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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1905)
1- ' i-ii ii ir. I' 'tf, " - '! -" - ' i' - , , ! j nmG the . J' lY; la. ... i d a f- $ (Ol WATCHES? Yes, of course we have watches, the very best watches made. We aleo have Clocks, and every thing in the Jewelry line J. H. PEARE. Old Jewelry made to look Ilk. new Eepair work given prompt Clocks Uken care of attention. IF. IF onr responsibility of $137,000.00 is guarantee enough, IF our rate of interest on certificates of deposits high enough. IF our ratejofjinterest on loans low enough,"" IF the accomodations we afford are satisfactory, IF vou are not aiready a customer of this bank, then w invita vnn in )inm nn . - WE guarantee vou absolute 6afety for your funds if intrusted to our care. HAVING given 14 years of service to the Ad vancement of the interests of La Grande and Union county we fell Justified in asking for your banking business, and we will extend to you all the accomodations your account will justify at all times. Your loans will be restricted only by the security you offer and the balance you keep with this bank. Respectfully, Uhe farmers and Uraders Rational Siank ' of Xo Sranelt Ortgoit, JobbphJPalmeb, J. W. 8cbibkb, G. E. McCoixt, President. CaBhier. Asst. Cashier. TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS 13 acres adjoining town, can be irrigated, Price, for cash, upon application. 420 acres near Cove, all fenced, good outside range, 160 acres fine for fruit or grain, well watered. Fine place for horse ranch. Price upon application Xa Srande Jnvestmont Co. Foley Hotel Building La Grande, Oregon MSB sal New Mhttresses $2.50 Dresser 6.35 THiS WEEK Reservoir Stoves $7.50 Tents 7.25 BICYCLE BARGAINS To Close Out $4 to $12.50 Easy payments. Bike lires, guaranteed, $2.25 lonev Tubes $1.0C o- iM paired Bike Tires and Supplies at lowest SnSSSEta. Sto. Repairing. CafpetJ Cleaned and Laid. F D. HAISTEN, Phone Rh! 1161 Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods I Highest cnuKcnK 8undaj H Sunday f first ch cf christian science BuaWdlBf Of po.lta Foley Hotl .10.13 a B o i i.j 7.30 D m Readtntfi open del'v ieept!oj Sunday bom lob 12 m ud fro ma pmioipo Iatter DAYSaINTS BundTl 10 m Rnrlll.itf1! P Mutaaltovement AModauoa mu con- JolU7P IATHOUC CHURCH W'.J. Wtojto, rector Low M Hiith t. Boiary benediction following 10 a m. .7a a 10 a , E. CHURCH . . IXGllUUn,ptOT jandayl Epworti ianlor roe.... ..10 em . 7:00 p m ..8 p m Church Hoe. Hem and8.00 p RnnriAl be tha oarterlY moHtniocoa- Hon ale teit service before the U K eon. fercnoeivenea at Baker City Tnnra iiw Li mule will ba rendered. The A cof Invlt.tlou to ell thee ecrvlcea'. eaieuaeau. rint at the mo't peculiar events chronicled la the hletory ot Baker to .nw ra.n occurred at ea eanj . hoar yesterday morolug hen urge bunch ot arouee Ilew 10 irom w ooantrr end paid a visit to their city neighbore. Evidently me wrae anew that the cloted season wae still on for they eat around on telephone wire and telegraph plei learleeaiy waing In the elffhta. A few naoghty boye and men bo shoald hae known Bet ter, bat whoee etomache evidently got the beat 0! them, threw rooke at .v.. kint. Knt an far as leexnea. no " . .. one tu bged and many a fine din ner In view waelndennlteiy poaiponea BunUmvn believe that the oirae were driven Into the city by a current of tod. lcet their bearing, ana Became confuted In their earroondinge. It 1.1 nnt take them long to hike away, however, to other part, and the tan- tallzed portemen immediately porno a nn hlr inni and boaght a new apply of ebelle ready tor the 15th. Democrat I 1 ROUGH AND DRESSED t j t tt iv r o r? TP 1 1 1 U 1VX U J-- Mouldings, Eltc. W have a Urtfe stock of Building material always on ; hand in the yard at our Mill. We deliver in any f quanity to any place. PRICE AMD QUALITY GUARANTEED. M'KINNIS BROS. . . ri verger iruvuw el Summerville, owS 1 1 11 .1. - ( 11 .11. I PJ 1 L- LJUJIW Holy Cc Sunday : Afornin 1 Events; 1 Everjfe ER'8 EPISCOPAL CHORCH pton B. Clbba, rector onion.... ol...- 10 ervtcea. ..... 8 I a m am p m Tent Meetings The .abject tor Handay avenlog will be "The Work ol the Law an the boepel In Ood'a Eternal Parpoee." There will be no meeting tnie evu t ing nor Sunday afternoon at the tent. Invited 10 attend tbee lervicea . .iTI.iIli'If nUniaV POflTE SOMMER HOUSE H. King, pastor, 1308 P. St. Bible ajol... ,...................10 a m MornlnVorsblp..... 11 a m VPS CheetlDB...- r......-....7:CO p m Evansek: iervic P ra Prayer leting Wednesday .......8:ti0 P m Boyg CJ Saturday evening in the way at 8 p m I oervltin ine morning no cxumi aervlcei the Iowa ichoolhon. in the aflei noon A cordinvltation to all the aertloea. Elk's Tern BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. F. Pay, paetor BnndajtnooL, ..10 a 1 T. Vminv krila'a mHtlnl. led bV 'Owen PtKTtwaatlne ThurdT 8 m Bon Ci Saturday eveninc at 7:80 la the Preacbl terrloee U a m and 8 p m Yon acord tally invited to come and bring yonrfiiBa. Btrangera maae waiooin. Rased With Idaho Boll Aug 11-C E Ornniky, con- ultln eervioj Nevad triot drove Black there Excursion $8 00 Round ChWArtn Under 12, Half Fare; Under 5, Free Special Train etarte from Baker City, Toeeday morning, the 15th, paaaee through La Grande, eata dinner et Pendleton, arrivee In Portland about i.alt pastS o'olook, In tve evening. Picke np everybody from Baker City to Pendleton at all stations, and will be under the control of the Elke, as to time and stopping. La Grande wage will have a band ol twenty pieoee iur !.. t.i trin and the Parade at UIW nuviv " f i Pnrtland. the 16th. Tickets good for seven aaya. ue i.fnrmatlon from G E McCnlly, G M Rirhaw. F 8 Ivanhoe. or at any station from Baker City to renatewn o train will consist of day coaohee with out alther Pullman or Dining Car eer lea. TrlD made In the day time, ton don't have to be an Eli or a member ot an Elk's family to got tha ratee They are open to all who come. I I Beautiful new things In FURNITURE Received today. A rarioad direct from the eastern lactone at prices never noot d beJo e cu this class of eood.. Writing ovely Sg. m library, center and lining 1? . brinl fairy dreams. Get marned and let tne fit oF your home for yoa. Easy installments it so desired. --ww nrtuwCMVAMP. vv . n. uwii-' Special sale on ICE CREAM FREEZERS s enslneer of the reclamation lett Tuesday evening for He made a trip over portions of theioiee-Payette project with Die- Engineer Boss Sunday tbey vlsltettbe dam eiU at the bead of the Nf York canal. On Monday they Emmett and Inspected the ianyon dam site, going from Caldwell. Theneitday tbey dronlver soma of the lands to be re olalU south vt the Boise river and Inaddad the alta of the Ueer nat, winding np tb day's drive at am na , M Ornnaev was well pleased with t heji eat prcject, expressing himself as ling surprised at the vast poeel billies it preteuted far J Franklin Day was down from r the ttle Morgan lake yesterday where ha id his family are camped. Rev Dalenorta tha entire orowd well and . havhg a most enjoyable Notice To Water Consumers All nersons knowing themeelm to be In arrears tor city water are here h notified to call at the office ot tb city Recorder and settle at once. In order that thera n.ay oa no miss standing w dta the customer to the following section ;ol tne chj ordinance. Thle ordlance win oe in 'ama.'I RoAtinn 28 The water rates anau do payable in advance at tha office ol the water auperintenaeni on u day of eaoh month (except for meters hlnh are oaf able on tue nrs uy f .h annwadlna month), and It not r . . . it paid within the Bret un aaya water will be shut off the premises, as provided In 8ectlone26 and 27. Later ordinance provides that water rates shall be payable to City Record er instead ot ater Boperinwuucu. New and Desirable Hand Bags. New Style Bruster Brown Belts. Pretty Feather Fans Tub Collars in a variety of style. Street Hats $1 . Don'tloverwork In hot Weather, buy your Children's Underwear ReadyJMade. E U WELLMAN & OO a Grande - pretron HENRY c6 vaai tt MiavBreti Kir?prTSt? Lady assisULt Calls-answered day and nigbt, H Phone No. 621. 1 1 J. O Henry, residence 664 , n t t n,, r.iflricfl 388 1A uranae vre8u 0, VB.I) ii 'fJ,J SJ . - wvwuTTir A TT GRAND CARN1-V AIL ONE WEEK STARTING MONDAY AUGUST,JL4, Onens Dailv 1:30 and 7:30 p. m. Onens Dailv 1:30 and 7:30 p. m. LA GRANDE, OREGON Auspices of Yellow Hawk Tribe No. 23, I. 0. R. M, The Famous Nat Rciss Southern Carnival Co. HlllUWUVUO s? antee of Excellence Tbeir past record is an assurance of still greater achievements in the future. This year tbey have added enough new features to make an entire new show. h The Most Complete Carnival Aggregation in the World THREE BIG FREE ACTS TWICE DAILY 3..3:304m. 9,9:30, 10 p. m : " "TT i MADAM LILJENS, vi HIGH FIRE DIVER TAN ARAKEES' SLIDE FOR LIFE SH0ENE, THE HUMAN FLY tr o or at jr. I Pm 1 ' SS CmS 9 V J 1