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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1910)
. . f mmmm VOL. XIV. L AGHANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1910. Number 295 REGISTRATIONS (LOSE SOON. f V oi U 1 in "T V CLOSING HDURS WILL FEATURES SUPER E I0R TU ALL MANUEL HEADED FOB ENGLAND. OTHERS UP TO DATE One big feature after another is pll-' lag itself on the closing hours of the county fair and tonight, on the eve of the end,' there are. so many attractive numbers on the card that the fair pro moters know scarcely where-to turn. " A monster parade of stock v this morning ushered in the final features. It was a neighing prancing,' stylish, tain galaxy of glossy horseflesh that constituted the morning's parade. Ov er thirty stallions, the test' in the land, brood mares, draft horses, colts these and more were in the line. ""Headed by the band, the parade Bwung around from Fourth to AdamB, and then a line of spectators saw a phae ton of shetlands in harness and loose, the classy and snappy single horse carriages; heavy draft teams hitched to wagons, and the blue ribbon and near ribbon winners, following in a long string. It was as pretty an ex- young arrayed in best bib and tucker for the occasion. ; The concerts yesterday and the big union meeting last evening were Sun- were well arranged and well carried OUt. ' :;''': '''' '.. The attendance up-to-date has been oxtremely promising, but the manag ers . believe that tomorrow afternoon will Bee the greatest 'record yet. Ar rangements for closing the fair with a larger attendance than it opened with, or marked anyday of the week, are being carried out, and as the town is to be closed tomorrow, it Is appar ent such will be the case. "Nothing is too good for the fair "is La Grande's slogan. "Get in the band wagon and see things move," 1b the advice from the "promoters and managers. Deposed King and Queen Mother to Live in English Asylum. Gibraltar", Oct 10 Don Manuel and Queen Mother, Ameliey of Portugal, have been offered an asylum in Eng land and will depart immediately.' It is reported Manuel is on the verge of a physical breakdown and Is being treated by specialists who boarded the royal yacht ' ever hat "Dad", Welton of Island City and B. F. Bell of Cove each had exhl- blbltof horseflesh as has ever been I bits" in the one-box contest that were seen In La Grande. ? Farade Tonight Tonight at 7:30 La Grande will see more automobiles in one string than lias ever been its pleasure before. The parade committee has & bunch of fireworks that will go off with a pyrotechnic display, and there will be gala night ail around. This is the first attempt at a night parade and it is going to be a "hummer." - Baby Show Tomorrow. Mrs. A. LwRichardson who is Queen of the babies tomorrow, announces this afternoon that they baby show will be unusually popular. The busi ness houses close at o'clock for the express purpose of seeing the city's exceptionally good and Mr, Welton especially is deserving of special men tion " ,: :.. Mr. Kelley has handled apples for many years and is thoroughly. posted on the merits of all the commercial fruit in the northwest, and his com pliments , to local orchard products,. bears with it more- than . passing weight . .' CLERK RESIGNS JOB. II. A. Oorpe Will Take Sew rogltloa liwoge in a ear Future-" " -. H. A. Corpe has resigned his posi tion as , clerk and secretary of the Merchant's protective association and will take a position as show manager for a Damon and Pythias company In the interest of the K. of P. lodge. He expects to have his resignation take eect this week. . '.'". , , All Toters Will be Ghen Last Opiror. tunny October Sixteenth. According to a decision handed down by Attorney General Crawford to County Clerk Ed. Wright, the reg istrations books are to be closed at 5 o'clock on the afternoon the 16th of this month to be closed for two years unless a special election of some sort 1b called. Only about 100 have regis tered since the books were reqpened at the -close of the primaries ac cording to county clerk's books, con sequently the books really close on the 15th as the 16th is on Sunday, near' they had been to the fi'tal stuff. PLAIIHIRLI1 CMLDERS MAKES PAYMENT. , Total of $1,000 Has Been Paid Into . the Treasury. V Today Sheriff F. P. C'nllders paid to the county treasurer $500 on the deficit of county funds caused by t the uviiimi : Kwiure. iub original amount due was $4800. Of this-12640 has been paid in dividends from the bank re ceiver, leaving $2160 to be paid by Chlldera. He has made two payments of $500 each which : cuts the ' total amount due the county down to $1160. There Is in cash in this fund about $60 on hand which practically leaves a balance of $1,000. 1 CAMPAIGN I U! GRANDE n dei 1 ' OLD-FASHIONED . ENTHUSIASM HAS BROKEN OUT WITH COM. ING OF STANDARD BEARER. Ill) SPEECHES HED Day mil be Replete , with Political " Speeches and Receptions Large . Committee of Prominent Republl cans to Meet the Governor at De potPlans lor Several Speeches are Formulated by Local Republicans. iTII LIST WILL REACH 1000 IS ESTIMATE DEAD BROUGHT IN FROM RURAL DISTRICTS BY WAGON LOADS THIS MORNING. 10 TlOlffi 0IS1G Continually Growing as Bodies are Brought InSixty Bodies Recovered Majority of Missing are Thought L to be at Isolated Tillages Awaiting for Succor. v ' ENGINEER, INJURED. 1 s AWARDED TO CO E Meagre Reports from . Payette Say Fast Mall Struck Freight Train. In meagre reports from Payette, Idaho, this morning it is learned that Number 9, the fast mail last evening struck a freight train at Payette, and that the engineer was seriously in jured. He was knocked . unconscious but-it is not known whether or not he was fatally Injured. It seems the freight had cleared the main line all right, but the switch was not set properly and some object had thrown the connections on the block so that the mail tarin rammed Into the rear end of the freight ' ' , .' T Brutal carelessness is marking the fiendish effort of some individual in La Grande to poison dogs and as a re sult scores of small children have been allowed to run neck and neck with death by poisoning, according to discoveries made today in East La Grande, when "Ned" the house dog belonging to Dr. and Mrs. A, L. Rich ardson and another valuable dog be longing to Mr. and Mrs. Martin were killed through the agenciy of strych nine. The dog poisoning campaign has been rife in East La Grande for some time, and several dogs have been killed and others saved after timely application of antidotes. The crisis has been reached today however when it 'was found that pieces of bologona saturated with Btrychnine had been thrown broadcast in the back yards of three families between Seventh and Eighth streets and O and Pennsyl vania avenues. A score of small child- MAYPARK ORCIIARDIST CAP TURES FAT PURSE. Ills Box of Jonathans Will Go to Na tional Apple Show This Fall. C. H. Conkey, one of jthe leading or xchardlBts of Maypark, captures the bweepstakes In the . national apple show exhibit contest at the county fair, taking the first' and only prize, a purse of $50, wth a . box fit Jon athans. Aside from winning the local honors, Mr. Conkey wins the dlstlnc 1 tion of having his apples sent to Spo kane where the National Apple show is to be held, and to the Chicago ex hibit later on. The prize was posted by the Thronson Fruit company .un der auspices of the commercial club and has been one of the warmest races In the fruit exhibit line. Ben S. Kelley, the Lewlson apple buyer, awarded, the prize. In speak ing of the merits of the exhibits, Mr. 'Kelley said,, ?I have seldom, If , ever, seen a more splendid line of exhibits than characterized the entire apple exhibit at your fair. However, the en tries In the Spokane contest was es pecially good and it was only after hours of study and consideration that I made the awards. I wish to say how- : Gambling a Serious Ylce. Seattle, Oct. 10 More than a score of members of the Purity league who are touring the West Investigating vice conditions and the slave traffic spoke at a special meeting in the churches yesterday. Mrs. A. B. Sim, who styles herself as a reformed whist player, declared that the so ciety gambling between women Is do ing more injury .than all the whiskey consumed. ' ' WALLOWA PROSPEROUS. ren use this block as their playground and how it is, that none of them have In their childish innocence neglected to eat the meat with its deadly con tents is a mystery' that is unexplaln able. The parents of the children were alarmed to a degree that bordered on the frantic when it was learned how near they had been to the fatal stuc, Big Reward Offered..'. IncenBed and grieved, Drc Richard son today offered a standing reward of $200 to the person or. persons secur ing the arrest and conviction. of the fiend who has been spreading terror in that neighborhood. The dastardly practice has been going on for about Jay B-o-w-e-r-m-a-n, better known aa Just plain Jay, the acting governor and the peoples' choice for standard bearer for the Republican party is nlanninc a whirlwind sneech-tour of La Grande and vicinity "tomorrow. He passed through La Grande this morn ing on. his way to Ontario and will double back tomorrow morning and will make speeches In rapid succes slon during the day . and evening. While Oswald .West the Democratic candidate is also' to be here; the local Republican central committe is ar ranging a schedule that will not con flict with West-Bow'erman will visit the fair, he will speak several places and there Is going to be an old-fashioned rally tomorrow night If the preliminaries can be worked out in time.' " While the fair matters have taken precedence over everything else, there Is a sudden awakening of politics and tomorrow will mark the most ener getic : day In the history of politics In La Grande for many years. The band will play, the '., speakers will "spooch, the people will cheer and for a brief day and night at least. La Grande Is going to repeat one of Its .old-fashioned political rallies. ; ' Since the memorial speech in Sa lem Friday night, Bowerman's forces have doubled in numbers almost Ev- Wlonlpeg, Oct 10 Prairie fires started today near Winnipeg, threaten Ing the city. At noon the fire is within eight miles of the town. Spragne, Ont, Oct. 10 The town oi Longworth began burning this after noon. Three hundred are fleeing for their Utes. The town of Lorrette Is In the path of the fire. Inhabitants are fleeing toward W innipeg. Winnipeg, Oct 10 Seven towns. i Baudette, Sohooner, Gracetown, Pitt, Cedar Spur, Swift and Roosevelt have ' been destroyed by forest fires. Five hundred are missing and the death list will probably total 1000. Lumbermen declare the loss to standtng timber will reach millions. , Reports from Rainy river say that the dead are being brought in ty wag on loads from outlying districts. Rainy river citizens formed a vigilance committee and fifty men are guarding' against activity of thieves and ghouls. , There are known to be seventy dead" and later reports indicate 2000 ara missing. Sixty bodies have been recov- ; ered.; :.- ; k. majority of the missing are be- ' lleved to have taken refuge in isolated villages. . ... 'V'-:'-; .. - u.0,C4 " . v erywhere he goes the people are flock tlftd PPBRPfl A fpw Hnv nor lint it fcn I r evidently been resumed again. Others besides Dr. Richardson are extreme ly indignant and the perpretator will be run down If such a thing Is pos sible. ' ' PORTLAND TIKES CICAR FACTORY BOTH MIES DESTROYED RY PORTLAND WINS W HILE OAKLAND . LOSES ONE OF TWO. Money Being Attracted to Building Real Estate In Wallowa County. . C. F. Daniels, cashier of the Far mers ft 'Stockmen's National bank of Wallowa, was In the city yesterday, stopping at the Foley. Mir. McDaniels, speaking of his home town, said that as far as business ' was concerned, Wallowa was an exceptionally good point and now ' that , they have a large ! established payroll,, a vast amount of capital would be Interested In new buildings. There Is already a big demand for home property. He went on to Baker City this morning on business and will return Tiome to morrow. The fair was highly compli mented by Mr. McDaniels. ' . 1 I - Birth Record. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. 0Nell of this cjty at Walla Walla yesterday a son. "'-. ' Grip on Flag Tightened by Beavers In Doable Header Game Sunday. Portland, Oct 10 By . winning a double-header from ' Sacramento yes terday In Portland, ' the Beavers strengthened their grip on the 1910 pennant, for Oakland lost one and won one. The scores for yesterday when all teams played double headers were:' ,. Sacramento, 00; Portland 41; Los Angeles . 42; San Francisco, o7. Vernon, 6--2; Oakland 24. ' ' ' Greek on TrlaL Circuit court today is taken up with the trial of Peereopolls, the Greek, ac cused of robbing the Greek restaurant on Depot street NIGHT FIRE SURROUNDING PROPERTY SATED AFTER SEVERE STRUGGLE. Loss About One. Third Covered by In suranceBuilding In Ruins. Fashionable residence districts in East LaGrande were threatened for a time at 2 o'clock this morning when fire, ruined the frame building . at Greenwood and Adams avenue which has housed the King Cigar factory. By a fortunate condition the wind was light and though the sparks bore over a thickly settled district no subse quent fires werev reported. The partment was able to hold the fire from destroying adjacent bulldlnen occupied by two families. The tobac r stock was largely saved, though n factory itself was a total loss w'ti about $1,000 Insurance which cov about one third of the loss. The bti" ! Ing Is valued at about $500. ing to him en masse, and with the whirlwind speeches which he Is mak ing, Is swinging the doubtful column over to Jay, solidly.. The Republicans In this county are promising a solid front for Bowerman, ; . '. V The acting' governor will be in tow of a large committee ; of prominent Republicans. He will address employ, es at the Palmer mill at noon, the Per ry mill crew and railroad shops crew sometime during the day4 He Is to inspect the fair, and during the even Ing the Republicans will Jiold an In formal reception at the fair grounds where the acting governor will be given a chance to meet the public. ; The committee, augmented by the central committeemen, which will meet Mr. Bowerman are: J. II. Peare. Claud Mackey, J. A. Matott, J. , K. Shlek, J. E. Foley, G. M. Richey, E. E. Grout, C. E, Cochran, J. W, Knowles, ! David Bay, S. N. Bolton, H. Bodmer, A. Palmer, A. V. Andrews, F. S. Bram- well, L. A. Wright, Ed. Wright, W. J. Church, Bruce Dennis, George Good, Ray W. Logan, A. Roberts, C. T. Ba con, F. S. Ivanhoe, C, D. Goodnaugh, Guy Byrkltt, Ed. Rumble Chas. Cle ments, George T. Cochran, J. T. Scrog- gin, Colon R. Eberhard, I. R. Snook, J. C. Henry, John FraWley, J. J. Carr, Ed. Thomas, J. Corbett( George Pal mer, Joe Le Fbre, Frank Bay, F. C. Bramwell, FrarV Leavltt. J. H.'. Wat son, Hugh M"Cill and all members of the central committee. NO HOPE TO SET EMTOMBEO BOUT RECUERS DRIVEN BACK BY AFTER DAMP IN MAIN TUNNEL. Six Americans Among Entombed Who . Are Apparently Doomed. ' Your Lsst Chance. If you hnv'n't registered be sure and do so .' week. Onlv ialf th voters of TA ' Th eR8,'",' vry even'"-, d States N"M- Trinidad, Colo., Oct. 10 Flfty-on miners are In a living tomb today at Starkville with one chance In a million of escaping alive. Scores of workmen are frantically tearing at masonry of the old tunnel In an effort to reach the prisoners In the main shaft. At daybreak the workmen were trying to penertate the main shaft and were compelled to stop because their lives ; were emperiled ' by after damp. Although the men are alive, the machine shop of the Colorado Mine & Fuel company Is being transformed Into a morgue, while the, women and relatives of the entombed men watch preparations dully,- hardly compre hending their significance. The explo sion occurred Saturday night presum ably from fire damp. The men In the two blockaded chambers are approxi mately two and one half or three miles on the Inside. There are six Americana among the doomed. The rde hav rterii vooks w'1' M onn 1 Bank bu' from j remainder are all Italians. Mexicans "n to t- - rx) it v-r -anV Poles. r