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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1911)
GRAHDE EVENING 0BSEEVEB, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1911. PAGE 7 Mr. I BUSINESS MAN Do you realize ffte import ance of an Electric Sign in drawing trade to your store or pace of business? i We make a very low flat rate on sign lighting, and. are prepared to quote at tractive prices on any kind of a sign that you may de sre. v Our representative is aU ways ready to call and talk the matter over with you. iV-'v: .V. "V'-V, ' ;: Eastern Oregon Light & Power Company Phone Main 34 ACiDE3n atfaies SETTLED. Institution at Pendleton Will Pay 50 Cents on the Dollar. Your Old Shoes Hade New, at the M odern Shoe Repair Shop Prices Lower Better Work Quick Service GIVE US A TRIAL. 108 ELM ST. NEXT to CITY HALL The affair of the now defunct Pen dleton academy may be aettled out o' court and the various creditors In this city may receive 50 cents on the dollar for their various claims, which amount in the aggregate to something like $2,500 in the city of Pendleton, says the Live Wire. , - Such in substance was the gist of the recommendations 'by the Com mercial club last night to the board of trustees of the Institution, after a statement had been made by Dr. C. J. Smith, one of the trustees, that the Presbyterian board, under whose con trol the Institution was conducted. were willing to assume such an obli gation, provided that a deed for the property be given by the present trus tees and the matter be settled without a foreclosure suit in the circuit court Statements were made that the Presbyterian board, which is the na tional organization of that denomina tion, holds mortgages on the present property to the extent of $14,000. For several years the Institution was con ducted at a loss and the board is not willing to advance further funs tr conduct It.' Th Ptndleton academy was first statted here some 25 ' years igo and at various times the city of Pendleton has donated funds for its -onduct. until an amount equal to i0,000 una ubkm contributed In T?.T- "ous ways. Should the board be willing to ac " pt the overtures that will be made by the local board trustees, It is thought that Pendleton creditors will receive the amount mentioned above on all their claims, but Bhould it be necessary to take the settlement into court and a foreclosure of the mort gage allowed, their claims would be settled for much less. The move is made simply to settle tht debts and save Pendleton creditors as much as possible out of the wreck. u - If V auuea auu ocwcu oy nana v5 I i ' VI Every detail is eiven the roost careful attention in the canTft lr : il struction of the , .. M If f J TWsv f T f o At TTlT rA 1 f nw, . f - II no machtnt work whert hind' work uperior htnc it cou more to I II . makt but you no more to buy. Its t bctttr mattrest for you to iImo on ' I 1 i gf f ww j t m mw Mtuve ' , a j Guanntwd not to "lump" or "bunch." Army 10ft and slattk. """ " ' "t"? ; . -r J Qw a 30-Nights Frit Trial v I I For all -kinds of . messenger and delivery . sebtiCe . V Call Up The Central Messenger and Delivery Co. Office In Foley Bailting Boom 2 Thones, Main "091 Ind. II. J. KESLEB, XAXAGER. The quicker j. cora 1 gotten rid of the leaf) the danger froiu pneumonia and other nerious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, oi Wnverly, Va. ,savs: "I firrulv believe Cham berlain'ii Cotigh Remedy to be absolutely the l8t preparation on the market for cold. I have recommended it to my friends and thev all agree with me." For sale by a iWlers. THAT ESSENTIAL QUAEITY United States National Bank LA GRANDE, ORE. WHILE this bank adopts every de sirable method of mod ern banking, it never loses sight of that essen tial quality: ABSOLUTE SAFETY. is thwmmsws LiincH room j I ; Clam Chowder, Chile, Fruits, Cigars and Tobaccoes j j ' ' EVftcsh imported Swiss and Limburger cheese 213 Fir Street Cemenf Sidewalk FIGURE WITH , . 'Co To Barley This year we have decided on a new policy one that will be welcomed by every homeinaker in this city. "We will announce a week to be de voted to home f urnishings and home supplier In preparation for that week we shall draw upon our entire stockfor appealing attractive values as well as include special new purchases for these occasions. No housekeeper can afford to miss one of these Homemaker weeks. They will be so replete with labor saving, comfort induc ing and home beautifying items of Furniture that you will not want to be without many of them. It will be much to your interest to very carefully read this advertisement. Note parti cularly the descriptions, and high value and the very reasonable prices. Then make thi3 store a personal visit where you can verify every state ment we have made here. r V 11 i a Y SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL MATTRESSES. $14.00 Sun Shine Long White Cotton Batts.' This is a strictly HIGH GRADE Mattress, usually sold at $17, sepcial this week at .... .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . .$11.00 $9.50 Peerless Elastic Felt Mattress . . . ... , . . .$7.90 $8.50 made of 35 lbs. Cotton and 15 lbs. filling ... $6.90 $7.50 made of 25 lbs. Cotton and 25 lbs. filling. .$5.75 $3.50 heavy Cotton layer or Excelsior. . . . . . . . .$2.95 $8.50 Iron Bed, similar to cut, in either White or Gold This Bed is of good weight and attractive value at '$6.65 $17.50 Gold or White and Gold, 2 inch pillars, weight 185 lbs., extra value at ........... . . . . . . . . .$12.95 I have fifty patterns of Beds from $25,00 down to'..' $3.00 Remember, This Week Only, 6-foot Unoleum, 60 cents Per Square Foot ED mm The Home -FutiiisiieF BAKER ELKS ELECT. Attorney C P. Mnrphj Is Elected Ex alted Bnler. At the regular meeting of Baker Lodge No. 338. B. P. O. E., held last evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year, relate the Baker Herald: ' ' Exalted Ruler -Chas. P. Murphy. ' Esteemed heading Knight W. J. Lachner.rcvr v : Esteemed'Loyai - Knight Herbert Chandler. . " ' Secretary Geo. H. Foster. . Treasurer Peter A. Mann.' . Tyler R. T. Parker. . Trustee (3 yr. term) Geo. Chandler, Delegate to Grand Lodge Gustav An derson. Alternate Chaa, H. Breck. Following the business meeting: a luncheon was served and a general jollification continued until ft late hour. v' ville..N. C. ' -1872 Gulseppe Mazzlni, the noted Italian patriot, died. Born June 28. 19Q8. 1886 Business portion of Valparaiso, Chile, destroyed by fire. 1895 Chinese government notified Japan of its wish to treat for peace. 1902 Prince Henry of Prussia jpre sented with the freedom olj the city of Philadelphia. 1910 Dr; JOarl -Lueger, the antl-Jew-' IshTteader and mayor of Vienna, died. THIS DATE IN HISTOEY. Marcn 10. 1797 Albany became the capital of the state of New York. 1811 Badajoz, an important barrier fortress In southwestern Spain, surrendered to the French un v der Soult . 1844 Rev. John McCloskey consecrat ed aa coadjutor bishop of fHe Roman Catholic diocese of New York. 1845 Alexander III of Russia born. Died Nov. 1, 1894. 1862 Federal army of 100,000 men, in command of , Gen. McClellan, crossed the Potomac and found the confederate camp at Bull Run evacuated. 1863 Marriage of Albert Edward, the prince of Wales, and Princess Alexandra of Denmark. 1865 Gen. Sherman occupied Fayet- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. N. MOLITOR. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot street Office, Main 68; Resi dence 69. A. L. RICHARDSON, M. D. J. W. LOUGHLIN, M. D. Drs. Rlctardsen k Loughlln, Physicians and Surgeons, Phones Offloe Black 1362; 1L 853. Office Hoars 9 to 11; S to 6; 7 to 8. Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 65; Ind. 818. .. C H. UPTON.'Ph. O. M. D-Physician and surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Offic in La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Main 2, Resi dence Main 32. OEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bids., Rooms 7. 8. 9 aid 10. Phones: Home 1332, Pacific) Main 63, Residence phone Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. B. Moore. of the eye. Phones Office Main ?2;. .esldeoce, Main 728. residence. J. C. PRICE, D. M. !. Dentist. Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build lng. Phone Black 399. ', ; DP, R. L. LINCOLN. DENTIST Firs , dass services given. Office over LH ly's Hdw. store. Phone Black-451. OR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur vgeon-tMRce at Hill's Dnn Store La" Grande. Residence phone, Re; 701; Office phone. Black 1361:. Inde pendent pbon RS: both nhons n ATT0RNEY8 AT LAW. COCHRAN & COCK RAN Attorneys:' v'titts. IS. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran La Grande National Baa Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. in al lthe courts of the v 8tf ,(tnt 17nitl Ptatea. Office la -''Im Uranus Nxuuuat ttaus BldK i La :vGranaii:OTegcu. ....';''.: O. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker Ctr, Oregon. mfiff rr 1 1-H III HI H4f f ft II HI I ttlf OR. R L. UNDERWOOD and DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office ot er Wright Drug store. Special at tention paid to diseases and surgery (Puir Spiropt Of WALL PAPER JUST ARRIVED i i The designs are the newest selections :: direct from the1adory. lt is a pleas- :: t ureto show this line. Call and see me. I O. R; COOLIDGE ; OLDEST PAIHT SHOP W THE CITY J t