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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1910)
PAGE FOUR LA G3ASDE YX1XG OBSKIiVFM SATC 1ZBAY, C."T';ili 8.1910. n l u f ' 'I S w 'a'fcii":. ruinn:irrkiT rr I ' Lid i s' arm rats TH K ' rFFRXFF? Adertiied Letter. . 1 n.L LDJl-ir V J-(f A , Allowing U a list of letters re- main:ng uncalled :or aj ini l.h uraaiij Published Pally Except Sunday. Bruc e Dennis, Edltcr and Owner. Entered at the postofllce at La Gr.nde . as Eecond-dass matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATE3. Dally, single copy.' 5c Dally, per week.....' 15c Daily, per month.. .v GEc ' This paper will not publish au ar ticle appearing over a nom de pi lme. Binned artlclfB will be rev-teed ..lib Ject to the discretion of the edtior. Please sien your articles and sue ilsappolntme&u , ', People .are hero from Oklahoma with a view to buying Grande Hondo ,-,and. Oklahoma has been goad for several yearB but right now it shows Indications of standing still for a while because It was overbuilt to . start with. And besides, the remark- able difference between the Grande Ronde and Oklahoma Is bo plain to be seen that, the wonder is jilt of the people of the new state do not head this way. - Did you notice the strawbenlen, , fresh from the vine, on exhibition at the exposition grounds? Well, these berrlea were raised Just outside the city limits of La Grande. Another evi dence of a great country. And the man who raised this second crop of berries also has Jersey cows to furnish the cream. How much better do you want it? post office for the week ending Oct ober 7th, 1910. Allen, Mrs. S. A. ' "," Benson, MIks Ida. Carter, .Vis3 Gra". KclU y Mrs. Geneva. Lovin, Miss Grace (2) McCuuiber, Mrs. Sadie. Poppie, Miss Sophie (3) Burr Mr. II. W. Dial, Judge W. II. . Eckstein, .r. A. F. Davis, 0. M. Deal. O. H. . Faust, Mr. Hoy. Fowler,' A. W. . Goodwin Mr. E. C. Gray 0. J. Ii'orbert Mr. Will. Hyde Dr. J. E. Hughes, Mr. Kobert. Higg'nson. Mr. Edward T. . Jimeson Mr. Walter. ' ' Jayne, Mr. J. L. Klnser, Mr. J. A. Leake, Mr. L?o. Mkmshaw, Mr. Fred. , Marshall, Steve. 1 Malone, Mr. George. McVay, Mr. J. R. . " Norrls Mr. John. O'Connell, Mr. Mike. . Pentaeost, J. W. Qulnmby, Mr. .George. ' TnYlTl ATP K. Robinson Mr. Robert. Wllkle Mr. J. P. When calling for the above, please say "Advertised", same will be sent to the Dead letter office Oct. 21st, 1910. O. M. RICHEY, P.M. V-hA mm i I i ' Welhave just received some of th's season s latent njodels in Ladies' Suits and Coats. If you have been waiting to see these styles before choosing your fall Suit or Coat we would advise you to come right away while the assortment are complete...-: . 'v' v- New D Some New Plaid Effects in Grays and Browns, $12.50 to $27.50 Would it not be interesting to see an exhibit shee showing the' expense of the state of Oregon each year for the past ten years, and for what the money has been spent? The state has rpwn to be a spendthrift, no one can depy that, .J. - '' e.i-miM'-! ' V Th. t'nlon people took charge of La Grande yesterday afternoon Just as an exhibit aJieet ahowlng the expense would. And It It) a fine thing for friends and neighbors to meet and en- Joy the world together. W0MA LOTELY WOMAN. u" Ona of the Inteerstlng nthibltai at the fair is a horse 70 years old. It Is owned by II. P. Lewis. But It Is an old fashioned hoppy horse that he made himself and many children have taken their first ride on Its back. How many times have you been to the fair. Twice each day, of course. That Is the only way to attend and do it properly. B0WEIMTAX COMING TUESDAY. Republican Standard Bearer to be In La Grande Next Week. In messages from the Repunbllcan Central committee at Portland, It Is Btated today that Jay Bowermnn, can didate for governor oil the Republican ticket will be In La Grande Tuesday and the local republicans are round ing up a crowd for the lecture. It will be an important event in the ante election campaign and much Interest Is already shown in the event. He Is to address an audience at the fair grounds at about 8:30 a'clock, dealing with the issues of the pres ent campaign, J'lJBM lr. . . Rut Alas, Without Beautiful llnir No Woman fan Be Beautiful. A great many newspapers and mag azines are printing pages on how a woman can be beautiful and keep beautlfut. And all of them, as you can see for I yourself, admits that no woman can be really beautiful unless she has lus trous and luxuriant halr.; Tl women of Paris are, as a rule, beautiful, and a careful American ob- aerver who ba traveled much claims ! that their beauty is due to their I knowledge of how to keep their hair hair luxuriant, which they do by us ing a superior hair tonic. Many American women are as wise as their French sisters, and that is why Parisian Sage, the quick acting and greatest of all hair restorers and tonics, is now having such, a tremen dous sale In. America. We ask every woman reader of this paper to give this marvelous hair beautlfler a thorough trial, and we gladly make them this liberal offer: Get a large 50 cent bottle from the Newlln Drug Co. today. Vse It as di rected for two weeks. If at the end of that time you are not satisfied with results, say so to the Newlln Drug Co. and they will give you your money back. Besides being a delightful and invig orating hair dressing, Parisian Sage will cure dandruff, atop falling hair aud Itching of the Bcalp, or money back. Mall orders filled, all charges pre paid by the American maker, Giroux Mfg., Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The girl with the Auburn hair Is on every bottle. CKUMieu PLUSH AND PONY STYLES In Black, with either Military or Roll Collar, $22.50 and $25.00 A complete assortment of the latest Parisian styles. Every garmentstnetly all wool. All lining guaranteed two seasons. New Seigel Garments for Ladies and Misses We now have these popular garmentsin all of the new cc tJS vCoats an Sits. COME IN AND SEE THESE TO DAY. .'vawfj 1 N. WEST The Quality Store K :,a-Tl4ii.itHf it. 1 ; Hill OEOBGE PALMER, Pres. w. L. BBENnOLTS, Asst. Cash. F. J. nOLMES, Tlce-rres. KARL ZUNDEL, td At Cash. ' ' F. L MEIERS, Cashier. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON i United States Depository Cdpital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $200,000.00 DIRECTORS GE0ES1 PALBZa W. J. CBfTSCH F. J. B0IXE3 W. L. BEEKBOLTS C. C. PIJTIXGTON F. K WIEBS & L. C1EATEB W. H. PIEECE F. X. BIRIIT If Ith u uil mvireea aal facflltiea ire caa reader yoi effleleBt enlet aai handle jtw bulaei to joar entire saUsfacUaa. 5 J A pretty wedding took place last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Deborah Aklne, when Miss Mo nla Gertrude Aiklne and Mr. Win. B. Sargeant were united in marriage by the Rev. W. S. Seeman, pastor' of the Presbyterian church. The spacious home was decofated with a profusion of cut flowers'. The bride wore a hand some gown of white crepe de chene hand embroidered with the sleeves of princess lace. The bridal bouquet waa of white chrysanthemums and ferns tied with white satin ribbon. After congratulations and good wishes were extended to the happy couple, dinner was served in two dlnlne rooms. Many beautiful and useful pres ents were received. Both the bride and groom have lived many years in La Grande and number their frlenaa by their acquaintances.. The following signed the guest book. Dr. and Mrs. N. Molitor, Mr. and tort. Fred Schilke, MJss Frederica Schulke, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Berry, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Ben ham, Mrs. George Hansen. Mrs. P. n. Swaney, Mrs. Jean R. Moore. W. J. Church, Misses Greta Jackson, Viola Benham, Ethel Wright, Donna Ged des, Anna Roesch, Bess Bohnenkamp, Erma Aiklne, Urs. Deborah Aiklne and Master Lynn Wright. Mr. and Mrs.' Sargeant left on the Oregon and Washington Limited and will spend six weeks In the eaBt the guests of friends Join them In wishing this dod- frlends Joins them In wishing this pop ular couple a long and happy life. ' Officers of the Neighborhood club. electtTOe time ago, were Installed with fitting ceremony last Tuesday af ternoon. Light refreshments, an Infor mal recettlon. an instrumental solo the program. The officers installed ensuing year. The members will be during the afternoon were: Mrs. J. K. quizzed as to what they know of the Wright, president, Miss Margaret An- American composers as Americans son, vice president, Mrs. Albert Hun- who pen music are entitled to be fttud- ter, secretary, Mrs. W. A. Worstell led almost PTrlnatvolv ffcla n Thi corresponding secretary (re-elected) club has a very interesting series of j. x. wuuamson treasurer (re- meetings outlined lbr Hjhe coming cvieu; Mrs. j. u. stout, librarian, year's work. Mrs. fc. Polack, director to succeed to Mrs. Stella Ingle. Mrs. Polack la the retiring president. The club meets two weeks hence and take? up the study of some of Shakespeare's work. Last Saturday evening, Mss Beth Hesse,aged seven years, gave a little party to Borne of her Juvenile friends I w honor of the anniversary of her birthday. It wag an unusually well planned affair. Those present were: Bacon. The guests wer ontortainoi with games of a unique character and light refreshments were" served later in the evening. In a silhouette con test Mrs. H. M. Bay won first prize and in a nursery rhyme contest C. B. Clarke won first prize and Miss Et ta Foley, the consolation prize. The host and hostess had prepared an ex cellent series of entertainments and the affair has been pronounced ex tremely delightful by all who attend ed. About twenty were present. A new year's work for the presby terlad Aid society was Inaugurated this week when the members met at the Presbyterian Manse and rioted officers for the ensutn vear Mm Frank Baker was chosen president, Mrs. J. T. Richardson, rice president, Mrs. C. H. Upton secretary and Mts. Mrs. Frank Jackson treasurer.. Light refreshments were serred and every thing to make the Initial meeting pleasant waa done by the hostess. The Tuesday musical meet next i - hwiuuvo iu rainer lnror- by Mn, Carlo and a vcal solo by mal manner to consider the sDein . Dr. and Mrs. M. K. Hall last ev ening entertained complimentary to Miss Florence McCall and Mr. Archie Genevieve Hanna, Margaret King, Ad- X laroee Chllders, Hazel Isaac. Ina Leach, Helen Leach, Nellie Jackson, Dolores Shaffer, Dolores Casey, Ed- rlae McGuIre, "Bud" Thlesen, Walton Shea, Everet Hesse, Henry Canfleld, Willie Hesse and Val Rlnehart. An In formal banquet waa tendered Wednesday evening at the Model in honor of Archie Bacon, son of Doctor and Mrs. C. T. Bacon, who is to be married next week. The dinner waa Berved at 7 o'clock and waa attended by: Archie Bacon, Leo Herring, Frank Connera, Roscoe Doane, Charles Con key, Nate Ardrey of Portland, A. W. Nelson, Forest Ivanhoe? Walter Fran cis, Ralph Reynolds, Arlle Ray, Har Tey M. Bay, "Krai" Cronlse of Alhanv. Oscar Jackson and "Jerry" McKennon. . The Ladles' Aid of the M. E. church had their annual meeting last Wed nesday at the home of Mra. B. O. Frltta and elected the following officers to Bern for a year: Mrs. A. E. Jones, president; Mra. Frltta, Tlca president: Mrs. W. R. Knowlea, treasurer; Mrs. Cora Dawson Is president of the work committee. The next meeting will he held ' at the parsonage Wednesday. See the Hebdomadary for further an nouncements. The engagement of Miss Vesta Kerr daughter of President and Mrs.' W J. Kerr of the Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallls, to Ralph E. Rey nolds, son of J. E. Reynolds of this city, is announced at Portland. The wedding .win be-solemnized In De cember, And will 'be the happy cul mination of a college courtship that commenced when Mr. Reynolds was a senior in that college. ' Cards were superceded this week by weddings, showers, receptions and the fair. As a result of these activi ties In society circles the card parties were cancelled and will be resumed again next week. , ' ;t'fttlllll.l.illl,l,,,,jH.jHH- I You Doubtless Appreciate Prompt, Painstaking atten- I HA JL. j.i -t T iivii iu me avians 01 your r Banking Business. This is i where we can be of real X Service to You, I The United States i National Bank, I t . . :.. ; I LA QKRNUt, OREGON' T ,.: HHIHHMHIIMMMMII ; it The tie Co medlat Quite i ped hi teed. I Co. Drink pons an iona. Harad 'Made ju