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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1910)
PAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1910. rrn A 10 ij.i M.J.-VtlOwfe..llku mrtm t- 'n 1 -.-wy 1 .r" ' "i't-t-t ---TrrT' ' ' -'--r ; r-r rrrni rrn i -in mm r .. . r i r mi r 1 I 1 vtn wm r - --- in rn iiim im n t r r n i i i i i-- - - - n r ,w, n arJl!!i?!r'M" 1 . . . n Come to our store and see! Every section in complete readiness to assist you in your buying !! tl . liJlMJiM;;;.;.;.l-(U)J( 3 - T7 Beautiful China and Silver Premiums for all Cash Purchases, of $5.00 or over Opera House Block 1 21 ILaJIL LmdlLAhJ STORE La Grande Ore. , Tru-Fruit Chocolates. No imitation flavors. We do all kiids or furniture ' and arpet work, nnholsterlng and vac uuxn boose cleaning. Call L. L. Bell teeer. p Loess XledC62 and P.ed-141. j wanted! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ': 500 Ladies acd Gentlemen To call and look orcr onr line of Holiday Goods, we hate the best assortments of Christmas presents In the city, never be fore has this store carried such a large up-to-date stock. We .hate alone over half a ton of Candy. Here yonll find gifts of every day otDlty gifts that are forth whllei Hand Painted China, Cot Glass, Leather Goods, Manicure Sets, Fountain rem, Books, Stationery, Toilet Sets, and Sandrto too numerous to mention. , Call early while the getting'!! good. 1 . WmgMt DrugCompn'y Both rhones. Purchase an Acre Lot In GBAXD TIETT ADDITION. This most sightly Addition la sit uated at the intersection of the Ma cadam Road and the road leading to South La Grande. We are beautify ing It by planting each lot to the choicest varieties of fruit trees. The soil la the beat Good drainage and sufficient water. We are selling these acres planted with treea at the same price you would be compelled to pay for a email building lot and our terms are more liberal. Our price la $500.00 per lot Our Urms are $50 down and $10.00 per month with no Interest and no taxes. We also agree to look carefully after thj trees during the contract period. Can you not see your money grow on an Investment like this. -,,. , Grre u an opportunity to explain this magnificent investment In detail, by cutting out and mailing the en closed coupon. ! r .1910. La Grande Investment Co., La Graxde, Oregon. Please mall me full particulars re garding Grand View Addition, with out any obligation on my part ........ ; COURT PKOCCEDISGS. (Continued) 10.00 14.00 58.75 15.40 ; 5.75 ; 5.75 56.65 56.00 When you have a cold get a bottle 1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will oon fir you up all right and will ward ofl any tendency toward pneumonia. ThU remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be giren ai confidently to a baby aa to an Hn1 Sold bt all dealers. The George Palmer rm MM rpnD J) RETAIL DmRTMHl ' We solicit your'orders for Shingles, Rubberoid RooVng Deadening FtltBullding Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. v Oliver Kerr, Work on County Roads 54.00 Ray Norval, Work on County Roada ......... 14.75 LwTni imw 'i '.VcrS; Ci' - " County Roads - 7.00 Jack Jones, Work on County Roads 5.25 Dave Jones, Work on County Roads , " 5.75 Alemy Jones, Work on County ' Roads i,. 3.50 Fred Nice, Work on County1, Roads 68.00 George Miles, Work on county Roads 14.00 Willie Nice, Work on County Roads '12.00 Amet Hartmen, Work on Coun ty Roads .................. Fred Brace, Work on County Roada ,. George Puckett, Work on Coun ty Roads ............I...... C. E. Sherman, Work on Coun ty Roads J. F. Dean, Work on County Roads . I. ....... V. E. Zumwalt, Work on Coun ty Roads , ...,........., . John D. Keeler, Work on Coun ty Roads ...',.... C. E. Golden, Work on Coun ty Roada . Goodnough Merc. & Stock Co., Supplies as per bill ........ 14.30 Elgin Hardware Co., Supplies aa per bill ........ ; 8.70 E. H. Shaw, Work in R. D. No. 34 . 15.00 T. J. Snider, Work In R. D. No. 34 ... 2.50 Frank Ross, Work on County Roads ,. 20.00 G. E. Fowler. Loading road rol- ler 10.00 F. L. Lilly, Supplies as per bill 16.35 Jacob End, Work on County Roada 3.75 Cochran & Cochran, Supplies as per bill 2.80 W. A. Blain, Supplies as per bill .70 Geo. Palmer Lbr. Co., Supplies as iper bill 19.46 Island City M. & M. Co., Sup plies as per bill 23.40 Hug Bros., Supplies as per bill 19.50 Win. :. Wigglesworth, Work on County Roads 24.00 a., jj. Kingrora, worK on coun ty Roads ...... Jim Devore, Work on County Roads John Furgason, Work on County Roads .............. M. Haiues, Work on County Road M. O. Church, Work on County Roads Grande Ronde Cash Co., Sup . piles as per bill ........... Mt. Glenn Lbr. Co., Lumber as per bill ....... 13.75 Mrs. Geo. Miller, Supplies as per bill 3.00 Bolton & Bodmer Co., County road plow . 22.50 W. Stringham, Supplies aa per bill 21.31 City, Feed & Livery Stables, County Court Hrery hire.... ' 7.50 31.5d 17.50 17.50 15.00 4.50 25.45 74.00 2.00! 3.95 2.50 6.00 7.40 9.20 &.80 3.00 39.00 FRESH CANDIES Special Prices on Xmas Orders. Fancy and Assorted Candies. NUTS OF ALL KINDS NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE F,oilflW Qnnnlinc ,W ARE PRED TO FURNISH GRANULATED BONE. OYSTER Ollliry UUppiieS SHELL GRIT. SCRATCH FOOD. PROTEINA. FLAX SEED MEAL. AL- - : ., ' rx FALFA MEAL, POWDERS AND TONICS IN ANY QUANTITY AT RIGHT sold By mter-StancMield Produce Co. - . m a m 0 t a S a h. y;go:; .nnr, . ntu, hour ' Main 70 Ind 121 125 Jeffetson Avenue H. Vehrs, Work in R. D. No. 37 Ed Shaw, Work In R. D. No. 37 w.. ...... ;,...: Elgin Meat Market, Supplies as per bill , Overton Lumber Co., Lumber t as per bill R. L. LInebartrr. w ; jounty Hoaas Ole Matson. Work on County Road W. Choate, Supplies for coun ty Roads T. L. Wilkinson. Work on- County roads ............... . 11.75 uranae nonae Casn Co., Sup plies as per bill John Blumenstein, Work In R. D. No. 20 W. T. Grlder, Work In R. D. No. 20 ., S. S. Thompson, Work on County Roads '23.00 Charlie Pratt, Work on Coun- ' ty Roads 3.20 Willis Wright, Work on Coun ty Roads 7.50 Joe Gray, Work on County Roads ..................... 3.20 W. M. Condit, Work on County Roads ..4..... ,12.00 H. J. Newcomb. Work on Coun ty Roads ' J. D. Casey, Supplies as per bill .....,.; Grande Ronde Cash Co.; Sup plies as per bill Summerville Lumber VCo., Lumber as per bill ..v.'..".. M. R. Hubers, Supplies as per bill ....................... R. D. Zweifel, Supplies as per bill ..J..... H. W. Gent, Work on County Roads A. E. Llndsey, Work on County Roads ......... R. D. Hamilton. Work in R. D. No. 40 Coast Bridge Co.; Balance, due on cove Elgin and Willow -Creek Bridges .............2540.00 Poor Farm Fnnit. . F. L. Lilly, Supplies as per bill Geo. Palmer Lbr. Co., Lumber as per bill Pioneer Flouring Mill Co.. Snn- pliea as per bill 13.50 u. E. Fowler, Coal and wood as mer bill ....... ...... Newlln Drug Co., Supplies as per bill Grand Ronde Meat Co., Sup : plies as ner bill- . ... Jos. Smith, Salary for Nov. . ioin - '.-(.' E. Polack, Supplies as per bill 43.80 rioneer Flouring Mill Co., Sup plies as per bill 7,60 James Garrlty & Co., Repairs as per bill 6.75 Geo. Hammell, Work at Poor Farm 44.00 Grande Ronde Cash Co., Sup plies as per bill 6 5Q Henry & carr, Supplies, as per . 4.50 9.70 1.70 2.70 1.00 27.25 60.00 19.75 2.60 32.60 13.70 90.49 31.15 13.30 65.00 filed in this court on the 21st day of November, 1910, by S. L. Brooks. Ad ministrator of the estate of L. M. Blackledge, deceased, for the purpose of paying the charges, expenses claims and debts against the estate of said deceased In the manner nmv vmed by law. Thls.iclUtlon is published In the La Grande Observer, by virtue of an order made and entered by the Hon. J. a Henry, County Judge of Union County, Oregon, ori the 5th day of December, 1910, ordering publication thereof for four weeks the date of the first publication being Decem ber 5th, 1910. Witness, the Hon. J. C. Henry, Judge of the County Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for the County of Union, with the seal of said Court affixed this . 5th day of December, 1910. -: ''!..' . : :'?! , -f Attest: - . . r:: ; ED. WRIGHT, . " " '.'."'Clerk.'-; By Forest Ivanhoe, ,. By FOREST IVANHOE, ' v Deputy, Dec. 6-12-19-26-Jan. 2. " :' Take' Care! '; Remember that when your kidneys are affected your life is in danger. M. Mayer, Rochester, N. Y., says: "Foley Kidney Pills are a wonderful discov ery and I heartily recommend their use. My trouble started with a sharp shooting pain over my . back Which grew worse each day. I felt sluggish and tired, my kidney action was ir regular and infrqeuent with a fine sand-like substance. While the dis ease was at its worst I started using Foley Kidney Pills. Their prompt and efficient action was marvelouo.. Each dose seemed to ? put new 1 life and strength into me, and now I am com pletely cured and feel better and stronger than for years." Hill's Drug Store. ; Mrs.RobcTtPattisoa agent for 7 . ;'y?'r a ar a 1 : ' PRICES $3.50 and Up PHONE Black 81 'or Black 1481 Every, family has need of a good, reliable liniment For soreta. hrniaM. sorennu tit the muscles and rheumatic pins there Is none better tbun' ( Jinmlicrlam's. Sold by f4"l"fili"i'l'M'4'mii M......l . 1 t The Up-Building f :: of This Bank I is due to the fact that we have ample capital and that we iaye adhered to a1 policy wnin baa been ' opnsorvaUve, yet alo-g progressive llaes. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt and proper tran saction of. their financial affairs; ample vault and safe room, tor storing aid safe-guarding ,. of their nwaey, notes. Insurance pollclee and ether valuable pap era and suck liberality of treat ment as la consistent with pru dent banking. r;. -. YOUR account Is cerdlally soil- X cltei.' iThe United Stotest Nalioaal Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON bill 37.35 Citation. v In the County Court, for the Coun ty of Union, State of Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of L. M. Blackledge, Deceased. To Roy Blackledge, Mrs. E. P. Brannen, Emmet Brown, Wayne On stott, Charles Onstott and Irene On Btott, heirs of L. M. Blackledge de ceased, and to all others unknown, if any such there be, Greeting: In the name of the State of Ore gon. You are hereby cited and re quired to appear In the County Court of th State of Oregon, for the county of Union, at the court room thereof, at La Grande, In the county of Un ion, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of Jan uary. 1911, at 10 o'clock. In the fore noon of that day, then and there to show cause If any exist, why an order for the sale tt the following described real property of the above named estate, towlt: Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 19 and 20 In Block 21 In Imbler, Un ion County, Oregon, should not be granted as prayed for, In a petition City (rfocery & M for the HpIW Heinz Mince Meat in Bulk, 20c a lb. ; Everything fresh to make Home Made Mince Meat Franco-American Plum Pudding POP CORf lH CityGrcceryandBaliery The Home of Fancy Groceries i