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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1910)
L GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1910. PAGE IT HRKl STATECOMPARES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 menTil deficiency of the machine as It has existed up to the present time. ' While Colonel Roosevelt has. of course, held first place in the limelight in New York of late. Marshal John R. Abernathy and his two sons, Louis and Temple, of Oklahoma hare attract ed almost as much attention. Aber nathy la the man who catches the ABERNATHY BOYS It says that "airsickness" may be worse than seasickness for many poo ple owing to the giddy heights, the swoops down and dashes upward. The paper points out that many persons experience an unpleasant feeling In a descent in an elevator or In a swing and holds that aviation Is subject to all such conditions, wherefore travel ing by airship Is far yet from coming witnlti the si-ope of affairs of every day life AN EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW, I the street cleaning department.' she , said. "If nothing were thrown In the streets there would be teas to clean J up. Havana today la perhaps thai cleanest city in the world end hss s ; low death rate. "There is a law in this city which provides s Hue of $T for tiny onei-uught Some People In the Public Eye MEN IN COURAGE Teach Self Reliance From Cra dle, Says Captain Jack. throw i i- things Into the streets. Who ever beard of its being enforced? "The smoke nuisance Is another evil 1 thm we should mu be forced to coo- 1-M'M I II II I 1 I I 1 I I! II IfrH-fr STUB LAND BOABD MEN SPENT YESTERDAY HEBE. I WHIL avlai B the inters of TS RECORDS late have Indemnity Laud Records Carefully Compared with Government Books. Exhaustive research in the govern ment land records in the La Grande land office waB conducted yesterday by G. G. Brown, clerk of the state land board and Peter Applegate, state land agent, both of Salem. The state land boar dis checking up indemnity lands, ascertaining how the state rec ords compare with the government records. Though reluctant to discuss the po litical situation of the state, both men are in close touch with the direction of the political wind, and predicted that Jay Bowerman, acting governor, will carry the Marion delegation at the state assembly. The George Palmer LUMBER CO RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. NORTH Queen of the Northwest Resorts Near the Mouth of the Columbia River, on the Wash ington Coap': The place to spend Your Summer Vacation Twenty-five Miles of Magnificent Beach. compact and smooth. Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful ho tel, cottage, tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside surf bathing, fishing, clam digging beach bonfires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls and drives through picturesque wooded headlands. Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Wash. VTA Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate. $3.00 Purchase tickets and make reser-ation9 at City Ticket Office, 3rd and Washington Streets, Port land, or inquire of any O. R. ft N. agent elsewh ere for Information I WM. McMUKBAY, General Passcn Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. PiJZ3ERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry demonstrated that long distance flights are possi ble, it bas also been clearly shown that the airship of today must be greatly Improved if It is to In.' a vehicle of safety and util ity. Invention has taken a subordi oate place lately. EDWIN COt'LD while enthusiasts have seemed content to try to accom plish wonders wftb the inechunlsm at hand, and to arouse the interest of the inventors Edwin Gould of New York has offered $15,000 as a prize to the mao who shall successfully pro duce an aeroplane with two motors and two propellers. The machine must be able to soar with either motor and Its propeller alone. The two motored aeroplane would obviate the funda- It II BEACH Level, ger Ag nt, Portland. Oregcb i YOU'LL BE STRUCK WITH AMAZEMENT If you could see how some factory made clothing is put together The skimping of materials, the inferior lnteriinlngs. B t none of these things occur in a suit of our tailoring. That's why one suit of ours will outlast two of the factory made. Order One and the wear will prove it. C. W. BAKES. Km Fboto by American Press Association. MARSHAL ABERNATHY AMD BIS BOYS. i elusive wolf with his bare hand lie ! gained the title "Eat 'Em Alive Aber . nathy because ot Ins daredevil ex ploits on the famous Roosewlt hunt ( log expedition through the southwest , a few years ago. I The marshal came ;t en . i. welcoming Colonel Roosevelt home i and also to meet hls sons, a;ed ulne j and six respectively, who rode horse j back from their home to .New York. ! alone and unattended, a distance of 2.000 miles. He is naturally very i ! proud of his hardy youngsters and said I of them recently: 'Those boys were brought un on horsebaek. Louis can ride anything I cau, ana 1 nave seen him on some mighty wicked horses. He has never been thrown. Ihe little fellow was' thrown once. His horse shied and i pitched him off so be struck on his head, but he got up again right away, and when some ladies advised him to leave the horse alone he just brought bis teeth togetber and said, 'I'm going to ride that horse.' He did. and be didn't get thrown any more. When he told me about It be said. T felt like biting that horse's ears off.' " Do you wonder that Jeffries is smil ing these days? For, weeks past be has probably worked harder than any other man on earth to get into condl- . Photo by American Press Association JEFKKI Ks ALSO HAS A GOLDEN SMILE. tion for his battle with Johnson, and rest and recreation will be the pro gram in the near future. Ever since the ex-bollerroakcr began fighting ho has steered clear of the while light districts." gambling and all foims of dissipation, with the re sult that he retired from the ring wlih a fortune -something that few pugil ists do. jwlng to their habits. And now comes another big fortune to add to his bank account and make bim independently rich for life. He re cently accepted $75,000 for bis share of the moving pictures of the contest. THI8 POET IN CLOUDS; 8ING8 OF AVIATION. HE A novel poetic contribution to aero nautic literature recently appeared In the Harvard Monthly, signed by J Gordon GUkey. '12. It deals with tbe thoughts of tbe aviator while sky scud ding, as follows: Over the sea wastes tumbling free. High above cities of sleep below. In a veil of clouds tbe airships go On the top of the winds we never know, To the lands we never see. There's a touch and a spark and a thrill, and I share Tbe breath of life with my steed of air. And the lowest clouds rush up and away As I swing; through the night to the bounds ot the day. Athwart the empty blue I rest On double wings of silk and steel. Beside me throng the wandering clouds. And frightened eagles round me wheel. To wide horizons never crossed A level path lies clear for me; Above, the slopes of doming sky; Below, tbe fields of wrinkled sea. K J i CORRAL BEST KINDERGARTEN, But Youthful Horsemen Wilt Hsvt Harvard Educations, as Did Roose velt. Their "Catch 'Em Alive" Father Promises Trip to Mexico Prelimi nary Center For Cross Country Ride. "Teach a boy self reliance from the moment be tumbles out of the cradle, make him keep his traces taut and work well forward in his collar and ninety-nine times out of a hundred his independeuce will assert Itself before be is two years old Then guide him svlih a firm but tender hand; instill into him the principles of right and wrong, and the rest is easy. If there Is no tntnt In ins blood and be doesn't poM :i yellow streuk he will develop Into a line luuu. That's my rule, and I It you don't think I've taken the right tack talk to niy boys for five minuter and they'll convince you that they an' ! men In principle even If they uro bu Wei In years. Cud bless 'em." j mis is tne I henry ot John It. Abrr ' nathy. marshal of Oklahoma and father Of l.ouls and Tempte A bar nathy, the two "kiddies." aged rospec i tlvely ten and six years, who made a ! rlw, t mUmMM l.,. V . V.. ..I. ""TT TTi , . a8trlde th Co L0"ie "T country from their father s ram li to greet Roosevelt. There are five little Abernathys at home all girls. And according to their daddy each and every one of them Is Just as "wonder ful." Just as self reliant and just as grown UP MH MW nna temple. Is Man of Strength. Marshal Abernathy might best be de scribed as a -great big little man." He is about Bve feet six, well set up and shews every Inch of his height. He Is broad of shoulder and tapers down to the perfect V, He shows power, great strength and detesnsinn tion in bis every gesture and move. Aside from the wide brimmed, tan col ored felt hat there Is nothing about him to suggest the man who "catches wolves with his bare hands and stran gles tbem to death." "When Mrs. Abernathy died." said Captain Jack. "I called the children around me and had a heart to heart talk with them. They knew of my frequent and protracted absences from the ranch, so I mapped out the work and gave each his or. her task. Bach was made to feel that unless they lived up to their part of the work the ranch would go to the devil. Wild horses couldn't have held them back then." Corral Their Kindergarten. "Perhaps your boys would bave bad better educaUonal advantages bad they lived In the city?" was suggested. "No, they wouldn't," tbe captain quickly answered. "They have lived close to nature and they bave studied it. Their book learning hasn't suffered either, for tbey are Just as well ad vanced In their studies. I And. as the average city child of their age. "Their kindergarten course was ob tained In the ranch corral. Horses. dogB. wolf and bear cubs were their playmates from Infancy, and their knowledge of the traits and habits of each of these animals is ns intimate as my own, and 1 have been studying tbem forty-five years. "Each shall have a college education. Harvard will be their alma mater un less they suffer a change of heart. You know, they fairly worship Colonel Roosevelt, and he is a Harvard man. Anything tbe colonel does or has done Is perfectly all right In their eyes, for next to their daddy he is tbe greatest man In tbe world." Harder Trip Last Yesr. Whereas the country at large Is amazed at tbe feat of tbe boys In rid ing to New York, Captain Abernathy does not think It as hazardous an un dertaking by one-half as tbe trip to Mexico tbe boys took Inst year. "You see, nothing was written about thai trip, and the boys were just as anxious to keep their present move ments as secret as they did when go ; Ing to and from Mexico. Those little chaps bunked In with Indians, brig ands and outlaws all down through tbe alkali country, and not a balr of ; their litUe beads was banned. They weren't afraid for a moment. Tbey , returned with more money than tbey ' started out with, and they made it all i by swapping horses. Can you beat ; thatr MAL OE L'AIR NEW BOGY. May Be ss Bad as Seasickness For Some Travelers. Aviators are disposed to regard Jok . ugly tbe question advanced In the : Lancet, a London medical Journal, as to whether tbe human organization la bje to withstand aviation. - t Loujs Health Cemmiuioner Takes Steps to Keep Lot Clean. A new work that will Indeed he of wonderful assistance In the Improve ment and development of towns and cities Is keeping the vacant lots in fair class shape. Civic neatness is the road to town progress. Therefore get busy and follow the example of Assistant Health Commissioner Jordan of St Louis. It was through bis constant fighting that the city passed an ordinance mak ing it a crime to allow weeds to grow in the vacant spaces. And Mr. Jordan will see tbat this Is lived up to. He bas announced that It will be enforced this year by the Issuance of police sum monses against offenders. In a letter to a leading newspaper declaring bis purpose and asking for the aid of pub licity In his campaign Dr. Jordan says; The season is at hand when it will be necessary for this department to enforce the ordinance regarding the cutting of weeds. it la absolutely im possible to make any headway in this work if we adopt the course of giving notion In aaoh csap it h Ki mtv experience In the past that such no- tlces in a large majority of cases are aanl. I t a . lit I . . I, . unheeded, and it will be the policy ot this department where weeds of one foot in height or over are found on v cant property to cause a police court summons to be Issued tgaJxst the own er. The law does uot require any noUce in these cases, but it is not tbe desire of the department to take snap Judc ment on any one. The penalty for violation of tbe weed ordinance Is fixed at not less than $10 or more than $100. THINGS T0D0AWAY WITH. Less Smoke, Dirt and Noise Will Make ' "City Beautiful." Less noise, less dirt and less smoke will do a great deal to make a town or city a place of beauty and comfort. This was the substance of an address by Mrs. Imogene.B. Oakley made re cently in Philadelphia. "The citizens of this city are as much to blame for the dirty streets as Safer than National Banks 2 Better than U. UNION COUNTY LANDS. Why invest in foreign cities and wireless stock, when you have a sure thing at home ? See C. J. BLACK. who has a large list of money makers. pj C. T. DARLEY, 1 1205 N Avenue, or McKennon, Phy 0 Roberts. J i Irrigation and Structural Engineer. S S Surveying, Plain and Reinforced Concrete, General Con- f trading. Estimates Furnished. Reference, United States 4 Reclamation Service. 5 DRINK SAM Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's !?od for what Ails You IMMSMsaaMali .gyrr?-.'. "dbfot SQDABE. tend with. Last year alone in this couutry smoke damage amounted to $000,000,000. The railroad companies entering this city say that they can not do away with black smoke. It bas been done in England and In many clUes in our own country. "And then we have the noise evil to contend with. In many cities venders are ma unoweu to can out tnur wares They do as much business as ours do here wUh tneir , oth du have done away with that form of le galized begging known as street mu sic." Now, there Is one more thing that is essential for the uplifUng of a village and thut Is keeping the public square In neat condition. Many towns tbat one visits have what la commonly termed a "depot square." As a rule, one will And tbat square littered with papers and In a sad plight. It would be well for tbe citizens if they would see to It that that portion of their town Is kept clean, for while it remains In a filthy condition settlers will not be overanxious to come In and the progress of the town will be at a standstill. Misdsals. Sllllcus Love Is a game In which Cupid deals the cards. Cynicus Then why does he so often deal from the bottom of the deck? Philadelphia Record. S. Gold Bonds -o 9