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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1910)
1OTi STB10ENT ENFORCEMENT OF COLLECTIONS MAINTAINED. I Few Slow to Realise that City is . n t noinir nesraesH on DgniwuK Basis, Water department officials are hav ing plenty of grief these days for all the public has not yet adapted itself to the stringent rule adopted by the council relative to the collection of water rent. Yesterday saw several tonsumers disconnected for not pay ing the tenth of the month, according to regulations, and as it is somewhat of a necessity rather than a luxury, the consumer soon guides his steps toward the department offices. What happens there can best be imagined. The department believes the entire list of consumers will soon become accustomed to the rule which gives them from the first of the month un- lh lilt iculu lu mane Liir mulhi.i.- for water rent in, and as the business must be done on a business-like bas- .11 v. . I n. h r, . i It r , ti i l' ill nti ( : MALTED MILK with esre any flavor A Meal in One Glass at Settler's Confectionery Store 5c a Package FLUFF Corn Starch Pure Wheat f For Puddings, Gustards, j and dainty desserts. $ No cr.emicals used in the j ? preparation of this stach. g 0 It is pure Regular Price i W cts a Package J PHOXE BLACK 81 PAULSON BROS v. Order Rock Springs COAL For Winter Now Q. E. FOWLER uwmea rer sue. Ma? nnkw M ua CtrAr a) BOO m M bm aww i ' yr. v v t Nce as thaw an coin aatcklv r w - v 1 m . R - necessity of paying the renu on Ume and not allow them to slip by. Crop prospects around Fossil could scarcely be finer, reports the Journal. SAVED THE STEW. 3 Quick Wit Whan to Falter Meant Financial Criaia. The late Little Tim Sullivan, on time pride of the Ib.wery and potent factor lu Xew York Mitfe. was al ways resotineful even lu his youth. Wbr-n a lad on feat Ire occasions Little Tim knew what oVlork it was. Be and Colonel Mike I'addeo. secretary of state In the Sullivan cabinet, were at an east side ball with two of the rosy cheeked lasses of that neighborhood of peachy young women. Little Tim and Colonel Mike bad be tween them exactly $l-no more, no less. Supper time came. Before tak ing the girls into the supper room Lit tle Tim and Colonel Mike secretly scanned the bill of fare and found that four oyster stews at 25 cents each would Just flt their pile. Little Tim blandly and innocently impressed this conclusion upon the young girls. Any thing Little Tim said was accepted as the top notch of hospitality. The four stews were before the little party. One of the girls liked catchup. While "I'VE SPOILED Mr STEW." administering a dose of the condiment the stopper shot into the stew and with it spurted half the bottle's con tents. There! I've spoiled my stew." piped the beauteous one. Til have to have another." Little Tim. alert te the size of the Joint wad of a dollar, reached for the girl's ruined stew, plumped it before Colonel Mike, grabbed Colcnel Mike's untasted and unadorned stew and. placing it before the girl, soothingly aid: "No. no. girlie. Colonel Mike never eats an oyster stew without sousing It with catchup. He likes 'em that way don't you. Mike?' Mike said be did and took his medi cine like a man. A Woman Finds a Way. Two burglars were on their trial and had engaged a smart lawyer for their defense, who. on cross examining one of the witnesses, said: "Yon say that on the night in question the moon was so bright that you could see the bur glars in the room. Was your husband awake at the time?" Witness 1 don't know. "Was bis face turned toward you or not?- The witness answered that she did not know. What: You don't know? Now, come, tell me. was bis face turned toward you or the wall?' '"I don't know." "Ah. ha: I thought so," turning to the jury. "She could not see. She who identifies the prisoners could not see which way bet husband's face was turned. Explain that if you can." "Well, sir. my husband is so bald that in a dim light I can't tell his face from the back of bis head." European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout SAVOY HOTEL D. G. BRIGHOUX. Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEP0) La Grande, Oregon . KMX Market Quotations. i oi.uAn-uin trice Sugar, ff.7$; ni'rt am, . . beet sugar $6.75. VEGETABLES New dry onions. 5c; spinach, 3 lb for 25c; fresh peas 10c; rhubarb 3c; bead lettuce 10c; radishes, S bunches for 10c; green onions, 3 bunches for 10c; tomatoes 10c per pound; new potatoes, 6 lbs for 25c. FRUIT Oranges, 45c per dozen; lemons, 35c per dozen; bananas, 40c per dozen; strawberries, 15c ,to for 25c; cherries, 25 to 35c per gallon; gooseberries, 30 cents per gallon; red raspberries, 2 boxes tor 25c; black berries. 2 boxes tor 25c; dewberries, 2 boxes for 25c. MEATS Hogs, live weight, well finished, fio cwt; cows. 8 l-i to 4c; veal 4 to 4 l-2c; mutton, 5 1-2; chick ens 13c 1 u; 11 DRY CHAIN WOOD I am prepared to furnish Dry Chain ;Wood, al so partly seasoned wood, to all comer. Kind ly phone your order to V. E. BEAN PHONE RED 3741 DIRECTORY OF THE. FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE., ORE M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 770 meet erery Monday in the month at the I. O. O. F. Hal). All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. L R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. Women of Woodcraft Grande Roode Circl No. 47 meets erery first and third Thursday even ing in the month at the 1. O. O. F. Hall. All visiting members welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON. G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH. Clerk. A. F. A A . M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A . F. & A M. holds reenter meeUngs first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. JOHN C. HODGIN. W. M. A C. WILLIAMS, Secretary il"f.'o. T La Granie Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 9 o'clock In . Elk's dub eorntr of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. DR. G. L. BIGGkTRS, Ex. Ruler. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec I 0. 0. F. Ssiharilnate La Granie Lodge No. 16 meets in their ban erery Saturday night Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at tend. GEO. GROUT, N G. i. R. SNOOK. Rec. Sec . A WCR3TKLL. Fin. 9ee. OBSERVER WANT ADS PAY i 4 mufiiHiiMimi v-s Portlaad Markets BUTTER Extra Creamery 30c; store 2323. , BUTTER FAT Delliver f. o. b. at Portland, sw. cream 27 l-2;sour 25 1-2 EGGS Local, candled, 26 27c j POULTRY Mixed chickens, 11 1-2; I fancy 16 cents; turkeys alive, 20 21; dressed 27 lb 28; pigeons i squabs, $2.50; dressed chickens, 1 to j 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1909 Feed, $23; rolled. $25; brewiug, $24. WHEAT Nominal track, . club. 78; bluestem, 82; Willamette valley. 81c MILLSTUFFS Selling price Bran $20; midllngs. 129; shorts, $31; choo, 61925. FLOUR New crop patents, $5.15 IT CERTAINLY LOOKS GOOD to the children when they sea rhp riallrlnn hrMri mill fmM the North Powder Best of the Beat Patent flour. It Is a meal for the little ones, with butter, Jam or Jelly, that Is wholesome and muscle building. It looks good also to the housewife when she sees the golden brown erf sp and the white bread Inside when it comes from the oven. It also smells appetizing when Bade from Best of Best Flour. FOB SALE BY ALL GROCERS i s"lwaaas Costal Lodge No. to meets every Tuesday enlng in the I. O. O. F. ban All visiting members are invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. O. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH. Sea. Knights of Pythias Red Cross Lodge No. 37 meets er ery Monday night In Castle ball, (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. ED. WRIGHT. C. C R. L. LINCOLN. M of R. k S. 0.1.8. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month Visiting members cordially lnrlted. MART A WAR.NICK.Sec. PAULINE LEDERLEE, W. M. Woodmen of tbe World La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. meets erery second and fo-rth Tues ay In the month. All visiting mem bers welcom NERI AJKLE8, C. C. J. H. KEENET, Clerk. Ufty pay Rent? We lorn you " money to build, and you par as as you would rent. J. R. OUVER. THE CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALWAYS BRINGS RETURN TO TRADE 160 acres of timber land to trade foi city property. Mac Wood. Golden Rule store. FURNISHED ROOMS 1612 Are., $8.00 per month, ptaoae red 741. NOW Get that summer suit cleaned and pressed at Pennington's. Phone Black 851 or 44. FOR SALE 6-H-P gasoline engine. Vre condition. Price VI' vo. At Pmnh's Oarage. ) WANTED A limited number of boarders and roomers. Phone Red 3712 or call 1111 N. avenue. WANTED Masons to lay concrete blocks. Apply at the Oregon Engin eering and Construction Company, josepn, uregon. Purity i m F CANDY THE 100(11 I J ocAia S..I Maxwell Wins Thrills followed thrills as speeding automobiles shot around the course of tbe Inglcside Race Course, on April 24th, In the second and final day events of tbe successful meet promoted by tbe members of Islam Temple of tbe Mystic Shrine. ThehoBors of the dsy were divided between Barney Oldfield, with Bis 200 horsepower Bens machine, and C. O. King, with his Maxwell 30 horsepower stock csr. Oldfield lowered his previous record of one mile to 61 5-6, which is a new coast record for the circular track. With the exception of this performance, Oldfield had to take second place In the list of racing honors, as the world's champion met detest In both the five snd fifteen mile handicap events, and In both races King and his Maxwell were tbe victors. In fact. King proved the surprise of the meet, driving all of his races with much judgment and taking tbe turn's with his car as close to the fence as did Oldfield. In the five mile handicap, Oldfield drove his Knox racer to tbe utmost, but tbe handicap was too strong and he could not get tbe lead away from King. Not only in tbe handicap events did King and his Max well prove stars of tbe first order, but In one of tbe first events of the day, the fire mile race for cars costing from $1200 to $1600, which was one of the bestmatrbes of the meet The time for tbe five mile handicap was ss follows: Maxwell, King, 4.40.30; Oakland, Nelson, 4.46.25; Chalmers. West, 4.49.30: Anto Car , finished fourth, and tbe Knox car. Barney Oldfield driving, fifth. In the event number eight, ten miles free-for-all handicap, King sod his Maxwell again were the winners, the Maxwell's time being 8 II JO. J. B. Whiteman & Son .108. Elm Street I 1 e PMFESgiawAL DfUfTOBT. e c. h. rrros. Ph. . m. d. Ppysleian and Surgeon Special attention to Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande Nat ional Bank BuBdiag "bones: Of fice Mala 2. Residence Mala 32. 6E0. W. ZHXEJUL45 Osteopath Physician Sommer Bldg.. Rooms 7, t, 9 and 10 Phones: Home 1332, Pacific Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Suc cessor to Dr. r. E. Moore. LA GRA.VDE SCHOOL tFMI SIC Cor. Adams a venae and Greenwood St ri0F. E. FORTH DAT Dt'octo.. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney -at-law Practices la all the courts of the State and Un'ted States. Office la La Grande National Bank Bldg La Or ads. Oregon 9Skt. i 3rlto r 8u;gecn Office at Hiii'o Drug Store. La Omni Residence phone. Red 701; Ofloa phone. Black 1361; ladopeademf phone 63: trh phones at lesideaot PlRNISHED ROOM For ecly. Nice location. Clone in. Red 152. tt FOR RENT Barn suitable tor three horses. Inquire at this office. AUTO FOR SALE 15-H-P. four cylinder Ford roadster. Good con dition. Price $350. Smith's Garage FOR RENT Modern Are room Inquire of D. Brichoux. WANTED A good cook, woman pre ferred; good wages to right party Apply at Observer office. LOST Ladies' watch chain and errs? Finder leave at Model restaurar.. ROOM and BOARD -1617 Fourth St WANTED Girl for general house work, call at Henry uarr. LOST, A WATCH On June 6th, m; daughter lost her watch, supposed ly at or near the depot, and the tame was advertised to be left at the La Grande Investment Co. A lady called up retarding it, but party answering did not understand tbe matter and so informed her. If party who has the watch will return same I wOl prore property and pay reward J. K. WRIGHT. t Hot a minute should be lost when a child ihowa fvinpioms of croup. Chamberlain' Cough itemouf given as soon as tlie chili becomes It-?--e, t r even aVr the r mopy cough (iMffisr. w... t evvwi ti.fl 'tnrtv Chas. E. Cochran Geo. T. COf'HHAjr A COCHBAI Attorneys La Grande National Bank La Grande DR. M. F. MEYDELft-in Doctor of Optica. Spectacles and Eye Glasses float aad mads to order. All Errors of Refraction Corrected 1198 Adams' Ave. Oipostts P. O. La Grande, DR. H. L. I Dr. B WOOD Ppysleian aad Surgeon Ore- Red Cross Drag Store Special attention to diseases of and Ear. Office phone Main 22; Res. Mam D. W. C 9EL80V Mialnr Enrlneer Baker City - - Of I. M0LIT0R, H. D. "pysiclan aad Scrgaan C-ser Aaao ,n l Depot Cm x Mam at RoskSaaei l C PRICE, D. n. D. Dentist Room 21. 1m Grande National Building, ho .e Black 399L