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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1910)
. ' . PAGE EIGHT y i V 'J, ; .51 if.-- .; '-J fiat " ' - ' 11 i . ""B,,1,,aa1WSaaMia 1 '":'..' ''' ,', ! ' - 1 I . , . '. : . '. .-.. jr ' v:UslS:::u-::-:- - lM;4 WW Iky $5) : " ' : f ' '-i' jJ ,3',:- ' ' ' ' : ' ll 7 . ; ! ,. - .- -'' i PEADLETOX SCENE of AR1X0 . C1UME IX DAY TIME, ' h . . ' 1 : m , " v, -f - ' ' 11 1 . , -f .--rfof fc.i:les;Sg!f K;.iadfeBlrS:: ; ; Mens; li tl . m W ' HI J : i 1 I . " rw I ' ! ! . ' . . :.( ,V.-.! i ! . 1 1 . '. ' . ' . i BOLD ; DAYLIGHT nOBBERY Till KmoTed In Plain Yiew of Pul) ;t s s , lie and Business Houses ; Pendleton, !NW 22-iThe East Ore J Ionian said laat evening: ' 1 A' bold daylight bul-glary exceeding anything of 'the Mnd ever Verpetrat- "ed ln this lty, occurred 'in 'the full ' 3 light of day ' Sunday afternob'n ? be 1 tweeb the house of 2 o'clock and 4:30. J' ; A cash register and a' safe were both .''"''burglarised netting1 the robber $135 ; "'for his pains. 4 ;: , - :i ' ' The Tallmab 'Drug Company's stdre . :4' at the "corner of Wain and Alta streets ' ' 'In the very heart 'of the business dls ! trict was the scene of the burgiat's .-' 'activity. ' k " i" .' -'-S i ' i ! ' Between the hours mentioned some 3T;3 cr:fy" tsk!r.g sawder xzzdafrom Royal Grapo : ; . ; u ;i Qrrvm cf . Turfsu i i -"ft--.:.- " f . ,t spat JW y'r' ; one pried off one of the Iron dpors-pro-tecting,a window in, the, rear o the store. The -window was then' pried pen bnd an fentrance affected. .: ( j AfLGf gaining-' aflmlktanbe to the building the burglar apparently hunt ed up the cash1 register and though in, plain sight of the scores twhk were passing the ,ato$e aj the time,, delib erately relieved, that machine of ,11 its i contents, t H6 .then Just as cooly, walked intb the office an finding the door locked, opened it.' took out the money till any rifled lit. J That the fellow was in no hurry is .indicated by "the !act tAat he Hook the till ou of the safe and placed! it behind the rear partition where jhe could, work at his leisure and, npt be een from the stieet, the safe-beig in full view.! He carefully separated me checks from the currency and tak ing only the money. deDarted as I h came, by he rear window. 1 1 .To. add. to the boldness of trie deed, (the fellow worked in, almost ' plain view of the rear of the-Henneman bil liard parlor whlch was filled with men at the time and lie could easily have been, observed from Alta street y anyone passing at the time he was, prynng on tne iron door.' j ... ,.(.. . ' '( ; Ackorman nn'd Took f hh f Siteakvrs. i ' .- t. , j , , . . , ,,CoaJnaed frm Pag L)' .-, J. Schoggin were also well received that eatfh was called i upon for en cores. 'Mrs: bridges Was the" accom pahlsty ; ' ' . - ' applause and knitted een more firm ly the friendships between La Grande as.hpstes and theeafhers as guests; Cfuce .nnls , spoke the address off welcome while Superlutendent 'Ark- kerman, rrof.jCook, of Chlfn'go. uper- iuimueiii-eiect .jAiaennan. ana Prof. Adrian of San Franclsoo,' were , the men who responded for th' visitors. Prtf. J. IX Stout was mnster.of.cerpj tnftnles. ' ' , . : , , "Refreshments weVe srtrved ' and dancing followed the Informal recep tion. . ; 1 Today's program follows': ' . " ' ' ' 9:00 Opening Exercises. !tt0 i Scrtionnl , Work Primary . , Grammar and High School. , 10.00 Music. u ;f 1 1 fLA GRAXDE EYEMNG OBSERTEB, TCESDAT, X0TE3rP.tR t 11:00 Jfusic. " 1 : 10, "The New .Prof essibnioAu i4;vv luiermissvon. ; SI ' t ' ... I . ' i:w 'Music. - 11 K ' Sectibnal Wok Primny, Grammar and1 High" ScUool. M . 2j40 . MUsic. , " ' " tl i. V'VesdllJrETg::,,, 'r 8:00, , lecture ohn,WvlCopk. " c . Grammar geclon. ,, f 9:10 Some Things That Bother-H. A. Adrian. ; ! -; 1.45 Literature dn the Seventh' and pighth, QradesAJohn W. Cook:. ' ' j , . Primary, Section. (; 8:10 . Primary. Reading pather(no Montgomery. ( t t , 1:45 Seat Worbatherine - Mont : " gdmery. ' '.j t i ' ' J High ' S?Hool 'Sec Uon.- " .9:10 . Should. Readina he1 Tnnffht'in I . j the,' High chool. Juo, Ctjok :vu ?.ngnBp ip ,tn mgn.Sch.iwj M. A. Adrian. , ; ' "n 1 1 ' ' . " t y- ; CATARRH. - s -; -'' ' , FASHJOriS N0W;F0LlOv1 t f "' "' "'JJ-',7.;,I4SSi?S'BI Ilh-ome) nhaler. p made'of'Mrd rubber, ,and can easily, b carried In the pocket or jpurse. ; will last a lifetime. , ' .,, , t ,.; , , ; Into thia Inhaler, your pour 'a' few brops of magfcal HYOMEI. l .,-. '. i ... .,, ...... iThlajis absorbed by the.antlsentlc t 6uerwnmu,( ana now you jar e ready MAI... .UL'1U .11 to breathe it In overthe germ h fested membrane. ' wr t trt speedl Jy begin . . its ' Work bt tillln catarrh-germsi HVOMEMa made dt Australian eucalyptus combined with other antiseptics, and is very pleai ant to breathe. J ' s It-,.:uarante'ed''to..cure'catarrl. v.. .(.Li. T, sore inroat, -croup, coughs and fftlda. W mnnoir . ' tit-, t rif J. . . . ' " - .... ... V 1 1 C II." Kt stnffed-up4ad In' tftVminutel . Sold by iht Newlin Drug Co. and druggfets everywhere, i Complete out ht. Including lnaestrucfible pocket haier.. and ' one bot'tl 4oi jHYOMEJ, $1.00. And remember, If jwu need a second bottle of HYOMEI it will coit i only 60 cents. Free.trial bottle of Hi THE; LINES OP BlrS . . I i I .' '"Wiliiawa in Indianapolis Newaj I 1910, 1 : : Jill Mm i , . .r ' . t COXEEREXCEf OX .THIS EyEXIJto TW LEABX DETAILS Company.; Has Offer ioSjToTe to Mote ; .... i , , rrofltable Beet, Growjng Town. . Exactly what . will be done 'with tie sugar factory here will become 'knon thte evening- When tllB hnafnoao mln meet David Ecctes thi tres'ide'nf of the 4"5iuuea ougar uompany. Mrj Eccles is here today, arriving W tie toon train from Baker "City where he spent last night with friends. . ; The 'only fnew; feature in the situk tlon Is that the' company has beTu jjrofeied allocation- where the 'fair mers -will guarantee to raise siffflcieht sugar bees to warraht: a' rofltal le run.. The name of 'this town lias not been made public. ' i ' KeOce fori Publication. ' ' i '' ' -f i r . ;. : Department of ihe Intelor,' U.' S. Land Office 'at " La Grande," 6reg n, October 11, 1910. ' , Notice Is hereby' given that Maud Schofleld, ' whose' post-office addrss Is La Grander Unldn County, Oregon, did, on the 7th day of 'June, 1910, file In this office "8worn,Wtement dnd ajp plication, Hootm, 0 purchase ie SW 1-4 of NW U, W. 1-2 of SwT-4 of Sectlod 4, TowrishlD ' South,1 Radge 37 East. 'Willamette' Meridian, and t!he timber 'Aereont undethe provisions ot the act of June " 3, .1878, and acts amendatory, known as; the "Timber and Stone Law," at ' such .va'lue las might be fixed, bjrvapprajsement, InA that, pursuant to sQli allcation, he the land and timber ihereon have I Jen appraised, at 465.prf tth'e timber eltl mated 435,000. board Xeat at $1 perjM, and the laiid $30.00; that said; appli cant will offer finat nronf tn innJn "VI "ii"nuua ruh sworn state- aient oo. the 10th dayor January, lhl of her application and sworn state- ?mmm j I ' ' '. t . EGCLES REACHES TUC PITV ! L i i more - j 3 . . , , , -. , i v ted; States Land Office 'at' La Grande, tL . ' V. CYUkerrr Any person ia at iirtj; to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a'cohtest at any time before patent issues: bylinrf 4 cofrrnlinrataA' affl. daylt Mn this1 office1, alleging ' tecta -..wu nvuiu uaicai ma entry; . , P. c. bramwelu, Oct H-De". 23. i. The quicker a, cold i gotten rid of the less the danger from pnkrodnla anf other wnoui i diseases. Mr, B. W. L; ITall, ol Wfcrerly, Va., uts:."! firmly believe Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to fee absolutely the best preparation ou.tbe Jnarket for cords, I have reqpmmended .it to mv friends and they U -gree with me." For sal b all dealers. ' , r - J v i . '' . "I had been troubled with-'constlpation for two years and tried tifl of the best physi cians, in Bristol Tenn- and they could do nothing for mo " writes Tha V W:n: M..u MITVI me,": For sale bv all dealers. Phone fiaHf ' . ...tY nnvj ' WUl IVlIUfTK. aaaSftllW. m 4 'V v, 1 (TO I t . T a II. hj Tu....j . . j KVAA jl v , wa j ,5..'. US,e eith'et phcie ' ' - MiddleW Ky.; Two packaged of Cham berl&in'a Hlnm.A ami T .... rr.v.l... i rattisch ?1 "... t V, i "! ..jus "-".-a- "