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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1910)
PAGE 3. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY. AUGUST 27, 1910. AT F big games that La Grande Higbfaces n 8 uui year. Brag ANDY ew. 1 Captain Tom Williamson s undecid ed whether or not he will be abl9 to return to school this fall. His team mates hope to see him report howev er. E. M. & F. cars now In the valley are sold; the local agency, the.M. & M. Store DESTROYED si ft 1 31 1 r i I j I r I r i 10c THE POUND AFTER 6 P. M. II I1& i t FA II CI p n utM TnM II II I 111 IUEII 1 II V! Ill Ul llllllllbi I Ull ! sion for some time. The wheels are being sent to Alblna for new tires. mum IIUUIIULI LU rOLITUIAX SAID TO HAVE BEE.V HIT WITH A ROCK. The "dog house" is on wheels but will soon be located permanently. It has been moved to one side now, so At (- for the new building may proceed un hampered. It Is believed the dog DET CONDITHW IX GROUSE AND EDES COUSTIES w Items and Personals from Flora In Wallowa Ccnntj - Flora, Ore,, Aug. 27. Special. Forest fires are raging In the Grouse and Eaden countries. The fires des troyed the Rlchman crop on Grouse Flat August 22. Much damage Is feared on account of the dry weather. Flora Personals. Mr. Hotchklss, the Enterprise butcher, was In Flora August 23, re ceiving cattle of ranchers from the Grouse country. . Eddlemann Bros.' Thrashing ma chine has been undergoing repairs for the last few days. They moved to M. Devin's ranch this afternoon. , . Albert Shuman was up from Troy on Tuesday after a load of flour for the store at Troy. . . ' company, being at present without a single car for sale. . From Boston to Portland in an Old3 is the record attempted by two Bos tonians who reached La Grande at noon today. They report fair success all the way and hope to reach Port land In as good order as they lave come this far. SPORTING COMMENT AND KINDRED SIIR-IFRTS Columbia College at Milton is mix j house will be moved back to a point j J(H1S for a game witn La Grande high this fall, and Manager (Jrady is now where it stood before going across the yatds to the north side edge t ! Within the near future passengers Dan Phillips is Defendant and Waives! will be carried on the fast mail he- Examination Thin Mornlnsr. Dan Phillips of this city was ar raigned this morning In Justice of the Peace Williams court, on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon. R. D. Hamilton, candidate for state rep resentative at the last election, was the man alleged to have been assault ed. It is said that Hamilton was struck by a rock in the hands of Mr. Phillips. The defendant waived exam ination, and the case will come up in the circuit court. Court Notes. Sheriff 'Marvin returned to Enter prise today with Reuben Walker, a former La Grande boy, who Is accused j of unlawful cohabitation and various other crimes in Enterprise. He will stand trial at that place? An Italian was brought up from Huntington this morning to answer for assault on another Italian in this city. He was arreBted yesterday. Circuit court convenes next Monday. tween here and Baker City and Huni t-ngton. This arrangement will af ford a very desirable opportunity for people to go to Baker City and re turn the same day. , Commencing with Xo. 10, August' 28, will put a coach on No. 10, leaving La I Grande at 5:15 a. m. for Huntington, to take care of passengers for Baker City and Huntington or local points on the 0. S. L., as far as ''Nam pa. J. H. KEENET. Engineer Dupes, who with his wife and child, have been In Portland, re turned yesterday and have gone to Pleasant Valley again, where he is a helper engineer. Engineer Shea, who is traveling en gineer, has returned from Portland. Master Mechanic Ladd is In the city today on one of his regular vIbHs. ame Left Off. The communication In the Observer ovewwww$$4 case BhouW have been 8igned by Jonil A , S. Hodgins. The name was Inadver- RAILROAD JiEvYS. A tentlv left off. Passenger Engine , commonly known as the hoodoo. Is pretty well stripped J'.nd wl.ll be out of vonmiis-. Faulk a Candidate. I. W. Faulk has filed his ueti ttons for nomination to the office of roiiRtable in the l.a G ramie justice of it hp peace district. in communication with the collegians regarding a probable date. It is pos sible that the two Jeains will meet on Thanksgiving dayif at all. To date, 870 fishing licenses and .".10 hunters' licenses have been issued by County Clerk Ed Wright, demonstra ting the degree to which hunting and fishing is popular In this county. if the will of the anglers of this county is carried out. some or the moneys collected for the sale of fish ing licenses will go to maintain trout hatcheries' in this state. The move- i meat Is a commendable and and Is becoming so geueral'y adopted as a slogan, that It Is safe to predict the. next legislature will do something of that sort. La Grande sends a team of base ball players to Baker City tomorrow. The lineup will include some of .the old standbyes. and some excellent hall Is anticipated." Charles Conkey is the "McCredle,,'of the aggregation. Fewer tourists have passed through La Grande this week than any time this summer. It is pre sumed the forest fires have some thing to do with It. for It is sometimes risky to penetrate far Into the wooded districts. .' Spokane, November f, at Spokane; College' of Idaho, Oc tober 19 at La Grande, and probably Pendleton Ilifili here this season, are about the oiilv FOR COUGHS JQF CURES colds THE WONDER WORKER FOR THROAT R. KING'S BBKBEESBBKTR AND LUNCS I FOR COUGHS AND COLDS I PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. Kind's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Mcb 50c and $1,00 ABSO fr-i YfZLY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Fret 3 O..V AND GUARANTEED BY C ilverthbrn's' Drug Store ' ED WALSH HAS HOBBY. Dots Not Car For Victories, but Likos v His Strikeouts. ' Most every ball player has his hobby or peculiarity, and Ed Walsh, the star heaver of the Chicago Americans, has one that Is just about the limit. Walsh doesn't pay much attention to the shut outs he records, the sanies he win, th hits made off him or the bases on balls he passes out, but he does dote on his strikeout record. Recently Walsh pitched against Cleveland and mnnnped to win. more through his masterly pitching than hrough the efforts of his teammates. A certain baseball critic happened to meet Walsh after the game and re marked that he was forced to the limit to win. Valsli replied that hard luck wns pursuing imn tins spring nmt that he should have won all but a few of the games In which he worked but for tough breaks. "Ry the way. how many games hsivf. you won and lost this year?" the big fellow was nsked. "You've got nic there." he replied. haven't the slightest idea how I stand We have bought the Red Cross Drug Store and are prepairing to serve the people of La Grande and Union County in the most satisfactory manner. , We will make a specialty of our ii f ()) When we fill your prescription your medicines will be of the highest quality, despensed by thorougly re liable and competent Registered Pharmacists and the price vill be right. Try Us Next Time DRUG CO Reliable Druggists 1H PUS HAM WRIGHT KEWAIUIEI). 1'resented With Elegant Medal for Long I'se of Adrlunce Machines. Union, Aug. 27. Special Hon Dun ham Wright has been awarded a gold silver medal from the Adrlance Platt Co., for being the pioneer user of the Adrlance Mower and Reaper. O. Phil Hps Pratt of Union, who Is the county MIL WRIGHT'S MEDAL. ID WAtSH, CBICAOO AMERICANS' CRACK THIRLKK. now, but 1 have struck out seventy two men so far." The critic was more than surprised to learn that the strikeouts Interested Walsh more than any other feature of his work, and he frankly confessed that keeping track of his strikeouts was his one and only hobby In baseball. Free Lecture. G. II. Brooks, authorized lecturer ot the National Spiritualist Associa tion will give free lectures tomorrow afternoon and evening at It and 8 p. in. Kach lecture will be followed ly tpsis. Everybody invited. Passengers 0V MAKE DIRECT CONNECTION IN SPOKANE WITH THE FAMOUS Soo-Spokane-Portland Reverse Side of the Wright Medal. Train De I.ue Leave La Grande .10:10 p m Arrive Spokane 12:43 noon Iave Spokaie ,.2:00 p m Arrive St Paul .......... .4 : 4." p ;n You can purchase through ticket j from the local O. R. & N. agent, who 1 U'lll . ' ll ii vmiM Ilk 11 n n i . u . . . . r. 1. ... destination and make berth reservations.- ; l'neiualed Service FHst Time. 'ew Equipment Electric Lleht Rates: lowest current fares to any point. (J. M. Jackson Geo. A. Wiilh n Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt. 14 Wall St, Spokane. day figured In the presentation of the medal. Mr. Shykes, the Union presi dent, made the presentation speech, and Hon. Mr. Wright responded with grateful words. LOCAL MARKET GOSSIP. , There s a great scarcity of tomatoes In La Grande. Reports from the. Eagla Valley districts say that tomatoes will last but a few days longer for the droughts have prevented matur ing. The coal markets were cleaned out of tomatoes long before noon thU morning. For the most .pa,rt the to matoes are high grade, however. Egg plants are on the market to day . The variety is ' good and the sales have been brisk thrcighout the day. Celery selling at two bunches for a quarter, created a lively business while they lasted this morning. The plants are especially brittle and nice for this time of the year. " Crab apples-are amongthe things that should be ordered now. The lo cnl dealers have them on hand and the growers are already peddling them around the city to some etxent. The Obverse Side of It. agent for the company and president of the State Farmer's Union, jester- Notice We, the undersigned Livery and Feed Stable proprietors, will, after September 1, 1910, charge for Single board, per month $20.00 Team board per month 33.00 Feed for team over night L'.O (Signed) 1. A. McCarthy. St; Louis Livery. . H. .lOHXSOX. City Stables. M H KUTLEY If You want to FIGHT - . Out With Natute ALL RIGHT MILLION'S have done so before you. SENSIBLE people submit to the dictates of nature, and when there is Indication of eye trouble, go to a COMPETENT Bight-specialist, and have the PROPER correction made to their vision. I. GIVE TESTS THAT CANNOT FAIL. My skillful fitting nud ad justing will satisfy the most critical. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Next Door to Post Office