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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1906)
;'DAY'S: NEWS TODAY Clear and cold, probably frost to night... Tomorrow cloudy. (AIIIK AB(E Hill HELP HIS 10 STOP dM ILlfllllATIO!! fifli 'Ml ' ' Volume v - . . . - ' ' - , - f " ' - ' - : LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16. 1906. ' . --NUMBER 189- 1 1 F FT mi Hi i (Scrlpp. Kews Association) ocranton. Pa May I6-Hundrads of delegates to th annual convention of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union, which opened her today. -assembled in St rsters Cathedral this morning and at , tsnded pontifical high mas, which was celsbretdty th Right Rsv.M. J. Hoban. tormisaths delegates nhi to ths . Knights of Co'umbus Hall, w.ner ih. sessions 'of ths WnvenUbniirbeTneld At th htfl th delegates war welcomed. Dfthf Right Rev. M. J. Hoban and Mayo (Sertana News Association) San Fra'nciscd May 16 Thedicieion of the Savangs bank to open their doors on Kay 2 a. has removed all lingering doubt ' to tha stability of those institutions and ' --ersated a good feeling among small depot- tor.' It is now assured thatcommerical . , . banksjw U open not later than Juna first ; ana soma wm be ready for business sev- eral day before thai time. With the re i , ; opening of the bank and the payment of Insurance tosses, reconstruction will begin - Vwitb'aiwh'.' ; '- ' . l.ltfrCftENS. FEEDING THOUSANDS iFiVaV sWrffA kif.hna. m.r nnur In nnan BAHKS Ml JllflE 1 . ; , Hon and within th week these mstitut- kaa will be feeding 60,000 refuge i, al- .. ; ttatfb many of that amount for ' iX SCHOOLS OPFN- MONDAY. . , The e chool authorities have decided to f . ' establish a summer school at Golden Gate fJarkVhere twelve tent will be erected " and regular, .school wqrk Will be taken up next Monday. -,, ;Prjminnt Chinese negotiations ' with ; w-v4kyor Mote with a iw oj . ton in Oulsnl. ar pjxil jjn as a 'w bluff arid notj with muth alarm. The move v. t.thajuiht to made te-nuke San Fran- , ' wsco wiindraw opposit.on in re-stablish-' ioi the old Chinatown, MIRER J WITHHOLD ARBITRATION (Scrtpps New Aeeoctatlon) . lndianapols. May 18 The miners here today ret used any and all i rbi ration otUrs from oper itor who have not signed tha nineteen hundred a id ihrdt scale. GRAIN MARKETS 'vi '.; . Scrlpps News Association) ; t i l 1M!M 16-Wheat opened at 83 a 'dossd-at 8Vi corn opened at 48 - closed at 49; oat) opened at 33 Ti'VjdbatdaiMX' ; : ; Mil 1 1 1 a u ' wel. price $13.50 a ' -' Mad up in Eton Styles in new Girdle belt, thi week LAMES' LINEN : : in all th best styles, in good assortment Mfcn's and Boy's STRAW to $4 50 ' f.i & lty Phone Black 1301 J. Benjamin Dim mica. A short business session followed. Thi eening the dele gates will be the guests of the local Catholiq organizations at a banquet which will be held in the banquet hall of the Knight of Columbus. .. Tomorrow will be the principal day of tha convention. At the morning session various amendments to the constitution will be considered and voted on, while in the afternoon session the officer for "ths ensuing year will be elected. THE BEAR SUCCESSION ASSURED (Scrlpps New Association) ' Berne, Switzerland, May 16 There is great joy among the citizens of the Swiss capital. ' A happy event has taken place in the historic bear pit of the city, which is one of the interesting historical feat ures of particular interest to all tourists The bear . th heraldic animal on the coat of arm of Berne, which ha derived time immemorial the c.ty ha maintained a pit in which a family of bear was kept Grava fears had been entertained for some time that the municipal bear family would ultimately die out a the female ha been addicted to the horrible and un natural habit of eating her offspring when born. This time, how aver, a cnange has come over the depraved she -bear, and two little cubs enjoy the full measure of her maternal aff jctions. They are thriv ing splendidly and within a fortnight will make their first bow to an admirine pub- flic. The only danger they will run after that will be that of death by overfeeding. i (Scrlpps News Association) Loe Angeles, May 16 R. C. Beggs, ex-convict and nut of person on y short time, went to work this morning and about ten o'clock returned to his home and without apparent provocation shot his wife four times. His two daughters witnessed the shooting and saw their mother mortrally wounded. Im mediately after the shooting, Beggs es caped. He is a father of the famous "Raffle Beggs" a young burgular and now in the reform school. The wounded wife is dying at the hospital. Mrs. Burns of Old Town is gradually recovering from her recent illness. (II LADIES' SUIT OPPORTliNlTICS OF MCRC THAM PASSING INTEREST This week we offer you for your choosing a 'ine of Ladies' Tailor Suits of uniue' tioned merit and style, in fact every one of them ar extraordinary good values at our regular pricing a i.fspeclal pflCCS this WCCk SI0.00 Ladies' Suits S8.48 A special value in fact a leader in our Ladies' Suit Department at $10.00 in the popular Grays neatly . trimmed and tailored. Eton Suits at the special $848 this week PANAMA LADIES' SUITS' $11 .45 Reds. Black and Blue trimmed in Moha'r DUSTERS $2.00 up Linen, Covert in the new styles HATS in endless variety 5c, Sim Joh?i (Scrlpp New Association) ' 1 k Souti McAlesterv I. T.. May 10 A arg number of delegates of the India homa Farmer' Union of Indian Territory is In attendance at the convention which meets here today, for the purpose of formulating some plan whereby the lands to be sold, by Indian citizsns may come into the hands of horn i owner and actual settler. Th special purpose of the conventinn I to provide for th defeit of the grafter in obtaining posses ses qf these lands when the restrictions ara removed.' It is the intention to form ulate some plan to assist each Varmer in buying tracts of land to suit his ability to pay. Each farmer i to have frjm 10 to 160 acre. A square deal for the Indian i a part of th plan, paying him actually what the land is worth and arranging for long term loans at six per cent interest thus enabling every farmer 1 u buy a home.. No person will be assisted who now own a farm home, nor wr I any man The meeting of the Republican Club in this city last evening partook much of the old fashioned Methodist class meeting wherein brotherly love wasmanifest on very hand and not a few acknowledged '.hat they had committed sins, la the past but ask forgivness, were rebaptised and promised never more to blabkside. . President G. M. Richey called the misting tn'ore'e' and stated that the ca'l had been nude (or tne purpoia of assist ing in a general Republican v c vory next next June and the first thing in order would be th selection 'of ' officers ' who would secure harmony and aggressive work.' Mr, E. W. Barclett was unaminously elected president Mr. S. A. Gardinier. vice president, J. H. Peare, secretary and W. J. Church, treasurer. Mr. Birtlett up m assuming his duties reviewed that the past thirteen years h .h.ry of the La Grande Republican Club and while it had done aive eervice for the party in the past condi ons were that greater woik could be accomplished this year than ever and asked the Ipyal support of every Republican to assist thj club in bringing about a complete Republican victory from the top to the bottom of th e ticket On motion the president was empower ed to appoint committees and confer with 12.50 Ladies' &uits $9.85 REPUBLKAH (AMPAIGN QPEHS In Gray Checked Suits, Poney Jackets Green trimmings to match and strapped seams. Skirts self trimmed with straps $9.85 special this week at braids, and wit1) the wids Princess $11.45 LADIES' WASH SKIRTS and Crasn made JI.CO up at prices from and all intermediate , prices " Veriere Phone No. 27 be assisted ia purchasing more than 160 acies. It is beleived that in such manner the land syndicates and grafter can be defeated. x The action of the Farmers' Union in this matter is being watched with con siderable interest for the reason that in Oklahoma and Indian Territory it now, has a strong working membership of over 60.000 members. It is vary probable that they will take an active part in PI-1 tics in some parte of Oklahoma this fall and in fact their intention so to do has already been announced in Pottowatomie county. While they may not put up separate ticket they will take a hand in the nomination of candidates and will east their vote for those men only, whom they consider qualified and identified with their interests. Th convention will probably last two days or more, and will attend closely to business matters, so a not unduly to prolong the session. , the La Grande precinct committeemen tc arrange for the reception of Dr. Withy combe Thursday evening. ' Hon. Ed T. Judd. who has representee Marion county in both houses was pre sent and in response to the invitation t make a few remarks stated that he hac visited quite a number of the counties o the state during the past two weeks anc that in coneideration of past events It did his heart good to see the way th Republican wtrj p stenting a sol d front all over th state. : i "The president will call another meet ing in a few days at which time thi club will take up active work. Arrangements are all complete for the formal opening of the state and count) campaign in this city Thursday evening, May 17. At which time Dr. James Withycombe the Republican candidate for governor and the Hon. Judge H. M. Cake of Portlam will address the vpters at Steward t opera house. -' " Hon. E. W. Bartlett, president of the La Grande Republican club has appoints a number of committees to assist in mak ing this the greatest Republican rally eve held in this city, and accord the sreakert a most enthusiatic greeting. . 1 ' The quartette mentioned in the pro gram which follows is the best male quar tette that could be found in Portland They are exceptionally good singers am will undoubtedly please all who hear them The reception committee ie requestei to meet at the Foley house promptly a 7:30 and meet the speakers of the day Ladies are especially invited to attend the meeting. ' FRDGRAM " The following is the progra n which wil b c irried out at the operi house begin ning promptly at eight o'ciock. Music, by the band. Introductory address by Hon. E. V Bartlett President of the La Granc Republican Club.'' Music by the Quartette. Address by Dr. James Withycombe. Music by the quartette. Address by Hon. H. M. CakS. Music by the band. RECEPTION COMMITTEE Wm. Miller, J. W. Sciiber. C. E. Coch ran, F. L. Meyers, G. M. Richey, M. I . Causey. Judge Robt Aiken, Rev, E. B. Hays, I. R. Snook. J. W. Konwles, S. N Bolton, H. A; Bodmer, A. C. Huntington B. W. Grandy. Joseph Palmer, O. H Currey, J. K. Wright. E. P. Staples. May or Stoddard, Geo. Palmer, G. L. Cleave-, E. W. Davie. A. A. Roberts, J. T. Willian -son, O. F. Coolidge, David Bay, Geo. Stoddard, Geo. Harmon, J.J, Peebler, Frank Kilpatrick. H. T. Williams, A. C, Williams, J. Caviness, G, E, McCully, E. C. Moore, J. D. Mathison, J. J. Carr J. E. Foley, F. S. Bramwell.W, J. Church T. F. Sherwood. Perry Clark, Julius Fisher. A. T. Hill, C. H. Finn, T. J. Scroggin, Dr. Geo. O'Conner, A. B. Con I jy. John Collier. Rev. F. B. Meredith. ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE H. Atkinson, S. A. Gardinier, Dr. C. T. Paeon, C. S. Williams, L J. Furgsrson E. J. Conrad, U. O. Couch. USHERS J. H. Peare, E. E. Roming, Capt Adney Rogers ,W. B. Sargent Chas. Goodnough Jamas Snodgrass, P. A. Foley. Scrlpp News Association) . Galveston, Tex. May 16 Th annual meeting of the Southwestern Oa and Electric Association opened her thi morning with a large attendance of dele gate from all parts of the Southwest rhey were welcomed by Mayor H,!. Landes of Galveston. G. C Gum nj several other delegate read Interesting paper and th rest of tha morning Ses sion a. drvoted to the transaction of routine business. After th regular ses sion there will be an executive session. COTTONSEED GROWERS' (OflYENtlCfl (8crlpps New Association) Atlanta, Ga.. May 16 -Several hund red member of th Interstate Cottonseed Crushers' association, representing an aggregate capiUI of $100,000,000 and coming from all the states between New York and the Rio Grande,1 were present to day at th opening of th association's annual convention in this city. 'Ths " iwu win MM and judging from the importancs 'tf th matters scheduled for discussion it will b the most notable convention th organization vr ha held. Foreign tariff which operate againet cotton oil products will receive attention and plans will be discussed in a general way for the extension of th foreign market for American cotton oil product. TNa officer in charge of the -convention ar; President J.C.Hamilton of Baton Rouse, La.; vice-president F.H. Bailey of Paris, Texae; secretary and treasurer, Robert Gibson of Dallas. Tsxas. ' (Scrlpp. News Association) Paris, M ty 1 6. flu th rd wirlJ's con Terence of the Young Women's Christian Association opened here today for a six aays stssi m. Delegates from all parts of the word ar assein jl id her and the tuenoance ai me opening cession was zrsater than at any previoue world's con ference of that organization. The Ameri- can ditjgitev, of whm tnere ie a large number, arrived Boulsgne-ssr-Msr on May 1 1 and made a very pleasant ard intjraiJn; trp through Switzerland and Franca before they cam to Paris. The American delegates have been in vited to come to London after the close of :ht World's Conference, to attend an im portant committee meeting in that city, which will be held soo.n after the adjourn ment of the Paris Conference. Neary al the Amjrhin deleiates will accep. tha invitat j. JEEf DAVIS IMRROVING (Scrlpp. News Association) New York, May 16 Jefferson Davis is reported much better and his recovery is i w sx iscted. BEEF yiaormE VORtD , Supplies flbrine and albuhien for the nees and muscles. It is 4hej extract that is Tejn ployed, and hence you get all ih,e nutritive el. ements of beef witnout any tax on digestion IR ii is me iron in fires of life going, iiiauiiaina vnaniy WIN We use an old Sherry Wine; the wine of Z greatest medicinal valve. Aids digestion" and stimulatei the reconstructive forces. Z Newlln s Beef, Iron and Wine Is better thaif J ordinary preparations sold under this name because It Is always recently made, tastes; ." better, acts quicker, does more. ; A tonld ' : )ou can rely on. ; ; I NEWLIN DRUG-iii . La Grande, Oregon. .' ; u There will be a short aftemooe session today and th evening will be devoted; to sight seeing and recreation. Attar tha morning; session tomorrow ,tha .delegate -will visit tha sea wall, tha jrrade raising dredge and grade raising operation will be mad in th presence, of visitor, j Irt th evening,, tbf ,Jrt Of ' Jove ill hair an Informal banquet, On Friday, th business of the convention will be fin-, ished during the forenoon and Id th after noon the members wMl take an excursion, trip down tha harbor and to tha jetties. mm Washington. D. C May 10 TbUnltsd Stats consul In Mannheim, writing', in response to an inquiry on tha pos'sibl demand for motor boats in Germany says 'it would sesm that uermany ahoulr be a good market for motor boats ton : c count4f tha many natrigabla rivsrs, but boating ha never become a popular'Teu tonic amusement. Mannheim, whioh is situated at th junction of th Rhine rand Neekar. boasts only on or two mjptor boats. -Ths same undeveloped taste exists in regard- to automobiles. Witt) superior highways and picturesque drives, automo biles ar not ud for pUasur." Natur ally, a people who have not cared to drive for reareatiorit have not eared to us tha automobiles , and German factories art selling their machines largely in England and other countries, finding the home fMtf ket a very limited one. restricted almost altogether to tha sporting class.' ' "V 1 -: : r 1- YOU SHOULD VISIT,! OUR STORE TO-DA If ybu are out to buy pro cerljBs for the lay out oj! tempting things whicfi oulf roof covers sparkles -itl interest to those vyhfc appreciate rights qullitj and the value of k doJJirM , t phone mainJVs V- QEDDEBRSUT -NORTH FIR STREET i H4 r tne wood that keeps' the gives a healthyLhuefand ana energy, 4-. t ffff BOATS I . ; ;-' 'A ;if.r.;.oMM' M t I r i i