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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1910)
PAGE EIGHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1910. . 1 i Et solution to Amend Charter of City. ' Be It resolved by the Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, the Mayor concurring that the following amend ment to the charter of the City of La Grande, Oregon, he and the same Is hereby proposed to-wit: That sections 6 and 7 of the Char ter of the City of La Grande, Oregon, be and the same are hereby amended bo as to read as follows: " Section 6. Each ward of the City of La Grande, Oregon, shall be repre sented by, and is entitled to elect two Couucilmen, for the term of two years, one to be elected from each ward er- ,, ery year, and said Councilman shall hold their offices until their succes sors are elected and shall have qual ified, except as hereinafter otherwise provided. There shall also be elect ed for the term of one year, a Mayor, j Recorder, and Treasurer; who shall be officers of this municipal corpora- j , null, I no mil unit; u Bum iuc cicw ed by the qualified electors In the re spective wards In which they reside, and which they are elected to repre sent. The Mayor, Herorder and Treas urer shall be elected by the qualified electors of the City at large. I Section 7. The Mayor shall ' an-' point, subject to confirmation by the Council, a City attorney, City Engi neer, Street Superintendent,' Chief of Follce, and Water Superintendent, and such other officers as the Coun .il may deem , Bsv "l'!-.'-...!- J tee shall take office until so except that in case of a vacancy the Mayor shall appoint a person the proper qualifications to fill' vacuc7 until the next regular meet'iisj of Hie Council. All officers reguliily ap pointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council,' shall serve lor a term of one year, unless removed as pro vided in Section eight of this Charter. No person once rejected shall be re appointed during any one term, ex cept by the consent of a majority of the Council. . Approved this 7th day of October, 1910. W. N. MONROE, President of the Council. Attest: . D. E. COX, V Recorder, ; , TAKIXG CIIl'llCH CEXSl'S. Entire City Canvassed by the Enumcr. ators In Short Order. . Chicago, Oct. 8 Every home in the Windy City was' visited within the space of two hours today by an army of between 25,000 and 30,000 religious workers acting under the . direction of the officers of the International Sunday Schooi Association. The pur pose of the census was to catalog each family with regard to church affilia tions or preferences. The object Is to learn how many Chicago people are in no way connected with any church and ,If possible to bring them Into the Christian 'Told." - While some time must necessarily elapse before the figures collected can bft onmnllort btk$ yuillc, It 12 A 10W 1 TT - liiy tiirare mm ' . V ........ k . The World's Famous Clair voyant and Palmist. Tells Past, Present and Future. The world famous seeress and prop het, MADAME DFLMAR has no equal in her profession. She stands alone, the Queen of life readers. Without asking a 3uestion,and at a glance she gives names, ates, facts and localities in vast problem of life. Tells what you came for and guarantees to reveal every incident in your life, past, present and future; advises you on love, courtship, marriage and divorce; sales, changes, speculations, wills property, business losses and sickness. roslthfly bo fee accepted In advance and not at all unless per fecllj atlfied. ThU In Fair, I ft 3ot lessons In palmistry and mcd. lumsnlp. Medlamlstlc persons developed. 1423 Adams Ave., I a Grande, Ore. OFFICE IIGTUS. 10 a. m. to 9 p, m. said that the investigators found an alarming number of families which seldom or never attend religious ser vices. While a majority of these ara classed as merely indifferent, many agnostics and atheists were found. The unbelievers are largely of the ed ucated and well-to-do clas3. Physi cians are notoriously lacking in faith in supernatural religions, and the old Spanish proverb,- "Where there,, are three doctors there are two "athe ists," Is said to be nearly true of Chicago. To a lesser extent," lawyers and educators' and other professional men are indifferent or actively oppos ed to religion. . . ' Some of , the religious investigators allege that John D. Rockefeller's Uni versity of Chicago is a "hotbed of unbelief." Chicago has a' number of agencies which carry on an active warfare on Christianity and all other religions. Among these it is alleged are the American Secular Union and Freethought Federation, with head quarters in this city? the Independent Religious Society, of which the well known scholar and orator, Dr. Man gasarian M. Mangasarian, Is the lead er; the Col. Robert O. Ingersoll, and a member of scientific and materialis tic seoieties. Some of the wealthiest and most Influential people of the city are said to support the work of these organizations. The American Secular Union, With the assistance of a number of affiliat ed societies, has long centered its ac tivities on preventing tfie use of the Bible In the public schools. Official of the union allege ythat portion of. the Scriptures are unfit for children, to read, and a leaflet has been prepared setting forth chapters and verses. Whenever .Bible reading or religious exercises of any kind are held in pub lic schools, the union announces Hs Intention to distribute these leaflets among children and parents unless the practice is Immediately stopped. It Is asserted that thousands of copies or Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason," Ingersol's lectures and other popular attacks on Christianity and the Bible are distributed every year in Chicago. riieasiint Commits Suicide. , - C. W. N'oyes reported to the Obser ver today that a China Pheasant flew against his house on Adams avenue and broke Its neck. Mr. Xoyes denies that a gun was In sgiht or that any method was used to Induce the pheas ant to commit the rash act. The con crete fact remains,, however, that the pheasant is dead and not a trace of a shot can be found. It was an usu ally, large bird, weighing about Beven pounds. - w Postmaster at Joseph. Joseph, Oct. 8 Miss Eva B. Rumble who has been postmistress here for several years, has resigned the of fice and Polk Mays, .the popular mail clerk on the Wallowa branch has been appointed to the office. Mays is well connected and recommended by all factions of the republican party In Wallowa county. Strikes Klch Or? H. N. Williams, who is opening up a copper mine 20 miles from Joseph, is in the city today. He says the ledge carries 33 per cent, copper, $28 In gold and IS ounces of silver. Mr. Williams has Just returned from Spokane where he had the mineral exhibit on display. WF. WANT YOUR Laundry Work BOTH PHONES TWO WAGONS Cherry's New Laundry Jl O em K, - t oooo f Offer: Ladies Night Robes, warm and handsome; 75c, better ones $1.00, . better ones $1.25. Childrens warm Night Gowns . . 60c. Men's Outing Flannel Night Robes, Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear,worth; ; 65c, 75c and up special the gar ; ment, . ' K-;& 'v5ic. Men's $3.50 Hats, good shapes, all Sizes, . y. - . $2100 Blankets, great values, the: pair, 75c, $1.00, $1.25. IDUE f Awm EfAOGl IF PLEASED TELL OTHERS; IF NOT TELL US Two Pay Fines. N. Nelson and C. L. Morrison each pafd 10 to the city this morning tor being drunk and disorderly. W. S. McMillan Hurt W. S. McMillan of Alicel was kick ed by a horse and sustained a brok en arm this week. ' Catch the :::Cold In a strict sense you do not catch cold, but rather the cold catches you. It catches you when your vi tality Is low, when the circula tion Is Impeded by. sudden draughts of cold air, etc. The right thing to do Is to re verse things and catch the cold in the start, and stop it before It has you firmly caught. You can do this with Blue Mountain Cold Cure They stop colds In (he begin ning and cure settled colds in one-fourth the usual time. Price 25c, Guaranteed Atte 1001! Mies! Speca Attraction, at WESTS MME. ROOT Famous Beauty Specialist Wright Drug Co. The Reliable Druggists Located at West's store for a limited time with her complete line of hair goods and facial and scaly preparations. Switches, Pompadours, Puffs, v Curls, Jeunnes. .' Famous German Beauty Preparation . Bloom of Roses Ji'OTE Halrdressing, manicuring, facial or scalp massage and sham poolng will be given special at tention in the evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock at Room 45, Savoy Hotel.iV, . v , Remember the Place , N. K. W t r- The Quality Store