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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1908)
V f? 08 All day tvmorrowthe window of Ferguson's will te filled with school tablets, both ink and pencil paper note books and composition books some cf the: :r cents each J; none more than five believe we have the greatest assortment of taolets, both for school wcrk and for flne concsrcTiCefiie. m ia ufanae, At any rate we arc -i . SB HO OL h II B Pii I : i T; HE BOOK STORE 'Where Nothing ts too Much Troutfe" : 'AkaaftAftaA66tfttlftaAaAAftAAftAftAslsaAaiaA "MA'S mmm IRE . s I - - " The Harry Scott company's mimical those which laughter brings! farce, "Ma'a New Husband," will be seen at the Steward on Monday, No vember 9. This attraction has been carrying away the honors In the laugh ing 8nd musical world for the past two seasons! It has left behind it In every city visited, a veritable ocean of good humor and good will. Bright and clean as a coin from . the mint,, "Ma'B New Husband" affords delight ful recreation to old and young. It is ' performed in an atmosphere of laugh ter and there are no tears ...v., .r It: High School Orchestra Engaged. . Take notice: The high school or chestra will play for the stage hands' show. ..Take notice of this orchestra. They will surprise you 'When yoj hear them. There-will be no dull moments. Remember the date, November 17, ' : "The Planter's Wire.' ' "The Planter' Wife," r depicting a touching Btory of a woman tempted by except the human serpent, but saved by her faithful sister, is the banner attraction at the Scenic theater tonight. Man ager Gardlnler advises hla atronj to come early this evening and see the ex cellent program before attending the Steward attraction. Walters and Mur ray open their last week's engagement tonight, and to close their long stand here they will have new stunts In abundance. There are many good features In this program. . .. WANTED &.11 ; bills and claims aga'.nst me presented - at .once. I . am" desirous of paying all I owe, but acknowledge that I do not owe any merchant in the, city of La brande. nor never have. Incidental debts I O'Brien "A group of O. R. & N. officials are out on Wallowa cxtcnsJon t.-iday and perhaps when they have 'returned, some announcement of when the new train service will become effective, will be 'made. As yet, local officials will Day immediately. Jack kncAv notniRff. There . were several jn Keep the motiey at home by usin LA GRANDE SUGAR Costs no n ere crd i st cs . sweet, All dealers. ' :i 1 ' J 5 J; J 5' ! Own You r Water System j t,,o of the Many Snectwiilnr Scenes in "M.VS NRW TirSBAXn." mt tho Si-,! W- To",r,'t ' STEWARD'S-OPERM-HOUSE : D. H. STEWARD, Proprietor . SECOND ANNUAL TOUR 7'.:: Harry Scott Company Monday, Nov. 9th PRESENT WAT FURIOUSLY FUNNY STEW, MERRILY SERVED IN THREE COURSES i ' , , ...,11! to New, Clean Catchy. Musical Features A CPEAT SHQW-1S THE UNANIMOUS VtRDVJ CONCEDED BY .THE PRESS... CRITICS AND THEATER-GOING PUBLIC PRICES: Orchestra Seats $W; Orchestra Circle 75c; Dress Circle 50c; Gallery 25c and 50c Seats on Sale Saturday Morning i from the general traffic agent- to the chief engineer. Superintendent Buck ley's car was used to convey them to the "front." ' : - v'v . ' '. ' , ' vin all probability, the newj service will go Into effect within a week or two weeka Ht the latest.." The trip to day is looked upon by , local of flcials as being the final tour, of inspection before announcing the 'schedule and rates,: . ; .' .' '.' J'.: ' , ;"' ' LA GRANDE SCHOOLofMUSIC Studio at 105 Greenwood St. one door south of -Adams Avenue - PROP. DAY, Principal FOUND An Open face watch, at the Ed Kiddle home last Friday eve ning. Owner can have same by call ing at this office. . i A Well Will Solve The Problem r Twenty-five years' experience In the well-drilling business enable me to do your work properly and economically. I ' am prepared to driU to any depth. aim2iIllil!!E2ilO' 1 ' y ; ASK ME FOR PARJICULARS AND REFERENCE RE f CARDING: WF LLS I DRII I Fn iiu v ihi- C0VTY : D; M. HUNT, La Grande "THE SCENIC 8. A. GAKDINIEII, . Proprietor and Manager. Wednesduys and Fridays. ' ' the HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE , " and ' LATEST MOVING PICTURES. Clianse of Program Mondays, "You Have Always ' Bwn Samo Old Pal." Miss Helen Brandon. The Planter's Wife. Miss Helen Brandon, and east ern soubrette, in monologue and singing. . Thieves Caught In Their Own Trap. The Man Vho Walks on Wa ter; Diabolical Itching. . Mra. F. ,L. Sheet returned to her home in Baker City yesterday. She has been spending a portion of last week here. 1 Walters and Murray, singing and dancing. Matinees: Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 2:20 4 Children under IS years of 4 age Ee at matinees. 4 THE SCENIC Pastime Theater MOTION PICTURES AND " . ILLUSTRATED 80NGS : ' '. :.' , How a Pretty Oirl Sells Hair Restorer. ' Auntie Takes the Children to . the Country. . ' - SONG- . "Are You Coming Out Tonight, . Mary Ann?" Burglar and the Baby. Under' False Colors. . "Somewhere." By C. P. Ferrln. Through Darkness to Light. - V DOORS OPEN AT 7 P. MV . Ladles' ' souvenir" matinees Wednesday, I o'clock. Children's te maclnee Satur- day, S o'clock.