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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1910)
' , - ft ft. ' ' ' ' .- V." " -- A. v 4 1 a, . -i F&.- M'M'Xm iril!! !! ' lli I 'I M J L V 5 '-J V MM M i M f U',V'S VOL. XIV. ; l agrande; union county, Oregon. NUMBER 312 - 4',. -;, ; uubs - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1910. ; , 1 I I I Mill - ' ' " - - fc . . LLIOH DOLLARS HI Militia Stands Ready tx Take Charge --Several Companies Completely Tied Up - Situation Critical anct" Strikers Are in ;-, .7;.?.!v J;.i;Vi it-:. " Nejr' Yori:;' Oct" 29 jp mimon doi-lw's-wortli of terchariais,5 much of it perishable, ia tied up itodajr in this ctiy anJ New Jeriwy, si result of the express drfTr strike' Business of the elll. t irgo, fcthei UnitedStates Ei press conipany srid tne AdamsEx. presjiv9ompanj. is, paralized here- At Ne; Jerscj Hoboken" and NewTork teiminals ''irte 'h-th'nde. liverei ooan4"f)diigV.a withlokded'car. - .'.,.'.; , Rioting cbhtlntfedMdday but Tip to noon tber vere nb serious outbreaks. Employers are, trying "fill their places with Wnnnlonists. Ctvic fed eration and labor factions are seeking peace. John Mitchell has arranged conference 'between the strikers and the employers for Monday. ; , ... 'Express wagon helpers of tie union demand an increase of wages and rec ognition of the -anion by. employers. Many of them are willing to grant the increase tmt win not Tecognlie the union.'' ---;- ...... .J..t;':,j:. : ' " ' ffilitia Stands Bead. - Camden, N.. J., Oct .29 Adjutant General Sadler today , ordered " the Fourth New Jersey infantry under arms pending developments in the Ex press wagon strike at Jersey ' City. There was no more violence last night and indications are that the strikers are In a sullen mood. : ' gu , ," Rioting was "resumed today and shots were exchanged- Nonunionists werepulled from wagons and beaten by the mot. A number fwere severely injured from flying bricks and stones and were taken to hospitals. i ' ; .," . ,'.:.";, . COUHNl! JAP SmPBOtBIXO ' v .. - Ifaval Anthoritles Adept and OnUIne a Fntnre Policy at Home, y 'victoria. B. C. Oct 29 Information reached here today from Japan to th effect that Admiral Yamamorto ana otlmr nrominent Jao naval authorities hare agreed upon a'new naval expan sion nroemm in which nxea policy will bo confined to the construction of war vessels and ammunition manufac ture toJapan. she will likewise buiid as many ships as the ship yards can accommodate. :; ;! s . ., , 4 CLARK JURY DAJfCiS. Isdicatlens are lUinoU Legislator , Wfll Escape by Dong Jury Route. Springfield, 111., Oct 29 After being out since Thursday, Jurors in tne eg islative bribery trial of Pemberton, Clark are reported as disagreeing and were dismissed.' The vote was 8 to4 for conviction.' Foreman Myers ap pealed twice today to Judge Thompson to dismiss the Jury but he ordered them to continue their deliberations until noon. , .',-... AMBASSADOR RETURNS. Minister O'Brien, Envoy to Japan Lands This Afternoon. Victor!, Oct 29 With the docking of the steamer Empress of Japan this afternoon, Ministed O'Brien, the Un ited States ambassador to Japan, will have reached , America enroute to Washington for his holiday. He is ac ccmpanled by his wife. li OFFICES DUE TObMllE ! , -V - . . ' :i : '- Mrs Pester -Beaver has 5 teturned from' VancouTer, yiTash where she.was called by iliness in the family; of Jay Thompson. a former- engineer;on the R. . & N. and who resided In La Grande for some ; ttmeV.'jQn. October 23rd, dlptheriai druied-' the' death' of litle mn4;: aged I . years, daughter otUjr,rtidj Mrs. ThompBp.n,.Burial was maia..ia iyncouTer(1,ceineteryvv'jriie. friends of the Thompson family here extend thplij tearUelt ..sympathy, ia .th loss o: ine ncue one. . 1 . r SENATOR RUTH SATS INTERIOR WILL REJECT MEASURE. ' Man Born and Raised i in' State of Maine Explains Many Conditions .' ' V. ''''' y iV '.' ,;: 1 ', ' '"" Last night only a; small audience greeted Senator A.' S. -Ruth in the Steward theatre,1 but tbose who were present seemed to enjoy the. Senator's remarks, for there was perfect atten tion. .. :'1 .. .', V" The speaker has Just returned from Harney, Grant and Malheur counties and announced that ' there 'It little question but that people in that sec tion of the state will refuse to endorse statewide pronibition Senator Ruth is native of the state of Maine and he gave, some authentic history'!' of conditions that exist 'there and have exlBted for 59 years, or ever'Blnce the prohibition law was enacted. Accord ing to his speech Malnejs the last of the New England states to .continue the prohibitory law, although most of them have tried it and after thorough experiene'e h&te repealed th esame,' LOCAL TRAINS TAKEN OFF. Portland Locals Rob Today and Then Ends Service in Eastern Oregon, The two local passenger . trains, running between" Baker. City and Portland will be taken oft after today and as far as known the schedule will remain unchanged, otherwise. The morning train, Number One, was sent to Portland, and it ft presumed that Number Two will come through to night, but after today it is "all off." While no statement has been given out it is presumed lack of patronage is to blame for the dismissal of sei (vice. , ' Republicans Tlslt Unto. , Cecil Galloway, Judge J. C. Henry, Recorder Snook and Ed. Wright, the county clerk, spent yesterday In Un ion county, shaking hands with their friends. ' SPOKE A1NSI flPIIOjlllF, BUYS ORCHARD TRACT. Omaha Court Reporter Iavests In All ' eel Land at Long Distance. ; Without coming to La Grande to see the land, W." S. HeUer,'' a court repor ter of Omaha, has' purchased' ten acres la the Alioel tr?hard tract be Ing handled by the La Grande Invest ment company. This' is a subdivision of the original Pen'lngton farm.'' V; . ; 1 - 1 ' 4 ,-'' .-A. . .- .fc ...' ... ft. . jShlpment ei Five " Hundred Eexesi .. : Condemned JDecanse-Wonasi 1 Slight. 'jtrac'ei ."of . -aj-eh!;w meat ot 5oo', boxes f .pples', ln'lth'a jtounty haf caused County -Fruit 'tn epeowir Stiiwell to condemn ths Vhipi ment?':'-, '.i.Ux'-k". ' y -'v He ,baslt inspected the, notth eqd pi tlj'ei oou'fity thorqughly hkft .qund paeklng to he progressing 'ln:jgood shape there. While on his tour of in spection he' found a box of woray.ap pies in. a local' store and promptly condemned it too. y v. t A PERMANENT, RESIDENT. Rev. Li C Ellott decided ei La Grande i As His Fature Home Town. ' ' RevvL C. Elliot he' been Aip and down . the coast for the past twenty years and has chosen La Grande , as his permanent' residence. He has pur chased property on Spring avenue. He preaches for Doctor Gillilan tomorrow morning1 and at Island City in the af ternoon.'.'; ' ' ' '' Popular Lady Drummer Here, , Miss K. E. Anderson, the lady that made Cleveland Baking; Powder fa mous, le registered at the Foley. Mis? Anderson's headquarters are in Se attle and she is on her annual trip through Eastern Oregon. Union and Wallowa counties are her particularly favored fields; ' -T'm.. , Seattle, Oct. 29 Members of every woman's club in Seattle are .planning to hold a monster mass meeting Tues day to urge the recall of Mayor Gill and Chief of Police Wapjenstein. The woman pledged to give' the Public Wel V House Mall Boxes Needed. By direction of the post office de partment the attention of patrons of La Grande office are , Invited to the advantages of providing facilities for the receipt of their mall by. erecting conveniently accessible boxes or cut ting suitable slots In their doors. Such action would enable the postmaster to give a prompter and better delivery service with the means at his dis posal, since the carriers can cover much more territory in less time if not compelled to wait for an answer to their .ring. Private receptacles for mall are also a great convenience to the householder, obviating the neces sity of responding to the carrier's call at inconvenient moments and per miting the safe delivery of mail in the absence of members of the household. They also prevent the occasional ne cessity of a carrier's proceeding on hm ronta without dollrArlnar mall ha. cause of failure to answer hit ring within a reasonable time, and enable him to make deliveries to patrons liv ing on or near the end of the route at an earlier hour. : Postmaster Richey says it has been SEJITTLEWD FATING COSTS 'ANNOUNCED). Adams Avenue Property Holders In , formed Publicly of their Charges. Cost of paving, as assesaed to each Separate property, owner along Adams avenue, a task of no small propor tions, has been completed and in an oidlnance published for tlie first time in, the Observer tonight, evry indiv idual property, pwner can find his as- r.The ordinance covers only the Ad ams avenue contract and does not In volve the' other contracts now: com pleted. These ill follow . later,' when the voluminous ordinances can be prepared and passed by the cpuncll. v;;' '. JIfty::Day Fasi Ended. ' v.-' .: Los. Angeles;' Oct. a 20 Ml3B ' Jose- phlnat llmahigei '.-22," ' today broke her .M'flftT; ''day.?;fast';iconauc'ted' under fame.. During the. time she abstained from food she fucked, . only orange juice, At tne .end or tne wra anyone lost nil deslre'for. food, and althouglj pae; went frequently , 10; tne yucnen sadfrpreparea .meats, ror tnenamaiy; t hb'tikV'" !the' .'fast.-" 'Pf: eating' some Mqufcruei: ..Thei portion jkin .increased hourly until she ate solids by noon. ;S'JA ' ' "... k'.-, g if coSelesQaesUoii of Hends. Tacoma, Oct 29 Whether an addi tional, debt, of $1,230,000 ' be ; placed against ' the 'municipality' ' to'.' provide for '.r fire, tug, Uwo new bridges and a municipal dock are questions . being voted onfhere today. Toting is heavy during the1 fenoon. and -there has been & lively campaign and interest is s "''J Of&cUl AccBsed..Ji a ' San Francisco,' Oct 88 Dr. C. E. Blackburn, supervisor of Sasi Mateo countv "was charged this afternoon with accepting a bribe In a warrent issued today. .' ' ., Fanner Is Optimistic. O. S. Allen' is in the city today. Mr. Allen iq one, of the, very prosperous citizens of the valley and in speaklni of the city of La Grande and cities and towns la the valley, said nothing can stop the -growth of any of them, Mr. Allen is a pfoneer who has wit nessed the remarkable .growth of all the towns in the valley. ; IHimCiST GILL fare 'league their assistance in the work of making Seattle a clean city, , The city council graft investigating committee have made rapid progress. Members say they have found evlden ces of graft In police circles from res idents of the restricted districts. II t i l l w benefits derived by patrons of city de shown by actual experience that the livery from the use of such recepj tacles far outweigh' the small expense Involved. As this office is Interested in furnishing the best possible service at the least expense, your compliance with the foregoing suggestions will be much appreciated. ISLAND CITY FARMER RETURNS. Has Had Extended Tlslt In North Da kota With Relatives and Friends. J. Mullenberg add wife of Island City have returned recently from an extended trip to North Dakota where he visited his brothers and sisters whom he had not seen for thirty years Mullenberg says that country is nice in some ways but not like Oregon in all respectw. Birth Record. Born to Mr. and Mrs. II. M. shaw in -La Grande today, a pound daughter. r B.-ad-nine- QROOKIO : : ID S, STiill Americans Lose Chance to Win Famous Coupo Internationale Race at Belmont Frenchitriap Injured By Fall Just Bt fcrc the Brobkins Accident. POPULAR . SPEAKER IIERE. tr Chlccgij 'Temperance Speaker to Ad dresa Two'Aadlf nces Tomorrew., MlsS 'Breha who speaks. Sunday ev ening pntberQresroffi Dry' rjuestion, brill :occfi,py- tha'pu'lpU- it the Presby- temn church at Stl o'clock' tomorrow. Mis? Brehm'ls an eloquent temperance speakei" ; Chicago! afld she was- at he baclt of the' big parade, knowit as .'Oregon Dry" in Portland a f ew days ago. Anyone, and everyone should. hear ier tomorrow. SITUATION IN CHICAGO POOR DIS TRICTS APPALLING. Oat of Work and-Attacked by Ruffians Girls and, Women Suffer. Chicago, Oct. 29 Charging that the garment workers' employers are hir ing thugs to slug women strikers and that the police are aiding them, the Women's Trade - Union league today asked tor. fifty society girls to vol unteer to secure evidence of brutality and urge wealthy friends to undertake a prosecution of the guilty. ..t , The; condition in in the Jewish quar ter is becoming pitiful. Destitution among the families of the unemployed suit makers is increasing. Other un ions are doing what relief work they can. ,.:.' :.7;:v'i -'i'V. - "Dry". Parade In St Louis. . St Louis, Oct 29 With the submis sion of the prohibition question to the voters of Missouri now only ten days distant, the "wets" and "drys" are lin ing up In battle array prepared for a fight to the finish. A great parade un der the auspices of the Good Govern ment League was held today ;, as a means of arousing enthusiasm for the "dry" " camlpaign. ' Men, ; women (and children marched in the long proces sion, while other, "women and young sters rode In carriages and on floats Hundreds of banners emblazoned With "dry", sentiments and appeals tp. down the "rum demon" were carried in the parade. Father Corby Statue. , (- Gettysburg, Pa., Oct 29 Catholics from all over the several states and hundreds of Catholics and non-Catho lie veterans witnessed the dedication today of a monument to Father Corby, the heroic civil war chaplain. The me mortal occupies a prominent place The dedication ceremonies wero wit nessed by a large crowd and were pre ceeded by the celebration of solemn high ' mass. Distinguished Catholic clergymen took part in the .religious exercises. STlSs iiuERICil 1 ." Belmont Park. Oct 29 Claude Gra- I ham-White, , the English aviator was ternationale .hY afternoon; White won arter, Radley and Hamilton ha4 been disqualified.. ?or not getting a" start wlthlfl. the time limit He made slower tltm than the aviators who met with accidents. Belmont , ffitk,-Qc, 29-Tb! avia tors injured, one, world. record, brok en and all meet records', ex'cected in the (fioUit'e MntWnWioiiale9hd the Sil-' preme race feature of Belmont Park ' today. . :;fV).",? '" -"',. ' Walter "Brookings ot "the, American ieam and Alfred Je Elance; a French man both fell', and ,at first it was " thought th$y wer . badly ; injured' but later both ' appeared on ' the grounds.' . Le Black tumbled alter he had sped around the three and one tenth mile course three times Jn' eight" minutes and seventeen 'seconds, with an aver age spied of pver- f S tailes ia hour, " nuking a world's record. He lost con trol of his machine in the tenth lap. He was twenty-five feet' above ground ' and was knocked unconscious by the fall. It was learned hia gasoline was exhausted. Brooklns fell while warm' ing up at 30 feet And his machine was wrecked. "Later it was announced he would make another attempt later to-. day. "' '; ';','.;';. ';:' . 3 ' i',. Later" doctors announced that Brooking was hurt too badly to re enter. The wrights thereupon announc ed that they would not enter any of their machines. v. ," -' ' 1 People among the Immense crowd narrowly escaped when Hubert Lath am, tne Frenchman. lost control of his aeroplane and dashed directly to ward the stand. He Jammed the planes upward and skimmed overhead a foot to spare and swept toward the grand stand, touched it and lit safely in the filed with hfs nerves shattered. His time for fifteen laps was 60:30.' and 8 -10. His failure completely wrecked the hope of, France for Sim eon his substitute refused to ' enter when h learned his expenses would ' not be guaranteed. " A.'. ' Many Witnesses Subpoenaed. . San Francisco, Oct 29 Twenty-ser- en witnesses were summoned from the counties about San Francisco and left today for Lbs Angeles to go before the. Jury Investigating the Times ex- ploslon- . . ; '. Vi " Six Day Cycle Race, i . ' Boston, Oct 29 A preliminary pro-' gram of bicycle races .at the Boston - ' arena tonight will serve as a curtain', raised" to the "six-day race which" will be started early ''Monday mornings' Jackie Clarke,: winner of the 'record? breaking six-day grjnd"at' Madison 8quaro garden New York, last Decem ber and winner of the Berlin six day ra:e last January, with Walter Rutt as his partner,, is among the entrants in, next week's struggle. ; : . , ,!f I Clarke, who Is known as the "Aus tralian Rocket," will team with Floyd McFarland, the noted California rider -and a veteran at the six-day game. With Clarke and McFarland riding to-' gether, the other teamB would seem to have a slight chance for victory. Mc Farland is one of the best piuggers ad ' the business and Clarke Is without ftt equal as a sprinter. ; ' ,; Elgin Doctor Here. , , Doctor Whiting of Elgin is in the city on business matters today.