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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1910)
LA liUAJCDE I-lVKNLVii OiiSKIiVCIt TUKS'DAY, AUUI'BT IG, i,;0. PAUK SfclVKN TWO CASES ID LOWER GDURT PKISIONS HASHED D01VX BOTH INSTANCES Hoth Suits are i(,r rTiry of Ural Rotate I'ossosfloii. i Two cases entailing considerable evidence and argument were heard 5n justice court before ' Just iic uf - lht Peace A. C. Williams yesterday and decisions have been hand down in both. The first casj neard was that of Anna Seel r .'gainst Mr.and Srs. 0. V. Ferris to recover possession of some real estate. It appeared in ths that "Mr. and .Mr3. Ferris did not move out of a leased house aX ths time stipulated .and on tbe evidence introduced, the court ' held' for ta plaintiff. Another iorcen;ie detainer suit was that til W. R. Chattln aralngst W. J. Hunter and D. C. Stillwell, the lat ter two comprising, the Summervilli Meat company. While this' spit was iiiniiar to' the first one tried yester day, the court held for the -defendants. ... o Ten to twenty acres set to apple orchards Kas made men fortunes We make it possible for every one to own fine apple land in tracts 10 acres up and to pay for same on the easy payment plan, while they last. . I o o o o o o o i o o " o o o o JS'ot a minute should be kt when a cliil.l ihows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's Couh fct-medy gsvon ts soon as the child lnHMini'i hoarse, or even after the crouiiy Q coiih a pears, win irevem me aiiacs. o o o o s Write or telephone, The Slough Investment Go. o o Elgin, Oregon -. Town Topics.' 1 Five Iloustenhins returned from Chi cago last week, and' only four of thetn were robbed while In that town. Houston Tost, The mayor of New York Is closing up the "lobster palaces." ... What is lie tryln.?' to do starve. Lis people? I'liil adelphla North American. New York ought to be able to ct along with only six nil night drlnkin? places at least as well as Boston can get alonj without any. Doston Globe . rittsburg smokeless? Yes, when New York Is noiseless. Philadelphia 6leepless, Chicago modest and San Francisco pious. Syracuse Tost-Stand- ard. . . ; What We Must Do to Make Farming Popular. V- t ( mmr Market inn S. To afford residents of-Eastern Ore-1 son an opportunity for an' outing the 0. R. & X. Co. have arrange a spe (',;! train excursion to Portland in connection with their steamers to the seashore (North Beach, Wash.) The rate from La Grande is ?10.00, which permits of stop-over of two days and a nipLt on the going trip, at Portland, as well as a stop-over on the return trip within the limit of the ticket, which will be September 7th. ; The special train vill consist of chair nrs, tourist and standard sleeping cars. Make your reservations early. 1 i 1 ..vtA.tnHnnn n f Va lift- 1 Ample IlOLfl un:uuiuuauuuB cii. hj w j flnise(lt Q fWt l 21 " " ' ? to 3 i-2; Wi 4 to 4 1-2; mutton 3 J. H. KEENEY, Agent. , to 4; chickens 13c; fries. 20c. . SUGAR Cash Price Sugar, $0.75; beet sugar $0.55. VEGETABLES New Cry onions, ."c; head lettuce, iOc; rocn onions, 3 briiiehes for 10. c. tomatoes 10c, lb.; new for 23c; cabbage 4 c; green corn 20o; string beans; 10c lb; green peppers, 13c lb. FRUIT Oranges, TOc per dozen; lemons, 45c, per dozen; oananas, 40c per doz; - blackberries, 2 boxes for 25c water melons 2 l-2c :1b; cantalope 10 & 15c lb.; peaches, 10c lb.; plums, -10c lb. mpats-lioe-s. live welehl. well cows, 3 1-2 to 4c; iDrtland 3Inket BUTTER Extra Creamery, 3533 1-2; store Ti l-2s24 1-2. . BUTTER, FAT Deliver f. o.: b. at Portland sw cream 82 1-2; sour 30, EGGS Loca, caudied, 20 27c POULTRY MX chickens 1S5J18 1-2 7c; fancy 19 cents; turkeys, alive, 20 & 21; pigeons squabs, 52.50; dres sed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1910; Feed, 23; rolled 23.G02G.S0,'. brewing 25.. . ".' ' ''. -: WHEAT Nominal iraci., club, 86; bluestem 93; Willam. Valley SO. Valley 97. . MIIXSTUFFS Selling pnqe Bran $22; raidling, 30; shorts', $21. chop 19 25. :y'-'::;':-)-- ;V;'" crop State Lines. The lencest wav across the state of Texaa equals the distance from Chi cago to the jrul of Mexico or to the Atlantic - ocean. Texas U less than half as large as Alaska. : Ostrich farmint:. about R.0O0 birds, has become n profitable Industry In Arizona, partieuh'rly ruljicent to the city of rtioenlx. i!;c '-'itiitnl to, bo of the state till at lont NewMiTvicii vl!i l .U'e fourth state of the Union Vi urea, t'v.hter .than any other oxcci.t Texas. CaMfornln and Montana. Its nwtt of lU2.r.S0 squart size of IU!:'K which. has an urea of Sl,GTiO Kqnure mile.' r . , By Profeor t. H. BAILEY. Who W Chilnnin of the Roowvett Country Life Commission. 44-4 YEKY one knows tlint the cities arc growing at the 4 , ' - ' "S ,.r,nnri tt tlm nrtlintTV fKctriMi Tft SOTlir t!ll5 fact in itself sccrus alarming, but it is net so important as tbo achieving of a proper combination between these two parts of our civilization. IT IS A STRANGE THING THAT THE PRODUCER nr raw MATERIALS HAS THUS FAR TAKEN A SUBORDINATE PLACE TO THE TRADER. THE TRADER LIVES ON THE PRO DUCER. THE TRADER LIVES IN THE CITIES. AND THE CITIES LIVE ON THE COUNTRY DISTRICTS AROUND THEM. THE CITY IS ALWAYS TENDING TO DESTROY ITS PROVINCE, AND THAT IS ..,ilu tu; miMTDvn nti ATiniMSHIP TO THE CITY IS A MAT- Y n 1 inc. v v " TER OF GRAVE CONCERN IN NEED OF NATIONAL CONSIDERA TION. WE MUST FIMD AN ADJUSTMENT THAT DEVELOPS BOTH THE CITY AND THE COUNTRY TOGETHER. '." .:' : ;. " " , ...''' Wfi have DKVK1.()rED CITY CIVILIZATION, FAR BE YOND COUNTRY-CIVILIZATION, and yet both are really the '; ) . - Air. Flights. Talk about excitinff life: - Think of being postal clerk on an airship mail express. Ilarrlsburg Telegraph. French aviators tell us air flights will soon be as safe as tr'nln travel. Better make It a little safer.Omaha Bec4 : .'-,..'.'. ,. ' '.-.'. - The railroads will have to sit up and take notice . when the airships begin bidding for the : mall carrying con tracts. St. Paul Pioneer Press.' The Interstate' commerce comtnis-. slou may ns well brace Itself for the problems the airship will bring up In 3 FLOUR Old rWrm'Hnif''irtfr niiiimw patents. ?3.35 ! tlie near future.-Washington Star. GbtiiH. : ifirf MlBonald ARE WE E' n & MX tistJ w-tfll If ' ' ' 1 Wallows Com They ranches, bined. lots, more stock dealers coin- thn I nooooeOfV Hurt fit' l.nmiui uctivitv.: . Citv and cou'ntrj. are .grailu-j ally COMING .TOGETTIEK. IN i VilrA IliX , but tins w uue more nenuaintanceshin than to any underlying" co-operation between them ai equal forces in society. Until euch an organic relationship exists civilization cannot be perfected or sustained, however mgn it may rise- in its various parts, Two most important meana are at hand and can be immediately nut into 'operation to brine about this fundamental adjustment. The first is to SEND BROADLY TRAINED HEN INTO THE OPEN COUNTRY. In North America the best system of college instruc tion 'in rural life in tbo world is now well established. Some of the CITY MAN'S FARMING IS DEMORALIZING TO REAL COUNTRY INTERESTS. I do not look for much per manent good, to come to rural society from the moving out of well to do city men or from the farming in which they ordinarily engage. v ... . It is proposed to send to the country the poor to die and the dis satisfied and the unemployed. This is very doubtful policy. In the first place a PERSON WHO DOES NOT DO WELL IN THE TOWN WOULD NOT DO WELL IN THE COUNTRY, and in the second place the country docs not need them. 1 . Farm labor should be produced in the country and kept there by a PROFITABLE AND ATTRACTIVE RURAL LlbK. The city cannot supply it. . - , The- city must TAKE CARE OF ITS OWN POPULATION and not expect to escape its natural responsibility by Bending its sur plus to the country. - : ' . . . Farming cannot be Vlolie at long range or by prosy nuy nioro than banking or storekeeping or railroading, and especially by one who docs not know how. . 1 ' ' FARMING IS A MIGHTY GOOD BUSINESS, AND IT IS GETTING' BETTER, BUT IT IS V BUSINESS FOR FARMERS. AND ON THE FARMERS AS A GROUP ' MUST REST THE IMMEDIATE RESPONSI BILITY OF IMPROVING RURAL CONDSTIOW3. IT iG IMPORTANT THAT WE . REMOVE THE HANDICAPS AND ALLO'V THE FARMCH HIS NATURAL OPPORTUNITY. sell more farms, more town in fact more real estate than all ThY have something especially good to offer in the tie w i 0 wnsi te of Evans, formerly known as fie Losiine Depot. If you wish to get in on the ground floor and grow up with a good town here is your opportunity. If you want a lot or two f qrnvestm' They have lols, houses and business property for sale in Joseph and Wallow?. They will : be' pleased to : sh o w rJ property in an pirl o th County Come to Wallowa and they will do rfta rest. COUCH Wallov. ?, Oregon DIRECTORY OF THE. FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE, ORE 9 4 M. . A. ;'. i-"bi lahs La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets Co stal Lo?se N 10 meets every erery Monday In the .month at the I. ' TuaJay "eiilnt' lu th I. O. O. F. ball 0. O. Hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially Invitoi! to attend. V : l. It. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX. Clork. Wowea of WoodcrafL Grande Rondo Circl No. 47 meet.3 every first and third Thursday even ing In the month at thfe I. O. O. V. Hal!. All visiting members welcome. OHLOE ROHINSON, G. ip. LIZZIE5 ELLSWpltTir. Clerk. AJl visiting members are Invited to attend.' !..; .. ' V ' '' ..." MIS3 ANNA ALEXANDER, N. Q. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH. Sea. A. F. & A. M. ' L... Graade Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M. holdB reuler meetings first and third Satardays at 7:30 p. m. ' JOHN HODGIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary ' B.P. O.E. , . La Granle Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club corn r of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. DR. O. L. BIGGERS, Ex. Ruler. Knlirbts ui l'ythias Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday eight In Castle-hall, (old. Elk's ''hall).' A Pythian welcome to all vlsitlug Knights.; ;, ( ED. WRI311T, C. C. R. U LINCOLN, M. of R. & S. 0. r. s. Hope Chapter No. 13. O. E. S. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month Vis'tlng members cordially Invited. MART A. WARNICK.Sec. , PAULINE LEDERLEE, W. M. Woodmen of the World La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. meets every second and fourth Tue1 ('.ay In the month. All visiting met bers welcome. NERI A3KLES. C. C. J. H. KEENET. ClerL . HUGH McCALL. TUc. Sec.