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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1910)
V PAGE TWO LA GRANDE KVfcXINO OKSKKVF.h MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1910. - 1 1 , if ! 3 it. . : i ' f CRYSTAL CAFE Home cooking. Everything the market affords. Will make a spe cialty of dinner. H. L. Clark, Prep 209 Fir street. ' li Old Clothes Made Equal to New Steam, French Dry and Chemical Cleaning at the Elite Dying and Cleaning Works Ladies vork a specialty v H. B.WAGGONER, Prop Mahaffey Bldg. Depot st . Phone Main 6 ?! . Have a Summer Without it n Summer should be a recreation time, a time when i g life is really enjoyed and when vitality ? is stored for j U the. more trying seasons. ' J (j aches. Travel, outings or exposure to the sun is apt f g to bring on this affliction. Don't have headaches this j K summer. ' Keep a supply of our ' J 4 HI '' . m ( mm' '' uevlin s instant neaaache t Cure t A. on hand. They stop coming "headaches or cure head- g aches that have already arrived. A simple reliable ? g remsdy with a record of many years back of them, t iiw reineuy you snouia aiways nave ana depend upon, g Price 25 cens ! Sold by us only Newlin Drug' Go. La Grande, Oregon A BARGAIN '4 112 1-2 acrea, 5 acres bearing orchard, 75 acres under cultivation, 6 j room house, pantry, bath and closets; new; large barn, 60x90 feet; good condition; household furniture; 3 head horses, 3 cows, 1 year- ling, 1 calf, 2 pigs, 1 wagon, 1 mower; 1 rake; one sulkey plow; ,1 hand plow; 1 cultivator; 1 harrow; 2 lawn mowers; $80.00 sep- 5 arator and all other small tools on farm; 4 miles from La Grande; 5 ' all for $12,000.00. Let me shovi you. TA t C. J. BLACK The Real Estate Man Use ELECTRIC LIGHT Its Convenience and Economy will Surprise You iff us tell you all about it EASTERN -OREGON Light and Power Company European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout SAVOY HOTEL a G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEP0) La Grande, Oregon Mlhy pay Rent?: We loan you "V money to build, and you pay us as you would rent J. R. OLIVER. CAUGHT IN .HIS OWN TRAP B EUZEEETH BOND Copjrrlght. 1910. by American Pre Association. Jennie Dwyer. baring but two week" vacation from br duties in the office where sbe wa employed and having to take them after everybody else In the concern bad been accommodated, was obliged to wait till autumn for her outing. Then sbe went Into tbe country, stopping at a farmhouse not for from a village. Jennie's was one of those many cases where a girl brought up In com fort finds herself obliged to get on as best sbe can. So long as ber father lived there was a-plenty, but. nothing being laid up when be died, bis in come ceased; consequently Jennie, who bad the refinement of a lady, was obliged to work like any other poor person. 1 Jennie's chief recreation on her va cation was taking long walks.. There was a handsome place on one of ber routes wblcb. reminded ber of one sbe bad lived in when she was a little glrL Her father bad then been rich and surrounded his family not "only with comforts, but with luxuries. . This place wblcb attracted ber attention ap peared to be vacant except for a caretaker and bis wife, who lived In cottage on tbe premises, now Jen nie longed to enter and stroll about over the pleasant grass and In among tbe trees and tbe flower garden! Being a timid little thing, sbe was a long lime screwing up ner courage to ao so. 8h satisfied herself that there was no dog on the place and found that there were some loose pickets In the fence at a distance from tbe house where sbe might enter unobserved. , Bo one morning when the air was fresh and crisp sbe pushed the pickets aside and timidly advanced, keeping at a safe distance from "the house. But there is always something to tempt a lawbreaker, and Jennie saw In the ear- den certain flowers of a hardy nature that bad not yet succumbed to the early autumn cold snaps. She dearly loved flowers, and from the trees she cast covetous eyes on these, wblcb were rather too near the house for her to safely poach. Ilowever, there was not a person fn sight, and, leaving cov er, she started for the garden, but halt ingly, stopping now and again to make sure do one was observing her. ; Though she did not know It, some one was observing ber. Tom Mary weather, the son and heir of the owner of the place, a graceless scamp, had come down from town to get a gun be had left there, and at the moment tbe girl was advancing on the flower gar den be was standing back out of view looking at ber through a window. Ue had bis gun in his hand,' being about to carry it downstairs. lie waited while Jennie hesitatingly movpd on tbe garden, cast a final distrustful look at tbe bouse, then began to appropriate the flowers. Tom. being of an artistic turn of mind, was iplte enraptured with tbe scene of a shy 11 o fond of flowers that sbe could not resist the temptation to steal them on this beau tiful autumn day. lie was also dra matically disposed and wondered what kind of scene would result If be were to adopt measures usual with poach ers. I Presently, when Jenule stopped to take another furtive glance at tbe bouse. Tom. advancing to tbe window, gun in band, cried : "Stand, you robber !" Jennie did stand, though ft was alt she could do to keep her legs, while one by one the flowers sbe had plucked dropped from her hand. Tom was not near enough to discern" the terror he had Inspired, so he proceeded further: "Don't you know," he cried in a sten torian voice, "that tbe wages of sin is death r There was no reply to this. ' f ' Suddenly Tom discovered that he was playing with firearms with a vengeance. Jennie, taking the realistic scene In earnest.' collapsed. Tom saw ber stagger sldewlse, then sink down In a heap Jumping ont of tbe window, he land ed on an.' extension roof, from there dropped to the ground and ran like a deer for tbe girl.. When Jennie recovered conscious ness she found herself in tbe arms of a man who was looking into ber face eager to know whether he had killed ber. Seeing ber open her eyes and look straight at blm. a great relief came into his eyes. Be was about to cover ber face with kisses when he remembered that be bad not even been introduced to ber. But be did not con sider ber sufficiently recovered to stand alone. At any rate, be held on J he" con versed la German. French. TJun- 'canaD ana naiiaa. The gowns and robes of Queen Mary ef England ere divided Into two part namely, state and ordinary. Tbey are kept in separate rooms In Marlborough House and are arranged in solid ma hogany wardrobe. The state robes are varied and costly. Tbe ordinary gowns are simple and of comparative ly trifling cost Current Comment. , A western physician has isolated tbe "grouch" germ. Now. if he will only tblnk up a way to Isolate the grouches we'll give hjm a medal. Philadelphia Inquirer. The country Is discovering that there are a lot of grafters In public office, but by the same evidence tbe honest officials are still a maJorlty.-Dulutb News-Tribune. A company has been organized in New. York to wash dishes for people who live in flats. . Thus does the eman cipation of woman progress. Colorado Springs Gazette. An Indiana Judge has decided that writing poetry ,1s not necessarily a sign of Insanity. lie probably holds that it is merely poor Judgment Chi cago Record-II era Id.. ' the'ends having double doors "which open to tbe full belgU and width of tbe car. The Hobble Skirt. A woman Just bpmeXrom Parts had to pay 40 per ceut duty on a new skirt and. to refine the cruelty, It was a bob ble skirt 'and sbe couldn't kick. De troit Free Press -. Tbe question has been raised as to whether a woman In one of tbe new hobble skirts would run from a mouse, icreech for help or Just stand still and' laugh at It New York Tribune. English Etchings. ' Races were be d at Epsom so long ago as 1040. , ' . - . The London county council has 400 cricket pitches, en which 10.000 crick eters play every Saturday. Refitting the battleship-Irresistible will cost 80.000. and the work will occupy eight or nine months. Tbe shipment of fancy horses Is quite a feature In England, and special railway cars are built for three horses. Tbey have a groom room In front of the horses' bead and padded stalls. Tales of Cities. Indianapolis' Is one of tbe cities of tbe plain. It is as nearly in tbe center of Indiana as It could be placed with out measuring. ' to her tin she of ber volition dlsengag- L'ZAZ l!E 1 TV At. W , VV VVUI U mum m v ed herself. PK m n tM. mnfm im irtmt IIVo an other love story. Tom, who, as I have aid. was artistically inclined, was cap tivated by the picture be . had seen from bis window. ' He is not the only man who has been . caught by a girl unconscious that she is making herself attractive. But Tom's fate was sealed when the crisis came and be saw what he bad done. : Long after Jennie bad forgiven him he kept up hfs protesta tions of regret .calling himself every bad name in bis vocabulary. He load ed Jennie wltb flowers, begged her to come and take all she wished and in sisted on getting out a horse and his two wheeled cort and driving her home. The house at which she was boarding was a mile distant, but Tom failed to get there in less than a dozen. Instead of going back to town and thence to his shooting club', he re mained In tbe bouse as long as Jennie's vacation lasted. The courtship ended in Jhe winter." The Royal Box. The German empress conflnes ber collecting to pearls, all of a certain size and perfect in shape and color. Crown Prince Frederick William has again been chosen rector magnlflcen tlsslmus of the University of Koenlgs berg. ' During one morning the emperor of Austria, who Is eighty years of age, received some 200 persons with whom Indian ran hp hannv withnut a Pi'ant Ruf vuhn usiiFc. 2--.- -'- w.a f, J IIIIIIVMI I IWIVi W M I J ll S, JJFJ' tn r an Indian? V to be an Indian? &STEINWAY. LUDWIG. KERT1MANN. A B CHASF an t C0N0VER Pianos for sale by t J. 7. SCOJJ Add 0.0 inon the Is now on Market This will be tbe mos. t sightly addition or La rande. The only addition to La Grande with building restrictions. The lota are large- nearly a full acre In each lot We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees t on each lot We are going to mak e the prices reasonable, and most fav orable terms. No in terest No taxes. Come to our office and look at the plat, then get into our v automobile and go see the property. La Grande Investment Co. Owners, La Grande, Oregon servants are receiving on an average - more iuouuj uiau iue w year ago." ' 1 Tarsus, f the ancient city' In Asia Minor where the Apostle Paul was born, is catching up with tbe progress of civilization and invention and now la illuminated by electricity. Tbe power is taken from tbe Cydnua river. There are now In Tarsus 450 electric street lights and about, COO Incandes cent lights for private use. A and L SOLID PACKED . PIE PUMPKINS GOOSEBERRIES Train and Track. The electrical operation of trains in the St Clair tunnel under the Detroit rrr has shown great economies as compared with steam.- Tbe Prussian state railways have a new apparatus for cleaning and disin fecting cars which makes tbe cost only one-tentb of what it was $3.50 per car instead of $S5. Several English railways have built freight cars especially . for aeroplanes, AND BLACKBERRIES GALLON CANS Royal Grocery Bakery $ 44444444444444444 I Special Sale W ""aw'aawaMaiMasiMWMsMsMMMaiia m "a V. o We are closing out a line of Leather Goods, Ladies' Hand Bags, Purses; Etc., Etc., at Bargain Prices. GET YOURS NOW Wright Drug Co. THE RELIABLE DRUGGISTS Market Quotations. SUGARCash Price Sugar, $6.75; beet sugar $6.55. VEGETABLES New Cry onions, 4c lb; green onions three bunches for 10- c. tomatoes 10c lb.; new potatoes, 2c lb.; cabbage 4c; green corn 20c; string beans, 10c lb; green peppers, 15c lb. FRUIT Oranges, 50c per dozen; lemons, 45c per dozen; Bananas, 40c per dot; w !. Cantaloupe, 10c and 15c; peaches 85c and $1.00 per box; plums 2c lb. plums 2c lb. Grapes, 2 lbs for 25c. MEATS Hogs, live weight, well finished, $9 cwt: cows, 3 1-2 to 4c; veal 4 to 4 l-2c : mutton 4 to 5: chirk lens. 12c; fries. 17c. i BARLEY Producers' price: rolled, $26; brewing. $25. Wheat, $33 per ton. MILLSTCFFS Brand $23; -shorts .$24. ;S;.vv-.-,.S'.'-i,i.t-.........-.., . , . .., HAY Alfalfa, baled, $16; timothy, baled, $20; mixed $18. FLOUR High patent, 5.60; family patent, $5.20; straight $4.80." Portland Markets. BUTTER Extra creamery, 35c; store 22 l-224 1-2. .. BUTTER FAT Delllver t o. b. at Portland aw cream li 1-2; soar SO. EGGS Local, candled, 30029. POULTRY Mix chickens 16c8c; fancy 19 centa; turkeys, alive 20 & 21; pigeons squats, $2.50; dres sed chickens. 1 to 2c higher than alive. , BARLEY Producer price, 1910; Feed 23.50; rolled 25.50 26.80, brew lns 25. . WHEAT Nominal track, club, 81 and 88; bluestem 96; William Val ley 90. Valley 97. MILLSTUFFS Selling prtce-Bran $22; mldllng. 30; shorts, $24. chop 19 25. FLOUR Old ' crop patents, $5.85