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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1911)
PAGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1911. mm A. V. ANDREWS r. A Nice New Line .of Imported Woolens Just Arrived in all tne Latest Shades. Gome in and Make YouV Selection for that Spring Suit now i ' . . 7 : " 1 1 11 " -' ' 1 ' . - ., wr-A. A I it:' -I IB I I ' - I ' ' ' " - i- i . TUBOPE LEADS IN AIR. France Oodiftes Aviation Laws and ' ' Barristers Keep Posted. Washington, March 10. Reports of furiuer noiuuuJIi; ict,.'?r?!"0,,, teronautlcs are now become nearly tuartne stories In the record of the wxuld's news. Abroad, the general public has progressed to terms of In timacy with the flying machine that are difficult as yet to appreciate In America. In France th:re was held rftrcntlv it convention to ronslrtnr thfl I codification of special laws to govern the use of the air. Some of the most t prominent barristers of Europe were. present at that meeting and the pos sibilities of the use of the aeroplane by criminals, Its us3 In time of war, and the n ted of precise determination of clams in civil suits n cases of trespass and damage were dscussed as nreent . and everyday occurences. The latest intrusion of tne-. aero- plane comes from England. In the regular service of the church of Eng land and In the Protestant Episcopal church of, America, there are prayers especially read In b:half of persons In peril. One of these is for persons in danger through travel by land or sea. The heads of the church of England have now under consideration th-. advlslbility of adding to this prayer .9 .f. A f f Jf ,f f A 1 M 1 1 J I .1.1. .1 j VEGETABLES $ Lettuce Spinach i Cabbage Green Onions Rhubarb Cauliflower! Celery I Snddamss iWfHHiHiti 1 1 llllllil Ht I WH 1 1 HI t 1 II II ifi Grocery the words, ''and in the air." 1 This question has been placed un officially before the Episcopal clergy of this country. It is argued that ac cidents to aviators have now become bo frequent-that this 'contingency should, receive regular recognition in tha prnvers of the church. , . No. SG55. Report of the Condition of the LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK. at La Grande, In th: state of Oregon, at the close of business, ..March 7 1911. Resources. Loans and Discounts .... .8646,579.58 Overdrafts, secured . and . unsecured 5,519.02 U. S. bonds to ecur cir culation 112,000.00 Bonds, securities, etc.... . 45,951.76 Banking house,' furniture and fixtures ............ 56,000.00 Other real estate owned, i . 4,000.00 Due from national banks (not riserve agents) ... . 15,581.83 Due from state and private banks and bankers, trust companies, and savings banks '843.61 Due from approved reserve '".U agents .....t 109458.35 Checks and other cash items .................... ' 2,958,43 Notes of - other national . banks '.V.. .'. J ........ . ' 5,415.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents........ 619.78 i Lawful mc-ney rtserv in bank, viz: ' ... J ' i Specie ...... t. $99,516.55 1 LeKah tender : 'I I notes 500.00 100,016.55 Redemption . fund with U. ; j S. treasurer (5 per cent i of circulation 3,595.00 Real Estate Minings Investments General Informa tion regarding the Famous Wal!owa Valley V. .Y . Correspondence Invited ! BOWMAN 1 CO. Joseph, Ore. Total ..........$1,108,238.93 'Liabilities. Capital stock paid In ....$100,000.0) Surplus fund ...., 100,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex- . pensee and taxes paid .. . ,1.470.31 National bank notes out standing 71,995.00 Due to other national banks 4,981.00 Due to state an private banks and bankers 1,035.77 Individual deposits subject I to check 443,148.10 Demand certificates of de I posit 7.350.5C Time certificates of depos it 'l'63,259.C: Deposits of U. S. disbursing', officers 39,098.50 Bills pnynble Including cer- J Uneaten of deposit for money borrowed 73.000.00 FOLEY'S HONEY & TAR FOR ALL COUGHS AND COLDS. For bronchitis hoarseness and tick ling '.i the tliro'at. Especially recom mended for children and ueikaiv uer- sons. No opiates. , A m diclne, net a narcotic. The Bee Hive on the corton Is the mrrV f the genuine. Refuse substitutes. ' . Mr. Otto Paul, Mai wlukee, Wis., sars F!sr's Hon:y and Tar is' still more than fie best. He writes U3, "All those t" nt bought It think it is the best fc; coughs and . colds thev ever 'tad anc I think ft Is still more than the best. Our baby had a had each bid and the right la reserved to reject any and all bids.. Taxes are ail paid and title good. Address R. L. Sabin No. 7 First Street Room 8, Portland. Oregon. LMar. 4-31. "I had been troubled with constipation for two years and tried all of the best physi cians in Bristol, Tentv, and they could do nothityr for me," writes Thoo. E. Williams, Middleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Cham berlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me." For sale by all dealers. .. cold and it -red him in onj Please accept thanks." ' HIH'b drug store. , day. ' THE CRAVINC FOR DRINK DE. STROIED. No mor-' terrible affliction can come to any home than the craving for strong drink of husband and father. We appeal to wives, mothers, and sis ters to save the husband and father or the brother with Orrlne, a scientific treatment. 1 ' " ORRINE Is prepared In two forms. No. 1, secret treatment, a powder, ab solutely" tasteless and odorless. Riven s cretly Jn food or drink. ,ORRIXE wo. z, m piu rcrm, is for those who de-( sire to take voluntary treatment. OrV RINE costs only $1.00 a box. Writs for Free, Orrlne" Booklet (mailed in plain sealed envelope) to ORRINE CO 574 Orrlne Building, Washington. E C. ORRINE Is recommended and is for sale In this city by O. E. Sllver thorne, druggist. ij M l a . a .' - I ijjivij tmmnj iih neea 01 m good, rtiUDie liniment. For sprains, bruises, soreness of tha tnllanlA Anil .tianm.t!. f . none better than Chsmberlaia's. . Sotf l -ii j i ' Total $1,108,238.93 Stare of Oregon, county of Union as : I. F. L. Meyers, cashier , of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear thnt the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. K MEYERS. Ca shier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of March. 1911. II. A. ZrMBFTCK. . Notary Public. Correct Attest: , . FRED J. IIOHNES, " W. J. CHURCH. C. C. PENINOTON, Directors. When vou have a cold ret a botlI at Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. It will ioon fix rou up all rie;ht and will wan! nil inv tendency townnl pniMimoniii. T'is iiip'ly contain no cpitim or other naivoilo I mny ! iv.-n n ront'.fently to a bsv- LET I S DTE FOR YOU. In fact the only way we lire Is b djelng. Don't dye yourself. It's better than dyeing; yourself. ' WE DTE EVERY DAY AND DTE FOR ALL . .Oar charge for dyeing for you won't be bglu. A sample Job Is sufficient For best dyeing and cleaulng have ot do It ELITE CLEANING A DTE WORKS. Phone Vain 64. . Sealed Bids Wanted The undersigned will receive sealed bids for the following described. nrone.rtv In La Grande. Union Conntv ' Oregon, to-wlt, Lots One (1) to Twen-1 D ruur if .uiuin ho; isu ujm uuo (1) to Twenty Four (24) Block 144, Chaplin's Addition to La On nude. Ore- gjn. up to aaturaay April Jst, 3911. . lj A cash deposit of ten per cent of . in. araouni onereu must accompany Make Your Home More Pleasant and Comfortable by calling at the new Paint and Wall Paper Parlors 1708 1-2 Sixth Street, conducted by CLOGSTON & NUTTER We do all of our work in a style that is bound to please painting, paperhanging and tinting. Our stock is complete in all lines and we will take pleasure in showing you our excellent as ; sortment. you will find the prices right. Don't wait until you are reaci to have the work done but come in and look our line over. Will be glad to show you and give you estimates on- your work.' ' . ' '. . Rtmember Iht number. U0SU2 ' Sixth Sttut Hone Phone 1311, La Grande, Or. uiSding Material No order too small for Quick Delivery Let us figure on your large orders -we can fill them promptly. WENAHA LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISON Bell Phone, Main 732 Home Phone 421.