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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1910)
'PAOETWO LA GRANDE EVEN1NU OJiSEKVKIi TUESDAY, SEPTEMBERS, 1910. 2 GHYSTflL CAFE g Old Clothes Made Equal to New j Steam, French Dry and Chemical Cleaning at the j Elite Dying and Cleaning Works i 6 Ladies work a specialty i j . H. B. WAGGONER, Prop 4 4 ' Mahaffey Bldg. Depot si . Phone Main 6, S 4 i i A Have a Summer Without Headaches Summer should be a recreation time, a time when life is really enjoyed and when vitality is stored for the more trying seasons. . ' ,;, . , The pleasure of, many people is spoiled by head aches. Travel, outings or exposure to the sun is apt to bring on this affliction.'; Don't have headaches . this summer. Keep a supply of our ' liewUn's Instant Headache , Cure on hand. They stop coming headaches or'cure head aches that have a!reaiy : arrived. A simple reliable remsdy with a record of many years back of them. The remedy you should always have and depend upon. Price 25 cents -S. F. Sold by us only Newlin Drug Go. La Grande, Oregon 8 i A BARGAIN 112 1-2 acres, 6 acres bearing orchard, 75 acres under cultivation, 6 J room house, pantry, bath and closets; new; large barn, 60x90 feet; J good condition; household furniture; 3 head horses, 3 cows, 1 year- C ling, 1 calf, 2 pigs, 1 wagon, 1 uiower; 1 rake; one sulkey plow; 5 1 hand plow; 1 cultivator; 1 harrow; 2 lawn mowers; JS0.00 sep 5 arator and all other small tools on farm; 4 miles from La Grande; 2 all for $12,000.00. Let me show you. d C. J. BLACK the Real Estate Man DRINK Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's Good tor what Ails You Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FilZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry Home cooking. Even-thing, the market affords. Will make a spe . lalty of dinner. H. L. Clark, Prep 209 Fir street. (J I 9. t Use ELECTRIC LIGHT Its Convenience and Economy will Surprise You Iff us tell you all about it . EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company uiropean nan uniy Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout HOTEL D. G. BRIGHOUX, , Proprietor. 0HE BLOCK FROM DEP01 La Grande, Oregon ry pay Rent? We loan you money to build, and you pay us as you would rent J. R. OLIVER SAVOY An Indian can be happy without a Piano. But who wants J to be an 4STEINWAY, LUDWIG, KERTZMANN, A. B. CHASE and t CONOVER Pianos J. J. SCOJJ t Forty-Ninth Annual OREGON STATE FAIR heIldat. SALEM SEPTEMBER 12th to 17th $35,000.00 in Premiums and Purses Grand Live Stock, Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibits. Splendid Races, Band Concerts, Free Attractions and Fireworks. Redu:ed Rates an all Railroads. For further informatiQn address FRANK SUBSCRIBE FOR f rifliFESSI"MI, DIKECTOHlf. .0 p o o o o X. L. RIC1IARDSOX , Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. except Sun day. Sunday by appointments. Tele phones: Office, Black 1362; Ind. 353; residence, Main 55; Ind. 312. C. II. IPTOX, rb. G. M. D. Ppyslclan and Surgeon Special attention x Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office In La Grande Nat ional Back Building. . Phones: Of fice Main 2, Residence Main 32. GEO. TY. ZIJmERJLlX Osteopath. Physician Sommer Bldg., Roomt 7, 8, 9 and 10 Phones: Home 1332. Pacific Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Suc cessor to Dr. E. Moore. DR. M. P. MENDELS- UN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles ?.nd Eye Glasses Fitted . . and made to order. All Errors of Refraction Corrected 1105 Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. La Grande, Oregon T. H. CILUYFOUD . Attorney-at-law Practices In all the courts of the State and Un'ted States. Office In La Grande National Bank Bldg La Grnde, Oregon Vs!.9r.7i r: Surgeon Office at HiU'd Drug Store, La OranU Residence phone, Red 701; Offlc phone, Black 1361; Indopendem phone 53; rrtb phones at tesldenc Chaa. E. Cochran Geo. T. O COCnKAN & conniAX Attorneys I a Grande National Bank B; La Grande ' Oregot DB. H. L. UJDESWOOD Dl DORA J. U3TDERW00D Office rrer Red Cross Drag store Phones, office Main 22; Res. Main 728 X'XT. C NELSON Mla'.np Engineer Baker City Oregon N. MOL1TOR, M. D. Ppyslclan and Surgeon Co'er Adam- nnd Depot strwt Office Main 68 Resldeao M J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Building, ho..e Black 399 Indian? . Y for sale by MEREDITH, Secretary. Jj THE OBSERVER ADJUDICATED WATER COMMISSIONER NOW AT , PENDLETON HEARING CASES. Several Tnlon Coynty Streams Ilare Been Adjudicated of Late. Pendleton, Sept. 12 F. M. Saxton, water commissioner for the eastern Oregon, district is making rapid prog ress with the work of adjudicating the water rights of the settlers along the different streams In his territory. He Is now In Pendleton and will be for a week or ten days longer, while the claims of the 'different water users along the Umatilla river and Its tri butary streams are on file at the court house and being Inspected by those in terested. The rights along seven streams In his territory have been adjudicated and the findings of the board of con trol have been filed or are ready to be filed with the proper county clerks. Among the streams which have been adjudicated, are the following in Un ion county: Seven other streams including the Umatilla and Its tributaries are now In course of adjudication, while 31 others are pending. The complete list Is as follows: Streams adjudicate! and findings of board of control filed or ready to be filed with the proper county clerk: Mill creek, Union county. Goodman spring branch, Umatilla county. Murphy or , Barnes creek, Union county. Catherine creek, Union county. Thompson spring and Bprlng branch, Union county. Home Site For Sole. A very choice home site for a mod ern and pleasant home in West La Grande is on the market. If sold this week will go at a bargain. Big enough to be comfortable, near enough to the heart of the city to be conventient. Sightly place to live, surrounded by new fashionable houses. Inquire at The Observer office. Master Car Fainters. St. Louis, Sept. 13 Master car and' locomotive painters of all the leading railway systems of the United States and Canada commenced a conference here today and will Bpend four days ln POLK'S GAZETTEER A Itanes Directory of each CHy, Toot and YWlnite la Oregon and ashing too, frivintr a Drcriptive Sketch of cat'h pla-o. Ideation, hhippinif FacIHtics and a Cliiml. J ,lnTrieTy of cacb JBudiuov rod l'rofeBbioa, B. L. rOT-K ft CO- In. Seuttle, Wash. PORTLAND. dREQOM A 8plftidM BoaMinj nd T)r School lor 1 . YOL'NU M I.N ANU 1H8 Eitenlvcourn(lo(!oll(rB. High School kndOom. niwiBl work. Urium Kraut tauuht to lioviovprll yfHW. (M hoi oiM-na hopt, 1 II, 1 1 0, Catalog Free. Addrex. Kl!T. Joufph (iALHOHrH,C. B. C, Pres. COLUMBIA UMTXB8ITT, fOBTLAyo, OBKaOX. J ilH Market Quotations. SUGAR Cash Price Sugar, $6.75; beet sugar $6.55. VEGETABLES New dry onions, 4c lb; green onions three bunches for 10 c. tomatoes 10c lb.; new potatoes, 2c lb.; cabbage 4c; green corn 20c; string neano, 10c lb; green peppers, 15c lb. FRUIT Oranges, 60c' per dosen; lemons, 45c per dozen; nananas, 40c per dos; 'x. ' ' Blackberries 2 boxes, 25c; water melons 2 l-2c lb; cantalop 10 4 15c 8c; peaches 85c and $1.00 per box; plums 2c lb. . ' Grapes, 2 lbs for 25c. MEATS Hogs, lire weight, well finished, $3 cwt; cows, 3 1-2 to 4c; veal 4 to 4 l-2c : mutton itnc- aiaIt ens, 12c; fries, 17c. BARLEY Producers' price: rolled, $26; brewing, $25. Wheat, $33 per ton. MILLSTUFFS--Brand, $22. shorts, $24. . a discussion of the problems and di' ' cultization. A discussion of ww terest will touch on the obtaimn, a substitute for white for ln t" ' painting, the lead being injurious he health of the workmen. . ) an: Methods prevail ia our factory Fatmixt tt "Modem DcaU r Mrs of butenr! r t.John kn ' ! CoUt-ciatf, At' lo a I i'm.., . " IXlu. Murto, Ail, loonchnru,U)Jj1li;rf ,U.dnt iPili .mortl e ov r 14 yntn otin ' fifty. Application ahonl J h r a arlr.) TlMiSiitwSuporiof.Ofiini 28, g:.HfltBf, H:'I.Pwi,.V' . itarv Candv r V - " t il and Walkers Red r" Hot Tamalies lu and l cif Oil Chili Con Carnp tSoth size cans ! 1 Royal Grocery and Bakery LOOK! LOOK! BBS Wall Paper ' and a Wall Paper House 500 different designs 'to V select from. The most complete line of wall paper in Eastern .' Oregon. This is the number, don't forget it, 1314 Adams Ave. 0. R. Coolidge i HAY Alfalfa, baled, $16; timothy, baled, $20. FLOUR High patent, 5.60; family patent, $5.20; straight $1.80. . Portland Markets. BUTTER Extra creamery, 35c; store 22 1-2024 1-2. BUTTER FAT Delllver t o. b. 8t Portland aw cream 32 1-2; sour 30. EGGS Local, candled, 3029. . POULTRY Mix chickens 16c08c; fancy 19 cents; turkeys, all' 20 & 21; pigeons squaKs, $2.501,. dres sed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, lMl Feed 23.50; rolled 25.5026.80, brew ing 25. WHEAT Nominal iraca, club, 81 and 88; blueetem 96; William Val ley 90. Valley 97. - MIIXSTUFFS SeHing price Bran $22; midling, 30; shorts, $24. chop 1 625.. , - FLOUR Old crop patents. 5.3S ; r ' lave esrt c: lift W ,; trafB' '. ec?s .fello' i reg ''jsilnre. erfere: it bo: ' futur ctto 1 'it w "a Ariz i i w ;-;a or 1 ' l:tV0 fierebj m I After ed pi' the W City i At the ment used olithi noml per c wall date City then provi In m Bit "Bid! Bond by a Com Ject rare tr. La BIO D-S( W r