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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1911)
Li GiiAzznz svExn;6 oinvija THE OBSERVER BRUCE DENNjS ; Ldltor and Owner. Cstered at the postofflca at La Grande as sceond-elass natter. 6UB8CEIPT10X BATES single copy Call, per week, . . ............ iuut, per monin i. 5c riirSEPTEMBElTlBll S)A1 TW Tj F Si 1 J I 1112 101112 13I415i 17 18 19 20212223 - ' ' 1 i YOU ARE INTERESTED. The Union county fair Is about to ' begin. This means ft county exposi tion, not a La Grande show, for La Grande Is only a mere vehicle for the remainder of the county to ' work through in this case. Exhibits from different sections will prove the worth of the valley and the merit of the soil. It will prove to the stranger what a . cpuntry he will be able to live In If ho will but break away from his present location and join the hundreds of new people who are locating here each -year.' V; ' ', 5 A fair is no longer an easy game for the burden of th work falls on a few and as a rule there is little apprecia tion of that work. But this life is filled with unappreciation, hence thai feature worries no one. The point uppermost in th; minds of all Is to have a splendid time here tljls week and se. that the many splendid dis plays are properly1 placed and looked after Union county can never do without a fair. That Is a settled question and after the present exposition Is finished take that or nothing; doubtless there will be steps taken to Interest all ommunitfes of the county in the event and provide therefor a permanent ground which has ever been needed since the old fair ground was abandoned. order and sells you 15 pounds of po tato: s to th,3 peck. ' He delivers your orders on time, even if you don't send in the order for dinner until . Just noon. He makes It a study to please his customers. If he has any work done he expects to pay more for it than his fellow men pay, especially if it is working out a bill. Lately a mer chant tried to collect a just bill of $30 and the debtor said: ''Here is $5; th account is THAT EXTRA SESSION. outlawed.' One of the grocer's cus tomers had a sick baby; it was feared the child could not, get well ', The father got out of work, and couldn't pay for his groceries.' Now if the grocer had stopped tlw account, h: would have been looked; upon as the worst kind of a rascal. But he car ried the unfortunate family. The child If an extra session of the legisla- recovered. The father got work. Th? ture is called the uraople of Oregon ; grocer has a large bill and the fath- will have a perfect right to arise Inei" is doing , his trading , at another their wrath and demand an account- j "tore, and is paying cash.. Every .find lng. This idea of bungling state at- yourself in this fix, Mr. Grocer? fslrs and attaching extraordinary ex- "Tne grocer has so many pure food pense is getting tiresome.' So far as , laws to obey and so many bad ac this roads of Oregon are concerned, founts that h lays awake nights with they need improvement, to be sure, h'8 brain in a whirl, and this sentence but there ia no emergency clause at-8lng through his head. 'Life is just roads as wis can afford them; we need other things as well as we need good road?, by the way. V And the most needed thing of all in this glorious state of ours is some sane legislation. No, we are not op pose to many of the reform measures but we are decidedly opposed to in competency that costB the tax paying. public thousands of dollars each year, thing after another.'. one; "Why ia it the grocer does not jpa square deal? Why, can't we have some, sort of an -equitable collection law?: If the grocer is required to do much for his customers, why Is It tbey are not compelled to py their Just and honest debts. A Subscriber." MISS KENNEDY TO LECTURE. If the people will adopt a business in-' Will Tell What Books to Boy for the vestlgation of .the cost of .operating . - ' ' CbJUen. the state of Oregon instead of getting wild over some one's pet scheme, they mrcade She ne "Rubber Industry of the Ama zon" &ellg. This fllm glvet a' complete idea of the South Am erican rubber Industry. ; "Woman's Wit" Vitapraph. Keep Is woman's wit in this pic ture. You get right In on the y eround floor anil crn rlcht tm ti the 'tower of hannincaii ." "The Sheriff of Tuolumne-' Tsollgw A western story Is well will be shocked and surprised to know how much of their mney is being ex- pended with little or no result An extra session would cost a lot of money. It would bring on the us-, ual legislative chaos and cause a reign of fear lest more wild and woolly measures ar.3 adopted to throttle legi timate business and further discredit Oregon and make it a dumping ground for the long haired and one-lea in dividuals. - : I This evening. at; the Presbyterian church Miss .Kennedy, of the State Library association, will deliv; r a lec ture on "What Books to Buy for Chil dren.". Miss Kennedy is spending her life In library work and she is thor oughly conversant with all phases of it. Her talk this evening will be ben eficial to ev:ryone who attends. ' - Of The Superiority of Our Garments - When you decide you want to buy "Ready to Weair" Clothes wih ? 11 the comfort?, the satisfe ction, the splen did fitting qualites of the very, best custom or tailor made garments come in and compare our line with any other to be had at any price. Isn?r th't fair , enough? Some of the Ne Things for Wear that we Would like for You to See. Employment Agencies Doomed i told and well acted. ."Sharpshooters of America" Splendid short picture of American sharpshooters Jl ICo3mlk. "'Giving the High Sipn to Wov 'titan Hats rs"-lGaumV)nt, Com- tedy. Colored." Very good coat- Song by lllss Stephenson "Peggy Gray." 1 i: loir ARE A LAV ir WELCOME 5 1 ' Seattle, Sept. 26, Thi? city council may abolish all private employment LO, THE POOR GROCER JlAN llg "asencles here.- The license e6mmlttetj . . (JETS THE WORST OF if,5 has thV; matter under conaldefatlon v ' and may act as many wo'rkingmen Atchison correspondent tells how,: hav; complained of having been Vbun people show the;ir appreciation ' of koed" by agencies. ) ; ' ; what a grocer does for them in tim- ' J; ol need.;. v . i , Blue and Gray Reunion. "Atchison, Kans,, June 29. "To, tns Merchants' Journal: , "A retail grocer is the niost accom modating p.mon in' the world, and gets the least thanks for what he do.s If you et sick, he carries you till you get well, eery bill, r,kesp his Memphis. Tenn.j Sept. 26. A great national reunion of civil wtr surviv ors is to be held in this city .tomorrow in connection with th.3 annual fall fes tival. It is to be a reunion of the blue If you can't pay your gro- and ths gray and from as ffir south ,he U willing , you. should as" Texas and as far north as the New money. Pay the . rent, buy England states the old warriors have your coal, send mon.ey to the Larkln club, patronjze the mall order, house, .'but stand oft the grocer! He doesn't need the moriey Ha has plenty of it. Every retail groctr has mora money j than he ought to have. The-fact is ' t)l MiiDf l t n . 1 w r f n ..I ..... 1 .. I iiwuif us io pass away tne time, anil VkeftjV-b'u'sy. '. . "' ' r j i w t.vwr 1'uia BtrcBim ou 1118 Lniteu Stati?S I doors -and-wlndows to keep the ml- can be seen. i c robf s froin tne' rood you box In, sanitary coiKjItlqn.- ' H keeps his scales and measures In perfect journey to Memphis to mingle', to gether In peace and ext: nil fraternal greetings to ach other, looking back at the past with a reverence and re solving to ieave a heritagia of a united country. The city present a br:ezy, gay appearance. On all of the prln clpal streets masses of bright colored ! bunting and treat c!uetersvof waving and Confederate flags By agreement of the cratlng ""d Polluting yiCcl mebrs;of the Confederate Vet u feat, 'Mle keia 'his ice jferws i the Grand . Array the: Stan I A Strong Bank Modern Efficiently condor ted, not only In the Interests of Its stock .holders, hat of It depositors and patrons ts wellj , Wltfc ofticlals well known and trusted; In the community. With capital, surplus and undivided profits of $210,000,600 and total resources of $1,000,000.00. The I Grande Xutlonal Bank offers to firms, corpora tlons and Individuals the best banking ser,CP, and U oftl. cer ask n wertonnl Intenlew with those contemplaUuff changlns; accounts or opening new ones. La Grande National Bank LA GRANDE, OREGON. it CAPITAL v SURPLUS RESOURCES Fred J, Holmes, Pres. F. L. Meyen, Cashiei . $ 100,000.00 . . 105,000.00 : . . 1,000,000.00 W. J. Church, Vtee Pret. Earl Zundel.w'f. Ca$h:er HmMtHMmmtMMiMtittiMntnn and. Stripes and, the stariand J Bars re fver.v where" ntw'ned arid equal prominence given to both. Indiana Labor Federation. Evilnsville, Ind., Sept. 26. The op ening hrre today df the 27th annual convention of the Indiana!' Federation of Labor was marked by jthe largest and most representative , attendance In the history of the state organiza tion. President Edgar A.fPerkins of Indianapolis called the gathering to order and presided over, jlw opening session. The gathering will last for three ays. during which time the an nual reports will b received and dis cussed and numerous matters of lm portance to the labor interests taken up for consideration and action. Veiled Prophets lit Session. Washington. Sept, 26. The supreme council of the Mystic Order of Veiled ProphetB of the Enchanted Realm; a secret fraternal order with a consider able membership extending over the country, began its 22nd annual session in the capital today. The buslnes sessions will last two daya and are being held at the MaBonle temple. The entertainment program will toeep the visitors busy until th? end of the week. For Ladies & Misses Wooltex Suis, Coats and Skirts - ; - - - - Seigel Suits and Coats r Misses Schooldressss Lucille Dresses for Ladies New Fall Waists Pingree "Made" Shoes for Men in : Our Men's Store Alfred Benjamin Suits and Overcoats Kenyon's Slipons Raincoats Society Clothes o i ' for Young Men Sincerity Brand Clothes Xtra Good Clothes for Boys J I Hand Embroidered " ; Handkerchiefs Keiser. Neckwear for ladies Dents Gloves for Ladies j Utz & Dunis Shoes j Manhattan Dress Shirts Educator Children's Shoes j Gordon and Stetson Hats J. E. Tilt Men's Shoes-Barker- Brown Boys Shoes Interwoven Mens Hose Keiser Neckwear for Men Our Merchandise is our best advertisement Let us prove ' ''-' - it to" you. ' St- EQUALITY STORE It Me ; r Not a JVord of Scandal ; j. narred. the call of a neighbor on Mrs. W: Pi Spangh, of Manvfllle,- Wyo.,. who said: shen told me Dr. King's New Life Pills had cured her of obstinate kidney trouble, and made her feel like a new woman." Easy but sum remedy for stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Olny 25c at all druggists, eod wkly No Need to Stop TToflU When your doctors orders you to stop work, it staggier you. "I can't,' you say. You know you are weak, run down and failing in hiealth, day by day, but you must work' as long ai you can stand. ' What you need It Electric pitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent breakdown and build you up. Don'l i be weak, sickly or ailing when Elec tric Bitters will henenT you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Trj them. Every bottle is guaranteed tc satisfy. ; Only 0c at ail druggists, eod A wkly FT" ! 1 . ?1 1 ,' -. ." j. -Jot- 'LJ iL, .... goto b. B. NUTTER Paints, Wall Paper, Varnishes, Oils, Etc. Paper ten cents and up. Estimates Furnished . Store 1708 1-2 Sixth st, our FmsmTMFFiim Are Excellent. IV e Carry Vanilla THEPALACEofSwiW 3