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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1910)
. 1 13. GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. i?lUi)A, UOIUUEU 253, 1010. PAGE THREE' Ste war dV Opera House Tuesday, Nov. 1, 8:15 p.m. ' ' Well if it isn't our old Friend Happy Chas. A. Sellon in the yery newest of Musical Extravaganzas 16 SONG HITS 1$ 16 SCENES 16 40 - PEOPLE - 40 A FLOTILLA OF PRETTY GIRLS , ROOSEVELES TOUR. Some Incid.nts of th. Colon.l's Visit - to th. Those of un who bav never seen Colonel Roosevelt itunglue that be is always smiling. ha photographers usually snapping him when In a happy mood. But of late be bas been show ing us bis "fighting face," and when in this mood be look to be a mighty bard man to handle. , The colonel Is thoroughly aroused liver the Sherman Incident and proru- Its a Companion Play to "the Cat and the Fiddle." You know that was good SEL The Pullman Palace Car ' " The Approaching Locomotive The Forest of Dreams ' The, Orients Greatest Street -The Funny Restaurant The idol's Dance The Sacred Cow Molly The Revolving Palace The Aviation Race to the Moon The Book of Knowledge The Maids of the Mist - ' "Innocence". The Little Girl Who " Never Saw a Man Great Domo King of the Moon The Moon Bride ' ; The Seminary, Kiddles ' . , The Pajama Girls The Pretty Waltresess The Idol Dancers The Egyptian Dancers - and ; ' ' Happy, Hans,' Mike and the Genl'. and Then Hear "Off to Market" ' " 7 :; ' I'BrldaJ Bells' ' "Town Hall To-Night" "They All Look Alike to Mabel" "The Work's Too' Hard for. Me." Ching'a Ling a Foo. ; Just the Same Old Story. ; . The Haughty Hottentots In Seville : :'. 4 : : t ' " " " " " f r 1 , , ; .j ,. --' j j J we talre special care that, the SHOES ve cell are properly fitted. '0NYX:H0SIERY Once a Customer, Always a Customer ira Shoemen sm & GR TTT Y Depot Street PRICES: , 50, 75, $1, $1.50. SEATS READY SATURDAY at Van Buren'. J Notice of Strecf Imrovement To whom It may concern: Notice is hereby g'.ven that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council" of the city of La Grande, on the 5th day of August, 1909, creating Improvement District No. 4 and des ignating Washington avenue as such district, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said Common Council on the 28th day of September, 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared its Intention to improve all that portion of Washington avenue, in said Improvement district as heretnaf ter described by .laying thereon ce-, ment walk, the Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of ihe property affected and benefitted by such improvement, order thai; said above described im provement be made; that boundaries of said district to be so ImproVed are as follows:: All that portion of Wash ington avenue from the east curb line of Fjrst street, to the "west curb line ft! Spruce , street ' Notice Is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special, assessment on all the property affected , and benefitted by such improvement for the purpose of paying for. such improvement. That the estimated cost of such improve ment is the Bum of $8061.35. That the Council will .on the 9thT day of Nov ember, 1910, meet at the Council cham ber at the hour of 8 o'clock at p. m. to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of, said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, Oct '26, 1910. ' CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. ' By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon ' v Oct 27 to Nov. 7 Ifotice tp Contractors. Notice is .hereby given th it sealed bids will be received at the oilce of the City Recorder until eight o'clork p. m. November,2ndi 1910 for the con struction of068 lineal feet of cement sidewalk, said walk to be built n ac cordance .with the specifications on file In this office, 'and to be Ave foot In width., .. . ... - Said walk to be built on Main t .-ect both sides from First street to Fourth street, and on Fifth street torn DepU street to 0 avenue on the east side. Council . reserves the right tj re ceive or reject any or all By order of the Council, Oc.i-.flr 2f, 1910. - ; ' V ,D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La'Gra 'do, Oregon. : Oct 27 Nov. Z : Tote No on Annexation. The portion of Washington county proposed to be annexed to Multnomah Is seven miles wide, contains 112 .of our 730 sections, four and a half of our fifteen millions of taxable prop erty. one. fourth of our voters and population and one-half of our rail road mileage. 500 voters of this strip have signed a remonstrance against annexation a clear majority, as less than 300 signed the petition and about 900 votes were cast at the la3t general election. In addition many who fir; favored annexation now oppose It and say the cut was made too deep. We ask v b to An,e. No oa Washington Multomah dlvislan W. D. Wood, Chairman Anti-Annexation Committee Hillsboro, Oregon. " ' ' ' ; 0 1310, by American Press Association. COLOHKL BOOSSVKLT'S "nOHTINO FACE.' ises to make things warm atthe New York stale Republican convention. For the present be has dropped his, literary work for a tour of the west, on which he Is making many speeches i On one occasion the constant noise of a steam ing locomotive made speaking very dif ficult Finally. ne ..gave K up", telling the crowd that an engine was the only thing he could not talk ngalnBt In Wyoming .Colonel Roosevelt min gled with the cowboys as be did in the old days when the lure ol the west took him there. And Just to show that he is as strenuous as ever he rode thirty miles on cow ponies, declaring After the trip that he felt no fatigue whatever. , CAR! LOAD r New Studebaker Buggies and Rnh Sleds just received by I.- .. . .... . , .... W. or i We Can ;l Press Your Clothes ; Clean Them On Short Notice. Elite Dying and Cleaning VJorks ; J H. B. WAGG0HER, Prop; ; ,! I Mahaffey Building , v ; : v - Depot street N.w Cure For Cold. BAMSH CATAEEU. - ' Calf in. Pound, t . . A red, baldfaced lucking calf.. was impounded by me today Man bring ing cow which claims calf can have same. POUNDMASTER FERRE3. Want "1s nay, one cent a word. For Sun Grapes Bananas Oranges day Sweet Potatoes Cauliflower Cabbage; Squash .., . Snofoass Grocery Breathe , Hjomel (or Two Minutes, and Stuffed-up Head Will Yanlsh. If you want to get relief from 'ca tarrh, cold la the, head or from an Irritating cought in the shortest time, breathe HY-O-MEI (prouounce it High-o-me). N' It 'will clean out your head in two minutes and allow you to breathe free ly awake or asleep. HYOMEI will cure a cold in one day, It will relieve you of disgust ing snuffles, hawking, spitting and of fensive breath in a week. ; HYOMEI is mad chiefly from euca lyptus, a soothing, healing, germ killing antiseptic, that comes from the eucalyptus forests of Inland Aus tralla. where catarrh, asthma and consumption were never known to ex ist- HYOMEI is pleasant' and easy to breathe. Just pour a few drops into the hard rubber pocket inhaler, breathe it, and cure Is almost cer tain. '.'' . .. , A complete Hyomel outfit including inhaler and one bottle of "HYOMEI costs only $1.00 at the NewHn. Drug Co, and druggists everywhere. If you already own an Inhaler, - remember that you can get an extra bottle of HYOMEI for 60 cents. For free sample write Booth's Hyomel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. , Oct 7, 17, 28. " 7 Xnit be Above Sosuiclon. . Kidney and bladder aliments are so serious in their consequences, and if unchecked so often fatal that any rem' edy offered for their cure must - be above suspicion. Foley's Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, and have successfully stood a long and thorough test Hill's Drug Store. , i, J)o It now.. Buy your. . winter suit while- the prlcee are lowest'.,3l'c'l sale of large sice Stoln-Blocs, -tults at the Toggerf, Batrdr, Oot 91. i And now comes a brand new remedy for a cold.- The French aviator An brun began an airship race recently while suffering from a heavy cold, but in a short time found, to bis great sur prise, that the cold had vanished. Two tonic elements the airship hajpthat other vehicles lack. 'The strained at tention needed in lying takes a' man's mind on jus. physical ,Uls. f For: this reason ' blcy- cling and autonio- ? billng have been recommended .for gome forms of dls- ease. . But flying- is better yet. Who ' can bother with a cold when be Is bu8y ;wltb hands, feet knees and el bows and trying to look all "at once at map, road book and the reeling earth beneath? How long will it be be fore enterprise prompts the advertise, ment: "Why sneeze? Take one trip in the Albatross to guaranteed alti tude of 5,500 feet and-cure that coldl" 1 ' 8avlng Time. How much is that?? asked the man who was In a hurry. Dollar ninety-eight" replied the saleslady. "Would you mind calling it 52 evenr: "I'm sorry, but it's against the rules." "Would you consent as a favor to retain the change?": "Certainly notl I do not receive tips." He turned sadly , away. Then a bright Idea struck him. He went to the door, called a passing newsboy and took him to the counter. He reached for the article desired and regardless of protest shoved It into his pocket Laying down a two dollar bill, he said to the newsboy: . "Now, son. yon wait for that J cents change, no matter how long It takes, and bere's half a dollar for your trou ble.--Washington Btaf. Directory of the Fraternal Orders , of La Grande, Oregon A. F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F, A A. M. holds regular meet ings first and third Saturdays at ' 7:30 p. m.':" " !y 1 ' ' JOHN 8. HODGIN, W. M.' A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. ' ; B. P. O. E. -La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets ach Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock in Elk'a club, corner , of pe- pot street and Washington atenue. Visiting brothers are cordially in , vlted to attend. ! .' , . . DR. G. L.JBIGGERS, Ex RulL, HUGH McCALL,W. Sec 1 1 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. meets every second and fourth Tues day in the month. All visiting mem '.bers welcome. '"'. '" ; ' NERI ACKLE3, C, C. J. H. KEENEY, Clerk. REBEKAIIS Crystal Lodge No. - CO . meets every evening in the I. O. 0.. F. hall. All visiting members art invited to attend.- ' MISS ANNA ALEXANDER. N. 0. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH, See. KNIGHTS OF. PYTHlAS Red Crou Lodge, No., 27 meets every Monday night in Castle hall, (old Elk's halL) A Pythian welcome to all vlsltlai Knights. ,; . ' ' JESS PAUL, C C a L. LINCOLN, M. of R. ft S. O. E. 8. Hope Chapter No. 12, O. E. - C. holds stated communications the r , second and fourth Wednesdays ot ' each month. Visiting members cor--" dlally invited. . MARY A. WARN1CK, Sec r PAULINE EDERLEB, W. IS. M. W. Av La Grande Camp No. 7703 : .meets every Monday in the month at the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invited to attend. I. R. SNOOK, a D. E. COX, Clerk. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Grand ' Ronde Circle No. 47 meets every' first and third Thursday ere&lns in the month at the I. O. O. F. hah. All Tlsltjag members are welcome. CHLOB ROBINSON, O. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH. Clerk. When the digestion U all right, the action of the bowels regular, tbera is a jiat oral crv ing and relioh for food. ; pen tins Is lack ing you mny know (list you ncrj s dooeof Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets. They strengthen the dlgetttive organs, iia prove the appetite aad juts bowels. SEE 't'-'w t I ti. FEME LA CRAHDES LEADING JEWELER When In need of anything in watches, clocks, jewelry, . cut glass, hand pain ted China, or any other article carried by a first class jewelry store, investigate our prices before buying and you will s ave money, and be sure of securing first quality goods. . If your eyes trouble yon, have them fitted by an opti cian of experience. Oppeslte the U. S. Land Office, Ataac Ave. v f jnv ri