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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1910)
PAGE THREG we aire .m a hdlw position to make yoer Fa tn n LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER TIlUliSDxW, SEPTEMBER 1, 1910. WSiy If you want a tailored suit or send away we can sell you one for $18.00 up. W We can make you a custom made suit $35.00 up, imported woolens U ITU 1'BOrOSED M. E. CHURCH. THE BllLDLNG WAS OUTLINED AND TL ASED BY II. E. McLEOD, a"JS5?; : UET CHURCH BUILDER. . ; t ; ' . ,aw2S i mir hhiims n ci.-.i mm i 1 1 i 1 1 n mi Mm mi , mmi ir -"--n ' n - f-tf -r-r--TTr r- rr- i -vnrrnr -frimi n i--- - r J I. : -.: : : 11 ZS jr I : ' FOOD BILL : " r a ' ' " 1 1 1 ; - -. , , , M 3!ZnirMirSl -! "inwwiii.iiiimniiwii in ii 1 1 m m , , Lu . ' ' k v w-- f, -V . mm m a k bu s ii , u . u ' v. r 1 i ,VJS-- . .." v Ey uing Tie FliriESS Maabe Sfee Range-Built on perfection lines-The ore quick even hatrK.-Pntu cc'tl ;f ; fie fre- wf guarantee them the bes baking stoves on the market-WHh or without resevoir. You will have to call and see this mo d em kitchen cvnvenience. A WORD TO HOUSEWIVES It is a pleasure to show you this stove if You will call. , ., , JOHN MELVILLE tm ADAMS AVE. LA GRANDE, ORE. Doctor If,-E, McLcoi, Popular Methodist Pastor who left last evening for his new pas torate at Vale.' where he was as signed by the last conference. Doc tor McLeod came to La Grande a year ago from Meridian, Idaho, where he had built a fine $12. 000 church for the Methodists at that place, lie launched a new church movement- here and through untiring efforts, was able to procure thd finest church site in the city and start the church fund to such an extent that a com fortable nucleus for the sum prop er Is now In the church building exchequer. ' Notice lo C infractors. ; the river near the foot of Fourth Notice !b Lereby given that scakvl Street, bids will be received by the Mayor" ' The council reserves the right to re-' and Council of the City of La Grande, ! Ject any fchd all bins, and each bid at the office of the City Recorder, un- j must be accompanied With a certified til 4 o'clock, September 7, 1910, for 'check of 5 per cent of the amount Of the construction of 360 feet of cribb-1 the bid, " -ing and the making of a new channel La Grande, Oregon, August 22, 1910. for the river,' according to the plans j F. L. MEYERS, Mayor, and specifications now on file at this D. E. COX, Recorder office. Said work Is to be done along ' Aug 22-Sept 1 Home cooking. Everything the market affords. Will make a spe cialty of dinner. H. L. Clark, Prop. 209 Fir streets i - - ,. Taken Up. One bay mare branded "I. G." on left shoulder; white front and white hind feet; white spot in forehead. Owner may have same by applying at the city pound. G. V. FARRIS. t Poundmaster. mmn Ann ABrfinM A BplMiilId Posrilmi uiif IT f i hnol for A , t'UL'Mi Mi:!? AM) IIOVS r.itflnnircnorli.ioll(. HlakSrhonl n)Cnni "rcil work. UromoiarirTa'IratftaKM to ! ovarii )." N-hol oj-rut Uritl. 13, 1 tttO. Cittalo Vrr. JtJw. Hit. ,Tcrpn (5allaopvh.i1. 8. C i'tr. COLUULIA LHIVEUHIH. i'OaTLAXD, VFGO. The George Palmer ELQJM1 EOS CdD RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. , We ar.e prepared to furnish and deliver material, , V, promptly. Phone Main 8. 1 nr9 agents rQr k Seneca Security and Sold Goin brands of stock foods. Free buggy whip with each 75 - nf package of Seneca. Every person' that uses stock should call and investigate uus nne, una out wnatlt Will CO for our &es$ friend, HAY QRAIN, BLUE STEM f , FL0UR- i Calf up 6n phfifig for quoUtlOhS. ; , r - r POLK'S t yp GAZETTEER A BulaeM DlMetor f each CHy. WMlhlnirLna. mlvlim M I,.- i.,T gtf'eh La,rh, Ntl0B. Shipping FaplUtla Claatl. fled Directory .( CMb BotlocM mi rrvicuira. B. Pots CO, he. DMIIU4, W -'. J. :'jjspw Electrical :: Contracter f One door South of Observer. '4 Y4 1 Ta A BARGAIN 112 1-9 anraii K am.n. i...i . . . 1 ' . , .. , clco ucai,8 rcnara, 76 acres under cultivation, 6 Kt .Wm UOU8e. pantry, bath and closets; new; large barn, 60x90 feet;: good condition; household fu rniture; 3 head horses, 3 cows, 1 year- 5 nng, 1 calf, 2 pigs, 1 wagon, 1 mower; 1 rake; one sulkey plow; . 5 1 hand plow; 1 cultivator; 1 harrow; 2 lawn mowers; $80.00 sep. 5 arator and all other small tools o? farm; 4 miles from La Grande; U all for 11200.00. Let me show you, , t ;, , - , C. J. BLACK The Real Estate Man -tiiaraberlain's Stomach anl Liver Tj. IcU JnTariuliljf bring relief to women 'mftHn; 'rom chronic constipation, )iea(i lic. (;lnms jesw, diwiness, aallowneMj of ti'S i. .v 'yspejHia, IT CERTAIXLI LOOKS GOOD to the rLlldren when they tee the delicious bread made from the North Powder Best of the Best Patent flour. It Is a meal , for the little ones, with butter, Jam or jelly, that Is wholesome and muscle building. It looks good also to the housewife when she sees the golden brown crisp nnd the white bread inside when it comes from the oven. It also prnclls appetizing when made from Best of Best Flour. FOR SALE EY ALL GROCERS 6, Eagle Valley TOMATOES 90c Box Pattison Bros. Use either phone Is now on the Market This will be the most Bightly addition of La rande. The only addition to La Grande with building restrictions! -The lots' are large nearly a full acre in each lot. 1 '"" We are going to set out some nice apple and cherry trees on each lot. We are going to make the prices reasonable, and most fav orable terms. No In terest. No taxes. ' Come to our office and look at the plat, then get Into our ? " automobile and go se e the property. j La Grande Investment Co. Owners, La Grande, Oregon . ; ! !