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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1910)
PAOE TWO LA .GRANDE EVENING OBSERVES TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1910. r 35 i lave a Summer Miihout Headaches - .--'' Slimmer should hft a rer.rMTinn time a fims whm - - - - - - -w w ww ww wMvawa w. Ml Wlass f li Wl d life is reallv enioved and when vitalitv is stored for a thft mnre truincr cooennc 4 ashes f to bring summer. Keep a supply of our UewMs instant Headache Cure on hand. They stop coming headaches or cure head aches that have already arrived. A simple reliable remedy with a record of many years back of them. The remedy you should always have and depend upon. Price 25 cents he pleasure of many people h spoiled by head- 5 Travel nntinrrs r.r evn,-,5iiro tf iha cim ?a ant A -'J 't3 - WWWW. W W 1V VM" 1W "'F )T on this flfF!ir4inn flnn'f Viav Vioadarhee wa w a w ViVlJi WAS V llVvkUUVilVV Sold by us only Newlin Drug Co. La Grande, Oregon itlls THE OUTLOOK for men's clothing is for a distinct change in styles. Stop in and see what men who know, have decided will be worn during the fast approach ing season. We have the advance plates and also samples of the most elegant of the. new fabrics. And while here why not order us to tailor you a suit in the newest fashion. E. C. 11 00 It t. 1118 Adams Phone Mala 735 Phoenix Pure Paint i Most lasting in wear and colot of any paint on the market It will com more surface per liquid gallon and do it better than any paint on the market. Call and get a Color Card Newest Creations in Wall Paper, Design and Quality. Will call and make estimate on Painting and Papering your house. Call Black 107 i Use ELECTRIC LIGHT Its Convenience and Economy will Surprise You Iff us tell you all about it EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company 0 $ PBOmSJOSiL DIRECTORY. $ $ A. L. MCIIAKDSOX Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. except Sun day. Sunday by appointments. Tele phones: Office. Blacks1362; Ind. 353; residence, Main 55; Ind. 312. ILLOI ITEMS OF INTEREST TWO DEATHS Of (TRW W DURI.NG THE PAST Yi ALLOWA EEK C H. UPTOX, Pb. G. M D. Ppysiclan and Surgeon -Special attention V Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offices in La Grande Nat ional Back Building. vhones: Of fice Ma'n 2, Residence Main 32. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopnth Physician Sommer Bldg., Room 7, 8, 9 and 10 Phones: Home 1332, Pacific Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Suc cessor to Dr. T E. Moore. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF HUSIC, Cor. Adams avenue and Greenwood St PROF. E. PORTER DAT D'.'ectof. T. H. CRAWFOUD Attorney-at-law Practices In all the courts of the State and Un'ted States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg La Gr ude, Oregon O. R. COOLIDGE , 1314 ADAMS AVE. DRINK Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's Good for what Ails You Contracting Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Pump Work and lob Work a specialty. BAY & ZWESFEL, Plumbers and Tinners PHONE RED mi 209 DEPOT STREET LA GRANDE, OREGON European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout SAVOY MOTE D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEP01 La Grande, Oregon D5t.-.A CHARLTON rr Surgeon ' Office at Hill'd Drug Store. La Qranb Residence phone, Red 701; ' Offlct phone, Black 1361; Independent phone 63; hHh phones at lesldence Peach Crop at Powatla Exceptionally Good Personal Mention. Chas. E. Cochran Geo. T. O COCHRAN ft COCHRAN , . Attorneys l a Grande National Bank Bk La Grande Oregoi DR. M. P. MENDELS- HN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles r.nd Eye Glasses Fitter" and made to order. All Errors of Refraction Corrected j 105 Adams' Are. Opposite P. 0 " La Grande, Oregon DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD DT. DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office ever Red Cross Drug stors. Phones, office Main 22; Re. Main 728 J. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer Baker City . - .- Oregor ry pay Rent? We loan you money to build, and vou pay us as you would rent J. R. OLIVER. N. MOLITOR, M. D. Ppysiclan and Surgeon Coer Adanr , 3. hnd Depot street Cffi :6 Main 68 Residaac) 19 J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. DentiBt Koora 23, La Grande Nations.' Building, "ho e Black 39f a n inaian can oe nappy wiwout a nano. 4 to be an Indian? But who wants S1EINWAY, LUDWIG, KERTZMANN, A. B. CHASE and CONOVER Pianos for sale by J. Z JCQJJ' 2 The price is on the boxes that these shoes sold for all season, and to clean them up, $3.00 to $4.00 shoes are closed out at $1.38. The Golden Rule Co. DANGER FOR LA GRANDE PEOPLE APPENDICITIS Official Notice. All bicycle riders nlease take notice i that there is an ordinance now In ef-' feet prohibiting bicycle riding on any 1 and all sidewalks of La Grande be- tween the month of April and Novem-' ber 1 of each year. Anyone laught violating said ordinance will be prose cuted to the full extent of the law . J. W. WALDEN, Chief of Police. ,".berlin' Colic. Cholera and J)ii . Kerned? ii today the best fcnewn med . 1 use for the relief and cure of bowel rt.ikinta. It rniva 0i-!in Kn-l. u..nter, and should be taken at the fimt hnn.Hi,.l lAnunu. f . 1. I I. T . OOilBllT valuable for chi dren ami ulnlt slways cures. . It A McCaskey account register for sale, reasonable. C. E. Suydam. Many La Gande people have wind or gas In the stomach or bowels sour stomach or constipation and do not know that these are symptoms of chronic appendicitis, which may any minute become acute. They should try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-i-ka, the new German appendicitis remedy. A SINGLE DOSE will bring relief. A. T. Hill, druggist, states that the qulck'ac tlon of Adler-1-ka is a constant sur prise to people. Medicines that aid nature are alwavi mot i fuccewuui. Uiamberlaiu tough Kerned. acts on this plan. It looseno the coukIi. re'- ntvei in nines, opens the tsecrcuoni and x.u rtni in reetarirr Us ivt. a htalU.y j Wallowa, Aug. 30. Special Mrs. R. E. Finley, aged 80 years, 6 months and 1 day, died August 23. The funeral was held. Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Crockett conducting the services. Thejnfant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fellman, Ina Marie Fellman, died af the family home Thursday, Aug. 25. aged 4 months and one day. The fun eral was held Saturday at 10 o'clock a. m., at the M. E. church. Peach Crop Good. P. E. Knapp of Powwatka was in Wallowa last week. 'He reports an extra good peach crop and expects to market ahouf 200 boxes of peaches and ISO boxes of tomatoes. Mrs. J. II. Maxwell and daughter. Hazel, returned home Saturday after a few days' visit at Sumpter. Personal Mention. Robert Blumenstine, the city mayor ut cigiu, wan iu iuwu r nutty muu wm accompanied by H. Reed of that city. Mrs. Sarah E. Groot and grand daughter, CresBie, returned 'Wednes day from Mineral, Washington, where they have been visiting for several weeks. J. H. Masterson of Elgin, was in town last week. J. H. Maxwell commenced work last Wednesday on the pipe liri crossing the river to Riverside Park. " . J. W. Lovel left Saturday for. El gin. Miss Effie Edgmahd returned home home Sunday after a week's visit at Joseph and Chico. 7 m toitokne ! 1 In Cans 75 cents and $1.75 Royal Grocery and Bakery KILL ETERT ONE. National Crusade Against Dandruff Germs New eBing Waged In America. :. ELGIN NEWS ITEMS. Elgin. Ore., Aug. 28. Special. Miss Agnes Milne returned Saturday from Scotland, where she has been visiting relatives for the past nine months. A. P. Knox was a business visitor in our city Saturday. Miss LaRose Bailey returned home Friday from Salem where she has been spending the summer.- Miss Bail ey Is a daughter of Superintendent Bailey of the Elgin public school. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tourner and son Carl, leave Wednesday for California' to spend the winter. They will make the trip In their automobile -and ex pect to visit all places of Interest along the route, A number of local Elks went to La Grande in automobiles, to attend the funeral of the late George Kreigeri R. L. Shoemaker, assistant cashier of the first National bank, who has been seriously ill, first with an at tack of typhoid fever, which later de veloped Into polio meyletis is a little Improved today. Mr. Fred Savage of Enterprise visit ed over Sunday with friends. Rev. Roadie, pastor of the Presby terian church, and family, will occupy H. Turner's residence during their ab sence in California. ."The dandruff germ Is the greatest' American pest of today," declares one of the world's greatest scientists and students of diseases of the hair. In a recent interview he said, "I the germs of the dandruff are not soon annihilated, the United States will some day be known as the hair less nation, The Americans imust wage a relentless war of extermina tion at once, and I am going to help them." ' "My receipt for. killing dandruff, germs, well known as Parisian Sage, is now being manufactoured In the United States." There Is only oneway' to cure dan druff, and that Is to kill the dandruff germs. There Is only one preparation that . will kill the dandruff germs and that is Parisian Sage. , , . Parisian Sage is ndw manufactured in Buffalo, N. Y., by the Giroux Mfg. Co., and agencies have been establish ed Jn every town In America! You take no risk in buying a bottle of Parisian Sage. Newlin Drug Co.. Is the agent In this city and 'they will guarantee Parisian Sage to cure dsm druff, stop falling hair, remove all diseases of the scalp, or money back. Parisian Sage Is the most marvelous hair dressing and tonic; tt makes the hair beautiful, soft and luxuriant in one week. It causes hair to irrow if . the hair root be not altogether, dead. The price Is only 50 cents a large bottle at Newlin's drug store, or by ex press, charges prepaid, from the Glr oux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The girl with the auburn hair is on every bottle Cheaper. ' - "1 wish 1 could travel." "Then why don't your "It costs money to see the world." "Does Ut" "It does." "You can look at the moon for nothing." Profitless. "There are such a myriad of rood things that we are always going to do." "Yes, and 1 have alwava notfrmi that they have a common peculiarity." nai is nr "They never Increase our hank count" For Candy- m potimmmtt O. Hill "Ss- I "That wc I ,VV ! "M- Br 1V 11 ! "Yes." iSL- I "Whyr wtuM., ill "Shelsfl But No PUytr. "Does your husband play ookerr "No." "1 beard he did." "That Is an Idle compliment, "Compliment?" "Yea. . He loses an awfnl is poker." Faat TatlrL "That woman ought to U arrested.'' urownr iolating the speed law.' POLK'S ? GAZETTEER Buolne m Director f each City, ii S9.-n Village bk Oregoa and Hi . 0,?l,. P1. location, Whipping- FarUitlM ..A . ' if4 S"iT7 et caca BocIocm B. L. POI.K m CO Inc. Seattle, Wuh. Eagle Valley TOMATOES r , 1 90c Box Pattison Bros, .Use either phone