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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1910)
LA GI2ANDE EVENING 0E3EHVER, WEDNESDAY, NOV7; l BEIi '.CO, J 910 Directory of tho Fraternal Orders cf La Grande, Oregon A. F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No. j 41, A. P. t A, M. tali regular meet. Ings first and third Saturday! at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all Masons. JOIJN 8. HODGXN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. B. P. 0. E. La Grande Lodge No 433 meets each Thursday evening' at 8 -. o'clock In Elk's club, comer ot De pot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially In vlted ti attend. . ''" . DR. G. L. BIGGEIlS.'Ex Rul.. . ? , , . HUCH McCALt; Rec Sec. ' WOODMEN : OF THE . . WORLD La : Grand Lodge No. 160 W. 0. . W. v meets every second and fourth Tuesr .'' day In the month. All visiting mem- ;bers welcome. .. ..'"""., ' . y NERI ACKLES, C. C. ;' I', , ' J. IL KEENEY, Clerk. . . M. W. Aw La Grande Camp No.' 7703 meets every Monday In the month at iit I. 0 G. FT iiu. ah . nsittng aelg-bbors are cordially. Invited to : : attend. ' ' v: ';:.''; ' v . I. R SNOOK, C. . ' ' r :'.; D. E. COX, Clerk.' That's What : mm 1 1' s Good ForWHat Ails You : 1 -. . v Westmeiit S;;:;SEE.:;C..?: : la grahdes leading jeweler r .When tn need of anything in watches, clocks, Jewelryi ? cut 'glasa, hand pain ted China, or any other article carried T by a first class Jewelry store, Investigate onr prices before T buying and you will s are money, and be sure of securing first Quality goods. ' ! . ' '.'.'.V j It your eyes trouble yon, hav thea fitted by as ppn REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. : I meets every evening in the I, O C F. hall. AH visiting members ar. ' Invited to attend. .'. . MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. Q. v -MRS. JENNIE VL SM1TII, Sec ' KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Cte. Lodge No. 27. meets svery Monrtaj night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.; A Pythian welcome to ah visiting ' Knights. ; . . JESS PAUL, a c - R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. 4k ft 0. E. SAHope Chapter No. 13. p. E C holflfl stated communications th ' second and fourth Wednesdays o) each month. Visiting members cor dlally invited. '.. . " " ', . , , ' . MARY A." WARNICK, 8ec3 " ,X ; PAULINE EDERLE2, W. XL.'"' WOMEN OF WOOI)CRAFT Grand . Ronde Circle No. , 47 . meets vr , first ' and third 'Thursday veaiagi . In the month at the I. 0. 0. F. call .' All visiting members are welcome. : ' 1 : CHLOS ROBINSON, 0. U. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH,1 Clerk. Tkey All Say; ISM .... nrpiii ;sTinr i nn 1 1.- " . , - . IILUULiillUij UILL 15 SIGiliO I . " LrQUOR OCpmxCX rCBLISIIED H THIS ETEMXC. Measure Sow Awaiting Lpal Time Be. for Becoming Effective. . Mayor F. I Meyers has signed the liquor regulation ' ordinance1 and af ter tonight it will have gone through all the" mechanical 'steps so tnafrwhen the proper time arrives; thei measure will become effective. Several change? have been made in it since it was first Introduced 4md -published in: the' Ob server. On the whple,: thouVh; the measure went up for signature by the" executive In the same form it was In troduced. - ,".; . With over a doien places of selling drinks at the present time and ' the number to be limited to eight when the new ordinance becomes effective, the council will find itself .eliminating f.our. or more applicants if all now in the near beer business' desire to re nte in. in the business after local op- nnn'k Hk. TW.- Ui.-..!' ... ' - . be taken early In-December. . . , Seven stpplicatlons for licenses have already been filed "with the" City Re corder. There is still considerable time before final action will be' taken by the council as the countyC court must first make Its proclamation in regard to' the liquor laws of the'edun- ty. v : . - Those who have already filed their applications for ' licenses and have posted the necessary bonds, etc., are: Bed Wade, ' James ': Farquaharson, Chris. Wright, ' E. Thorsen. Julius FiBher, Charles McClure and Grant Lincoln: '; . . , - ' . '..This' ordinance In full' is published in this, issue. " : .: "I had been troubled with constlDatlon for two years and tried all of the beet physi cians in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me,ft writes Tho. E. WillianiB. Middleboro, Ky. "Two padcatren of Chm berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cure me. " For sale bv ill dealers. ; , BALDBEADED KE3T. Ignorance of tbe Hair Causes Much : Baldness Among Men. ' ' , . ' . ' ' Early piety doesn't cause baldness. neither does any kind of piety. Some baldheaded men console themselves with the Idea that baldness is caused by. a superabundance of gray brain matter, and would have the world be lieve that a baldhead is a sign of great intellect. Such, however, is not the case. Nlne-ty-uina times in one hundred, baldness is caused by dansniff germs which dig down deep Into the roots of the hair and destroy Its vitality and cause It to fall out ; "...',' ,. V VV. . All this may com gradually and take time, but as an up-to-date humor ist would say "whats time; to 'a dand ruff germf, ''It you have dansruff, the little in visible, persistent devils called dand ruff ff germs are at work. Destroy them at once or sooner or later they will bo compelled to take your place in the baldheaded class. In France baldheads are few be cause men understand how to care for FLORIDA X which we received yeis- I terday are No. 1 Quality I and good size 10c Each t Choice Turkey Figs and Persian Dates 1 are also new Pcttfxccn :.;D.3c3- a U8 either phcat v GrapeFruitj SHOV.'DRIFL FLOUR c",r on la -dma. b kkc:; itky r , . ylhMS TOU WILL MOV IT 1 ': SoidDy - 'jafer-StmhfiQld Produce Co. VJOOC, HAY, Vm, -POULTRY SUPPLIES ' IBs i,r.C' fl.. - the hair. Parisian Sare Is a hair grc er and. lnvlgorater that is guarantees by the Newlln Drug Co. to grow hair If the . hair root is not already de stroyed,' to eradicate dandruff, stop Itching scalp and falling hair, or mon ey back.' v--' : ' '.' 66 cenU for a large bottle at the Newlia prut Co. and drugglats every whero on money back plan. ' " ' Nov. 6-19-3?. : ' '- " ' '-: " '' v Ordinance. 3fo,y35, Series 1910. ; .,, An Ordinance to license, tax, regu late and restrain, the sale of malt, vinous and splritous and other intox icating liqubrs in bar-rooms, saloons, drinking shops and other places in the city of La Grande, Oregon, fixing the penalty, for violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, repealing all ordi nances, and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, and declaring an -,.. s...r m - ; . " r f The City of La Grande does ordain as follows;', ' ' -"C .-, ;. Section 1 'No person, firm or cor poration shall In the City of La Grande Oregon,' directly or Indirectly, In per son or by another, agent or otherwise, sell, barter, or deliver, or permit to be sold, bartered or delivered, for on his or their or its account "or at all, any malt, vinous, spirituous or other intoxicating liquors, whether they be drank on the premises owned or oc cupied .by him, them or It, or other wise, nor shall sell, barter or deliver in any manner, such or any liquors, within said City, without first obtain ing a license therefor In the manner hereinafter provided; except, that duly and regularly authorized drug gists may sell liquors where the same are used In the preparation of medi cines, or upon the written prescrip tion of a duly licensed physician, and v. . j. w uui.i ue itiusumea on me prem ises where so sold and they shall not be required to obtain a license there fore, but they' shall keep a register showing,: the name of the purchaser, and the date of sale, and but one sale of liquors shall be made upon any pre scription. Such register Bhall at ' all times be open to Inspection by the' public , officials of the City of La Grande. Every person wishing to sell malt, vinous, splritous or other Intox icating liquors within the City of La Grande, shall first pay into the City treasury the sum of $1250.00, In ad vance for a license for the term of one year; provided, however, that a license may be granted under this Or dinance, for a period of six months, upon the payment o fthe sum of $625.00 Section 2. , That any person wish ing to sell spirituous, vinous or malt or" other intoxicating liquors of any kind within the City of La Grandeex cept' a legally authorized druggist, must' first file a written lnnltoaHnn with the" Recorder of the City at least one week (prior to the meeting of the Council at which such application is to be acted on, setting out the term for which he, desires to secure a li cense to Sell such llminrn. fha n1arA and character of th business ywhere ne purposes to sen the same, togeth er with the receipt of the Treasurer of the City for the amount paid by the applicant for such license, together with a good and sufficient bend, In the sum of $1,000.00, to be approved bj th Mayor, , which 'said bond shall br signed by said applicant and a respon sible surety company, as surety for such.. applicant, which f bond shall be substantially In the following form: . "Know all Men by These Presents: That v ,. i .. , ... as Principal and ....i.. as surety are hereby Jointly and sev erally held and firmly bound untr the City of La Grande, Oregon, In t'lf sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.') lawful money oft.the ; United States for the payment of which well and truly to be made, we, and each of rs hereby Jointly and severally bind our selves, ouf heirs, executors, admin istrators, successors, and , asslgnj firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this '..,,... day of i9.... The conditions of the above obliga tion are ouch that, whereas, the above bouaden ... . . ,'..', K, . ,, to this day made kppltcatica for a'H cetwt to viacus, mall aid spirit baa kkroora, os D fftx&tm tsxm .............. . . , r?;o or rIACK AND' AMBULAKGE of La' Grande, Oregon, for the term of . .' . , ,". , under the provisions of Ordinance" No. Series 1910 of said City, which license 1b about to and will Usue upon he or der of; the Council of said city.' Now, therefore, If the said ... . . ..,; .......shall keep an' orderly house, will not permit any gaming or riotous conduct In or about his place of bus iness, nor permit any shaking of dice, or playing of card games, nor allow any music of any kind in said place, nor any slot machine, nor any table or ilrs. L 4Mv-vut -ousmess con ducted by him except for the purpose of serving lunches only, nor allow or permit any . woman or minor to be employed in any manner in or. about said place, nor loiter or remain In or about the same .that he will not sell or permit or remain In or about the same, that he will not sell or permit to be sold any such liquors nor open or permit to be opened his place of business, on the first day of ,the week commonly called Sunday, that he will not sell, give nor deliver any intoxi cating liquor to any one during, the voting hours of any general or snectal election held under or by virtue of the laws of the United States,' or of the State of Oregon, nor under anv ordi nance or Charter of the' City ' of La Grande, Oregon, nor open, or nermlt to be opened his place of business dur ing the voting hours of any such elec tion nor sell, give or deliver nor per mit to be sold, given or delivered to any woman or minor, orpersoh1n the habit of getting drunk, or any person Intoxicated, nor exhibit or permit to be exhibited in his said place of business, any lewd, br obscene pic tures, paintings, prints, photographs or printed matter of any: kind, nor keep, or allow to be kept open his place of business, at any time be tween the hours of midnight and 5 o'clock a. m.. during week days, nor between the hours of midnight on Sat urday and i d'clock a. m. on the 'fol lowing Monday morning, nor allow any frosting or ipalntlng on any win dow or glass door, nor place the bar In said place of business, so that the same can not be plainly seen from the outside, nor violate any of the laws of the State of Oregon regarding the sale-of Intoxicating liquors, nor any of the provisions of this Ordinance, then this obligation to be void, other wise to be and remain In full force and virtue ' . , .. .'.' , " . (Seal) Witnesses, . - :;:.V:iv (Seal) , Section 3. That the Council shall consider the application so. filed with the Recorder as , aforesaid, the re ceipt and bond furnished, by said ap plicant, and If It finds that the appli cant is a suitable person, to be 'li censed to engage In' the business of selling Intoxicating liquors, that the Place, andf business to be carried on lit the - premises described In" said -plication will pot in any way, by sample or otherwise, Inconvenience 'he public or endanger the morals of rhe City or its Inhabitants, that ;tlie petitioner will be likely to perform the conditions of the bond, and that tho Council believes that during the term of aid' license the petitions U1. not -violate any law of the State, Q regard to the sale of intoxicating liquors, nor. any' of the provisions of hl8 Ordinance, then such license may he granted by the Council, otherwIsA he license- shall be refused to such applicant. . Provided, . that no license 'hall be refused to such ' applicant. Provided, that no license shall iasuo to "uy applicant unless. the application shall be approved byj af majority o' the whole number constituting the Council. . ... "''lr I '-: v . , Section . 4. That licecvaa will no be granted for more.han eight plac within the City, for the sale of Into eating liquors, which itcensei shall all' begin and expire- oa ths .aanv date; ao license shall be transferr to any etker pertoa withoot th -ivt of tho Oomotl. Alt plaeM f- Uptown office Main 720. Residence phon8 Main 25' E. L DUSSEY wbichilcenses are granted shall con- Bist.of but one room, and the.wia j dows and glass doors of such' places: t shall be4 of plUn glass without' frost-: ing.or painting of any kind thereon, -, f nd the bar therein shall be so sit uated as to bo in plain view from the outaide. All of such places where in- ' toxicatlng liquors are sold, may be al- . lowed to remain open on week days from 5 a. m. to 12 p. m., provided, that all such places of business shall close at 12 o'clock midnight, en Saturday, and remain closed." until th fr.iuH- Monaay at 5 o'clock a. m. - , Section 5. It shalr be unlawful for any person to violate any of the 'pro visions of this Ordinance set out and mentioned In sections 1. 2, and 4, or to break, any of the. conditions prS scrlbed In the bond as sot out in sec-, tlon 2 of this Ordinance, Any person who shall violate any of the provis ions of this Ordinance, shall, npon conviction thereof before the Recor der of the City, be punished by a fine of not more than $300.00 or by ' .im prisonment In the city Jail for got-1 more than 90 days, or by ;botfi-:sucli;-,"' fine and imprisonment In- the; dlscr-v ' tlou of the Recorder; and any person ' so convicted as aforesaid, 'shall foiv felt his license, and shall not. 'therev after be granted a license to sell in"' ' toxicatlng liquors In the City 'of . La ! Grande. ,'' . y '?;:' zy- ; Section 6, ,' All J Ordinances ! and ' parts of Ordinances in conflict: here'' with, shall be, and the same ate here- -. by repealed. ;.- ' ' : : j:; . : Section 7. ' Inasmuch as there " Is i now no Ordinance in effect in the' CityV' regulating the issuance of licensed to sell Intoxicating liquors, 'nor provld- J ing! for the control or restraint rif place's where such liquors are sold' undar license, and It is necessary and expedient that : this Ordinance ' take ; effect at once, now, thereforo, la or- der to protect the best Interests of the city, and to preserve tha peace, ' health and safety of tho City and its ' inhabitants, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Ordinance shall be in force and take effect, after Its approval by the Mlayor, and its publication in one issue of the La Grande Evening Observer, from and after the 10th day of December, A. D. 1910.';. ;;. .'-.;-, ; ;, Passed the Council on the 23rd day of November, 1910, by seven members voting therefor. ',, . ;'..,.. Approved thls'ssth day of November,- - 1910. :. :;,;-,, ; , . :. :: : ; , F. l. meyers, Mayor. - Attest; D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grander ..'...i.. Oregon. ;';-,v :-:,;r. :-' - '",, '; . : Cleanlag aod rresslng. Ladies and Gen's Clothing cleaned, rressed and repaired wlth satisfac tion. Ladles' work a specialty. 1704 East Adams " avenue. W. R. Baxter. Prop. .,..;.: VfhY Rent ?ZWe loan you yv money to build, and you Pay us as) you would rent. t r LR, OLIVER. fer M. L. Leader PROPRIETOR :-:v-:.pho RED 37C2 D3cfc!l!i:i!3 a ,s ' .ii'...-, - f . . ' . '' - - ' .' .; . ' '': ;1 si ? -'.f..--'";;A' ; ...Of