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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER TUESDAY, AUGUST SO, 1910. 1 !rC"l PAGE Till IKK s "UI IT CERTAI3LT $ LOOKS GOOD V to the children when they see a the delicious bread made from X the North Powder Best ot the X Best Patent flour. It is a meal A tor the little ones, with butter, $ Jam or jelly, that is wholesome $ and muscle building, it looks A good also to the housewife whan t$ she sees the golden brown crisj O and the white bread Inside when O It comes from the oven. It also smells appetizing when mada from Best of Best Flour. FOB SALE Y ALL GROCERS TLAND Excursion Rates to PGR ; ACCOUNT PORTLAND FAIR AND Iff I IVF QTHPfcT rVDrkCiTsr. :" ' m warn UiU VUi 1 .:: :v::'' via- Ths Oregon Railroad & Navigation Go. F or the above occasion a round trip rate of One and One third Fare will be made in territory shown below SALE DRIES From points north of Rlparia in Washington and from all points in Oregon east of The Dalles, September 6th. From The Dalles and points west, September 6th and 7th. Final return limit September 12th., " ' ; - . For further particulars apply to any 0. R. & N. agent Or to Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent. " Humor and Philosophy 8r DVACAA ft. SMITH GETTING MTERESTED. frUE man who hardly knew you -- And who m nothing to you Comet round to shaks tour hand and male An awful fuss about you A though to tlv without you Wm something that If ha la true Ho really wouldn't Ilka to do And doesn't care. Indeed to try, Becauae for wbyT Well, you can gueaa It mora or leas. For this year ha la on tha alata . A full fledged. Jolly candidate. How he relates the latest Jokes As ha Inquire about your folks And wants to know If It Is so Your boy will graduate next year. . "Oh, dear." . He says, "that boy Is smart; You're giving him a dandy start, But he will, have to go. you bet To keep the pace hla dad has set; He'll turn out well. For stock w ill tell." You get the taffy strong and straight From one who Is a candidate. Then he proceeds to talk away About the evils ot the day; Says It Is time That graft and crime " Were made the publle wrath to feel And that w need another deal, . They could not win, Who now are in, This doubtful ottlceholdlng crew, Jf people Just their record knew. He says It's fierce the way thlnaa are. aiiu tnen he Blips you a cigar And talks you blind and deaf and dumb Yes, this year lie Is going some. . ' A traio ou oue of I be traoscootlnen ' tal lines running through Kansas City and Is usually late was reported on . time a few days ago. The young man who writes the parr tlculars concerning the trains at that station put down his statistics about this train, "No. 616. from the west, oo time. Then he wrote underneath, "Cause unknown." Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post. Sisterly. .; "Mother?" . "Yes?" . . ' . . ' ' ; "1 wish you'd make 'Brother Jack stay out of bis room part of the time." "Stay out of his roomr . "Yes.- ' "Why should he?" v ; I "lie hangs round there so much that 1 never have a chance to slip la aqd get any of hla' ties." ' Batter Dream On. , "Isn't that a perfect dream of a hat?" she demanded of the man by ber side. ,.. . "I said," , she repeated after some seconds ot silence, "Isn't that a dream of a hat?' . Still silence 'from the man. Then she ventured reproachfully: "Why don't you say something?" , : "My dear, you seemed to enjoy your dream so that I was afraid of, waking you up," the man then replied. . Fishin' Yestaday. Not much energy today-sort hangtn' on, - -8omehow wlshln' 'at the day was already gone, i Got a kind o' dull headache-feel's If I could lay ' j , Down4o sleep an never wake. Fishin' yestaday. Face Is feverish an' red-got no appetite. My, but 1 will hit the bed good tin' hard -tonight: Feelln' kind o' dry an' hot-nothln niucb to say. Don't care if school keep or not Fishin' . PERT PARAGRAPHS. Everybody la loyal to No. 1. We no sooner get our clutches upon a dollar than we begin to worry how we would best let It go. Heaven Keeins a faraway place when the liver Isn't working right Bring honest la hard work under most circuniKtnnces. Added to that Is the Indubitable fact that It Is poor pay. The people who are easily fooled aren't really worth the trouble. , Omon y j. v. .MM'.., V m .WB W tn r.f b.atancf M. Joiui Bapt'-ttKrwuo! . (A vb;el". Ac-.i!-inlc n n I Imi nti rr t ?. Muilr, Ai t. 1 loruiioL, SLiua.lur?:. j Uwcdant naiut h ov 1 14 yarm of c a I rconimndd. Th nutntar ! limttrd xr f ft. Apphcstion ihoul'i bt ir ; osrly.) Adi'.rt- j Air Light Sunshine Gleanline in oar factory, Costly Hater iala and Skill in Making axe the conditions and ingre dients that combine to make Modern Sweets oo perfect a ft?) SG i Candy "Pofronue th Modern Dealer" uduuus u Bii vyu" is THE V70NDER .'WORKER sraai &w - for : FOR THROAT AND LJ LJUWW W:L J H V 1 UVJLbui FOR COUGHS AMD COLDS I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends exacted that when I left my bed it would Burely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so' completely that I am all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. j to SOcand Si.ODV ABSO 3 tO.AND GUARANTEED DY C n - h r i Jhte Land of Opportunity Union County where crop failures are unknown; whose large diversified Interests appeal to all whose payroUs are second to only one county in the slate of Oreiron. With all onr present activity and development we are Jost entering upon an era of advancement. , f d?Te th,r0B1gh Jeaut,fuI Grande Kode ralley at this season when the golden fields are dellv.rln? their annual ,fW, when thousands upon thousands of fruit trees are bear ngVavy loads of apples that will enter the markets of onr own and foreign lands, green alfalfa fieifc eontnUy UffrNfthf aereage, telephone lines running everywhere rural deliveries, numerous school houses and churches, prosperous homes,-alI bespeak the certainty at isvestment and the Insurance of Independence. lUo rotl,e money kings of Grande R?V The farmer, rhether ' Farm near Talocaset 1 160 acres of- land near Telocaset. Thl aland was farmed for many yepra. . Price if taken In near future $5 per acre. ' . . - Farm near Summerville 80 acres fine fruit land, $60 per ac-" ere. If interested call and learn par ticulars. ' Now in Gourse of Contraction Fine modern house in every re spect, plumbed, flue built for fur nace, large basement cellar. Every thing first class. Situated on east Adams avenue, $3,500 on easy terms. Grazing Land 240 acres, large spring on place. Good wagon road to tract; consider able can be cultivated. Price $7 per acre. ' . $4,000.00 Farm 320 acres, 60 tilable; good house, . orchard consisting of 400 trees Abun dance of spring water piped into house and barn, sufficient for the irrigation of large garden. Ideal frut and stocA ranch or dairying. Situated" in lower Cove, about opposite Alicel. Ono ' third down, balance on time. Home in City ... Over two acres, splendid two-story home, large commodious barn and chicken house; nice large orchard; water right, Bituated in North La Grande. $4,000. Other Bargains We have other bargains in fruit land, several close to La Grande, and several tracts on the Sandridge, In cluding some extra fine property ad Joining Imbler. If you want any 'thing In fruit bearing orchards call. Modern House 5 rooms, well plumbed, one block north, of court house; new, $1800, . Terms. ' ' - . .... Fruit Farms v 20-acre tract may be subdivided In-, to two ten acre tracts or owner would sell separate; 11 acres In orchard. t good house and barn ; other out-build-iings; would trade for city property. Price, $7,500. . 250 acre Farni 70 acres can be put under cultiva tion, 3 acres In bearing orchard, all fenced; several Bprings for Irrigation, spring piped Into house. Fine 8to.;k and fruit ranch situated two mi'es south of La Grande, $8,000.00. $2,100 cash. . J Sand Ridge Farm elgh .'-fouf teres, splendid land, for either grain or fruit, $8,500; one mile from Imbler. At leatt one-half cash required. ' A Real Home 80 acr farm one quarter of a mile from city limits. Good modern house with furnace, bath, toilet, cement cel lar with living, spring. Commercial orchrrd of seven acres, ideal dairy and poultry farm, $5,000 ' on easy terms. Will net 10 per cent Business property now rentln gfor $85 per month. Bonded lease for two years; will steadily advance In value. : Price $7,000. ; ' ' City Property . House and-, three lots on Pennsyl vania avenue, two story, in splendid repair. Just repainted and papered throughout, $2,500,' reasonabe terms. Nice little horn Gracde, easy terws $1100-. '. In North , La on this place, Two-Btory house and three lota on 'North Fir street desirable property, for only $1,404 Twelve acres and nice, two-story house In South La Grande, $4,00 ; 100 fruit trees and an ideal place fo a few cows and poultry. This site Is a commanding view of beautiful Grande Ronde. , A new seven-room house on East Adams avenue,' roomy basement, pastered, well finished throughout, $2,500. Three lots on Main avenue, facing north for $350. ' Three lots on the beautifur sightly - hll side, west of L Grande .or J1,000. Desirabel lot and houses in nearly every portion, of the city.; t D. HO G 9 Real Estate and Insiimiice. La Grande, Next Door to City Offices n