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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1910)
G7JANDE EYENTXG OBSERVETI SATURDAY, .TTTE 2 "1010. TJ "tV T" TTn"n lAUL 1 i. 1j TOXISKT'S PROGRAM - THE !S1S Roosevelt 'in : Cairo, purged by Fire (Urban) , One of the Finest ,(Vitograph) What' "Your Hurry? . SongDixie Lee" mm t 1 LOCAL iTEXS. A Q t 4 & 4 t $ O ' Tom Gorman .of Baker City is here attending so legal business today. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Z Newell of Boise are guests rn La Grande with friends Mrs. W. G. Allen of Boise is visiting her brother, Alien J Webb and fam ily in this city for a few days. T. J. Scroggin, cashier of the Unit ed States National Dank, is attend ing the Bankers' Association conven tion in Pendleton foday. Mrs. F. H. Green arrived borne last evening from Roseburg where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Laura Green Wills. She was also a guest with friends at Portland. B. McCoy of Welser is in tbe city ? today A. C. Halgren. D. W. Baird and Jack Matt, all of Baker City, are visitors In La Grande today. Mickey JIcFadden, better known as Ben Crpnin, the Collier man, is in the city with bis' proverbial smile again today. ' S. R. Haworth returned this after noon from Enterprise where he has extensive building operations under way. ; ' J. R. Smurthwalte and wife of Ba ker City are in La Grande today and will attend the L. D. S. concert this evening. , ' ' F. L. Meyers of the La Grande ya tlonal, and who is an officer of the Northwest Bankers' association, ti a delegate to the convention now ft seesion at Pendleton ' . Earl Doane, a brother of Roscoe Doane of this city, arrived this morn ing and will locate here. He will be employed with one of the meat mar kets during the summer. His home Is In Forest Grove. Fred Lockley, managing editor of thfl - Pnrlflo Mnnthlv nnflnpd thrniirfe the city this , morning on. his way to Baker City and Boise.: Mr. Lockley has just returned from a long tour over the United States, but even the fascinations of Eastern , atmosphere have no hold like the Western fever to the editor. . ' Mrs. Zella M. Stewart and daugh ters Lucile and Floy Jane, arrived today from Marissa, 111., and will make their future home In this city. Mrs. Stewart is a daughter of II. S. Massee of this city. , O O O GO OG4& O $ TOO LATE TO CLASIFT. o $ o o o & & o g o q HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and a ; horse a"nd cow for sale. Call be fore July 1 at 504 Second street. - v o CKtT.Cn SCTICES O 'G o O o o o Methodist Episcopal Church Corner M. Avenue and Fourth, st. Sunday , School. 9:43, G. H. Currey superintendent- Morning service at 11:00 a. m. The pastor will be ab sent and District Superintendent J. D. Glllilan will conduct the services. Subject, "The Kingdom of an Out cast" 'Class meeting at 12:00 for 30 minutes only, Ep worth League at 7:00 p. m.. subject. "The Christian Victories," George Currey, Jr. leader. Evening service 8:00. The service will be conducted by Rev. S. T. Hawk ins of North Pawder. Everwone Is cordially invited to attend these ser vices. H. E. McLEOD, Ph. D., Pastor - Baptist Church Xotes. ; . Services Sunday as usual.' Sunday school at 9:45 and preaching at 11 B. Y. P. U. prayer meeting at 7 p m Prayer Meeting every Thursday ev ening at 8 o'clock Miss IJttle will sing at the evening service. All are Invited to attend the services. FRANK E. GRAY, Pastor. v Christian Church Dr, Underwood will fill the pulpit at me cnrisiiau (uurvti next feuuuay morning during the absence of the minister. Ford A." Ellis. The Doctor will speak from experience of the con ditions of the Orient. , ' THE: GOLDEN RULE CO. THE RULE C' V n TT TT -s v y, m o viy ii-n ecu lr MIS- ! i I 1 I J M B I WANTED 25 BOYS AND MEN To pick cherries. 25 girls to pack cherries. Tents and fuel furnished. Begin about July 5th. ' Good camp ground. Phone, . write or call C. M. or G. G. Stackland, Cove, Oregon, ( - : : , . ........... 6. r i OMEBODY is going to be disappointed when the five acre tracts we have" been offering you are all gone, and they are, all but two. , We have some fine buys in residence ; lots at $125.00 each; $25.00 down and $5.00 a month. Better Investigate these. Bell Phone, Red 801 Independent 262 LA GRANDE Inv. CO., Foley Hotel Bid., La Grande V , Presbyterian Church. ' v ' Sabbath school .9:43. C. E. meet ing at 7:00 p m. Prayer meeting at 8pm Thursday evening. No preach ing services tomorrow ; either morn ing or evening. ;s St. Peter's Church ' Sunday School at 10 a. m., but ow ing to the indisposition of the rector there will be no services. St. Mary's Church. Father Aalders. v'; , Sunday morning services at 8 and 10. Sunday ' school at 10. Bvenlng services at 7:30. " L. D. S. Church. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Samuel Storey, superintendent. Sacrament meeting at 2 p. m. ' - ' The Chautauqua committee has se cured the lumber for the auditorium and administration building and the construction will begin at once. Fruit Trees,;-; D. H. Proctor, representing Milton Nurseries. Order now, for fall and spring delIvery.':;.!..;,:,;V :;;., ; T-l . CliamlMylain' Stomacii and Liver Tablets are eafe, mra mnl rehnble, and have been praised L; ilionsanJii of onion who have been regtoftd V t!m)u;h their gentle, aid nn" .. I I DO YOU f USE I I GOLD LEAF A O Tl Thomas Bruce, Manager t t t MB ilUlilll mcker mm Supported by an Excellent Company Opens Ihursday, Evening, June 23 You will mnl to be in Uzt with the Big Crowd tkt wilt Cekbrzie BIG DOINS, Not onlv Here, but all over . ;". Men's Dress Suit3, Worsted, Wool Suitings, nice snappy patterns, C 1 fl fl ft : - ; opriug styles . . . -'m.- - ' '''.;"".-' :' AviUV Men's Dress Suits, fine all-wool suitings and fancy worsteds, neatly tailored 012.50 Dress the Boys up, too Our. line of BOYS' CLOTHING most complete. Don't matter much what kind of a suit you want for the boy, we have it. Rushicn Blouse for the little bov. Plain Knee or Knickerbocker 'riant mit fnr tha . k r i r y N . , f 'K.' ' ------- .......... r' n jw - wwjr w w a w " iWii3' years, any price to suit your requirements, Soft Cotton Line, very extensive, CO to $2.25 Beautiful line neckwear just received for mid summer wear 25c to 75c ' . '.' . ' " "' :' ' '" '- ''' ' ' r - ' If you're going to make that wash suit you still have time. There is nothing neater or more practical in Ladies' summer outer garments than the wash suits Beautiful line cloths that will make upyeiy neat 12c to 30c. -, Our ready to wear line mav be interesting, as thav arft infTnftnsivA and : nice suits, neatly tailored, ranging in prica $2.25 to $6.00 The Golden Rule Co The Golden Rule Co Mystery Surrounds Letter Chicago, June 25. An Investigation wa? started today In, the case of the disappearance of & letter containing , 00,000 in securities, half of which were found in , the possession of a negro who asserts that he . found St on the streets. The lettre w.i? mailed In the main, post office by ; Walter Ford,, who addressed it to the Branch Ford roofing company. ' Marriage License Issned. County Clerk Ed Wright has issued a marriage license to Fireman Wm. Sailer and liss Pearle Bearden, both will known locally. , V Gold Beach has a shoeblack; only 5 cents, too. ' , somnwEST SEWS ITEMS. Gold Beach. Globe Currey county has less fog, less snow, less zero wea ther, more sunshine, a healthier at-t mosphere, purer water better hunt ing grounds, better fishing streams, fatter stock the year around, prettier girls and fatter babies than any other place weBt of the Rocky mountains. Good lands, good water and good people are attractive. We have them ill hwe In Gilliam county, says .the Condon Times the best place in this great state of Oregon for the man of small capital to make a start. A cou ple of thousand dollars is all you need to become Independent. Tillamook Herald There is now lit tie doubt but what trains will be run ning between Tillamook and Wheeler by another month. A late report telli us that explosives to the extent of 80 tons are now on their way to Ne halem toUe used in railroad work, and that a EO-ton locomotive Is also coming out on the same boat - ' i -:::''''. :. ': '-Vvu; J.. -''':'.:;.:'. : ,.".'.V , Winter Is coming; you will need coal. Yqu can save money by order ing now. GRANDE E0XDE CASK CO. '. . I , - a 11 il 21 g OS I k l mm w I UhM m Tiriii... Vi - leno x DB. HL P. KEIfDELSSOnN DOCTOR OF OPTICS PERMANENTLY : LOCATED AT 11C5 ADAMS AVS., OP POSITE POST OFFICE. DR. MENDELESCIIN'S " ' CLASSES GIVE THE BEST .v-'.' ' RESULTS. '..; I Will have the Greatest Celebratiion on uly 3, 4 aid Ever Held in Wallowa County It will be held at the head of Beautiful Wallowa Lake, the finest Summer Resort in Oregon. . .... ...' ,..'., . There will be all kinds of Games, sports, - Races, Boat Races, Etc., for valuable prizes; Fine music and every amusement the heart could wish for. Low Excursion Rates from all points on the O; R. & N. ' Tickets on sale Sunday, July 3, good for return until Tuesday, July 5. Everybody Cordially invited to Cele brate with us. ! i U ! i i . X Vi O0OkXH $4$p44$44W$M