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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1910)
PAGE EIGHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER TUESDAY. JULY 12. 1910. Co: Sale ONLY A FEW DAYS ) SAVE MONEY A Few of Our Many Bargains jR WEDNESDAY 35c Aprons. White for .21 $1 Waists, Colored, for .69 50c Corsets for - - .25 $1.25 Corsets for - - .89 25c Tan Hose for - .Ifi 35c Fancy Collars for .15 50c Belts, all sizes, for .09 a i- in 10c Napkins for - - .04 35c Wash Belt for - .22 50c Hose SuDDorters for .29 $3 Heatherbloom Skirts $1.98 75c Muslin Drawers for .48 IOc Wash Cloths for .06 $1 Muslin Drawers for .66 25c Sun Bonnets for .10 15c Hose, Black, for 09 10c Handkerchiefs for 07 $1.25 Underwear for .68 25c Suspenders for - .15 75c Handkerchiefs for .43 10c Canvass Gloves for .07 $4.50 Boys' Suits for $1.95 50c Ties, 4-in-hand for .29 $1.25 Horsehide Gloves .78 $1 Boys' Knee Pants for .48 $1.25 Dress Shirts for .79 $1 Overalls, Fincks, for .85 $3.50 Men's Hats for $1.89 Lxtra Pants for $1.98 $10 Boys' Suits for $3.48 50c Butchers Aprons for .27 25c Winsor Ties for - .17 50c Boys Uuderwear for.33 50c Straw Hats for - .25 THE FAIR ACT ON BIDS FOR " i OHIO TO isi k;f:ms NEW PLANT eretarv Garfield Alliens Himself with Insurgents. SFVKHU. I KOMIVKYr PLIUBEBA ARK ALREADY HERE -liiut mM Ventilating PIm( BMi WJU Be Acted on Bj It nurd Tonight, 'Ms for the hea'lng plant and ven matlni system for the new high school building win be opened this evening -hep the school board wti to consider the hids in band. Among the prominent heating plant Inntall ri who are in La Grande toddy, intending to he on hind when the bhis are ac cepted n: rejected an the c ax- may be. are V. Q, Mi I'herson, the veil known Portland Contractor, ami George H. Sutheilin. the Walla Walla man who has already been connected with plumbing contract! in U Grande. A few other important matter are Mating up for conaidtration thi evening SO SPECIAL SKSSIOY Cleveland. July 12. An Insurgent campaign to bring Ohio Into the In surgent column was finally launched today, following; a Bpeech by Former Secretary of the Interior Garfield, be fere the new progressive republican club last night He said. 'At the com ing election we are to choose between two great national parties. The demo cratic party, while declaring against special Interests while In power, has allied Itself with special Interests. In recent democratic coinentlons the Progressives were Ignored. The re publicans likewise have among them leaders, some of whom are allied with special Interests. On the'other hand, the Progressives are aggressive lead ers, and represpntathe? of the peo ple. The country own a debt of gratitude to them." 18. t WOMr: wil l, VBU LUSTILY. thief Justice Xo to be Nominated Until vx Kail Sa- Tali. - ... ma Revelry. Jul) i.' x,, JeB8lon of the! eiiHte will be railed in confirm the nominations of a justice of the su preme court. No Just!, ,. sin be named , unt!! Tall. President Tafl cave this aiiuraare today. -It vus reported Taft onsideriiK nati. i new chief - ao the standard oil and tobac t; uat cases could be speedily et- n. No announcement of the new -f Justice will be ghen out. It Is id, until tiie name Is sent ti con-S-'esa. Paribtaeil Win Take s ietloa oa The suffrage Movement London. July II The first deci sive H,tion by parliament on the bill favoring woman suffrage is expected at tonlght'i meeting of the commons. London police arc preparing to act ac COrdlntly, as the Suffragettes expect the bill will be defeated. They declare they will pa. k the gal biles and nse lung power persuasion with the law makers. The measure In effect Is to grant th right of franchise to women who own property, giving them right to vote for a member of parliament. Hitherto women hae had only elec tive rights in municipal elections. A him; KWS ITEMS. Hilgard. July 12. Special. On Monday the 4th, a picnic was held in the grove below town and a very en joyable day was apent by those who took their lunch and spent the day. Swings were hung for the children and other amusements were Indulged in. During the evening fireworks were shot off from the hill In front of the deijot; at nine dancing began I in the hall, which had been decora ted very cleverly in bunting, flags, and greens. A delicious supper was served at midnight at the hotel, and after a lew more dances, everyone departed, pronouncing the affair very delightful. . Mr. and Mis Prank Sanford and babj daughter, left Tuesday morning for their home at Kaniela. 3, It. Towner left for a Tew months' business and pleasure trip tor Pine and Eagle valleys. A fire occurred here last Thursday When a small warehouse owned by J. D. Casey, burned to the ground. Although it was a small structure, the loss was estimated at $."oo. Mrs. Henlcky and two children have moved down to town from the camp at Rock Creek. Miss Hell;' Sanford of Pendleton, who is spending the summer in Kal ema. was down on Monday, the guest of Miss Helen Hart. Albert Hums was a Hilgard visitor on Sunday and Monday coming over to spend the Fourth with his sister. Mrs. John Scott and friend Xoted Maa la La Grande. "Dutch Jake," one of the foremost public men of Spokane, discoverer of the famous Bunker Hill and Sullivan mines, builder of the elegant hotel at Coeur d' Alene, and prominent gen erally throughout the Northwest, ar rived in La Grande this afternoon by auto, accompanied by his wife and a party of friends. The gentleman has been spending a few days at Hot Lake, enjoying a little rest, and-Ieaves In the morning for his Spokane home, Herrmann Exalted Ruler. Detroit, Jnly li Garry Herrmann, of Cincinnati, who Is chairman of the National baseball commission, waa in. day elected grand exalted ruler nf h. Elks, We will resume business at our old stand, WO Adams Aye., with a complete stock of HAY, OR MS UNO WOOD I. W. WHITE PHONE ORDERS NOW TO BELL 42 AND 49 ME.V WANTED. la Man Over 1.1 Years of Age Seed Apply. There's the sign that's getting to be a common thing In America. Corporations are retiring men at 60. They are not hiring anyone over 40. A baldheaded man usually looks 10 years older than he is. A man with gray hair always does. It is important nowadays that a man should look as young as he is; It is vastly more important that a man with a family dependent unon him should take care of his hair. If your hair is falling out, atop it. If you have dandruff, get rid of it by killing the germs If your hair is fading, don't delay. There is one sure remedy that will cure these misfortunes and aid you to remain young. Parisian Sage, the gttno and effi cient hair restorer, is guaranteed to permanently remove dandruff in two weeks, or we will give your money back. Parisian Sage stops falling hair it prevents hair from fading. x It is the best beautlfler of ladies' hair as It makes harsh, lusterless hair fluffy, soft and beautiful. It is a most refreshing and daintily perfum ed dressing, not sticky or greasy. Parisian Sage is sold and rlgidlv guaranteed by us. Prlc 50 cents a large bottle, or by express, all charges prepaid, by the American makers, Giroux Mfg. Co.. Buffalo, N V. The girl with the auburn hair on every bottle. NEWLIN DRUG CO. f. Crop Insurance 91s only possible when you buy land i S 'm A 4 with plenty or water. ? Don't bet on rainfall. You may lose. J Our Willowa Co. Farms with plenty Jof water will cos you no more than J J others whhout water, and you get aj crop every year. i- ! -5 gFrom 20 Acres to 1000 Acresg iC. H. JORDAN J 7 0 Independent Phone 555 a Posloffice at Hinum. Judge Goff Is now In charge of the new postoffice at Minam, where sev eral ranchers can get their mail much more speedily and conveniently than under former conditions. . For Sale. Second hand furniture for saie, par ty leaving before August 1. 1401, cor-ne- 6th and N. Notice The Ladles Aid Society of the M. E. church has the restaurant privileges on the Chautauqua grounds and dur ing the eleven days expect to net a neat sum which will be applied to ward building their new church. They will not only supply regular meals but will supply campers with bread, coffe, tea. milk, etc. They are pre paring to take care of a large crowd tomorrow and every day. Faced sale. Eighty-aire farm. Including, forty anes of -all wheat 'ViM will average $5 bushc.. to the acrr. Is for sale If taken now. The nop will i ohh the place it purchased at on Th; Is a snap and p i, ::y. Bankrupt Stock for Sale. I will receive bids at any time on or before the )th day of July, fr t, general merchandise stock of goods at Alien, belonging to the hankrupt es- j late of n. f. The stock aud i i:t.'d at any , po'ntment with r, .( ., . ' HAS. PLAYI.E.. Trustee. Police of Street Improvement To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Count :: pi t no City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 8th day of June. 1910, creating Improvement Dis trict No. 1, '2 and and designating the alley between Adams Avenue and Jefferson Avenue from Willow Street to Spruce Street, the alley between Adams Avenue and Jefferson Avenue from Spruce Street to Oak Street on Jefferson Avenue; Fourth Street from Lot 1. In Block 3. to Lot 5 in Block 3, in Grandy's Addition; Third St. from Washington Avenue to Grandy Ave nue; Second Street from Pennsylva nia Avenue to Palmer Avenue; First Street from Spring Avenue to Palmer Avenue; Oak Street from Main Ave nue to Jefferson Avenue, as District No. 1, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said Common Council on the 8th day of June, 1910. whereby said Council determined and declared its intention to improve all that por ttoin of said District No. 2. as herein after described by constructing sew ers therein, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefited by such improvement, order that said described improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so improved are as fol lows: The alley between Adams Ave nue and Jefferson Ave. from Willow Street to Spruce Street, said last men tioned alley Trom Spruce street to Oak Street on Jefferson Avenue; WIT FLOWS FREELY. Business Like Lady and Register In dulge In Rapid Fireworks. A little humor enlivened an isola ted tract sale at the land office today, when a lady who had displayed con siderable business tact, had been suc cessful in having a tract of land knocked down by Auctioneer Bram well for $1.25 per acre. When the us ual questions had been answered, the exhaustive pea and half-tone descrip tion of La Grande and Union county in its current issue. The article deals with La Grande, its resources, its inducements as held out to set tlers, and of the resources of the en tire county, forming in all a short but concise description of UniOn county, in a manner that will meet tire de mands of the average Easterner seek ing information relative to the West j and particularly Union county. A j large half-tone of La Grande starts the article with good effect. The immense Baldwin ranch in Sherman county will be cut up into small farms and sold to homeseekers. NT1.- I.- J J.j ii im uctnaea upon- is an exprensinn register in a verv nfflriai tnno mu ime 10 near, and when it is used in register, in a very ofricial tone of i connection with Chsmirlain's Colic, Orators voice, propounded the inevitabel ques tion, "Are you a native of the United States?" I come from Missouri," was the witty retort, in a rather uncertain voice. "Then you have your naturalization papers of course." was the quick re joinder from the register. BOOSTS UNION COUNTY, San Francisco Publication Has Kx haustlvc Descriptive Article. The Pacific Telephone Monthly, a publication fathered by the Pacific States Telephone company, carries an and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that ii ever isiig 10 cure diarrhoea, drsentery oi bowel complaints. It is pleasant to take an! equally valuable for children and adults. Springfield shop. has a fourth barber Mttr vp :j, 01 mrsd ;. w . -a(iti lUttUittti J0Mjd,V S.UIBji.fH '. ' ,V4V.t(l fin ; 4,vi it i ; . i.-! ijt .i . i, ti ; M ;"i at 4 jjjg ;ojj ' --JSd if- ' The $80,000 subscription for a new building for Pacific college at New berg, lacks less than $r)00 of beln5 a realty. Fourth Street from Lot 1. in Block 3, ! , to Lot S in Block 3 in Grandy's Addi- 'a tion. Third Street from Washington 5 Avenue to Grandy Avenue, Second ' A owed mini i i im i si i v ao i w Avenue to ' M i aiuici wmutT. nrsi street from Spring Avenue to Palmer Avenue, Cedar Street from Main Avenue to Palmer Avenue, Oak Street from Main Avenue to Jefferson Avenue. Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefited by such improvement for the purpoes of paying for such improve ment. That the estimated cost of such improvement is the sum of $71,800.08. That the Council will on the 13th day of July. 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, P. M.. to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any per son feeling aggrieved by such assess ment. La Grande. Oregon, June 22. 1910 CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE OREGON. By D. E. COX. Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. June 28-Jnly-9 Superior Goods at j t inrenor 4 i n 4 rnces i CITY GROCERY 4 . "a rj AND BAKERY 4 WA - A mW