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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1910)
PAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1910. Onlluairce Jio. 46", .Series 1910. by declared to exist, and vbls ordl Aii ordinance declaring the cost of I ranee shall te In force and take ef Improvlng Aduma avenue from the -feet from and after the 6th day of center cf Willow street to the east August, 1910, after its publication In line of Cherry street, and assessing the property benefited thereby, de claring such assessment and directing the entry of the same In the docket of city liens; and authorizing the Is suance of improvement bonds on the property benefited by said Improve ment. THE CITY OF LA GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the council has considered the proposed assessment for Improving . Adams avenue from the center of Willow street to the west line of Cherry street, by macad amizing the same and all objections made thereto and hereby ascertains, determines and declares the whole cost of said Improvement In the man ner provided by, resolution duly adopted on August 5, 1909. to be the - sum of $0ii,!2, and that the Bpeclal and peculiar benefits accruing to each lot, or part thereof or parcel of land within the said assessment district, by reason of said Improvement and In just proportion to such benefits, ara one Issue of the La Grande Evening Observer and lta approval by the Mayor. Passed the Council on the 3rd day of August, 1910, by five members vot ing therefor. Approved this 5th day of August, 1910. F. L. MEYERS, Mayor. Attest: D. E. COX, Recorder. Assessment Boll 5o. I. Mrs. M. A. BartmesB, lot 5. block 15, Ilonan's addition $117-64 Mrs. M. E. Staples, lot 2, block .12. Coggins 2nd addition .. 273.71 W. C. Hanson, lot 1, block 4. Coggins 2nd addition ...... 54.36 W. C. Hanwic, lot 2. block 4 Coggins 2nd addition ...... 10 W. C. Hanson, lot 3, block 4,j Coggins 2nd addition 1 105.38 W. C. Hanson, lot 4, block. 4, P, Coggins 2nd addition... 227.70 E. "M7Bachantri-3 tract, block O, Coggins 2nd addition.. ..317.75 Elizabeth Kammerer 3rd tract. block X, Coggins 2nd add.. 135.7 Elizabeth Kammerer, 2nd tract, block X, Coggins 2n dadd .. 135.7C Elizabeth Kammerer, 1 tract, block X, Coggins 2nd add ..135.76 Coggins 2nd addition ... .. W. C Hanson, lot 5, block 3 Co?gin's 2nd addition ... W. C. Hanson, lot5, block 3, 103.31 105.38 Cosg.'ns 2nd addition 105.38 In the respective amounts set opposite w. C. Hanson. H 7, block 3, the number of description of each lot Coggins 2nd addition ....... 105.38 or part thereof or parcel of land set w. C. Hanson, lot 8. block 2, out In the annexed assessment roll, Coggins 2nd addition ........ 105.38 and said assessment roll which Is JYC. Hanson, lot 9, block 2, numbered 1 la hereby adopted and ap-j Cjfcglns 2nd addition ....... 105.38 proved as the assessment for said Ira- WTc. Hanson, lot 10, block 2, provement. and the Recorder of the Coggins 2nd addition . .105.38 wasr ul La Giuuuc, Ctftwu,'o Jiteil- Vv . ' C Mttuauu, lot ii, biock 2, ed to enter a statement of the as- Coggins 2nd addition ...... . 106.17 sessment hereby made Jn the docket Mrs. M. E. Staples, tract, block of city Hens, and cause notice thereof u, Coggins 2nd addition ... 870.25 to bo published as provided by charter. Mrs. M. E. Staples, tract, block . . . Section 2. That Improvement bonds , t. Cotreins 2nd addition . . 22S KS rnot exceeding the said sum of $5050. 92, drawing Interest at the rate of 6 per rent per annum to run for a per iod of ten years, Becured by yearly In stallment liens upon the property benefited by Bald Improvement, des cribed In the annexed assessment roll, shall be Issued, and sold to pay for said Improvement, and that the liens mentioned In Section 1 of this ordi nance may be paid In ten yearly In stallments, and draw Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annumr . Section 3. Inasmuch as It irnecei sary and expedient, that this ordi nance take effect at once, now there- iijie. m oraer to preserve the peace, health and cttfety of the city, and pro tect Ub credit, an emergency Is here- Mrs. M. E. Staples, tract, block S, Coggln's 2nd addition 228.55 Mrs. M, E. Staples, tract, block ' . R. Coggins 2nd addition... 228.55 W. A. Zwelfel, 1-3 tract, block Z, Coggln's 2nd addition. ... 135.76 Nathan Zwelfel, 1-3 tract, block Z, Coggins 2nd addition .... J35.76 J. H. Gutrldge 1-3 tract, block Z. Coggins 2nd additlbn ...137.19 Chns. Shaw, tract, block Q, Coggins 2nd addition , ... 227.12 R. A. Weagle; 1-3 tract, block Y Coggins 2nd addition 135.76 R. C. Gutrldge, 1-3 tract, block - Y, CogglnB 2nd addition .... 135.76 E. W. Kammerer, 1-3 tract block Y. Coggins 2nd add.. 135.76 Edwin P. Day, tract, block Total amount of assessment. .J5Q50.92 ' ' ' ' S'otice " Notice of the recorder of the city of La Grande, Oregon, of assessment for the Improvement of Adams avenue, from the center of Willow street to the west side of Cherry street. Notice Is hereby given that the as sessment roll for the Improvement ol Adams avenue from the center of W". low street to the west side of Cherr street, being in improvement district No. 1, In the city of La Grande. Ore gon, under iL provisions ' of ' prdl- , nance No. 467, Series 1910, entitled, "An Ordinance declaring the cost of improving Adams avenue from the center of Willow street, to the west side of Cherry street and' assessing the property benefited thereby, 1e claring such assessment and directing the entry, of the Bame In the docket of city liens, and authorizing the !s suance of improvement bonds on tho property benefited by said improve ments", the same being In Improve ment district No. 1, In said city, Id now in my hands for cdllectidh, und that any assessment therein mar ba' V - . - . a M. . 1 - l . - - ii a i - vil aays uora uie uaie ui uie iirsi publi cation of this notice without penalty, interest or costs; and each property owner is hereby notified that on an plication to the undersigned, he will be allowed to pay Buch assessment in ten annual installments, the first in stallment thereof being due and pay able on or before the 6th day of Oc tober, A. D., 1910. All property own ers interested are hereby notlf.ed to appear at my oifice in the city n'i nnd pay the same. ' D. E. COX, Reorder of the City ot La Grande, Dra. gon. . Au? 6-12 ' x knowledge of the Functions of the Eye is necessary to fit spectacles as they should be fitted GLASSES fitted by simply trying glass after glass until one is found that gives good vision, areapt to PROVE INJURIOUS s There are no haphazard methods in my tests and your eyes are safe in my hands H ACOGK EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Located next door to Post Office " .1 Town Topics. . Good Job. "Can I sell you anything, madam?" "You can't." ' "Why not?" "Because I have been sold to the . limit of the law already." Chicago will bare a thirty story hotel with a bathtub in every room. This must be a concession to the transient trade.-develand Leader. St. Louis U dissatisfied with the cen sus count, but Its dissatisfaction is un reasonable. There are plenty of people there for a towu of ita size. Alton (111.1 Times. Dorse cars are to be abolished In New York. Gold bricks will go next, and the city at the mouth of the Hud son may yet become really metropol itan. Albany Knickerbocker Press. The Game and tho Candle.! Many .expressions now in everyday Use have originated around the card table, and "the game Isn't worth the candle" is one of them. Before arti ficial lighting bad reached its present bigh stage gamblers won aud lost for tunes by candlelight. Wheu play was Blow and uninteresting the game, in tje opinion of the players, was not worth the cost of the candle whose light made the cards visible. Minor Operations. Surgeon's Son - What is a "minoi operation," pn? Surgeon - One foi whii h the fee Is less thau three figures. 1 V , flit -new lor i lines. Ultramarine. Ultramarine is now furnished by chemistry at half the price of copper, whereas in the form of lupin lazuli in the days of Liebig it was dearer ihuu gold. Luck. Tommy Pop. what 1 luck? Tommy's Pop Lock, my son. is what comes to a man who tins the oppor tunity of buying something for a mere song, but who can't sing. Philadel phia Record. V , A Bird In tho Hand. A woman is a . person who would rather have her husband at home o' nights than in the Hall of Fame. Gal veston News. Ladd Park, which la located In the tenter of Laurelhurst. la rn h i proved at once, and when the proposed Improvements have bet- aiade it will be the most magnificent p, ciic park In Portland. These improve ments Include the creation of extensive botanical garder.3, an enlarge ment of the present natural lake now there, and scenic drivewajs and "' . , : ' Residence property fronting on o'r convenient to a public park is al ways in demand and brings high values. The boulevards of Laurelhurst have been made to conform to the proposed driveways of the park. As soon as the improvements in Ladd Park are completed, then prices In Laurel hurst lots will advance mother notch or two. 1 X F Jit:" 4f r mi: The Additi on wj aracter UtCAtSE. BECAtSK Laurelbtirst ia a good place to invest money in. .The titles are perfect. A warranty deed with full covenants and a certified abstract of title will be given to each purchaser. The prices are low. This is nearly always the case In placing a new addition on the market The prices are made very low to get people interested. The value of all the property increases as new homes are built, and those who buy early share In the Increased value, because they help to make It BECAUSE The population of Portland is growing at the Yale of 30,000 a year, and all of these people must have homes. The building statistics for the past 21 months Bhow that Kl per cent of the permits granted for residences have been issued for home on the East side. To day 73 per cent of the people in Portland live on the East side, and 27 per cent on the West side. Does this mean, anything? It means wonderful advances In east side prices in general, and Laurelhurst in particular, because Laurelhurst prices are now Just about one-half of the real values. It surrounds the new city park that is to 'be Improved at once, and made one of the great scenic attractions of Portland, adding value to all adjacent property. The lots now selling at an average price of $1150 each win he worth double that , amount in one year. BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE We are offering Special Inducements to those who commence building this year. Officers Xnd directoiis Chas. K. Henry, president Chas. K. Henry Co., Portland; owner Henry Bluc. frank F, Mead, president Seaboard Sec. Co., Seattle. Paul C. Murphy, director Bankers Trust Co., Tacoma; V. P. Laurelhurst Co., SeattI. ' . B. Linthicum, secretary Williams, Tood ft Linthlcum, Portland. , James B. Melkle, former secretary Seattle Chamber of Commerce. 1 Edw. Cooklngham, vice-president and manager Ladd ft Tilton Bank. L. A. Lewis, manager Allen ft Lewis, wholesale grocers, Portland. H. R, Burke, of the Royal Insurance Co. : ' Chas. K. Williams, manager Morris Bros., bonds. Henrr Fries, of Wakefield, Fries ft Co., real estate. , Robert H. Strong, manager of Corbett Estate. ' George J. Dekum, ot Chas. K. Henry Co., real estate. I 3U n'rwii