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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1910)
LI CniJDS ETf Xixa CrSISTIH, TCLSDAY, KOTI ... 4. 1 . t 1 c-'MM : 0 j r0F3X82rAii tisercin, o o o raiaaiss axd sclgsqxs. N. M0LIT0R. M. D. FayslcUa Mid Eurgeua. Corner Adams Ave. aai Depot street Office. Mala 12; Resi dence 69. - C. IL tyTON, Ph. G. M. D. Pfcyaiolaa : and surgeon. Speol&l attentloa to Ere. Eat. Nose aad Throat Office la L Grftade'Natlanal Raak Build lug. Phones: Office M&ia 2, Reel .. . dene Mala S2. . . . L. RICHAnSSON PkFBlciai aad surgeon. Office Houn: a l to 8 p. to. exex4 Busday. , Boaday 7 anyetat meats. Telephones: GEce, Elkol 1SC2; lad. 353; residenoei ISaln 65; GUSa W. 2SLZ,:.":rjLSAN--08te5at .Physician. iMer 20;.. lUias' 8, t and 18. Fhenesj Bae Pci2, Kah ' fV RoeUeace gbc&e, mack 8:1 BaoocUer ta Dr. C-R v. Ueere. '' " - ML M. F. BISS!SSLBSS2-eot f ; Optic. Ejustswias Sk&d Eye Class . Me4'lRad Kile to ardar. HI -r - - iJttau &m FWeiT Etl Eld ' U ' - Jw. u ' DR. H. . erWrtgtt tow gtjjiMJa: teattea paid Wslwsseafsuxl&y' oftheey. ' . ? Phases Cffkw Mara 22; reside, i'r'.V .4 ,. .. , J. a PRICn. W. tL D-Oeattst Rms 23, La Oraate KatSoaMd Biak BwHd- , or -.4. ii- I in i , 1 DR. R. R. UNOOLM. DI3WTi8--Rrit . class aattieea glwst Offlea ow LUr ly n&pAwara store, Ptooate Red llii DR. P. A. C3IAELTCM .Tetertaaay 8ar- goe. Office at ClU'a Drag Btare. Lai Oraad Raddesaf phaa, et 7(iii ' OjZ&-taaff, Siaeatl581jIpdf . pendent, pliaae., 63; pot pkeaea at resideaoa. . i .i 1 1 - -i COCHRAN ft CXXSRAN-Attoraeya: Chis. B. ' Coclutia aaleo. T.' GoeV na. La Oraade Kalioasl S Cask CUg La Graaie. Oregaai rrrr TV H. CUlWTOSD-nAtV7 f Uw , Practices la al ltJae eaorti e Oe . BUte al, Uatte edalea. . Office ta La Grande KatfamaA Saak B)ig.r La . Oraadev Ocegea ' D. W. 0. NHLBON iHala.f Baglaeer. Baker Cttr. Orege. ' - ", LENA McRETNOLDS Teacker of PI axto ;rUi.!lStJiMHw . . Wasalagtoo Aveane oa Wednesday aaS Sstarday. Televbaaie e these , Call aar time it HI' Malt ate X -r'":" JwWa y.Treggawersi J. IitlTe'ttatJpung-iailowed on -our premises Do not ask for permis aloa.' BtocklaBd Bros. ;f : r v . V ; A large Bae, ef lair swttekes froa 13, tV&B tt laeies laleagth, H go at a Tery lew rlce wkCe ttey last Res Eaia Ul CS Fir street - .... J. Mrs. I A. Palmar Prop, Emy fefttly hu B4iJ of a good, nllslh llaiment . For tpTslm, bralna, soreneis of . the noiclea and rbtumttlc tmlm there is none better. Jhsa Chamberlain's. Bold by all oealerAtoi . ' ' ' Ladss and Gents Uh89 ShintParlors "TCp; TttEtQdKtAW to 1118 Adams Are., where . will esrrt all custom-ers,csw&nadd lrtok UJ fcr CStjr Warrants. Notice U hereby gia that there are now funds a hand to pay all out standing warrants issued on General Fund of La Grande City, up to and In cluding, No. 8211, endorsed May 19. 1SC3. ' . Interest on all warrant on General Fond from No. 8175 to No. 8311 in clusive, ceases from this date. RAT W. LOGAN. City Treasurer. Cleaning and Pressing. Ladies and Gen's Clothing cleaned, pressed and repaired with satisfac tion. Ladles' work a specialty. 1704 East . Adams avenue, W. R. , Baxter, Prop. European Plan Only Rcsini COc to $1.50 ' FlTzt class ;Throiishout 4 , D. C, BRICHQUX, MTAH 1 PROPRIETOR -PHONE JRED 37C2 "if bis 'via W wiili taV extend ed far no2i into the base of erolnOoD to toresee the ultimate . triumph of facandosaat electric lightings- the GENERAL ELEO- TRIG IfiTffij .UMPy.rfX -v- The sage 'old phlcoplr Cew t Me kite itaiiav a tbnmlar mtnri ,uu ormnrntm w. ey acvea . and Heoorered , electricity, but eroltftloa Jeereed .-that ' modern avBtrrefeaha should dlsoorer . aa .lncadaceM..hvnp ,4hst .is-., rerololtoftiiiagtartiflcW .V......TKB1 GXNERAL ; ELECTRIC MAD2ULt IM? cit4e ;trly . three tfaaes ths?Egbi crt the r-; dinery arboa lBcandescant--; aadeoata ae snore totrperate. In, addition to this it giro light of , av Taatly superior qaallty a' , eiear''w;hlte' light like the sun's .. raya, , ';..., u;-,vr' f . JBhrerywhereople are hating their vboueea wired for electric tight, atnee the Invention of the GENERAL fcLECTRlC MADZA J LAMP. It has made electricity . as cheap as it is eoBTenlent' Come; la for a moment today and . ,. let us prore to your satire Esi istfsectioa that there is no longer j aoaeftle exeose for you to be Jwtthoot the greatest of all t household " conTenlences elec- trie Cl ; 7l-! EASTERN 1 NESS IIL ALL STORES CLOSED THURSDAY AFTERXOON IS PLAN. Some ef Them 1TC1 Remaia Closrd A I! Day, and Others Trota Noon On. ThankBglTing day is to he observed In La " Grande.' Grocery stores ""anfl meat marts, some of them, will b closed all day, while the general cus tom of closing the dry goods stores at noon will probably be adhered to by all merchants. The Observer will publish a tops edition on ' tht' day and ' je machine shops will be 'doo'ed aown, so tnai pracucwiy every mcu try and business house in' the ' city will be'locked up-tight r least fftfrtoc the afternoon. . Some of the churches -are planning special-ThanksgivWg services,; anion? them being the Episcopal which has announced the follQw!n-evices for that flay: ThanksgiTiBg.Pay Serrkes. - Je seiriceg for Thsnkagivlhr Day at 8t Peter's church will be at 10:80 a. m. The offering will be given to the Good 'BamirlUn hoepital at Port' D0 F0T KAREDTET Stete Teterlnary Bays. Wallowa Dog, Bittea by Coyote, StCl Wett. Dr. W. H. Lytle, state veterinarian received a letter' this morning from Dr. White, secretary" 'of "" the" state' board of health, to the effect' that the Wallowa county-sheep dogs that were bittea by a coyote ' haTe thus far shown no symptoms of becoming rab id", 'relates U Pmffletofl" East -Ore-gonian. In the opinion of Dr. Whit the dogs will hot have the rabtes, yet as the trouble may arise' any .'time from 12 days to g months, after being bitten. It is 'yet- ttoo early to predict the outcome." The dogs will be closely watched1 meanwhile: The little- boy who was bitten by the coyote that ran amuck -is recovering. VC ' ";:',, ,., A Case For the Board of Health. V"Tea," said Barkinii as be Ht an op- preasive two . cent cigar and began puffing on oa It "1 oust confess X am fond of the weed." '.'t ; -WeU all .Pre got to say," j14 Risks, Jumping to windward . of the smoker. is that tf we had a lire health officer in this "town that weed would be palled."-Jaarper'a Weekly.' Meacuritta rTime. :...?u We knew htr, be it underetood, '' AaA U was quit a blow, - Wbea efce tonook ur netg-hborhood ,t Afcoat pjM cooj ace. .?r.t;J:,.,: Bat Ww to iady wibn we pus ' No Crtendahlp doth evfaioe. ,v . ' JM got beyond our tumble olaae " .' At toeet itureo auabaoda al&oe. . r-t : ' ' '"u.M.i. :. .'v - ? The Mleeellaneeus Merkamen. ' Ta rather a poor meter." saVl the maa who ucee outdoor Ufa. "x mss ererythisar I aheot at" ; :&V3::tijfonftfpie& the guide, who has a proper regard, f or hta per- sodsI safety. " "But do yoa miss every thing yoa aren't shooting atr Wash- lagtosifitar. " : h' ' ' .-o- ; - .-'. :t Ceming.""." ''i fv . Btea out tbe old. rise In ttM aewr . Mrs- to tbo ciyatw. frlad atrw.; 1 fite out U berrtas aad Uki fruH. . naw ' phut in U wafflca that are Um , ta fiery over an the rost; v; ' -, Whoa aravy. aaaaoaad rich tad aae, ' VWwe 'er.tam la a goldoa wine. -' j v ib is i; nalWiwe faa. y. ,.-, i , i" ' .- ;m W OMrt Leek Rishi, 1 understand' Brindle and his wife have quarreled.' What was the causer "Why, Brindle lost tds wife a the crowd and went shout peeking under all the peach basket bits that looked Uke hen. aad she saw hira and' got mad." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Taking Things, , The airship mu who cavorts ea high And the win and the rain -. , Hot only takea hia life in Us heads. Bet alae hie aeroplane. iBenu. Pilled the BSH. EmployerI want ;a maid who Is strictly honest Applicant Enure and Ofm that mum. Orm not .wCUng ta say yes are oat when yes are tax. Philadelphia Ledger. - - - ' . the Warned Mlia. "' : ' As the airship ascendad one nisfbt Mlaa Fhiiue ahrikd loud ta aOrht, . "Oh, esptala. beware Of colliding- op thcra With Bn3amj yratkito's sfflt wter ..v., . -OUoage'.Kewa " Wsst KSa fty, exs esxt a ward A Legend "." By F. TONLT !.2TW .Ccprrlfht. 1910. by Amtrlcaa Pren r Aiocltion. When I was abroad lest summer I Tlfiited a German America f-lend cf. mine who bad got rich In A merles' ciaUiig beer; and- with the ' proceeds 1 bought one of those ruined caBtles on the Rhine, repaired It and treat his summers there. ' We were sitting one afternoon 4a, a room. facing, the west The weather being warm, the blinds were closed to keep out the sun, , See ing what I suppose! t be a silver coin on the floor. I Arose," went to It and was about ie pkk .it up when .1 saw that it was one 'of tboee little round sun images that will come through a chlnk, Ehuster. my host ..laughed at me ard said: .., . fi "Tht reminds me of a legend about this .castle, Jt was formerly owned by Baron Hugner." The story goes tfiat the baron was a great gambler. When he succeeded te: the .castle a lot of mosey' went with it ,-: lott see,Mt lies on one of two hills, and a road baa always kd'Ktween'them dowa to the river. 'This road was frequented by eacpchasta who took roods dow tn ta Rhine:! ror snipmenit-ny waxer. When the baron saw a party of them in the distance he had only to 'swoop down on thm. levy e, tribute of some 23 te CO pei cent of the Vales og their geods fee rUfantd thereto ejre,wS . . "This baron I was teCmg yon about Enbert Hugner. , was his name in herited: the. property Just, about the tuai that fceopte tot vlrttious. and It wasn't "considered any more the way for .a nobleman to rob. He did It aft er this by eerving the sovereign, and when hi king pounced upon a state or a' duchy' or aemethlng like that the baron-got a slices "WeR, as I wis saying. Baron Hug ner wa nen, a gammer ana wunai Tlrtuoasv' Oe gambled all day. and be gambled an night Now, the legend Us tt that the dsvil had for denturiet been Interested In the wealth the bar- en had extorted from the merchants and wanted hi share. ..Bat he didn't want It tn money. -He has no use for material, only spiritual things.': What he wanted for bu share 'of the plun der, was a soul, and thd soul he had set his rillaineus heart 4 was Baron Hubert Hugner. rrhe'way the devll managed to get a hold on tne Daron was xnrougnunis passion' for "play.--Whenever Husner gambled the devil stood behind him and so Influenced him to make his bets that gradually every bit of the gold that the Hugner had-' for centuries taken from the 'merchants went by the board. Then one day v when- the baron had lost it all the devil came late the room-disguised as p. Jew and told him that he would discount his note for a large sum without either security " or interest : " When Hugner cam td find out what the" devil want ed ia lieu ef security "and interest it was the usual thing Satan hungers for rhls souL ; .' -.-" . "The. transaction was completed, the consideration-T-the soul to be delivered six months after date withotit grace. The baron' was' furnished with a thou saadpieces 'of gold. 1 with' which' h went on gambling -and gradually re- eorered allrfca had lost totting his financial affairs into a .-satisfactory condition a few days before his note came m . -i.yj:.- v.v. ; riha'Akht before Hugneru soul was to be delivered the baron had a dream. He dreamed that an angel appeared . to aim and. said: Tomorrow Bataa will claim your soul In lieu of his interest m the plunder exacted in the past by your ancestors from 'merchant. It, is not meet that he should reap this beae at; "Tomorrow when be'comeS' for yon teU him that yoa can win money from him' without even a piece of .money jeo tug as aivead'ef a pin.? Qe. will demur to. -that -.Then offer to bet him the soul of your oldest son that yon can o?.wnat yoti have said.' ? "When the baron awoke it seemed that he had really seen the angej and received the advice.-"' Hugner v was scarcely out of bed before a '.stranger canea ana asked to see him.; The baron recognized at once the fiend who had called for his soul. With a faint hope he obeyed the instructions of hi dream. The devil accepted the chaUrcge, and they sat down before a' beard used on that day sctnethina like fare. " The devfl dealt and. seeina what he thought was a silver eaia aa the g?en, turned up a card that woa t7Rh' vst examining the coin he threw the baroa on of equal value. . ".a-weukl respectfully can your at fis&tloa said .the baroa, He the fact that what yen thought was a coin Is anSy , a round inn spot -coming ta erongb a chink la the window bHad.' r" Upon my word, sail Oa derfl, 1 USset 7ou are right' -"1- - .:- "1 think we are qclts pursued the baron,, 'aad my soul Is Dyvown.' The devil answered never a word. bat got ap from the table, vent ant of the dosr and -fever returaed.-ut that tight ha seat a fierce storm of Cxht- ra izi t'l that way gwtrrred tLe'caet'.e. and Jt tad neTtr been occu pied UI1 I came here mysalf." ,.1'y bc?t t'Tzr.i me tttt en cf the people at th foot cf the Bctlcts knew of Scl end ttst roost cf ticm belli f.l It, - ' It is ttcce kjccla that make the rclrj cf German c-aw2s core Interest izz than tiey would be were they mere p'Jps.of stone. and mortar. 1 spent qnlie avrhEa with my frf;nd the baron, and my fascination for bis boas steadily grew till my da-pcrtcre. W (.It I kllM tew Tork is hard up jsnd is relling its real estate.' It looks as'thocM j Cen-4 tral park would have to go if the city is ever to become solvent rhCad! phla Inquirer.. . . Flats and boor.a, says a Chicago phy sician, drive people insane. And. tak ing the Chicago variety cf both, it is diScult to toll which is the more mad danln& Loe Angsks Express. Clncinna'4's successful boo Is thirty- five years, old. ,It USonjs,;r ta Ca-t-lc ey'iitei- and a fee at th) gate keeps out the proletariat classi cally known afi the hoi polloL-Blrmlng-bam Age-Heral4 . Come people do not nnderstand why iZO policemen In New Origins cannot keep L600 saloons shut' on Sunday. Vt; -presume, if the matter were knxj-JrnTU is because tbey hare their mm - vLirrqatoo " rtews and Courier. , '. .. t i, , .... 4 ft , A Amerl- 33 total attendance at the can )ea2txamea ta waf ciA ana in isu sxzixzi. In th recent Mssourirlowa football game the seventeen punts of tfoyell of Mlssoorl . averaged foctyooe '.yard& Cis seventeen kicks 'covered G3 yardi The fifth jmnual convention, bowl ing tournament' and. carnival ef the National "Bowling association wlU be held in Buffalo, N. T, Feb. 23 to March ia leu. . . , t . , ;, . - c-.Ia England football players are nunv bered.vMany gridiron experts in Amer ica are in favor of this method, and Mxt, aiseon " the ' tnnovatjon ' mey. . be adopted. ... Sweetland, the new rowing coach at Wisoohsln. was at Syracuse, Colgate, Hamilton, Ohio (Btate end Kentucky State as coerh ta various 'sports b f.i'e be went lo Uadisda 4 Aviation. ' The flnttncial failure -which has at tended every , flying meeting organised m Great Britain this year has discoor- agedromotera.1-'--7'',,-" Russia' hsM: appropriated ' nearly XL 30,009- 'for the comcleta -army- aero plane equipment the largest sum x pended for the purpcea by any govern- Scottish aviators experience dl2icul ty in experimental flights ' on account of tea heavy .atmosphere or damp cold encountered, as - in 'other ' northern countiiea, Except ia ons-or twe eum mer months the cold ia-the air makes practice or experiments hAiardous, A St Louis wife says aha. lied to keep her mother-in-law's respect ' ' No mah" would have done that Houston A Chkago policeman's wife says thai she has saved "hot husband's - sahuy and in vested It until sha'hAS'gSO.OOQt How's that foe thrifw-BwOiestcr PosV New Tork. society .wemen having tak en np sous . for . puythlags. - we are u aouDi .WDcuier civmsatlaa is mov ing forward er backward ct "tidewaya rtrxshtirg:Bun..'H. f. I 'jr- klinaeeota has LC0C3 acres of puh- nc isnaa, ; Texas Is a close second to California among the states tn th production of onickanvexv v..-,,.-,-. Among (the coke producing states Pannsyivarda ranks' first and Watt Vir ginia second. - : . - tiasaachnsetts last year, disbursed tn wages la all industries. 12TM.1JIM. the three principal industries beinc boot and shoe manufacture, cotton randmahtaery., - WBaa sjoakteff beans oversight for baking add a tiny pinch of sofl to (he watar they soak to. - ;i' ''.;;. Some', housewives hi ' to add the beaten whits of as' egg to creamed cocflsh, ' folding it earefiy through Just before it is dona? - yrjT ; A cake -mad without butter teads a cnick oven; a cake with butter, except dark-spice cakes . and fruit cakea, Deeds only a. moderately quick oven, and the spice cakes and fruit cakes seed a slow oven. SIsssenger isrvlea can Je tad by eSois tTa!a ti.'or the TTaUn Usloa oa tha Bs&t tz -v 1 ; Jfoilee to Ct-t; Notica is hereby g!Ta that sea'.. 1 bids will be received at the o"co cf the ur.ders'gned Recorder of the City cf La Grande, until November 22rl. 1910. at the hour of elgtt o'clock p. rn. for tie coDstnicuoa of 8S3 squara yards of bltulittic pavement togetlicr with th excavation, drainage aad curbing as shown by the plans and specifications cn tie in this office, to same to be constructed at tie inter section of Monroe avenue, North Fir and "S streets, in the Gty of tu, Grande1, Oregon. Certified check , cf S per cent cf the amount of the bid ta accompany each bid. Council re3iYt the right to reject any and all hi la. By the order of the City Council, November WX 1310. D. TL COX, Recorder of tba CJty of La Gnnda. . Not. 19 -Et K'-.c cf Etr;t Lrprovei JTa, whea l? ri concern: Notice is hereby given that la pursuance cf a ... rctolntJan e'sjted by tTte Cocacn Cc--at!r f jCr. : Cty, a Gratia,' Oregon 'cn th 8LS"ay of njvem' ,r, 1910, creating Isspreveajent Distdol Na 8 and doifMHM r-v- aa such district, aod In pursuance' c a resolution ;r.doptl by s."'1 Common CcuncU pa ft 2ad day of ''Isvexnher, 1910, whereby fJd Councns. detor- miaed aad" declared its 'Anuilon' to improve all ttat portion ' cjf Laa - ar&ft'&d, la" aid ' 'iE.itiet &JH trlct as hereinafter described; by lay trig thereon macadsaa pavement the council .will,.-ten days after the sor Vice' of ttTrTkotice upon the owners cf the prcrrty aSected and beneiltr ted .by such improvemeat order that said, aEbve, described Improvement he made; that boundaries of said district to be so improved are as follows :v4 AH that portion cf Lake avenae from the West curb' line of North Second street to the west line of N. Cedar street. . Notlee is heTby further'glvcn that the Council will levy a special assessment on an the property affected and bene . fitted, by such Improvement -for the purpose. tJf 'paylBg for 'inch' taprova ' ment That the euliiaatiad'ct.ot eur.h tmproTemcnt is. the. sum of, f";p3.C0. That the Council will on the 23rd Csj of November, 1310, meet at Cs Caua cU'ctamW'at m hourvc'r! 8 '6'ctock cost and the levy of said assessment, when a heariig win be granted to any per son fooling aggrieved by each assess ment v.-;-1.'-.; :;".' i :: La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 11, 1910. city council of ? ,la grands, Oregon; . Recorder of the City of La Oraade Oregon. .-." " : ' ' tt. Nov. ijj-jot, ;;: 2::v v Netfc of 'Efreet InpmrrseatV .. To whom'n'maV'cpn'cra: Notica la" hereby given lhat in pursuance ot a resolution. , adopted.,, by ,the:! Common . Council of the City of La Qfande,,9re gon. on the.Jja kd-Iflt November, , 1110, oreatlng Improvewont Strict No, i7 and designatiaf street ' a such district and in pursuance of "reV)JuJrtian. adopted ,bjr said Comjaoa Council Ion, the 2nd day; of November J810.. whereby aaid wanciftdste'nnked aad declared its Intenaon imprtMra aa,that jrtka of. ja street, ta said, Improvement district, 'V herein after,l&ylBg tikcr aii cadam pavement, the Counl, wilj tea days after the service of .this notice Won ..the .pwners , that property af fectad and benefitted by such improve- , ment, order that said above describ ed improvement be made; thatboaa dariei of ealci district, to be so lan proved are aa' fclkiws( AU that pot tloa of North Becond street from, the 0. R. ft N. side of the R. R. track to tka center of Lake avenue. Notica ta hereby further given that the Council will levy - a special assessmeat on all th property affected and benefit . tad by such Improvement tor the par pose of paying for such teprovament That in Kficated oast t such lnv. rvea3;t b .th aua of imco.M. That th Council wH oa the t3rd day of November, 1$19, meet at it? Coua ea.ehaxabr at th ksar cf 8 tfclaci 9. nv, to eopjiJsr said ; ecUmAted cost, and the levy of said assessment vhea a hearing will be franted to any per tea - fetliot acTire5 ty each , as- 'UCraaia. Creoti, Kov. 11, nil CTtTjCOttrCIL, C7 LA CTSAJr53, O v 07 w - vv. ::,:;' 'tv atvcsi. -yt. Keoorder cf th C j cf La Graais. Crrr&,'' " ; " . '- - - Kw. 13-L1' .' I-.- (I ' irr.r-n - I