the Savoy. T. H. McFadd;n of the Golden Rulej hotel at Pendleton, is registered at tne S;ivoy today. Mrs. J. H. Dupes and Mrs. John Allen of Pleasant Valley are at the Savoy. George Smith, the Medical Springs merchant is confined to his mother's home with a case of small pox. ' Duke Goes to Canada. London, Oct. 6. The Duke of Con naught started today for Canada where he will become governor gen eral, fullfllling the wish of his broth er, the late King. Edward. '". Electric and steam baths. Mrs. 0. C. Combs. 1620 Sixth street. ; J. Frank Maguire of Boston, Massrl win accept pupus in(-j-ho, urgan, voice, harmony and( heory. Rates reasonable. v a U ,,CirfWfe-t?-tft- f vooiriaauata;?He'ra& 7(1, Water-StanchflJld .JlCo-S ?rot. P.'ji4eBoifi'nilcWwlr. HwnwwsWlMiwiiili i t mrmmtm smw .giw.... Positive ieawent resnlts from first trealmiK-'inXdamlayFnne i i i i j i - ire rhe Ladk rurnmage saleXgoc basement of the Ffth street. Wward of .'0.00 ftf t,he, arrest and conviction, of par- tils nduc 13 alt Guild hall, on fc ''"?' 4 'i1 $50.00 KEWARD for arrest and conviction of par- ties who robbed N. K. West's stnr Saturdav nteht. v - I i ft i PiriMitug A. Klees, a well known Summeryille man, returned to his nome xoaay al ter transacting business in re. Frd Spain, a brother of John Spain now on trial at the court house, stop ped at the Foley lSBt night. , H. H. Humphr.y of Portland was a business visitor in La Grande' last night staying at the Foley. August Stang, a Wisconsin lumber man who has been financially interest ing himself in La Grande, has return-, ia8t Beg8lon of convention will be ed from a trip to his home state. nejd Monday. Vice Pre&idept aaftrs. 1 - Ei:-nan. Mr. afitrwfb. Clu i E. P. Staples and wife of Telocaset are at the Savoy hotel for a fsw days. , De Mr. and Mrs. Staples are former Lt" Having purchased the entire stock of paper from J. E Whiton, iob printer at a reduced rate, the OBSERVER JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT is prepared to offer special inducements to alt users of printing . Linen Letterheads, Envelopes, Business Cards, all kinds of ruled stock including Billheads and Empire billing system. Our Engraved Cards please all lady customers All kinds of Legal Blanks in stock Ph one M ain X3 TT" 1 rilmgiip the-L tMBiM ivi ir A 1 II Asses are-ti nf to 6- cousiuer JThis is the tl tiwone should tlir ' eATIQ AND nUMBING J0B, Bradley ft Co. hes a : crew of first cass pluflahers, steam and hot water filersQt Jil 11$$ Qpliftdji wor sylsfactorlly. Come in and unload - SMI .,XiUJ. - nitif Household Goads, fomBmm 1st? t . vu' 1 fl( iStt- -iS E W if-AMlWO' riASOr Killing-Time 'OTSSiJBtSif ost. t in the medical eye treatments. e real med- ye. ialt water is p vill'g1v4,n relie,when fitted by US. WHAT WE SAT . ' ! THAT'S TIIE FAIR WAT. T GRIND ALL MY GLASSES. ,"R. J. Kitchen, an attorney of 'Union? is'stayicg at the FolyhlieHfttp'e,ar ing" 'as on'enor. counsel' Itf'tle 'SpaTW teln greilcraVesideflit' 'o'F'ad-'1 siiM' "w'lire rHe'1 h"fll9- rt6W'1ntre8tt." 'trsnaacWd" btiiiieS H'ee last Wight' Hetop'"ia"at,the,l)ley V7 ii-'M:i'1( I if l 'h. iHioiiiiiiir.' :r.''i' a-d. JBaojr'bther persons of J j. i . of the alliance ? t , to Get RMf T)n cu t if mtt means thai iij'n i rojT f you hah;(there i t a of htiU ttni4tble''Veri' i .Hid this ai'n nTf" s aai 'of dchtrucl u li CiStroys 4be noivrisbmtiit ' hair must have in order to grow vig- where. Girl with auburn hair on er- orpusly and abundantly. ; jery carton and bottle. PARISIAN lAGE now lo Afierkf Mir BefrM Aetf itrm the 8iinu9 time furnlsr !th juw-4t liroptr nuuriitiimeiit to- ike hair gro' lustrous and luxuriant t- 5 Mlif '(( M -it I'" iTiirinrRi iini ui i in mill 1' ij )(; i( Kir.' fl Vqr with refined wonwn. Sold for only I: &q cents a large bottle by the Newliii for stomach, liver and kidney troubles. DhJg company and druggists every- Olny 25c at all druggists, eod wllj Hi1 p ijjuuii't air UHir urn ill' - We've been overhearing some cimillimentaV )mt3ks about ourrescripaoncM from the ibrary Tab Gasoline Range, 3 "burners be slJas oveiD-SiVutSflliS'lttc T 1514 Alder, WeBt E SHtlsfaction about doin li we have done ,ce or not ptold that well is mighty " '8 Is orlPyir knwnjf 'crhbd3tveiEr!ptlon to puoip. s ) j!BeiPTT to come here t0T par" ucuiar wbuib. not: 'Vr li. ETigRA 1 EStilNEttt ' T0"(ifet ; i' i'iiv ,I'T,A't,T'S')(INGlSEM'',li"I,"''''1' ; t"r ib .hp? 'ii,vi-:x . flunri(. Exafet Hour 'orAriival SH Uncrtafn ,,,,m to" the (i((iMlLH ' ' President William H. Taft; txecuTive of the United States; -wiVl pass through La Graade-tonlghtibt-wnihoUDtBUlmat-d Jt0"be to tbe neighborhood! of mid night, i Engineer lUohni'iTJUesent ond of ithe: vetierannengiaeers iofi IbH dirt .j vislont 'leta tliiengine ithatuwiH pull tlrfr1 Taft 'speciali owep-thcr LaxGriindal dlvlskuiidjilllhe " traln:t:flcerw;- has-.'Dot b-in,cdeflntteiy seJected' yet.xfli,ifVoi. i The hour has became unoertain be- cause effort laJaelpg .made to cut down the . running down , by. eliminating cer tain eacxJbfttppfj, (J!i;hjfttIthfre..8J soin? llke;.hWf((flf!(thti:atn ahing, vjewj oi(the HSNWIffiAW aandful of men will 8e the special pull through here.- There is no pos sibility, however, ofthe executive -be- .nun"., un ti' Biiitr' imii "'.u- matt i .n..un.MrWl&toS,.Sr. h35iw. iSPlrtrfltV Sir1 flF,5n "el o.nji1'ftni,Tmfl1dettacjpets, bf the rjroyalUt nerinop.each, have crjsaed teb,9der In 24 hours. Two, jff)usands-neaaants are reported to have joined a force at Ayemonte In a march toward Oporto. Moil in-' ,).. juii Jery carton and bottle. ., infover r . r . . rnr. IPARISIANf SAGE is Kuaminteed by . - 1 thfe NWin Wojnpwiy-ito bifnsh pi Bpao8flt.Pi jusfljue, wyo., uo dandruff, stop fall hair and Itching said; sheo told ,nve Dr, Klng'a New sililp or money lfa dhtmJtCOWhd Jgir of obstinalw. i a. fill hair dressing that wins instant fa- kidney trouble, and made her leel tolv a new woman." Easy but ur remedy' .. .n . "" Wj l;.'k'i li,t.-iHHi-.Krit Oft- -j li u i ' ( t 1 1 ,i r ; ; : .,. li Ifl -.1 t JH'lt 3UC KitDI. ifllUS. ?;' I III ; : vss?i AUasilOKOFe 4 On BfetiMs, nosier v. 'Rotio if erwear, j ns, onoes. Biy y Y NOW Tiui n nliioii lUA-WhSK?" V:r u unit v.WashJngtoq.pct.ueds,, Gesans, ar, hjera-ft atteo4fcthe ti.oftal G.eraan1Am.erIoRi?ii,ala1pte oon-t li'1 .Htiuttc 10. t,ii .1 .do .rvir.i! U: M tlli.'-!' i)(JJ, il '( Dlrit (ft in: n " ' -"' . . I 1 I . X-h-Z'.L-S 380TD6 - r li. i . . i r miiii . r I i ! yj prciM vkv3' islk Ji4rr,cl- ! Tt, -Hi V AH VTIAT TnA TATMi I II r. i c ac'j ijy . 1 f ' Vl ' ,r rr-sr j .BlniiK Hiiilinucunu' I