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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1910)
LA GRANDE FANNING OBSUVER SATTJRDiY, JUNE 23, 1910. PAGE FOUR v U LA GRANDt EVENING OBSERVFR PuMlbhcd Pally Kxrept Sunday 3 12 KEi.lK DEXMS Editor auJ Owner Tal'i'd I'rcfs Tcl graph Scrrlce entered at .ie joaiouice l J-i.'Jnntf8 as second-daBS matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily, single copy Daily, per week.... Dally, per month...., Ec ... 15c .... C5c This paper win not publish nn ar ticle appearing over a nom de plume. Mjrned articles will be revised sub ject to the discretion of the editor. Flease sign your articles and save lifiarpointmeiik. , RAISING GOOD FROT The efforts of the fruit Inspector to bring about proper conditions and regulations in the way of spraying and caring for orchards are being met with a reasonable amount of success. although occasionally ; there will be a party who refuses to abide by the follow a haphazard course In . fruit growing. . .- V Today it was necessary for the In spector to take some fruit off the market and to Berve some orchard owners with legal ' notice , to spray and prune trees. It Is for the good of the. entire val lev and the nnlv war that anything ctn be accomplished toward getting' proper prices for the products of the j Grande Konae. ' z$A fx v -i H ff jiyfi hvhi I If 1 vv I p 11 . . , , re Your Boy Happy v with a new Xtragood Suit FOR EBRATION DAY WEATHER AS AN ASSET. The warm pleasant weather being enjoyed In this valley Is a' strong as-' set to the country, and it' should make the Californian Jealous. : Here crops are JuBt at a point where warm weather Is necessary; the people re joice at the Grande Ronde summer which, is a trifle different from the- summer of any other section. ; , v Each mornins from now until late in August means an added supply of cereals to the world's storehouse for production In the Grande Ronde has never been more promising and con ditions never better to insure large yields, from every acre ', of ground that is tilled. It .will please him more than all the fireworks and will last long "after the clay's fun is forgotten. . Xtragood clothing for boys are tailored especially fnr Their nAftHs hv fiYtwtwork- men who make nothing but boys and young men's clothing Xtragood Suits fnm Eiderheimer Stein - Young Men Suits $12.50 to $25;00 The Quality Store iness bo that you can camp for a week at the Chautauqua grounds It j will do everyone god to emulate the ; pioneer habit of sleeping in a tent for a few nights at least. Are you getting everything in read- Reno did not have to make much of a fight to land the big fight. But Reno 1b a good place for such an event.- It is divorced from the out side world, so to speak. : i Why Baseball Is Unquestib n ab 1 y America' s Na tional Game. 9 0 By THOMAS J. LYNCH. President of the Nitlclnil League of ' 5 ' Baseball Club. I0CLL BE STRUCK WITH AMAZEMENT if you could see how Bome factory made clothing is put together. The skimping of materials, the inferior interlinlngs. B t none of these things occur in a suit of our tailoring. That's why one suit of ours will outlast two Of the factory made. Order one and the wear will prove it C W, BAKER. ASEBALL T l TtTTTttTTT is .AMEKICA'S kattonal game. I've got plenty of figures to prove it, but the best proof is tho evidenco you can gather yourself at the nearest vacant lot to your home or by yotir local ball tossers. V ' . ' ' DAYS AND WEEKS BEFORE THE FROST IS CUT OF THE GROUND THE SMALL BOY IS AT IT. . MONTHS BEFORE , THE SUN HAS DRIVEN THE SHARPNESS OUT OF THE AIR WE HAVE BEGUN TO PREPARE FOR IT, AND FOR SIX MONTHS WITH OUT CESSATION IT TAKES PRECEDENCE IN INTEREST OVER QUESTIONS OF THE GRAVEST NATIONAL IMPORTANCE. In the cities where organized baseball exists eipjht million persona last year paid admission to see the game. This year at least a million more will attend. ;,- Baseball ovres its popularity today to its IIOXESTY. If there is ne thing above another that an American likes it is a SQUARE DEAL. Let him get it into his head that a game is crooked, and he it through -with it The advent of the college ball player into the ranks of the profes sional has had much to do with the change in the attitude of the publio toward professional ball. In the past six years no less than a hundred and thirty-five men have been GRADUATED FROM COLLEGES OTTO THE RANKS OF THE PROFESSIONAL , BALL 2PLATERS. And the attitude and influence of those men have so permeated the professional organization that today the SPORT IS ON A HIGHER PLANE THAN EVER BEFORE IN ITS HISTORY. THE BRAIN OF THI BALL FIELD TODAY ARE NOT CONFINED TO THE UMPIRE, BUT THEY ARE TO BE FOUND BENEATH THE 4APB OF EVERY PLAYER. STust what the f utrure hold in store for baseball is difficult to pre dict That the game has an UNSHAKABLE HOLD UPON THE AMERICAN PtTBTJO iswUin. , The George Palmer '0.UM11SE1 CCD RETAIL DEPARTMENT We colic: t your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building) Paper. We are prepared to furnish and . deliver material promptly. Phone Main 8. F. 4. II0L3ILo, tkl r W. L, BREXHOLTS, Asst Cash. AEL ZODEL 2d Ass't Cash. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK I OF LA GRAKDE, OREGON United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 DIRlECTORS GEOKGE F1LSEB F. J, HOLMES W. J, CHUBCH F. L. JCETEBS W.K. PIEICE C C FENINGT09 G. L. CLEATER F. K. BTEXIT IT. L. BREXHOLTS With sr tntle reioarees and faeOltlfs im caa nodar ya efficient tenke an4 handle yotr bislaeu t jou eaUre stnlsfactloa ; JfoOce to Teamsters. Notice Is hereby given that Eealed hlda will be received at the offlca of the Recorder of the City of La Gidnde lor the unloading of 9 carlo-tdi of Irch pin? and one carlcau of 4 nch pipe and distribute the same along the ditch that Is being dug. Alt lids to be in by Wedoesda evor. inij. une 29th, and to be openel by the NVaya and Means Commute.'. Bid ders wll be held responsible lor break age In p'pe caused by the hnndhnij cf the same, and all bids to te t,u car ids. :, ' , D. E. COX, fieccucer of the City of. La CriKi!c. June-24-29. - . V . . ' ' Who the Knbns Are. The Kuhn j Californian project whose advertisement appears in this Issue la' controlled by J. S. and W. S. Kuhn, prominent and wealthy bank era of Pittsburg; Penn., the same peo ple who so successfully developed oyer 400,000 acres In Southern Idaho. Their Californian project consists of 20,000 acres in the great Sacramento valley and la one of the greatest Irri gation projects ever, attempted. See ing is believing. Investigate and be convinced.- . , Wilson & Briinin, Electrical -Contractors. Loganberries I 5 i 4 Order now, price is Ij i the same all season, S g $2.25 per crate. We or- i der direct from the t ; J grower, and get ' the 5 Sbest. : t tCITY GROCERY I J v ;; and j i BAKERY i Pro mpt and careful attention given all work. All work guar anteed to pass underwriters' examination. One Door south of Observer : Office : ' '. FARMERS'BUSINESS 0 & Mrs. E.G. Mcnnk . Mrs. L. Smith's Millinery Store J Hair Dressing, . Manicuring, . : f Vibratory Massage, Electric Radio, ::l Bell Treatment a New line of switches just received, including blonde J and drab shades I WE GIVE PARTICU LAR ATTENTION TO THE BUSINESS OF FARMERS. WE COR DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE THIS WEIR BANKING HOME. ,Ttie United States National Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON. FEW! J Quarts Second Hand $1.10, New $1.35 j r4 HaH GaUons . . . ... Second Hand $1.30, New $1.75 p Economy Caps .-. . . . . ; . 20c i 4 Economv Clflmns in A ta r x ----- - ...... rA i " " 9. Schram Jars g Pints .............. Second Hand 85, New $1.00 5 4 Quarts Second Hand $1.10, New $1.25 i a vrauuxjs oecona nana $i.3U, JNew $i.ou g Schram Caps ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 20c a 4 4 ' Mason Jars j Pints ...... ... ...... Second Hand 50, New 75c 'A 5 Quarts Second Hand 65, New 90c 4 Half GaUons ......... Second Hand 85, New $1.25 j 5 Boyd's Porcelain Lined Caps .............. 35c S t ; -"' - " - - ' . 5 4 Second Hand .Tars All TTi Till Q T7ait ITKaaT K j Jelly Glasses, Round Bottom ...... ...... 40c Doz. S Jelly Glasses, Tumblers ........ . .... . . 45c Doz. i - : . " Vacuum Jars damps 10, Rubbers 17 1-2, caps 17 i-2 m .5. 2 n i Furniture on Easy Payments j