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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1910)
PAGE SIX t.A (itiASUE EVENING OBSERVER TUESDAY, AUGUST 1G, 1910. IS HOJIE PPOI'LE M.'YIXU STOCU Fit F.ELY AM) IIELIEYL IN PK0PE11TY Keren t Reports and Strikes of Iticli Ore Claim Intcstor's Attention. That stock' in the Copper King is anything but a drag on the market is evidenced by the way R. A. Snyder, manager, and J. II. Robinson, secre tary of the company, are closing con tracts for blocks of this stock to lo cal people. They have spent several days In the city, and will be at the Foley hotel for some little time be fore leaving for the mine near Jos eph.;. Few mining companies have the strong men on their board of direc tors that the Copper King possesses, which insures a square deal to every Investor, no matter how small the amount of stock he buys. The report of Mr. Nichols, expert mine examiner, recently made on the Copper King establishes a perman ent value to the mine, and the further fact that very rich ore has been un covered In the few days, adds to the' attractiveness of this mining proposition. Only ten more days remain for stock to be purchased at the price of ten cents a share, and after that time the board of directors hag voted to place It at 25 rents. Extensive work Is now being planned and within a few months the Copper King should be paying dividends with large blocks of ore in sight, 1 ' ' ' Pca't waato your money buying plasters when you can get bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment for twenty-five cent A piece of flannel dampened with lliid liniment in supe rior tt rr,v phster far. lumo back, pains in tho si'.L ftiul chest, and r.n:eh clteantr. Special COPPER KING FAVORITE i ' i Toctlnml. Orofon - ZtarMrat mutiny trhnol fnrOitltini1r7TC r ri- r t btow.-.icj t t..K)hnUiaist'K.'iii.T.)A fV.1t;rt, Aci'.dniiilr a tit!Q i:!"?uciiu." 1 ! l(. HiwIb, An, I lix-mli.n, .; jii.n.Uv.ti.. I (JtMi, l r M ' m i tkoaim'-ufa-i. uitmW i (.! ."j" fty.Apltr.'!in hooM ti r a 'o mrh .) .!.' ' l Cut Glass and Hand Painted China $ , .I rom now until July 17, I will make a specially p w price on cut glass and hand painted China. It $ win pay you to examine my stock and get a good se- $ S lection before buying your gifts. All. styles of wedding rings including Tiffan auuhu, vtiit cw:,, hi iui'st a Quality considered. I will Save You Money. o I H pAnfn La Grande's Leading'Jeweier, O 0 , ' Opposite Land Office 4 THIS SPACE TAKEN BY M. & M. GO. An Indian can O niif- a Piann $ to be an Indian? 9 COtiOVtR Pianos for sale by So TTo - After You, Sir" L F. IOWNSEND SNT1TH Oii-.v;-fv;. ::!). by American Press' Association. While suuu.t-i'iug lelsdrcly along :t thoroughfare, smoking, largely for the purpose of killing Utne. I was accosted by. a gentlemanly, - well, dressed man who doffed his hat before speaking to me. "I beg pardon, sir." be said, "but could you spare me a little of your timer "For what purpose, sir?" ' " . "That Is not easy to explain on the street. " If yon will step inside I will how you rather than tell you." "Inside where?" . "Right here." He pointed to ao open door, and I could see a staircase. The building seemed to be unused. There are1 people who seem to have a power to make other peopfe obey them, not by force, not always by In sistence. In this case the man was so gentlemanly in his request that I did not like to refuse him. At any rate, before I realized what I was doing I had gone to the upper floor of an unoc cupied building with a person who had accosted me on the street and asked me to go with him, for what purpose he had not explained. This seems to me now absurd on the face of it, and at the time I knew that I should do no such thing, but I couldn't help it T f nM nv . A - " w VV MM W t W l t.W ond floor. In its center was what looked to me to be a hot air furnace, only It was neither round nor square, but oblong. He closed the door be hind us, and I heard a click. I didn't like it, for it sounded as though It came from a lock that closed auto matically. I was about to turn and get out of the place, but my pride held me. and I waited to be Informed fur ther as to this strange proceeding. The gentleman led me to a corner of the room railed off apparently for an office, where there were chairs, and in vited me to be seated. "Do you see that oven 7' he, said. "Well, that has cost me a great deal of labor. Perhaps you think it is a crematory, but it Is not It is an oven for baking bread. A hundred loaves fin he baked at once and in three tum ulus. That's 2.000 loaves an hour, and by working day and night three reliefs we have 28,000 loaves a day. Six work ing days give us 1GS.00O loaves a week. Fifty-two weeks produce 8,730.000 loaves n year, "So much for what my oven will do. Now for my object. It Is to feed the world. You Ree. my single oven is not large. Suppose there nra uv !::.? Prices V 6 m-iccs in ivisiein vreiron, 1 3 2 5 be happy with- Ruf ArVir. xArrfe 0 .Scotf S7J"X).000 loaves a year, only about 4.)0.0CX) milos less than the distance of the earth from the sun." Since I could see no relationship be tween loaves of bread and the earth's distance front the sua I began to feel a bit uncertain about the gentleman' upper story. So I said to bim. rising: "You'll hnve to excuse me, sir. It is not possible for mo to remain any longer." "Iiut you have not examined my ln- j ventlon. Besides. I told you I wanted ; you for a purpose." "What purpose?" "Come; I will show you." lie led me to the" oven. He seemed bo harmless that I followed bim. He threw open tho door, displaying a num ber of Iron shelves.; I was somewhat relieved that there was no beat in the oven. . "My arrangement for beat is by chemical process. There are many sub stances that produce heat in combining chemically. Why should we burn coal? I turn this cock and my substances run together. In a short time I shall have my oven quite hot enough to do my baking." "I wouldn't turn ' It on if I were you." I remarked, "since you have no bread ready for baking." "I have something else. My desire Is to bake a human being." This was getting warm, as the chil dren say when hunting for things in games. And, as the strange gentleman looked at me. Indicating that I , was the human being he proposed to bake. I felt not only warm, but a cold per spiration stood out on me, especially when he drew a long sharp knife with whlt-h to inforri his ripmnnrti. I know I had to deal with a lunatic and kept my head. "I shall be happy," I said, "to have you bake me. On which shelf am I to take position?"' "Step in aud I will show you." "After you." I said deferentially, bowing and raising my hnt. lie stepped into the furnace. I closed the door with a bang, and the big iron latch fell into position. Then the room swam, and I fell on the floor. But I did not remain there long. Fearful that the lunntlc might smother, I ran to the door of the room, found It locked and could not open it. I tried a win dow, and that served a call through. In a few minutes a policeman came up the stairs, broke down the door and- let the gentleman baker out. He ! was nearly sufTocated and gave no trouble. " He had employed men to ' build his oven without their having the slightest suspicion as to bis sanity. I learned that he was a scientific man and had been an Inventive genius as well. On my testimony he was com mitted to nn asylum. It mnlies me irnwl when I think that by n mere act of politeness I was saved from death. Coat, Cook and D.-by. Cur goot hna spofled iny lot.tuee bed; lie knocked nio over wilh liis head. And Jot I'd urleve If lit- wcro ili'iid Ho cats up all our surplua t:nf. We've hud n ooolt ulK'iit n ycir. Bo homely u.:it eho tr.r.) hy ear And sour fr.lU, ami th-u must qM-vr All chance fur "(louliUK lyl.jtil ' l.oio. - t:u.Tl.i New. Our haby la tho ihviun of dnMir,.-. W! "ii wo olunc oil' i. cur he Urn IHh brains they ,'lmv-his eye. it s'lennw When, moiIii Mil h. sonniK ami creams! And Hcieums and seienms m..:l xorenma and scTcunm! Cleveland Louder. Just the me Hour3. "When a man's engaged to a girl.'" snld Miis Singleton, "ills Idea of 'good hours' Is sluy from 8 o'clock until nry tlm af.i-r iiil.lnlght." "Yes." replied Mrs. P.ridey. "and even after nmniage the hours are the same. The only difference Is that in ono case they are hours 'with her and In the other 'away from her.' " Phila delphia Press. $ Pure Food Pro- 1 I I aucts m I I Tomato Catsups I I Mide from fresh, i ip e I Tomatoes, spices, cane I sugar, pure vinegar, on ions' and salt We carry me ronowing brands: t Heinz, Snider' s?i t and Preferred ! Stock : Pattison Bros. Use either Phone 4 - t-t-NH-$ i-M-i?- 4 ot!ce of Street iiiiitrtMemeat. To Whom It May Cou.ern: Noti b i nereby givi t;,at t.i , u. ' of a resolution .tdited by t':P C.mmon Council of the City of La Grande, Ore gon on the Sth day of February, 1310, creating Improvement District No. 16 and designating Sixth street. a3 Buch district, and in pursuance of a reso lution adopted by said Common Coun cil on the 27th day of July, 1910, whereby said Council determined and dedared Its intention to improve all that portion of Sixth street, in said Improvement district -as ! hereinafter described, by laying thereon 5 foot ce ment walk, the council wilV, .en days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement, order that said above described im provement be made; that the bound aries of said district to be so Im proved are as follows: All that por tion of Sixth street, from the south side of Washington avenue, to the north side of "N" avenue. Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assessment on all the property affected and benefited by such improvement for the purpose of paying for such improvement. That the esUmated cost of such improve ment Is the sum of $ltl8.90. That the council will oh the 17th day of Aug ust, 1910, meet at the council cham ber 'at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., o consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hear ing will be granted to any. person feel La Grande, Oregon, Aug 3, 1910 CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oreon. 'iig. 5-6-8-10-11-12-13-15-16 A Good Cigar. , When fortune frowns and cares oppress And life seems useless, more or less, Whate'er you are, And every time you've tried to win, You've somehow failed, there's comfort In A Rood rljar. You watch the smoke wrenths as they rise. And as you dream with half shut eyes 'our thoughts roam far Until your troubles seem a joke. Your worries vanish while you smoke A good cigar. , Somervllle Journal At tha First Try. "What do you think of my dough nuts. George?" "Dear, you are a wonder!" "Do you think so really, darllngf" "I certainly do. Scientists have been trying for years to produce artificial rubber and hero you do it Hie first rattle out of the boxl" Houston Post. All Depends. There are distinctions, it would seem, In current vogue. A man who waters milk we deem A common rogue. A deal depends upon the haul. It would appear. A man who waters stocks we call . A financier. , r Louisville Courier-Journal. Natural Inference.' Wireless Operator (ou Atlantic ship) Yes. It did blow pretty hard last i night, but our service wasn't inter- j rupted In the least. . , j Mrs. Lowbrow-But. surely there must have been whltecaps ou the j sound waves: Illustrated Sunday, Magazine. ' Deceivers. Seed catalogues deceive its all, ' No rose is quite as fair. When blooming by the garden wall As those they show ub there. " But now 1 swear that ho hotel. Although it struggles hard. Is ever really quite as swell . As on a postal card. , Detroit Free Tress! A Cautious Groom. Pater (anxiously to. brlde)-Why. Mollie, where Is that $1,000 check I gave you to place among your wedding presents? I don't see it anywhere. Pride (cheerfully) Oh. I gave it to James yesterday, daddy dear, and he cashed It this morning. (Pater faintsh-Uarper's Weekly. Friends. Our friends are three : Plrst. those we cross the street to see; S'-eond. tho people whom to meet Wc really would, not cross the street The third and last? We cross the street when they go past! -iuck- A Heavyweight. ILiri'lgnn-Ol hear that big Sandy Me:::ri:.n knocked nn enemy down and tit wid one blow. O rrigan Wld one blow! B'gorry, Sandy must have an awful strong breath! Widow. Joy For a Dead One. Of Just one fatal accident we'd gladly make a note: "Tta when the only victim was the fool . who rocked the boat. Kansas City Ledger. Which One, Indeed? . "I stayed home last night playing casino with my wife." "Which wo:0" "Which o'.ie: Jrent Scott! Do you take me for a Turk or a Mormon?" P.oston Transcript The Languedoc Canal. The longest canal in Europe ia the canal of Languedoc, connecting the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. It li 148 miles long. Ellis l!and. Ellis Island was formerly owned by the state of New York. In 1S0S It was sold to the United States government for use as a magazine. It Is now used as the landing place of all Immigrants entering the port of New York. Cod Liver Oil. It takes a hundred livers to yield one gallon of cod liver oil. . A Tea Test. To test tea, burn a small quanUty on a metal plate. With good tea the J amount of asti remaining is small, in creasing in quantity as the quality of the sample tested deterioates. ' , India. India is not a nation, but simply a collection of heterogeneous people. The mass of the population In spite of their sun tanned skins are Aryans, but the yellow race Is represented on the northeast borders, while the Caroman-! del coast section consists in large part of the colored race. Rica Wine. Excepting grape wine, the oldest al coholic beverage known to man Is saki, a rice wine. It has been used by the Japanese for over 2,000 years. A Be Lint. The directness of the bee's flight Is proverbial. The shortest distance be tween any two given points is called a Una Mnnv nhprrri thlntr thnf the immense eyes with which .the In sect is furnished greatly assist if they do not entirely account for the arrowy straightness of its passage through the air. First Balloon Ascension. The first balloon ascension ever made was undertaken by Pilatre des Hosiers Nov. 21.. 1783. ; This . balloon was Inflated with heated air. ' Tha Banana. A peculiar fact about the banana is that no insect will attack It. and an other that it Is absolutely immune ! from the diseases that fruits are sub ject to. It is one of the curiosities of the vegetable kingdom. Fool's Gold. Fool's gold is the popular name ap plied to a group of minerals known to mineralogists as pyrites and which are often mistaken for gold ore. Napoleon'a Marengo. The white charger Marengo, which carried Napoleon on the field of Water loo, reached nn honored old nge. After :'mi urte's flight. Marengo was found i.;, ;t British officer wandering dlscon-1 solately on the battlefield. He was Rent to England, where he spent many happy years in peaceful pastures. Marengo survived Napoleon nine GompletQ equipment for rubber buggy tires. LA ( 31 . ; ., : 0. F.IZ3ERALD, Prcprsto. Gm-ptere ; NUcbiru " Slops :d Fotmriry The George Palmer Q-GJM1G3 E0 (COD RETAIL DEPARTMENT We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Fett, Building Paper. We are prepared tojfurnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main '8. . ' i P. r t ' '. ... 1 , i aater than detter than U. 3. Gold Bonds UNION COUNTY LANDS. A Why invest in foreign cities you have a sure See C. J. who has a large Sam Oli Discontent The seasons come, the seasons go Time's plass. I would upset It, For summer suita me and I know Kext winter Ml regret tt. Cleveland IHlain Dealer. On Shipboard. Mental Healer Do you prayexs? want 9ur Seasick Mr. Ncwthought Just a few silent wave? Is r. 11 1 ask. Life. Harmless Breaks. A woman may break A man's heart at will. It'- always good ; -' . F"r nnuther brekk bUU. Chicago News. Better Wireless. "And Are you on good terms your inother-in-lawV" ' lth "Excellent: We only speak by tele phone." L' A mour. Only the Conductor. His hand neared hers; he whispered low; anr neaveu a lime Blgtr And gently put her hand In his. "Fares, please!" she'd heard him cry. ChaparraL ' Natural Queation. "He married a cooking school girl." ' "How did 6he pan outr Philadel phia Ledger. 3 i Swift's 4 . I ams and tacon i dly Grocery and t W A V Bakery t Bakery U.JR.WILS0H I J electrical :: Contracter ? ; One door South of Observer, f ;y . . . resetting and repairing RON WORKS . rA National Banks 2 6 and wireless stock when P ; thing at home ? . j , BLACK, list, of money makers. 9L