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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1911)
I i I ) i i r! i t I i " PAGE 2 ) LA GRANDE EVENING OBSEHVER, 'iiiiTroark a xr nrviQ inn I.XX UXVkJ-LrxV J. HI til J.O, Ull. rsji The great popularity of this department of our store and the con tinued demand for good goods at a low price, have induced us to make another large purchase of seasoriable merchandise at prices that en able us to sell them - ; . , . ' '(...,-... . 1 - 25 TO 50 PER GENT BELOW REGULAR This space will not permit us to quote prices on everything, but the following will give an idea of the bar ; 'gains to be secured in-this department p-w SHOES : '-.V. Children's Kid and Calf Shoes..:...... 4 39c to. 69c Misses' Kid and Calf Shoes.....!. 4 79c to 98c Misses' and Ladies' Canvas Shoes 48c Ladies' Kid Shoes .$1.19 to $1.49 Boys' Kid and Calf Shoes. JL $1.39 to $1.49 Men's Work Shoes...................:- 98c to $1.39 Men's Dress Shoes, $3.50 to $5.00 values..;-... $2.48 PIECE GOODS STANDARD (LIC0ESjJ.l.3n APRON GINGHAMS......:..... .....6 14c DRESS GINGHAMS.:...:.:.. :.:.....;......... ..... Cc DRESS GOODS... ................. .....HALF PRICE LACES AND EMBROIDER'S . . HALF PRICE RIBBONS..... HALF PRICE HOUSE FURNISHINGS , Clothes Racks, 8-arm. . . 25c Hat Racks, extension......... .............15c Towel Racks :.....:.....10c Perforated Chair Bottoms..... ...8c and 10c Granite Tea Kettles......! 60c and 65c Granite Stew Kettles........ .. ...25c Fancy Plates, . Cups and Saucers, Pitchers Bric-a Brae, etc .. ......... ..15c GLASSWARE T; NWARE GARDEN TOOLS THE TEMPLE OF ECONOMY T M EH PEOPLE'S STOR E Opera House Block La Grande, I regon ft t$t$r&& isw Clogston & Nutter Painters, Paperhangers, Decorators Phone Ind. 1341. 1 708 1-2 Sixth Street CALL - AND - GET - PRICES WASHINGTON TO BE PAVED NEWER CONTRACT IS LET AND MANY OTHER THINGS DONE. Majority Sid' on Wasliiuuto in Fat or of the raving Element. Martin 3 Bradley SANITARY PLUMBING Phone black 3482 NEXT DOOR TO CITY HALL 33S8ESE FOR 0 UICIO ITV 1i lesuits list your FARM AND FRUIT LANDS, With E. S. GIVENS INVESTMENT CO. We have Seattle people who are wanting to invest in OREGON we have invested and can interest our friends. Write us at once, giving a complete description of what you have for sale, and we will get you results. No agents. E.S. GIVENS INVESTMENT CO. 226 LEARY BUILDING, SEATTLE, WASH. Acceptance of the G. II. Sufh? rtov.rt b'd of some $42,000 for t!m conrfn-c-tlou of aiiinoxlmaii'ly 7 1-2 milea of sewer in this city, hearing of import ant committee reports ami deciding !o pave Washington avenue from Firs: to Fir regardless of the minoriU pro tests, were only a few of the import ant transactions occurring at the council session last evriilng when. Mayor Richardson and all (hi council men, Davis, Orvis, Church, Mackey, Dunn, Fleming, Finley and Logsrto.i. were present. Reports of committees were heard with considerable Interest. Th? street committee reported that of the toUil of ol5 feet of frontagj on Washing ton avenue proposed to he paved, l.iss remonstrated, leaving a total of 33 majority for the paving. IMds were ordered advertised for when the coun cil decided to do the paving, and the bids will be opeued July 24." The special committee sent to Port land to Invent lenta fire nnnnrntua made Its report and the report was ! referred. referred back to the fire and police committee. The text of tho special re. port, signed by Councilman Maikev and Orvis is that the Long prrjir tlon' be adopied: that the S.i.sno com bination chemical and hose automo- j Tn'ey Wflnt connections with the hard bile be sent here for a SO days' trial j surface at Adams or not at all. This under the direction of a skilled m:i-!wa! als referred, chtnlst and that the city give the ap-' Applications for liquor licenses, paratus a thorough tryout and If no' ' accompanied by $02.', the balance due found satisfactory that the machln 'or the year, were read and accepted, be returned. The report seemed to TlieRe are J. E. Foley, Chrla Wright, meet with popular favor and unless J- F- O'Connell, Herman Roesch, li nen Lottes, George Good, Julius Fish er and G. A. Lincoln. Bills for work done by the Warren Construction company on Main. i!:t!;:'; t'.rt it '.:a;l taken the Ic,' 't bid of th-) lo" presented last V,l::;gday evening and the report w?3 adopted. Th's is the contract that Involves a? c.'t s -ven nrd a half milss of sewer. I That minor bills cannot slip through V efho:i'.i?r without proper scrn 'hy 'ran'e evldenca last evening w' tp t'n; various committees reported on bills. Of ths entire batch only a few wei-o h?!fi vrt ;)?U:I!ni further in-vc-t'gallcn. Jt was found that O. K. had been neglected in some instance but after pruning here and there and careful study of the nature of the bills all were finally allowed in some form or other. Th? city auditor reported the bool;s of the citv to be In O. K. shape. lie. found minor errors in some instance but they had been corrected. The Dan Marx property on Elm street will have to install a 12-foot sidewalk it one-?, according to the report of the commission apposed for that pur pose. Minor errors have crept in'o the no tices to property owners on Fir street relative to the proposed macadam ot: that street and the day of remon strances has been postponed until June 7. In the meantime the property owners will be re-advised of the work. Property owners bftween M and N west of Fourth petitioned that a sew er be laid temporarily in th? gulch and to connect with the sewer east of Fourth. This was referred. A petition for a board sidewalk on W. avenue from North Greenwood to Y and to the city limits was read and A remonstrance aeainst (he macul. am on North Greenwood from the rail road track to T avenue was read. The chief reason is that the tax payers w?re misinformed about the distance. Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETEMA CHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY 210 i Keep Beii and w for ch dean . "Mr Depot Street Mahaffy Blclg'.i Always Send Your Clothes to the to the Best Place to have theim fixed up.... We do the best, work because we ar equipp to handle it. New machinery, Expert workmer We call for and deliver. WE ELITE DYEING and CLEANIM WORKS Main 64. Waggoner & Zundll Th w Hon Pun mad MM, the machine Is found to be wanting of its promises, La Grande will in nil probability have such a truck soon. Final action will be taken next Wed nesday evening. The water, health and sewer com- (Continued on Page 6) That's What They AH Sj Sam It's Good For What Ails Y v A, .:,'- r - i i 1 ' - I ' ' -" " ' , " -- It Si