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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1909)
msna css&lsteb, la chaise, ceigox FEIDAT, AUGUST 7. 1999. Ketie ! Annual Fair. The management of the First Eu Um Oregon District Agricultural society, visbea to announce that the coanty fair will be held thia year at La Grande, beginning October 4th, and lasting one week. The new catalogue will be out now In a short time, the cause of the de lay so far has been due to the effort to get the Wallowa county people to Join us and combine the two fairs. The new catalogue will be practic ally the same as the old one, but with this exception, rxany of the premiums lave been raised and new features tdded, and also a large special list cf premiums will be offered by the tuslness men of La Grande. Get your exhibits rer.dy for the krgest fair that Union county baa tnr had. P. M. HUFFMAN. See First E. O. Dlst Agrl. Society, La flrande. For Sale. We have a large amount of old papers which we must get rid of in acme way. They ere good for under laying carpets, for covering shelves, and anything for which waste paper Is used. They are tied in large pac kages waiting for you. If you wish t thin office. There are several kinds ot drilling but the kind the kind that makes the farm pay is the drilling- ; which makes water avaiK able. There is no need ; of a dry farm. The task I is not so great as you J may think. I have had I years of experience and J understand the well busi- I ness thoroughly. I ID.M. HUNT : LA GBANDE, OREGON Merchants! Save I $w,uvu In 1907 the Merchants of Oregon saied ove $10,000 by carry' ng a part of their Insurance in their own company; the Oregon Morshontc Mutual Fire Ac. surance Association, of m. a a a a 4 T uayton, uregon. in they wilt save $15,000. During the same period their neighbors were hand ing over $1,500,000 in profits to outside companies In the Oregon Merchants Mutuai you get: INSURANCE AT COST A UMIT TO YOUR LIABIL ITIES PROMPTSETTLEMENT OF LOSSES 4 IV. OLIVER, Agent M AA4,44A Quick Transfer For Rapid Delivery Seivice I Call Up 3 WILLCOCK BROS We are in position to do any kind of transferring. Give us a trial order. Calls answered day or night Phones-. Day. Red 741. ' Night Black mi. TITLES ARE ( By an order that has just been issued by W. Bolllns, division super intendent for the O. R. & N. com pany, the former titles held by divis ion officials, such as division engin eer, etc., have been abolished and from now on all of those officials will be classed as assistant superinten dents. As a result of the rule Just pro mulgated the following titles have been done away with: master me chanic, division engineer, chief dis patcher and traveling engineer. In stead there will be seven assistant superintendents on the Oregon di vision and they will be as follows: J. D. Matheson, J. T. langley. A. F. Stotler, A. Buckley, W. E. Borden, J. F. Corbett and J. C. Shea. Instructions are also given that correspondence intended for any of the departments managed , by any of the above should be addressed siinpiy to "assistant superintendent" the designation of a particular assistant superintendent to handle specified classes of correspondence and tele grams being a matter for the super intendent's office. In explanation of the change in ti tular ' designations the order Issued has the following: "The modifications of pre-existing organization and methods herein or dered have been carefully worked out to expedite the company's busi ness by the reduction and simplifica tion of correspondence and records. It is expected and believed that of ficials an demployes will insure a successful outcome by lending their usual intelligent co-operation and support." Now if Mr. Hill will build a road down the valley. Come to think of It perhaps the Oregon Electric line Is his, remarks the Albany Democrat The Observer's tlegraphlc news service gets real news. 5otlcc to Contractors. Bids are Invited on addition to bank building In the city of Wallowa. Plans and specifications can be seen at the bank or at the office of Robert Miller, Architect, La Grande, Oregon. Bids must be in not later than September 1, 1909. The owners reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Stockgrowers & Farmers Nat'l bank, Wallowa, Oregon. Advertised Letters. List of letters remaining uncalled for inthis office, for the week ending August 30, 1909. LADIES Mrs. M. M. Case. Mrs. C. H. Keefer. GENTLEMEN Mr. Leon CampbelL James Eccles. Mr. George Field. Mr. W. L. Galloway. Mr. W. L. Galloway. Mr. W. L. Galloway. Mr. P. J. Gannon. B. G. Henderson. Mr. Harvey Johnson. Mr. Ralph McGarity. Mr. Lewis Meyers. Mr. Frank H. Sheppard. Mr. J. Walters. Steven A. Mitchell. These letters will be sent to the Dead Letter office on September vrd 1909, If not delivered before. Q. M. RICHEY, P. M. WW -While Eczama. Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, etc., are troubles which affect .he skin, their source b far deeper than the outsida cuticle. These aJections ire causod by irritating humors, or uratio acid in the blood. Such lmnurities inflame and irritate the delicate net-work of fibrous tbsue which lies Just beneath the s irfaco of the outer skin, and the infiim natory discharge thu3 produced is forcad out through the pores and gUnis, and is continually kept up while tlie blood remains infected. This exudation causes the form itlon of smiles and crusts so often soen in Eczemm, and when thev arc scratched oflf the flrsh is left raw and more susceptible to other infection It can very readily ba seen then that to produce a cure the circulation must -e puriflcd .md cloanaad. This S. S. S. will do. It goes down to the very otton, removes til humors and impurities, neutralizes the excessive acido f the srstnm nnd in this wy removes the cause of disease. Local applice. ions can only sootlio tho Irritation and assist in keeping the skin clean- the--ever produce a cure because such treatment does not roach the blood. 3.S.S. restores to the thin, acrid blood all its lost properties, makes iv ro5Vn?.vrlch nd,enabo,9,it no"ristt th skin and keep it soft, smooth ind healthy. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice free to all who wnia. TKE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA Kotiee to Credlters. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been apoplnted by the County Court of the State ot Oregon, or Union County, Administrator of the estate o Anna M. Stearns, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouch- s to the undersigned at Cove, Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. . Dated this the 31st day ot July, A. D., 1909. . J. E. STEARNS. Administrator of the estate of Anna M. Stearns, deceased. (Aug.6-6t) Found. At my place near the foov of MX. Emily on June 28 a Jersey cow, branded on the left side but not plain. Owner can have same by calling and paying for this ado. M. L. LEADER. An Ideal CongU Medicine. "Am an Ideal cough medicine I re tard Chamberlain's Cough Remedy li i class by lttelf." says Drr. R. A. WUt jhlre, of Owynnevllle, Ind. "I tak Treat pleasure in testifying to the r iuIU of Chamberlain's Cough medl- lne. - In fact. I know of no other preparation that meeia nu CuMt expectations of the most exacting In ases of croup anil cough of children .' It ootUu no hUir rtr 1 f ! mrlmutt t.. jafe, pleasant and efficacious reined (or the Ills It U Intended.' For sale b. ill good' dealers. Bargain Table Sale. ' Friday 13th to Monaay 23rd, read display ad for further information. :: Kingsley & Coger :: Shoes Repaired a ' SBBSBBSBBJSBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBSSBBBBSBSBSBBBBBBBBB I Two first class workmen. '.I All work turned out with dispatch and guaranteed. THBJ OLD PRESTON STAND. iii iti iti A A ti sti ifi -- -- - - -- -- -- - -- a - TTTTTTTT V V V '1' T ' 'I I' 'I' T 'f DO YOU KNOW I FOR CERTAIN? that , your title is good? An abstract will tell you all about it and it may be tc your advantage to have one made. You cannot afford to take chances. : J.R. OLIVER: I La Grande National Bank Building I CURES ECZEMA. oACNE,TETTER ETC i Sadler 5ts - 1 UNION NURSERY J. B. WEAVER, Prop. Fruit, shade and or . namental t r e e s , Sherbs and Roses. Strawberry vine s'"' ' and other small fruit ' SEND FOR PRICE UST UNION. ORE. OPENED A Dutcher has opened the City Blacksmith Shops and Carriage Works opposite Geddes Bros., grocery store, where he is prepared to do all kind. of Blacksmithlng and Wagon Work. Well equipped to handle everything. A shore of your patronago solicited. All work executed with neatness and Mfetatch and you will find my charges reasonable. LADIES AND GENTS. Cleaning, Dying and Repairing. Work called for and delivered. In rear of C. C. Penlngton ft Com pany's store. Phones, Pacific States Slack 851. You work solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Ksme Ind. 171. H. L. WINN. AKt 'JU tUMIMU iU 1 HE fcXflfel i ION' Hudn Ihcught of il Wtll. you x trr hurry' SPECIAL RTE ON fMIES A 0Ol. EOCMUf. cuirg mi MA HOME OiMK)RTS 5e HOTEL SAVOY lk noun ot uu cowotr Pinesaive AC " IIP CarboltZ-Gd oiMSor8i siuaji tt t4"K Good Clothes f Men, as well as women, like to be well dreasid, but many ot them dont know how to go about It ; The majority of clothing stores can't help them muck, either they clothe them, ttl true but they certainly don't dress them. And That's Where This Store f comes ml I We dress men well we spare no pains to do It . Clothes quality, these days, counts for as much as price in the way of an Inducement, when asking tor patronage. 2XCLUIVENESS AND EXCELLENCE IN HATS AND HABJCB- DASHERT. It you car tor clothes excel- lence, Sir, come here! Clothes of Quality QUALITY DETERMINES SUCCESS. Quality Indicates the man; Quality makes the merchant; Quality you will remember long after the price has been forgotten. The quality and prices of the goods piled up and scattered around this store will tell you whether or not this la the right place to get the right quality at the right prices. . ' Tea, It would be easy to go ahead and enumerate all kinds of drugs, medicines, stationery, toilet goods, books, combs, brushes, etc. BBut what's '.he use? It Isn't just things you're after. You want quality, articles of merit, and things that are pure and wholesome. This is not a little, dingy place. It's a drug store vith lots of good goods for good people. It's a drug store o f quality, and the best in .he beginning is the cheapest In the end. Business principles that are broad, honorable and -fair to all, form the keystone for a united friendship. mill's mm JTORE LA GRANDE, - - - OREGON A Section of Wheat Land for Sale Near Alicel, all or part, $50 to $60 per acre, will be under ditch. Write Box 5 Elgin, Oregon, for the particulars. Go ROYAL for your cakes and pastry for Sunday. A trial order wil ' convince you that we are selling the best BREAD in the city. Our Ice Gream and Tne abstract before you Invest it's absolutely necessary It you wish to avoid buying a lot of expensive liti gation and probable loss of the Invest moat. Have us draw you up an r.bRtract, and be thoroughly posted on what yoj are purchasing. We have the only complete set of abstract books In Un ion county. Guaranteed accuracy and prompt work. LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. The Observer telegraph news ser vice gets the newt. , ' IT mi ft vwu pi to the BAKERY ourSherbert is the talk of 'the town HERMAN ROESCH, Prop. Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that Jona than Green, administrator of the es- ' tate of James Green, deceased, has filed In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for Union County, his final account in said estate and that saldt Court has appointed Monday, the 20th day of September, 1909, at S o'clock p. m., at the Court House In La Grande, Union County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objec tions to said fnal account and the se ttl ement thereof. JONATHAN GREEN. Administrator. U. II. LLOYD, Attorney for Estate. (8-21-28-4-11-18) For Sale. Two residences, ten Iota, household effects, complete; one horse, one phaeton, one two horse hack with shafts; two sets single buggy har ness by Geo. Acklcs. Cash or terms, a snap. Come at once. ' . .