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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1910)
PAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1910. IC wmh Me I have oo land of my own to offer.. I sell strictly on percentage Both owner and buyer receive the same fair treatment. I mean that your property Is offered at exactly the price you place on It We in Tlte your consideration of the following listings. . , . . City Property . 4 I Four room house, two lots, good cellar, 1414 Z avenue. This p!ace has been listed for some time at 11100. A special price, if sold during the next ten days, at f 950. $500 cash, time on balance. Two story house, with barn, lot 55x90. one door north ot M. E. church. South; $1400, $600 cash bal . ance on easy terms. - -' .' .v :V" ' " Seven room house, equated west end of Pennsylvania avenue, plastered stone foundation, city water In bouse; price $1,000. Why pay rentT Terms $100 down, balance $15 per month. Fine large home in North La Grande, two blocks, splendid house, barn and out buildings.- Fine or ard; an ideal home with ample room for garden, poultry, cow and horse. Thla is an exceptional fine offer. Price $4,000. .-' j ... .... ( . . ,,; Nice new home, two lots in West La Graiid; price $2,000. . ' v A well built house on Main Avenue, facing North; clo'se in; price, $2,500. 0"e-half cash, balance on time. ; . ' . ' ... , ' . . ...... Four room house on Monroe Avenue; nice barn and extra well built poultry house. Three lots four room house with cellar, city water. All in good condition. $1400, easy terma. House and two Iota in Block liGrandy'a addition, for $1100. Three lota in same block at $900 This' is desirable property. ' ' . ' . ,-i'r .-:. '.j . -t -im.-. - i a new seven-room house on East Adams avenue, roomy baseman -iUoJ, well" finished throuehout ' B ; $2,500.' ; ,',.:.' :,.,.';..:..; -:-VV-''--V''--'.:J : " . " '- ' ' .'ti nmm tintIRM ham I iorAi nManit tnn fmlt ... .-t i. ... . .. ' N 1 . - -v... vi .u, ,w umv ticni, uoiu, Bjinut, wen ana city water, sightly view nice home in South-La Grande. 'h'' ' Large 10-room house with entire block of ground. Here is chanco for investment; five houses can be built on this property. All close to the high school building. Good barn ou piace, price $3500. Five room house, modern plumbing, lot 60x110, near court house, beautiful location, $1800 $800 cash balance two years. '' ; -.'--,: Seven room house on Adams avenue; well built plastered, basement, desirable location, $2500 $500 cawh. balance on easy terms. - Four room house, near big brick school house, north of track, $1100. " Plastered house In North La Grande, entire block, $4,000 on easy terms. Nice home In North La Grande, fruit, barn, accessible to new R. R. shops $1700. Town Lots Vv': I have some splendid buys In town lots in all portions of the. city. Very good lota tor M 8ome . extra- choice locations at $300 to $750. Farm Lands Fine Stock, Ranch ? y 2600 bandied acres near La Grande, 300 'acres of meadow land, from which 400 to 600 ton's of hay can be cut annually. Well watered; reasonable terms. ' JNear liG Fine foothUl farm four nil M from La Grande 800 acres, well im proved, $16,000, tew -Ti l ' Sandridge Farm 160 acres well Improved. All good land, 70 acres of summer fallow seeded, one hau mils to nine months school, less than one mile to depot. This Is a snap. $92 per acre. Terma; : 7 Saiujridgearm ; - 160 acres near good school and depot adjoining place." Good roads all the way to La Grande, - miles. 1 . Fruit Farm ' 17.800 tCre, C0mmerclal orcharl Pruitdale, trees 8 Tears old, well cared for and in splendid condition;; Ten-acre Fruit Farm . SltUSerdftft near "ho01 nouae ,n rrulWale. trees 12 years old. crop estimated between 2,000 and 3.000 boxes; $6,500. good terms or will exchange for city property, V 80 acrej one quarter mile from the city, modern house, tine eellar wlbh spring; five acrot of fine or chard, crop goes with place if taken at once. Fine dairy, fruit and poultry farm, $5,000. Here is a Snap ; " ' 8f "e farm' 800 tcre8 umme' faow "d seeded to grain, water right six miles east of La Grande, $52 per re. Investigate this. v ' Look This Up f$50 Itr mJT f laDd T' le5a8t 0t ran?e' wel1 Proved, fine stock, alfalfa and grain ranch! :;;;:'il,:''::';v':';:vM Farm -y-s 80 acres, all good land. 6 acres In orchard, large barn, several springs near school rural delivers ;Tarm produced 40 bushels of wheat to the acre last year $8,000. very reasonable ternu ' I 50-acre Fruit Farm . Situated near Summerville. wUl trade for city property or will sell on very easy terms. Fine Farm !lTp! mt lN bU8hel to. .ore. In Lower Cove 820 acres, 60 cultlvatable. 400 fine fruit trees tine spring. $4,000. easy terms. Grazing Land u creB, wen waierea in lower Cove, $7 per acre. ' ' .-.Aj. - Mountain Ranc Splondld fruit land, largo meadow, several acre. In alfalfa, three miles .th of U Grande. $8,000 Timber Land 80 acrea tontli of La Grande, $800, one-half cash. GEO. M nn to icd real ESTATE Oenrtahtpt of an snipa Arc flckle. my boy. It may be a flerellct ' . Or transport of loy. If the maid In th case f Love a pet iog, bewar. For your courtship will turn To a bark of despair. -Chicago New. "Then you don't want to leave foot prints upon the Bands of time?" ' "Nix," answered the politician guard edly. "All I want is to cover up my tracks." Washington FJerald. I she. perdie. as false as she Is fair. That maiilen mutable whom thou ador- est?. Jilted thee, th? Then come and drown thy care. . Lose every thought of her, e'en as thou pon reft - - This large libation. (But he tears his hair And saith, .' Til not forget her. for, I swear. -I'll be all summer paying up the florist!") Cleveland Leader. ; Johnny came home the other night in hich glee, wearing the arithmetic medal. ' " . - "What l that for?" asked his moihuf. "That'H Ihe prlzp for doinsr exam ples." Raid Johnny. "1 did this one: 'If our new baby weigh? eleveh and a half pouuda and gains an ounce each day' 'eaust. you toid Mrs. Smith she did yesterday 'how much . will she weigh when she's ' twenty years oldT And the answer was 4CG pounds. And the teacher said I earned the prize." ChrIstian"Artv(w , Travelers on the rocky wny, Go It. toe and heel: Kill the fatted calf today. "' -'. But don't lake all the veal. Fortune smilln' bright on you, Glvln' grace and ground. -But othor folks are hungry too. 1 . So pass the veul around. . Atlanta Constitution.. Jiggs I tell yoilithat new landlord Of mine la ri pretty quare fellow. Biggs So'a mine, but he's always round" on rent day. Judge. ' I'm stuck upon a dainty girl. A mental science miss. She puts her hair up in a curl. Her blue eyes promise bliss. My brain is all awhlrl. ' And yet I'm ilad of this The fact that she Don't offer me A mental science klssl -Cleveland Leader. "I wonder what the teacher meant about the singing of my two daugh ters r ' . . i "What did he say?" "He said that Mamie's voice was good, but Maude's was better still."' Catholic News. ' sessment roll for the Improvement , of Adams avenue from the west line of Cherry street to the, west line of; Spruce street being in. Improvement District No. 1, In the City of La Grande, Oregon, under the provis ions of Ordinance No.' 497. Berlea 1910 entitled "An ordinance declaring the cost of Improving Adams avenue from the west line of Cherry street to the west line of Spruce street, as sessing the property benefited there by, declaring such assessment, and directing the entry of the same on the docket of City Hens, authorizing the Issuance and sale of bonds, to pay for Bald Improvement,! and declaring an emergency" the same being In Im- j provement district No. 1 of said City, is now in my hands for collection and that any assessment therein may be paid tod me at any time within Bixty days from November - 29th, 1910, which Is the date of the first publi cation of this notice, without penalty Interest or cost; and each property owner Is hereby notified that on ap plication to the undersigned, within ten days from the 29th day ot Nov ember, which is the first dae of publi cation of this notice, he will be al lowed to pay such, assessment In ten annual Installments, the first Instal ment thereof being due and payable on or before the 29,th day of January, 1911. If application Is not made as above provided the whole amount will be due and pavahl th; crp'.r-Uuu of said sixty days. All property own ers Interested are hereby notified to appear at my office In the City Hall and pay the sante. . By orders of the Council, Novenu.' ber 23rd, 1910. ; - . Following Is the assessment roll No. 9: Assessment Roll No. 9. Block H, 110 ft, Coggln's 2nd Ad dition, .Thomas Moore, $282.87. Block I, Coggln's 2nd Ad. James Hough, $227.41. Block J, Coggln's 2nd, Addition, James Hough, $228.55. Block K. Coggln's 2nd Ella Mason, $227.60. Block L, 49 ft Coggln's 2nd Addl tlon, Ella Mason, $110.93. Block L 52 ft, Coggln's 2nd Addl tlon, Ford A. Ellis, $117.62. Block M, 26 ft., Coggln's 2nd Addl I wonder have you ever known . Or beard of such a thing As paper hangers In the house Who didn't try to slngT Detroit Free Press. "The teacher of one of the classes In a school In the suburbs of Cleve land had been training her pupils In anticipation of a visit from the school commissioner," said George S. Wells. "At he came, and the classes were called out to show their attainments. "The arithmetic class was the first called, and In order to make a good Impression the teacher put the first question to Johnny Smith, the star PPll- , ! '"Johnny, If coal is selling at $6 a ton and you pay the coal dealer $24, how many tons of coal wift be bring your ' " Three, was the prompt reply from Johnny. - -. . The teacher, much embarrassed, said, "Why. Johnny, that Isn't right' " 'Oh. I know it ain't, but they do it anyhow.' "-Washington Post. Addition, tlon, Ford A. Ellis, $57.40. Block M. 85 ft, Coggln's 2nd Addi tion, Wnj. Anson. $171.15. Block N. Coggln's 2nd Addition, w. C. Coombs, $317.75. Block V, 30 ft, Coggln's 2nd Addi tion, Mabel L. Scott, $67.86. Block V, 89 1-2 ft Coggln's 2nd Ad dition, Harris French; $202.45. Block V, 72 1-2 ft. Coggln's 2nd Ad dUlon, Robert Shafer $164.84. Block 6, Coggln's Addition Annie Moore, $117.64. - : Block W. Lot 1 Coggln's Second Ad dition, Ambrose Wright, $143.41.. . Block W, Lot 2, Coggln's Second Ad dition, Jofin Blumenstein,, $143.40. Block W, Lot 3, Coggln's Second Ad dition, John Blumenstein, $143.30. Block 6, Lot 1, Coggln's Second Ad dition. S. F. Newhifrd, $115.85. Block 6, Lot 2, Coggln's Second Ad dition, 8. F. Newhard," $115.85. Block 6, 30 ft Lot 3, Coggln's Sec ond Addition, D. C. Callahan, $67.86. Block 6, 31, ft. Lot 4. Coggln's Sec ond Addition, D. C. Callahan,' $70.12, ' Block 6, 21 ft. Lot 3, Coggln's Sec ond Addition, D; C Stevens, $47.99. - Block 6, 20 ft. Lot 4, Coggln's Sec ond Addition. D. 'C. Stevens, $45.73. : Block 6,. Lot 5,. Coggln's Second Ad dition. Annie MoorI $115.85. Block 6, Lot 6, Coggln's Second Ad dition, Annie Moore, $117.64. Block 5, Lot 4, Coggln's Second Arf- ZlUju, Bi tna Bomers Est', $229.00. .. Block 5, Lot 5,, Coggin'a Second Ad dition, Calla Richardson, $229.00. Block 5, Lot 6, Coggln's Second Ad dition, E. Thorsen, $219.39. Block 5, Lot 7, Coggln's Second Ad dition, E. ThorBen, $219.39 .' Block 7, Lot 1, Coggln's' Second Ad dition, J. 0 Johnson,, $230.04. Block 7, Lot 2, Coggln's Second Ad dition, Annie M. Ostlund, $229.00. Block 7, Lot 3, Coggln's Second Ad dition, James Begg, $229.00. , Block 1, Lot 4, Coggln's Second Ad dition, Mrs. L. M. Sullivan, $229.95. , , ' D.E.COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. "I had been troubled with constipation for two years and tried all of the best physi cians in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me," writes Thos. E. Williams, Middleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured ma."! - For sale hv all lpilr. Wen money knocks, by sun or star, I ain't axin': "Who dar? Who dar?" I rise up. ihlnktn er de honeycomb, i An' I tell 'Im:. "Make yo'se'f at home, "Come rl;ht In Cul i!p shine an' dew. Dp easy cheer , .' Is tie one fer you!" -Atlanta Constitution. "Brown li.-is wired me to send him up some ftsliiu ta-u.e." v "A tiuisiiiur. inn't It?" "No. that Isn't t:. but I can't remem ber whether he favors Scotch or rye." -Widow. . "An airship to Venus" Sounds good. but. alack. 1 It's-oll right to go there, . But how to get backT v -Chicago Xewa. When yon have a cold get a bottle oi Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. . will won fix you np all right and will wkrd ofl any tendency toward pneumonia. ; This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a babv M to an adult Sold by all dealers. Notice. Notice of the Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, of assessments for the Improvement of Adams ave nue from the west line' of Cherry street to the west line of Spruce street. Notice Is hereby given that the as- "T5e FREE" the Now Famous Sewing Machine T TrTti ' SOLD AS LOW AS $1 A WEEK A Newly Invented Sewing Machine Is Now On Sale 30 DAYS TRIAL The Inventor Mr. Free, Doesn't Want The Low Price Told Many people have wondered why we have used such enthusiastic lan guage in endorsing that new and "dif ferent" sewing machine, The FREE. Simply because we feel enthusias tic to our finger tips about "The FREE", Why, we are so convinced about the absolute superiority of "The FREE" over any machine We have ever seen or heard about that we don't ever dire tell you the price. It is too FURNITURE ON F.D. HAISTEIM . low." .W snd Mr. Free both realize that if you were told the price without iceing the machice you would not be ble to appreciate the fact that The ' FREE is the only perfect 20th Cen tury Sewing Machine. ' Instead of advertising the price , we prefer to make it easy for you to own a "FREE" by offering it at your own terms as low as $1 a week, and above all we would like to have "The FREE" a 30 day trial in your own home.. Ttythis machine test it ew with it on all kinds of material if you then are not entirely satisfied you are not convinced that it is the best machine you have ever sewed on the most improved the most up-to-date if the low price does not con vince you that this is the biggest bargain you have ever bought, return the machine to vs and we will refund your deposit so that the trial will not cost you one cent. ..... tJ?Z??Z h!" 1,1,1 "', b" ill iw rKcK became wt irtsurc . .; ; -(hat ao omn will be wllhnf 10 tti akrat wlibout th S wit of Bill Beirlnts,- th kKI"0' Mu""-'"1. (h French Lt ' nin. th Shottl. Ejector, .h Rt, Spool , Pin.AuloinatlcLockins Drawer AutvmuM Ttnion ReltaM, Aatomatic Thread Cottro If !?Mwe4 " -'ch atiei n;uWoi theni far jj jrt on "Tbt FREE". SeeTEaFREEtomorrow nd let us tend it right out to your home. Come tomorrow - , EASY PAYMENTS . v La Grande, Or. 4