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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1909)
ttfcEkLl oBSEBYER, IA GRANDE, ORECON. FRIDAY, AUGUST i1t WA. U dTffiie fverin ODssrve: PibllsheC Dally Exeept Sunday. GEORGE IL CURREY. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. United Press Telegraph Service. SUBSCRIPTION RATS: Daily, single copy... 6c (Pally, per month...., 66c Dally, tlx months In advance. .. .$3.50 Dally, one year In advance $6.50 Weekly, eix months In advance. . . 7Ec Weekly, one year In advance $1.00 sintered at the postolhce at La Urande as second-class matter. . This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom de flame. Signed articles will be re ceived subject tc the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save disappointment Advertising Rateik Display ad. rates furnished upon ap plication. Local reading notices 10c per line trst lnsertioi; Be per line for each subsequent Insertion. Resolution of condolence, 6c a line. The next legal battle, the decision of which, will lay the foundation for effecting mater'ally existing commer cial relations. We refer to the decis ion of the United States Circuit Court of Chicago, in the Missouri River rate cape wherein, for the first time the - right of the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission has been a question. If the United States Su preme Court holds that this body has no right to make rates its usefulness Is practically at an end, its power will be reduced to about the same power as our state railroad commis sion, it can suggest that the railroads place bulletin boards In the depots showing the arrival and departure of trains, and that the depots be swept out occasionally. It must be admitted that the power of rate making effects the entire com mercial Interests of each Individual in the community. Special rates and re bates In the past have builded large individual flrriis, corporation, ar trade centers at the dlsadavantage of others not so favored. The coast ci ties today are rejoicing In the recent Chicago decision, not based upon the Justice of the decision, but upon the fact they see a possibility of either postponing or securing an adverse decision in the Spokane rate case . .which wherein the present railroad rates makes all of the great Inland Empire pay tribute to the coast cities. Every pound of freight by the Interior '. pays a tariff directly to the Jobbers . of the coast cities. La Grande mer- chants pay the through rate on their merchandise to the coast cities and the local rate back, why should it cost the Observer office $210 more on a car load of paper than it would If the paper was carried on 300 miles . further and delivered to a Portland printer. The Observer was simply taxed $240 for the" privilege of doing business in the Interior. It it any wonder the coast cities are building up at a greater rate than the inter ior. It has been a long and persis tent struggle for. the people to make the railroads respect -their rights. In fact at the outset the railroads main tained that the people had no right whatever, that the men put their money In railroads, hnd the right to charge what they pleased, that If tho people did not want to pay the rates they fixed they could walk or haul their freipht. We have passed all that and the rifihts of a common car riers are well established along many lines. If the reader will note there has been very little said regarding the government ownership of railroads which wa.i a live topic a few years ago. The reason for this relaxation Is due to tho fuct that congress In creased the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission and the courts decided against the merging system then In vogue, which practically eliminated competition, but If the powers of the Interstate Commission are throttled until it simply becomes an advisory board you will hear more about government ownership of rail roads than ever In the near future, and may become the political Issue of tho next presidential campaign. There is a subdued volcano smoul dering that Is likely to break out col lectively. Individually there have al ready been several out breaks and that la against the present water me ter rate. For household purposes there la little if any complaint, but when It comes to paying 25 cents per thousand gallons for irrigation it is beyond reason and If continued visi tors will wonder why La Grande has I J M such a shiftless appearance. It re quires a great deal of time to keep a yird pretty and when abide from this, the property owner is taxed exorbitantly for the purpose of beauti fying the city it soon becomes a bur den. To illustrate for several years La Grande has enjoyed much pleas ure and profit and many flower gar dens are, la existence today owing to the interest taken in our annual aster shows, but If our readers were compelled to pay the water bills of those who by their energy make such things possible they would cease raising flower beds. The reason of this sudden complaint arose from the fart that not until this season has the majority of the patrons been placed on a meter system. There is no fight on the meter system, it is the only proper equitable system, you pay for what you use, but the con sumer has something to say about the rates. Ten cents would be a big rate to pay during the Irrigation sea son which would probably not exceed $1.50 per lot for irrigation." Under the present pumping system it does not cost to exceed 6 cents per thousand gallons, Why ask 25 cents, for some thing that beautifies the city and which all enjoy. Vpw roooriU nmnnp thnon who aw pioneers in aviation are being made so frequent that even those greatly interested must keep close attention or they will be behind . the times. The latest success being -that of the Frenchman Paulham, who remained In the air for three hours and then descended only because ho exhausted his fuel. , TALKING ABOUT US. Many Slopping Over to See Grande Ronde In laj light. It Is evident that Grande Ronde valley is being talked of to an extent, as it is evidenced by tho fact that so many people upon making their re turn trip east arrange to stop over in La Grande in order that they may have the opoprtunity of viewing the valley in the day time. There is! hardly a night but from three to a dozen families get off on the night train for this purpose. ??- For Sale. Cucumbers, all sizes, for pickling. Now isthe time to put up your dill I pickles. Fleshman Bros., phone Black 622, residence 1812 Y avenue. (A-20-30-t) ' Notice. There will be a meeting of the Riverside park association tonight at 7:30 at the residence of W. II. Boh nenkamp, for the purpose of consid ering the proposition of W. F. Chace, landscape architect. All members are requested to be present. MRS. E. POLACK, Secretary. 1100 Reward For the arrest and conviction of the per son who took from my pasture, last week In March, a black pony, weight 1000 pounds; white hind foot, branded small "II" on right shoulder and halt circle "V on left Btlfle, and recurry of animal. H. EICHENBERGER. On all Fancy Cut 30 Per C OFF SOME ODDS AND ENDS INSEMI PORCELAIN DISHES, IIALF riUCE GOOD VALUES. TO MAKE BOOM FOB SEW STOCK. DO NOT FORGET ABOUT OUR ENCOXOMY AND MASON FRUIT JARS. 1 pt Economy, per dozen no 1 qt Economy, per dozen 1.35 2 qt Economy, per dozen 1.75 1 pt Mason, per dozen 75 1 qt Mason, per dozen ' 90 2 qt Mason, per dozen ........... , 1.25 F. L. LILLY. HARDWARE AND CROCKERY FAT FOLKS ONE DOLLAR Invested la bottle of those wonderful, harmless fat-reducing tablet and In 30 days you will be a normal, rell-formed person again. Don't earn around your ugly bulk, your ungainly superfluous :h. It makes you ml erable ridiculous and what is more Important. It sheets you to fatal cons queues, sudden death from fatty degeneration, heart dlseaje, kidney trou ble. apoplexy and muscular rheumatism all come from OVER-FATNE8f ANTtCORPU " E M O V E mm-'' FAT Thousands of Testimonials from Grate ful Peopie Prove This YOUR MONEY BACK'IF IT FAILS ANTI-CORPC Is absolutely the t reatest discovery in medicine ior ducing fat. It Is made In the form .J a little tablet out of Vegetable mat ter and Is easy and pleasant to take. It la endorse by every reputable ph sklan and College of Medicine. Ask our doctor. ; ANTI-COItPU Is absolutely harmless. The formula used in making tv i reparation Is on file In the Bureau of Chemistry In Washington. whK U proof that It Is PURE and HARMLESS. AXTT-CORPU reduces FAT 3 to 5 Dounda a week. Tt rrinr. chin, fat hips and flabby 'cheeks. No o" ;i manes tne sKin close-fitting and smooth. ANTI-CORPU strengthen weak heart, cures palpitations, short breait and acts like magic In muscular rheumatism and gout PRICE $1.00 per bottle. Money back if It don't do all .ve claim. your druggist does not ketp It, show him this advertisement and make hli get it for you, or you cab jend for It DIRECT to us. Wo pay postage an tend in plain wrapper. 80 DAYS' TREATMENT IN EVERY BOTTLE, f"f"r am w WH tend you asample tf this wondoifu. fat-reducln J"- YJ l remedy on receipt of ten cents to pay for postage and I J 1 .packing. The sampl itself may be sufficient to reduce th desired weight. Mention this paper. Desk 4. ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO. WESTI25th STf EIT mO.,N Y. 0 0 00 0000000000000 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL. FOR GIRLS Accredited school founded 1872. Walla Walla, Wash. College Pre paratory, Academic, English and modern language and special cour ses under University graduates.also primary and kindergarten teach ers with foreign training In vocal and instrumental music, art and languages. Home care and social life., Special care for girls of sev en, eigth to fifteen, etc. Amplegrounds for play. Basket ball, tennis, hockey, etc. Milk supply andsanltary matters approved by Eoard of Health. Visitors are always welcome. For particulars, address, ': ' ' c- ! j ANNA F.. PI.YMPTON PriV.,! ' ' ..i.wjp.. 00000000 0 0000K3 ;$.$ Chinaware and Glass I wrinkles result ficm this reduction 0 0 0 0 0 ED STRINGIIAM, 4 AUCTIONEER, 4 3ale cried on short notice. 4 Satisfaction guaranteed. No extra charge for distance. 4 LA GRANDE - - - OREGON 4 Ra.te No. t 'Phone No. 198x6 444 4444444 . oeeeeeoeeeee ee'eo' iSummer Suits 20 pm, ceni Think what this means on these strictly first clasr goods t 5 llfnTu ' 11000 m-B Su,ti" ..114.00 $25.00 Suit. ......120.00 J1M0 Suits 12.QQ )21.0Q Sulu u tl6.80 Other Reductions in Jfe? O X STRAW HATS " g Nice'assortment 2 Our $3.00 line for $2.25 CCPENINGTON&CO The United Press association set all of the news, when it Is news. Read It In the Observer. ' v PASTIME THEATRE PASTIME THEATRE JOHNSON k BRUCE KGB'S. TOMGIIT 4 The Dramatic Stock Co. IN The Sensational Sensation "CHIMES OF A BIG CITY. 4 Great Story, Big Cast. Sunday Night "The Parish Priest" WHY NOT fRY Popham's ASTHMA REMEDY! Gives . prompt and postlve relief In every case. Sold by druggists, price $1.00. Trial package by ma'i 10 cents. Williams Mg. Co, Props. Cleveland, 0. A. T. HILL, Druggist M. T.MATOTT. Plank SSidewaitts Built and gp Repaired. Excavating and Filling. Phone Black 1562. A 10 Days Bargain 13, TO HAY 23 Bargains In Black and white under skirts. Night gowns and corset covers. Laces and embrolderys. Pillow tops. Silk gloves all colors. White waists and nets. Silk waists, lace curtains. Many other lines to numerous to mention. VI DUYH (0. intLIL vriLL IDAHO CAREY ACT LAND Mow The ldaholJrngation Co. Ltd. OFFERS 20,000 ACRES AT $35 PER ACRE, AD JOINING THE TWI.N FALLS TRACT. EASIEST KIND OF TERMS. LAND NOW OPEN FOR EN TRY. Logan-Sherwood I Realty Company to select from. Latest . Reductions Our $1.75 line for ii 9n Water Melons New California stock Just arrived. Ice Cream Parlors My parlors are the cosiest and most comfortable in the city, electric fans, the best of service and the variety of, and quality of my flavors are unsur passed. Fine Candies Made Fresh every day. E.D. SELDER When you take that vacation you are going to spend most of the time out of doors. We have specially stock ed up with the necessary small gold Jewelery for these occasions. The fol lowing are a fe wof our specialties: Gold Scarf Tins in clever designs, set with Raroqu Pearls, Amethysts or Garnets. Sleeve Links, of solid gold, large sfze, plain or fancy designs. Every thing else in jewelry. All at most reasonable orices. J. H. PEAREg Ifottce of Dissolution. Notice Is hereby given that C. C Penlngton and W. H. Rush doing business under the firm name of C C. Penlngton & Company, have dis solved business by mutual consent, and C. C. Penlngton will collect and pay all bills against the firm. styles. Note Our & 0 n. . . o 9 open V ooooooooooooooooooooooooooeoooooooooo ft f J-