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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1910)
m I i. PAGU SIX L GBANDE EVENING OBSERVEH 'WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1910. BUT BOffl ' YOU LIEVE IT The Fred A. JacobsCo , successor to the Jacobs-StineQmpany, largest Realty Operators on the racmc voasi, pays yuu o n-iv w-m the money you pay on an "Enrol Heights" lot in three years. They grade the streets, out in water, pay the tases:for three years; give absolute guarzuitee of title and malce no chafge for that. "ERROL HEIGHTS" is beautifuUy locat ed, near the "Reed Institute," is view property, and only 20 minutes ride on the street car from the heart of Portland. c In the next two years the growth of this section of Portland will be phenominal. Here will be located one of the finest educational institutions on the Pacific Coast, and also this section will ha vethe benefit of the best bridge on the Willamette River. Lots $450.00 Monthly payments $8.00. This is the opportunity of a lifetime See the FVed A. Jacobs Co. Special Representatives, i r . i r E. J. and D. B. The btel. Phone Main 713 THIS SPACE TAKEN BY & M. "CO. M J Ten to twenty acres set to apple orchards has made men fortunes We make it possible for every one to own nne appie iana in tracts 10 acres up and to pay for same on the easy payment plan, while they last. Write or telephone, $ The Slough Investment Co. Elgin, Oregon j An Indian can be happy .with- J out a Piano. But who wants to be an Indian? J A D. CMS and ; by Physical Cultare Congress. Brussels, Aug. 10. Disciples . of physical culture from all oter tbe world In attendance today at the open ing session of the third International Congress on Physical ducation. Dr. K. Tail MacKenzie. director of physical education of the University or Pen sylvanla. is the, official representa tive of the United States. He will de liver an address on "Physical Culture In American Colleges." , King Albert has manifested great interest in the work of the congress. ; and delivered a brief address of wel-i come at the inaugural session today; The general object "of the congress is to stimulate interest in the best meth ods of promoting the physical, moral and intellectual well-being of children nnd young people. " ? The work of the congress Is now well under way in all of the more im portant European nations, and an Am erican committee has been formed to press the propaganda in the United States. Prof. M. V. O'Shea. of the University of Wisconsin, is chairman of the committee, and Prof. W. C. Bat--1 ley of the University of Illinois, 13 secretary ; 1 : Yeriuont State FIrfnien. ; Burlington. VU Aug. 10. Fire fighters affiliated with the Vermont State Firemen's Association are. here today to participate in the annual tournament and convention. - Xotice of Street Innioenient. '; ' ' berlaln's Colic, Gio'.eja sad Piar . lleracd is toda the best l:nown mKl- use for the relief and ciue of bowel paints. It etircs griping, Jbrrhoea, jioeiiierT, nd should be Ukenat the first unnatural looseness of the bowels. It is cauallr valuable for children and adults. It alwtvs cures. U R. WILSON Electrical :: Contractor One door South of Observer. o o STEIN WAY, LUDW1G,' KERTZMMN, A. $ . . . . C0N0VER Pianos for sale O Jo To raft Tn. Whnm It Mar fn'i-rii: Notlre is hereby givn Kiat .n c "fj a resolution .ldpted by tve Common Council of the City of La Grande, Ore gon on the 9th day or February. 1910. creating Improvement District No. 16 and designating Sixth street, as such district, and in pursuance of a reso lution adopted by said Common Coun cil on the 27th day of July, 1910, whereby said Council determined and (WiaMxi its intention to iinnrove all I that portion of Sixth street. In said I improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon 5 foot ce ment walk, the council wilv, ten days after the service of this notice upon tbe owners of the property affected and benefitted by 6uch improvement, order, that said above described im proveaieat be made; that the bound t.ies of said district to be so 1m- . ..! . Alt vnt- r earlS Of Wheat ? nn r suth utrept. from the south For porridge, gems and Sjde of Washington avenue, to the pancakes Gook in five j north side of "X" avemje. Notice is minutes " i hercbv further given that, the Council T I will levy a special assessment on an Complete equipment for reseUing and repairing rubber buggy tires. ' . . , . ' j .. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS ; Complete r Machine Shops . and Foundfy j Dainty Breakfast i Foods Made from the rich ke nels of the grain 1 !1 Violet Oatmeal Steel cut, beinz made from the finest oats pro- duced. Oatmeal cookies, pudding and mush ; J Violet Commeal I For griddle cakes and corn fritters Put up in packages by the Albers Milling Go. The George Palmer (ULMCS EDB (CdD " RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit your orders for- Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared tojfurnish and delivermaterial, promptly. . pnone Mam -8. t I Pattison Bros. J , Use either Phone , 5 the property affected and benefited by such improvement for the purpose c.f paying for such improvement That the estimated cost of such improve ment Is th sum of $1718.i0. That the council will on the 17th day of Aug: net. 1910. meet at the council cham ber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., 6 tonslder said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hear ing will be grantod to any person fee" ing aggrieved 'by such assessment. La Grande. Oregon, Aug 3. 1910 . CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON By D. V.. COX, ReroidT of the City of La Grande, Oreon. . i ug. 5-6-S-10-U-12-13-15-1S r : : National Banks cetter man u. Uold bonds UNION COUNTY LANDS. 5 . 4 Why invest in foreign cities and wireless stock, when 4 you have a sure thing at home ? A, See C. J. BLACK, who has a large list of money makers. V r i m fa , I ' i t.