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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1911)
T'ACSB 2 t5 GRSNDE EVENING OBSERVEti, WATUKDAY, AUGUST 5, ibll. SPENDS $5,000,000 FOR MUSIC In Ton Tears Amonnt Grown From $L0OO.0OO to $5,000,000 In uT cate Bookkeeping Follows Dissolution Fifth A venae to Beocme a ' Factory Mwl. . ' ' New York, August 5. That the mu sic bill of this city for the coming season will approximate $5,000,000, far exceeding any similar expendi.nre on record here or abroad, 1b now indicat ed by the preparations under way for the greatest musical season . eve known. Ten years ago the sum spent In this way amounted to hardly more than $1,000,000. What it will amount, to in another decade in view of the ever-increasing demard for music of every character is merely a mattter of conjecture. In spite of this great expenditure, however, music has 'not , yet become a .generally popular form of entertainment as is . indicated by the fact that the greater part of the $5,000,000 which it is estimated will fee spent in the five months after the middle of nf xt October for opera, sym phony concerns' and other forms of musical entertainment will come from a nucleus of music patrons numbering leas than 25,000 or less than one per v -w w'fiij ' wait -iviuiauuu, Probably not more than one person In ive hundred ever attends the opera although concerts of various sorts are more widely patronized. Just why New Yorkers will have to foot such an bill for their musical enter tainment Is indicated by, the salaries paid to the artists. A really famous operatic singer receives as much as $2,500 for a single performance, while ymphony orchestra leaders are paid as much as $30,000 ror a season last ing only four months.' Many of these concerts and recitals fail to earn any thing. In one case during the past musical season Just ten seats were old for a really mervorioua concert. Eventually, however, the public foots he bill but whether it can really en joy the $5,000,000 worth of music it will absorb next season remains to he seen. ' '; Here Is Real Bookkeeping, ".-.';. New York, August 6. One of the most intricate pieces of "bookkeeping ever attempted will shortly begin here tJt a result of the decision of the su preme court ordering the dissolution of the Standard Oil company. The task involves the pro rata division among stockholders Of . the present company of all its holdings In the var ious companies of which it is made up. At. first it. was believed that ther& would be about 125 of ''hese neeesi- radley & Gol Sanitary Plumbing. ,i - -I i t) t ; REPAIR WORK, PHONES?. SHOP BLACK IJL ( RESIDENCE B1AC1 1182. I Health and Good Looks j Kitchen vfork has a lot to do vtith health and good looks. A woman cannot work overtime In a fornace-like kitchen, with a wood range la hot weather withput paying the Knalty. i . ' r si 4f The drudgery, the long hoars, the 1 will cut down her energy and roabe 'If form.- - f. ' f,i .' U This Is a far J that cannot be disputed and all of ns ran rail to mind if many examples. Every woman who rooks Is entitled to an electric 1 range, and she gets one. too. w here welfare at heart. . au tirvire ioust uimns ruui, ciean kitcnn, a are wiinont a mm. ot'g wait, that can be regulated with a thumb-screw mals In half the time and no fuel to handle or 1 i f I J i or special rate to users of onr electric ranges, make, them as rcon. omleal to nse as wood. Ask about them. Eastern Orego? Light & Power Go. tating the exchange for each share of stock in the Standard of fractional shares In' each one. The number has now been reduced to 35. But even so the task of exchanging the proper amount of each of these securities for each share of the parent company is a Job which would make an actuary of an Insurance company throw up. his bands, and the presen: day owner of one share of Standard stock may soon find himself possessed of all sorts of fractions of shares in each of the 35 companies. Furthermore the holdings of the par ent organization in some of the minor companies amount to only a few thou sand dollars and were a division to be attempted In such cases the amount distributed in exchange for each share would be microscopical. What will become of these smaller holdings has not yet been indicated. It is suppos ed, however, that they will either be disposed of or merged with some of; tne 8b companies, .Meanwnue tne om- cers of the subsidiary companies will catcs, one of which will be many times worse than the Job of the president of a national bank in signing bank notes. Fifth Avenue Is Doomed, New York, August 5. The aristo cracy pf wealth which baa long con sidered Fifth avenue as the only real ly fashionable residential district Is great agitated over the possibility that I the famous thoroughfare, on which It ufm iuai i i, to iwuDBiuiQ w throw a stone without hitting a mil lionaire, is to become a street of shops and factories. As a matter of : fact this possibility has been assum ing the shape of a probablll y for years, although society has only Just awakened to the fact. : As a result there promises to be a merry war in volving hundreds of millions of dol lars with greatly Inflated values be tween the present residents and hold ers of the properties along the famous , avenue on the one side and the en croaching commercial interests on the other. Already Fifth avenue is practi cally a business street as far north as -Forty-second streef. the residences re-' maining south of this line being far less numerous than the commercial establishments to the north of it, with the- business ', encroachments steadily 'ucreas'nsr. Curiously enough the mat .''.I,. .,,,- v A SPECIALTY. y. -:.a ti NEXT ECOR TO CHY HALL extreme heat the smoke and aahra. her urematnrelv eld In fare and .-. , . the man of the linns an. her ashes to contend with. . ter is likely eventually to end in a j drawn battle, since Fif;h avenue in' itself without transportation lines of fers no real attraction to merchants. The one cause of thetr Invasion is its fashionable name and the value which this gives to a Fifth avenue aduress. But as soon as this street loses its present Identity as he center of fash ion and wealth, and becomes over commercialized, this value is likely to disappear at least, to a large extent. At present, however, the struggle U taken keen for serious consideration of such a possibility, i . New Gown for "liberty.'"..-. New York, August 5. Miss Liberty, who has adorned the New York har bor for so long will either have to re tire from public view or have a new dress, for a careful investigation has revealed the fact that there are near ly 50 holes of varying size in her pres ent costume of bronze plates. The statue ia built of these bronze plates which are very thin and wich are held in place by steel frame work which is still as strong as could be wished'. An army engineer recently made a close examination of the statue hey look it over that way once a year and found that there were Just about 50 small holes In the bronze plates of which the statue Is built. are In spots where the plates always were a bit thinner than the general run of the statue. . They also appear seemingly on the more exposed sides, There Is no immediate danger for the Goddess, however. Her chief care taker, Lieut. Jones, says that she Is good for 100 years yet and maybe langer Just as she is and, moreover. Lieut. Jones doesn't Bee why it is not possible to replace from time to time Borne of the plates which have become more badly dlslntegra'ed than others. So after all, Miss Liberty will prob ably have to get along with her old dress, made over. THAT COUNTY SENDS MANY CAB LOADS RECENTLY. la Grande Bayers Get Several Car , , , loads From Sister City. - s i 1 : . . . , (Enterprise Chleftan.) " X ' , Considerable activity has been noted this week In the sale and shipping of live stock. Tuesday was the leading day of the shipments, a total of ten carloads having been shipped on that day. Warren Chandler, the well known buyer from La Grande, shipped seven carloads of tat cattle to the Portland market. Mr, Chandler purchase the cattle from leasers Polk Mays and Tippets. A fine bunch of Bteers was included In the shipment. J. C. Cherry shipped a carload of horses the same day to Seattle, Tho shipment waa composed mostly of small horses and 'were purchased of Messrs. Warnock, Russell, Dobbin, and Aaron Wade'of Enterprise; Taylor and Wayne Wade of Los tine; Duncan Ba ker and " Charlea Wright of . Joseph. Included In the same train and ship ped on the same day was a carload of sheep purchased by W. I. Dlshman for the Portland market. Mr. Dish man also shipped three carloads from Wallowa on Tuesday. The next few weeks will witness the heaviest stock shipments of tho year, owing to the fact that extensive shipments of sheep will be made. W. I. D'shman has con tracted for 50 carloads of sheep which will be shipped to Chicago about Sep tember 1. Mr. Dishman's purchase was made from R. F. Stubblefleld, a well known local sheep owner. -Although no other deals have been made, it' is evidence that many, stock sales will be made during tho next few weeks and the coming month has promise of being a record breaker. . An Ideal Ooting. ( ; The Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation company will have ou sale 'August 23rd special reduced round trip tickets to the seashore, which will afford their patrons an op portunity to enjoy a delightful outing on the beach. Also the privilege of stopping at Portland and Astoria. The rate for the round trip Is only $10. Children half fare, . Tickets are Urn. Ited to fifteen days. Make your reser vations at the earliest practicable mo ment. ', V !- ; . ,. - FRATERNAL OEDEES OF LA GRANDE. i L F. tt A. M. 1 " -ijOao fa 41, A F. & A. M. tu' v '.-: meet ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all Masons. L. M. HOYT, W. M. a. C. WILLIAMS. Secretary. ' B. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ia Elk's club, corner of De pot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brotbei are cordially ln . ltd to attend. , - ; H. J. HITTER, Ex. Rat. H. E. COOLIDGE. Rec. Sec. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W O. W meets every second and fourth Sat urdays at K. P. halL All "vlsltm mebers welcome, '-. . ' . t D. FITZGERALD. C. C. J. H. KEENEY. Clerk. 4 W. A.--La Grande Camp No. 7703 , meets every Monday in the month ai the I. O.O, F. hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially lnvltej to .' attend. -. .. i E. E. DANIELS, . v. ED. HEATH. Clerk. VEBEKAHS Jirystal LodKO No. 6 meets every Tuesday evening in th I. O. O. F, hall. All visiting mom hers are invited to attend. . -V MRS. KATIE ARBUCKLE, N. Q. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, 8oc.i : KNIGHTS OF. PYTHIAS Red Crw - Lodge No 27 mes every Monrta. night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall -A Pythian welcome to all visittxu Knights. . .... n - .',.;. i-. JESf: PAITL. C.C t R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. 8 - O. E. 8. Hope Chapter No. IS. O. f C. bol stated communications th second and fourth Wednesdays o' each month Visiting members cor ; laliy Invited. -7,V'V : CARRIE B HUNTERv W. M. ; MARY A. WARNICK, See ; j; College of Mines to Celebrate. .. " Houghton, Mich., August :-. 5. The Michigan College of Mines, the fore most institution of its kind in Amer ica, has completed elaborate arrange ments for the celebration of Us 25th anniversary. The celebra lon will oc cupy the whole of the coming week. Former students of the college , are coming from many parts of the world to attend the exercises. Educators and mining engineers of national prominence will be the speakers Among the noted guests will be Gov ernor Osborn and Secretary of Com merce and Labor Nagelv NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that in pursuance i of a resolution adopted by the common , council of the city of La GrandeOre gon, on the 2nd day of March, 1910, creating improvement district No. 14, and designating Fir street as such dis trict, and in pursuance of a resolution adopted - by said , common. xouncil on the 28th day of June. 1911. wherebv said council determined and declared its intention to improve all that nor tlon of Fir 'reet, in said Improvement district as . hereinafter described, by constructing cement walks on eacn side of street, the council will, ' ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the nronertv af fected and benefitted by such improve ment, order that said above described improvement be made; that the boun daries of said district to be so Im proved are as follows. All that portion of Fir street, from the north line of a-W. R. & N. Co., to the south side of Monroe avenue. . (A)- And the property affected or benefited by said improvement is as follows: .' '' y.4 . ' -O.-W. R. N. & R. Co. and lot 1. block 121: lots 1 and 34, block 124, and lots 9 and 10 , block 125, Chaplin's addition to La Grande, Oregon. Notice ia hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such Im provement That the estimated cost of such Improvement Is the sum of 11.010.00. That the council will, on the 16th day of August 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m to consider said esti mated coat, and levy, of said ment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. ' sesament, when & hearing will be La Grande, Oregon, August 4th, 1911. granted to any person feeling aggrlev C1TY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, td by 'such assessment. OREGON. By C. M. HUMPHREYS, ' Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. - V " NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT Oregon. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No- 8-5-10t " . tice is hereby given that In pursuance ,; ' ' ' of a resolution adopted by the common . council of the city of La drande. Ore- ORDINANCE NO. 543, SERIES 1911. gon. on the 15th day of December,! An ordinance further defining a nui 1909, ceatlng Improvement district eance, prohibiting the creation or corn No. 13, and designating North Fir mission thereof, prescribing a penal street, as such distrio:, and In pursu- ty for the violation", of this ordinance, ance of a resolution adopted by said and declaring an emergency. r common council on the 28th day of The city of La Grande does ordain June, 1911, whereby said council de- . as follows: ,: termined and declared Its intention '.''...Section .1. The placing of goods, to improve all that portion of North wares and merchandise, chattels, rub Fir street, In said improvement dis- bish, wood, lumber, or any other like trict as hereinaf:er described, by con-t or dissimilar article composed of iron; structing cement walks on each side or wood in any of the Btree s or sl ot ' street, the council will, ten days leys ar suffering the same to be placed after the service of this notice upon or remain therein, Is hereby defined the owners of the property affected and declared to be a nuisance. and benefitted by such Improvement,! Section 2. ' The commission of a Order thai said above described im- nuisance as defined in section 1 of provement be made; that the boundar- this ordinance is hereby prohibited les of said 'district to be bo Improved ' and declared to be wrongful and un are as follows: lawful. All that portion of North Fir strset Section 3. Any person who snail from the ..north curb lire of Jftnroe commit a tuisance as defined and de avenue, to the south de of W ave- clared in tnis oramauce, upon !; nue. : ' - tion before the recorder of the city of (A) And the property affected or La Grande, Oregon, shall be punished benefitted by said Improvement is as by a fine not exceeding $25.00 and in follows: , . derault of the payment thereof shall Lots 7 and 8, block 150; lots 13 and be confined in the city Jail for the per 14, block 155; lo's J and 26. block 154, iod of one day for every two dollars and lots 1 and 26. block 151 ; Chaplin's of said fine. addition and lot 13, Pre.dmore block Section 4. Inasmuch as much con and lots 13 and 14, block 2; jdiict herein defined to be a nuisance lots .thirteen and fourteen, lock is being suffered and it is necessary 8: lots 13 and 14, block 4; lots 1 and for the peace,' health and safety of 26,. block 23; lots 1 and 26, block 22; j the city and its inhabitants that this lots 1 and 26, block 21; and lot 1. block ordinance ake effect immediately, an , rreamore aaauion; an in tne crty of La Grande, Oregon. ; Notice is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefltled by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such Im provement. That the estimated cost of such Improvement is the sum of $2,128i00. That the council will, on the 16th day of August 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., to consider said esti mated cost, and the levy of said as- Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing . J t " i A 1 Rubber Buggy fires b!' ' J; t LA GRANDE IRON WORKS COMPLETE MACHINE tuMinm !mnHMmnMHimiummnmM4 J. H. PEVRS La Jinnde's Leading; Jeweler Oppetlte B. 8. Land OfSee en A dams Avenie, : ; .1 v Only ; College in jEastern Oregon We are conducting a high gradejschooi in the latest Urns of Bookkeeping and Banking: such as Loos-leat Ledgers with the toucher System of accounting The most substantial and well Med Systems of Shorthand ' iefairffAVI0geAr-WiJ.' the associated branches' found' In all well organized commercial colleges: $ ' 1 f 1 -' ' Write tot catalog pr crt'int'xt) io those who will enroll or before September fifth. Baker Business College Baker, Oregon La Grande, Oregon, August 4th, 191 li CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON, By C. M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City cf La Grande, i emergency Is hereby declared and this ordlnance shall take effect from and after Its passage, approval by tte mayor and its publication in one Issue of the La Grande Evening Observer. Passed the council by six council men voting therefor. Submitted to the mayor and by him approved this 4th day of August. 1911. A. L. RICHARDSON, ". " "' - - Mayor. Attest : . , ; ,-';' ' , C. M. HUMPHREYS, ' Recorder. . FITZGERALD; Proprietor; , ; ' SHOPS AND FOUNDRY ' ,,. . V 'ii '