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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1910)
ll!iJnl!ijP ! i A J A .4 V h p tl Myli ! l I'M " VOL. XIV.- LA GRANDE, UNION COIjNTT, ORE(l ON. TUESDAY, SI-PTEMBKU 20, 1910. NTMIiE!: JTS liSTRATIOIS1 DECREASE 37B I Minnesota Primaries. ' St. Paul, Minn., Sent. 20 Primaries j for legislative and county offices are being held today itf Minnesota by both democrat and republican parties. . AUTHORITIES FORBID FLIGHT pEMtK KATIC REGISTRATIONS Off. GREATER PROPORTION ATE. DEI REASE ALSO. HE PRECINCTS DEI County Clerk Wrlpkt. Has Compiled Oilicliil List of Registrations for the Coming Primaries Decreases lu all rarties From Lnst Primary Regis tratlons Nine Refuse io 'ame Af- "- filiations. : . Aviators Trjin? to Cross Alps Are I . Frustratd lu Their ' Attempt. ! switzenanj, tept. -v Awa-j tors Weycan and Chavez d'd nof'suc-j ceed in their Sigh: yesterday and yere compelled to descend. Today the authoritigs forbade . them ' making- an O! her attempt to cross the Airs, but te blrdmen are determined to at tempt the Eighths soon as the. wind drops. : ' Stranded Yessc' .r.osit. Belllngham, Sept. 20 The Pueblo was pulled off the reef last night and proceeded to Seattle, it wa3 leaking slightly. The vessel will be docked. TAFT THROWS DOWN IIMLET TO lOOSEIELT.fil PRE8I DEIT ICEIS PISE BABY SHI Ml . Aboard . Taft Train ': Columbus; O., Sept. 20 That Taft is the veal leader' and that he Is planning to hold the leadership, despi-'e Roosevelt and that in fact open tnposllion -to. R'josevvlt may develop on the part of the admin istration later is the 'belief . of ' poli ticians , of .the country as shown by messages received fron every state by Taft today. The presden' merely smiles. The messages all congratu late Taft on his stand yesterday at the Roosevelt conference and the tele grams Infer that he refused" to acqui esce to Roosevelt's reques's. Taft won't talk regarding yesterday's in terview. One United States Senator Registrations before the primaries ... - . I 'WMnMdqVM fell off from similar registrations in 1908 from a grand total of 3144 at the last named registrations to 2266 In 1910. This fact was established when County Clark . Ed Wright compiled the total registrations for this year ' and the registrations also include much other Important Information. Three Precincts Democratic. Out of the total of twenty-two pre cincts, only three are democratic. Is land City of the old democratic stronghold, remains true to Us tra dlcians while Summervllle and Hll gard are also In the democratic col umn, otherwise the precincts are dis tinctly Republican. Peculiar Traits of Voters." While It Is supposed to be univer sally known that a person, must ex- nresa nolitlcal affiliations while reg Istering for the primary elections, yet. there were nine in the county who flatly refused to stipulate their party nrfifprence. Prohibitionists have ae creased fifty-seven to sixty-eight and Socialists from 127 to 111 in two years The official list of registrations roi low:, . v : .'.-;:. ; Republican. . , Democratic " , ' Socialist ' Prohibitionist ' ' ' ; '"' Independent Non Partisan ' " Refused to Answer Total. ' Alicel 15 12 Ant'lpe 21 2 ' 2 1 Big Ck 9 8 1 1 Cove 96 92 1 N Elgin 95 G6 21 S 141 8 Elgin 87 59 13 3 41 ' ' Hilgard 9 16 2 I H Lake 19 6 1 - , Imbler 29 18 1 ,1 1 - I. City 41 53 1 Kamela ,7 2 8 2 La G 1 ; 58 30 2 3 2 I La O 2 172 60 12 1 13 31 la G 3 166 65 7, 2 3 2 La G 4 95 45 19 2 10 La G 5 30 .11 1 2 2 N Pwer 88 38 12 1 4 Perry . 32 17 1 2 Sum. .. 40 51 1 3 Stark 7 4 'B V Cnin 1 98 44 . 3 4 Unin 2 j 77 60 : 4 Total .129l1 739 111 27 57 12 Tot. 08 1819 1073 127 49 68 y nr rrATHDC ul ruuuiiL AT EI FIFTY DOLLARS TO COUPLE AGREEING TO BE MARRIED. vvired: "Mot Important polilical vic tory of recent times s yours." The fact that Rocsevclt sought the interview is pointed oui as an ind: cutlon that the former' president real izes, fully that Tai"t is the real leader. : Administration forces are -Jubilant. Roosevelt Will Vitrht ' New York, Sent. 20 Roosevelt to day declared there will be no conipro raise with the old Guard at Saratoga when the convention meets. '''He de clined to talk regarding h'.s secret conference with Taft at New Haven , yesterday- which was secretly attempt ed. It Is understood he made his poll tlcal stand clear to Taft. ' Committee Transacts Business of Much Importance Last Evening. hrumrrnii nmnu rnn Hipunnp W III III I'll ' , - a ILIlULLIUIl IILI1UI IUII VIUIIUIIU to ropx, tie, or rather "hog tie" tin steer in three minutes, but more of j ten it lakes fully miuuti-3 to in-. I3uce the steer nut ;o cat the u- lip- It all depends udou ho'V sure th men m e in tnrov!n their ro;s. hold ing them nd the ian 1'Uiuce !-'-' traiairg of their cow ponies. - Kills Rear Loup llandod. Lyle; Wash.. Sent. 20 Charles Swan arrived at Lyle today with the c arcass of a bijj black bcr. . which ha killed after a hand to hand s'rui?- ple. his only wo-.ipon being a short knife. Swan heard two fishermen yel ling for help, answered, and found them treed by a benr. It turned and fought for half an'hour before being killed. ' ' Tawney May Re RelmftVtl. Minneapolis, Sept. 20 Early re ports of the primaries from Minnesota today indicate that Congressman Tawney wll be rebuked by a reduced vote If not defeated by Anderson, the Insurgent opponent. The, weather is fine and voting was heavy. In fourth district Stevens, a stand patter will be returned' over Ilalber,, the Insur gent, according to poll watchers. IlilES BITTER 1I1H .STRUGGLE SPINNER MAY PRECIPITATE NA TIONAL LABOR IV Alt IN ENGLAND. . S1P.1H! EL1 IPLOIERS 27 26 19 189 193 169 27 26 51! 95 19 - 95 261 245 171 . 46 143 '52 - 95 16 150 131 2266 3144 Tiny little babies will come Into their own one day during the coming .county fair, following a committee meetln last evening when it was de cided that such a feature would be a strong attraction and ad to the rap idly-growing list of features for the big fair, October fifth to eleventh. The date for this attraction will be announced later: but it will be dur ing the fair week. Public Wedding TroTided For. Fifty dollars will be . awarded to the man and women who agrees to be married during the fairvweek. A suit able hour and circumstance will be arranged for the couple wishing to pull down the fat purse as a wedding present, and the fair directors be lieve they will have more than one wedding for the occasion. Manager Church will be glad to communicate with anyone in this matter so that the prospective bride and groom can be informed as to arrangements, etc. This too will be a novel attraction and will draw large crowds. Band Secured. Following negotiations of several days, the president and secretary were authorized at last night's com mittee meeting to enter into a con tract with the La Grande band for regular services during fair week. f Pendleton, Ore., Sept. 20 Special lilt? 1UU UUi UtU, inug tfiou Bteers are driven into the arena there is a scramble for the high seats in the" grand stand and for once the pad dock Is not crowded. The man who knows all about conducting a Round TJp and riding bucking horses and Judging relay races for once deserts his self-appointed post and takes to the tall timber. He Is perfectly will ing that some one else shall manage this steer branding contest. For once there is something which he admits he doesn't know anything about (at close range) but from the .topmost seat In the bleachers behind the, high timbers of the corral he will tell you all about how It should be done. Did you ever see a good, Bleek, long horned steer go on the war path, and shouting his war cry charge his own shadow? If you never have It Is some thing worth seeing. It is something that will be seen at the Round Up at Pendleton September 28 to Oct. 1. : The steer branding contest Is one of the most exciting features of the frontier celebration. Take two good men on two good cow ponies and a steer that Is Just mad enough to know that he Isn't going to submit to any -. :,-::. -v ' '.. v-V'-' such foolishness and you have a show at the outset that Is worth going many miles to see. when you know at the. outset that there Is going to be no one hurt, and that It Is merely a con test between the ability of the men and the smartness of the cow ponies on -the one side and the wild steer on the other. Two men to each Bteer. The steer is given thirty feet start, pro vided he wants It. As a general thing he gives the riders about that much start and then trys to catch them. But according to Hoyle the steer is given 30 feet to the good. The first rider throws his rope and. gets,the steer by the horns, the eeeijnd man throws' his rope and gets the hind feet. One man dismounts, gets the steer by the train and throws him. That Is sometimes According to Hoyle he should throw the steer and "hog tie" him. but If the steer Beriously objects to this proceedure and, doesn't intend to be "hog tied" like that, and there is a slip on the rope, as a general thing, the man who has dismounted decides that - he will get back oh his cow pony again, and the' rapidity with which he does this beats any moving picture mount ever thrown on the screen. The contestants are supposed mmmmt. m ..Alllltl BUT FOR THE CAPITAL BHDIE ESTATE STAKES LIFE 1 TO SUPPDHT Colorado G. O. P. Meet Colorado SnrlnKS. Colo., Sept. 20 'Colorado Springs donned gala attire today in honor of the delegates to we Republican ttVe convention. Aside from the political business of the Bes aion. all visitors will inspect the var ious spots of interest in the Pike's Peak rezlon. Owintr to dlsientlon tn the democratic ranks ,the republican leaders profess to oe certain oi ; tory in the elections this fall. A MODERN COTTAGE. Contractor J. E. Clart Bays a Desir able Lot and Will Bolld. Contractor J. E. Clark today pur chased through the Geo. H. Currey Real Estate Agency, a fine lot on the corner of Ninth and N streets and will soon commence 'the construction of a modern cottage. The consideration of the lot being $525. The former owner was Mr. W. A. Klrby, a well known O. R. & N. engineer who formerly run out of La Grande. Mr. Kirby Is now a resident of The Dalles. CHILDREN MOTHER OF FATHERLESS CHILD VICTOR AT LAST. C THE LOSE LOVE SICK BOY SUICIDES ON A "' TURN OF THE CARDS. UNCLE TO EMPEROR OF CHINA WILL TOUR AMERICA. Charles Schwab and Family Aeeonv , yany Prince to America. : San Francisco, Sept. 20 Accom panied by a royal suite and Charles Schwab, the steel magnate. Prince Teal Shun, uncle of the emperor of China today departed for Washington, shortly before noon. The first Btop will be at Niagara Falls, the next Philadel phia and then Washington. In eigh teen days, according to the schedule, the party will again be in San Fran cisco and will sail for the Orient. The prince la suffering from bron chitis, but physicians believe he will be all right now and is recovering. I'moii Men Strike .Without . Couseut - of Their OiVu-lal and Public Senti ment Is Not With Them In Their Efforts Great .Number. May' Soon , be Idle Cruc ial Struggle May , Spread to All Tarts. V ; Manchester, Sept. 20 Employees of. the local cotton. mills have, decided to - accept' a deft Issued 'V the Master" ' Spinners association and no steps settling Fern mill dispute will be tak en. InBtead. lf the spinners" carry out the threat to close the mills and a lockout of 150,000 men, the workmen; will retaliate by endeavoring to bring about a general strike that will par alyze England. The seriousness of the situation is recognized by both, but It Is generally believed the men and v 'employers are ready tor the crucial struggle that will spread to every In dustry of England. Employers are stronger today than at any t'ma since unionism became a real factor In labor disputes. .While the new unions need all their strength they shov pjus "of International strength. There" is marked Inclination on the part of unions to follow leaders and as many unions struck' against their officials, public sentiment for the greater part favors the employers. Shake-up Coming Soon. New York, Sept. 20 A Bhake-up in the New York police department Is Impedning according to a well de fined rumor today , following a visit last night by Acting Mayor Mitchell to -the home of Mayor Gaynor. Com missioner Baker will be removed as a result of widespread graft In the ten derloin. . -' ' :' Girl Beaten and Robbed. ,Los Angeles, Sept. 20 Beaten and robbed by thugs, her unconscious body thrown Into an alley, Miss Lou ise Hennlng, aged 19, wbb unable to give a description of her assailant when found today. Her head was badly bruised and beneath her nose was a handkerchief soaked with chlc form. According to the story told at the hospital, two men attacked her last night while she was going home and a' purse containing $15 was stol en. She will recover. MAY" MOVE TO PASADENA. CRIPPEN AUCTION POPULAR. Mrs. Anna Bradley Settles Out of , "Fiips" to See Whether or Not He rnrt for Children's Welfare. I Should Jtna ms liue. New York Primaries. Albany, N. Y., Sept 20 Primary elections are to be held today through out New York state, except In New York city,' and are expected to pro vide a test of strength between the Roosevelt progressive wing and Ahe old guard of the republican party. ' Celebrat Italian Unity. Rome. Sept. 20 All Italy Is today celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the entry of the Italian troops into Rome, the - momentous event which marked the beginning of Italian na tionality. King Victor Emmanuel re view ed the troops In today's military parade. A great exhibition of arts and industries was also opened to comme morate the anniversary, it was on SeDt 20. 1870, that Rome wimt a nart of united Italy, and er since then Sept x0 has been ob- serped as a" national holiday through out the length and breadth of the land. Salt Lake Sept. 20 After years of fighting lnNcourt, Mrs. Anna Bradley, who shot former Senator Brown In Washington because he refused to ac knowledge two children which she al leged were his, has secured a part of his fortune for them. The case dragged along since the shooting in 190S and finally was Bot tled out of court Mrs. Bradley gets $12,600 for the two children. Before his death Brown willed $100,000 to the children of his first wife and cut Mrs. Bradley's children off without a cent f : .j'v-i, ;'..; ', Scottish Bite Masons. - . ' . V v Detroit, Mich., Sept 20 Supreme Council, Soverign Grand Inspector General of the Thirty-Third degree, I Scottish Rite cf Free Masonry of the Northern Jurisdiction, convened nere today In annual session. Joilet, 111., Sept 20 John Paveng llo, aged 19. today staked his life on the turn of a card, lost and then blew out his brains. It is believed he was despondent over a love affair when he returned home shortly after mid night A few minutes later his brother was awakened by a shot and found John dead. A pack of cards scattered over the table, face down. One card, the deuce of -clubs was face -upwards. According to the brother, the man had been accustomed, since childhood to decide matters by cards. Crowds Buy Anything for Any Price, When Auction Is Held. London, . Sept. 20 Interest In the trial of Crippen did not drop today, because the trial was adjourned until next week. The. scene today shifted to the ware rooms of a south side furniture dealer's, where all of Crip pen's furniture was auctioned off. There was a wild scramble and the people paid enormous prices for any kind of Junk. Trifles of absolutely no value sold as high as five dollars. When the auction was over there was Wright Brothers May Conduct Winter Experiment!) In Southern Town. Pasadena, Sept. 20 Wright Bros, may transfer their aeronautical ex periments to Pasadena , this winter. Members of a local realty board to dav answered an inquiry of Ray Kna- bensue, for the Wright people con cerning the construction of an aero dome here. If the board offers satis factory financial assistance a deal with the aviators will probably be con cluded. Italians Celebrating. ;New York, Sept 20 New York's Italian population greater than that of any city of Italy Joined today in a areat celebration of Italian unity. Many red-shlrted veterans of the army of Garibaldi took part in the parade and were enthusiastically cheered by the populace. GOES TO JURY TONIGHT. L. P. Henshaw of Portland Assisting M The State In Present TrtaL The entire day has been given over to arguments by attorneys for the State and defense in the Remmllard- Kennedy bootlegging case today and It is evident that the Jury will get the case this evening berore adjournment for the night 1 P. Henshaw of Port land is assisting the state In these cases. ; The chief testimony for the state in this case was produced by Ford EUIb pastor of the Christian Church, Ben Morgan, and a man nam ed Crocett. . WAR DANCES PERMITTED. Toppinish Indians May Resume Their Tribal Celebrations Again. Toppenlsh, Wn., Sept 20 The gov ernment has granted permission to the Toppenlsh Indians to hold their sun dance which has been under the ban for several years because of the harmful effect on the Indians. The In dians will gather t the reservation here the first week in October for the celebration. . , ' ; AIL BALLOONS SAFE. Not BeUeved That American Balloon WRl be of Great Yalne. Indianapolis, Sept 20 With all the balloons safe, the officials here are greatly disappointed as a result of the national championship races.- It is feared none of the balloons will be real contenders in the lnternation- , al race to be sailed in St Louis in October. " i i f Hi-