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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1910)
. 1 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER THURSDAY MAY 5, 1910. V - 4 nil 11 TO zdJ- '3; , a . , n . j V Regular Price; $3; Rear:P rice $25.00, Saturday $27.00; iatiirda3r;$20.00: . rrTTa , : ; . - , ' - v . ... , . r rTTTrrriZZ! In Cactus Center. , I. . .' ?,".! .,... - TtML0W? - The New Don't Worries. .1 inn n m. . -1 1 km no www) ; i i nrtav v & AAiraia fiu rt' nnroir i 1 w . i : Of the Five Acre Tracts left We are sellmg these at $1500 per tract with 10 per cent down and balance at practically your own Remember these Tracts join City Limits. Good Soil. Get one of these Tracts wide tt Foley Hotel Bid., ' Ii Grande Vmhiimiiiiiii 't Canaua In Cactus Centtr. Down here Jn good old Cactus wo never .. nave mucn msa When JJncle Bamuel Aggers he'll cour.i - the herd of us: , We give each census taker a brand book .. net ' And when he shows his hardware his works as good as cone. Of course It sometimes happens that some An. falla tna TtlCV i And seeks to dod-e the questions tn low Anffrt Avn'rv uiaV. , i1, ! But gln'rally It f ollel s one shot "It bring And make his answer rrompt-uke, tho , wav.Koort nomorejs uo. We've planted vo nn Boot hill a, few Mussed up the brand book record and ' atnnnorl thlncfn niOrt Or leSB. ' But this year's census, takers will work without a flaw. Cause nary census dodger can beat 'era Arthur , Chapman tn Denver Repub- llcan. Luck of Kitchen Meohanlot.' n-That laundress of ours looks nrosneroua. .' V ' , i w - . ...... . "Yea: she savs George roae two wm- ner on Saturday, his gamecock was victorious Sunday morning and In the evening she won the bat at a rame in their church. Life. The New Don't Worries. The dog is In the pantry. t. The cat Is tn the lake. The cow is tn the hammock What difference does It make? I Joined tne nw .TTC... :'"H, And now 1 noia my oreain. , I'm so scarad for tear I'll worry That I'm worried most to aeatn. , Congregationalism Cvldanoa of 8elfithnets. V , "What a beautiful lawn Mr. Bllgglna hasr . v;- '4. '.r- .-. Yes." replied the neighbor. "But he isn't entitled to much credit lie keeps turning it merely for tte fun of waking the neighbors early in tho morning." Washington Star. '1- This Here Life. ThU Vara Ufa la so amaiin. With the angels takln' notes; When no Cain we air a-ralsln ' We're a-bollerln' fer oaU! - Atlanta Constitution. Teacher Now. boys, here's a little exarnplp in mental arithmetic. How old would a person be who was Dora in 1875? -v .-.r-i."-.' ' ''.'.'". 'o Puoll-Piease. teacher, was it a man or a woman? Gentlewoman.' : Wellj Weill ' ' "What to your age, my pretty maldr She was slightly shy. but she made reply. And she answerea. -aweex imma- "And where do you Uveii my pretty maid? In the flat above, i ween.- . And I saw a wink In her eye. I think, A a aha hm4 "fliilla alxtaan.'1' Cleveland tieader. Baa4lnant. Father is go ing to run for of fice." , "On the Demo cratic ( ticket, I suppose?" ; "But be used to' be a Democrat" , "Yes, but we moved into Re publican ward."' We cstn deli i ttA air A;fViov r.f f Vi AftA machines. ;,',;.' Indignant "What a that prima donna , angry 'Oh.' lode well meaning critic said she sang like a siren. The oniy siren aha knows anvthlne about la the whis tle they use on a steamboat" vvasn- tngton Star. Monthly Cheer. An August bird In February a rkanamiiar nnrtia in junt. . Both help to make the diners merry And aan arooa uvers in tune. g ,- - -Lappinooivs. This beautiful 22 horse power L!- ...ItU iUraa enttti " iKIIK' maQBIIK mill liiis 'r""'.H7""'. . . I . L.LI, ma mm mission ana aeracnewc re $1150 ' MnritL G. 30 Horse ; power machine with - -.e a f . I Atfacftabc Tonneau lust inc thing for business and pleasute. $1775. Talhieri M. SHanhpiv M":&y THE HORSE i ;;v;jPressmaker Furnishes evyrything for the Horse. Harness, baddies ana naps. We make nothing: but the best When in doubt buy Of :...V ' I Shannon . , ; Successor to J. 3. Wagner. r No Chance. "Can't you people make up your dif ferences?" , .. ' "WelL ludite. my wife believes In Cook, and I believe in feary. "The divorce la granted." ivanBas City Journal. ' , 1 ' ' Good Advice. Oh, try to tell the truth, so that Of you 'twill not be saia, : "Be lied like fury all his life. Ann now na a ivinar aeaa.- Spokane Bpokesman-neview- " The Reason.'- J' "What slnele trait In common gives even bis nerve the right to, think of tii as Ma afflnitv?" ' ' T don't know unless It is Because she Is dove eyed, wbOe be is pigeon- toed Baltimore American. aWB-BHaBBaaMBBaaBaasMBaMkaBBaiBBBS The Maiden's. Dream. My bonnet spreads over the ocean, If tumtiat airiraUinH Ovar 1.1 Iff altiSB. To merely spread over the sidewalk . Tab smA anAIIVII TflF tTlem. - -Chicago Journftt BARGAINS Farm. Fruit tnd Improved lands. The follewlr-g . will attract .the at tcntion of the home seeker. 80 acres Improved, 68 acre un der culUvaUon ........... 13,000 103 acres all improved, 1-2 mile from Summerville .... 6,d00 40 acres all lmprovd. 21-2 inlleM from 8nmmervllle 3,003 100 acres Improved, 40 under '.. f . cultlvatloa ........ 400 (0 acres adjoining Summerville choice fro't or i-lfalfa land, can be Irrigated. A bargain 1.000 240 acres, well improved, un der cultivation. Hay, grain and fruit WOO 160 acres, 80 acres bearing or chard, 20 acres new orchard, all applet: 100 acres pas ture. Terms on application Choice stomp land, particular ly adapted to frnlt Industry, t to 5 miles from Bummer- vflle. Per acre...... $12.50 to $29. Timber tnd other property. tx, C. IIkIESaBT. Heal Estate Bummervine. Ore. N. K.. WEST, President WM. MILLER, Vice President , T. J., SCROGG1N, CaBhier H. E. COOLIDGE, Ass't Cashier So. 0311 United States National Bank of La Grande . CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Directors N. K. WEST ;! . J.L. CAV1NESS WM. MILLER. A. T. HILL. J. C. HENRY II. E, COOLIDGE ' T. J. ECROGGIN C. T. BACON FRANK CONLET ALFALFA: HAY We have just received a quantity of the BEST QUALITY SEEDSIflBULK Bear in mind that yon will get the best results wita Northern Grown Seeds, ad apted to this climate. We handle Lilliy's seeds which are best for the West 1 W aters-StanchiField Produce Co. FLOUR, FEED, WOOD 1410 Adams Ave, .'.!.'''.;!..' " ; L,diJ. :v -' : '' " ' 111 ..mi n.v-t nii' i -,..,,, -. .,.,,..,,. ,.,...,.,. ; : OBSERVER VANT ADS PAY Shorthanded. . nrmfcnqtaWhflt are VOUr ChaTZeSt Gyp7 Palmlst-m read your nana fnr 1. . . Gunbusta Ton ought to do it for 00 cents. , Tve got one finger missing. Judge. " Nawar Toole. The daffodil la on the bill. - . mi am rajirtiem The theme Is trite. Vi rather write AHiiit tha paAlan. -Fhlladelphla BuUetin. RaaliraJ tha Danaer. n Now that we are married, pet do you love me enough to cook zor Rhe Enoueh. darllnsl ' I love you entirely too much tor taat-Bosion I Transcript : STYLE FIT QUALITY Yes, for tn these three essentials the Florihelm Shoe -. ; .' exsels. s Host Styles 15.00 &6.00 "Some Boggy" Yes? You "f innicky,, fellows will appreciate the New Spring Models, They're here, and you should be, after your size and style, now. You'll ap preciate the Florsheim "Nat tural Shape" lasts. C. C. Penington . ' , : ! , , . -1 t . The Daylight Store