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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1905)
mm news my Toolght and T ocoot row fair EVEN VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNT. OREGON THURSDAY. AUGUST 10.1905 NUMBER 241 RAND NO OBSERVEK 1 TEDDY ROOSEVELT ON TEMPERANCE Meets Miners and stainers at SPEAKS By 8orippi News Association OysWr Bay Aug 10 -The president left this morning for Wilkerboro where viea addresses a joint meeting of th e itholio Total Abstenaoe Union and ion of tbe United Mine Workera. -. ikeebirre August 10 Fully two red thnil.lnri iitnra in tnan to'tee President Roosevelt and witness tbe big parade of tbe Oatholio Total Abstinence Union. A'l mines, factor ies and shops alODg the valley are idle. Never has the town bad such ditin guished visitors, wbo include, besides Roosevelt, Cardinal Gibbons, John Mitchell, Mayor VVeavpr of Philadelphia, and congres&men sna tori and judges. Tbe city is in gala attire. Tbe parade began at noon with ten thousand temperance men in line-vLTbe President aud party arrivtd at tLfee o'olocs in the afternoon. Mitchell acted as tbe President's intro ductory spokesman. PRESIDENT OS JOURNEY Wilkesbarre Aug 10 Tbe President arrived at 3 o'clock, on time. 8 tops were made at Eaetsn, Pbilipeburg end Bethlehem He appeared on tbe rear platform of bis ;rivte car at Phillips burg, where Knoi j lined, tbe party. Tlj President made several good citi tePjfulp peches along tbe route. "It is believed that our ooun'ry w.'l be come a model for tbe nations of tl e earth", was the key note of bis ad dresses. President Roosevelt said in part: "lam particularly glad to speak to this audience of miners and their wives and children, and especially to peak under tbe au'pices if this great -1: X . ' Vi jr . J : 5S . W ; 1 i H , V.'- ) .irtyrlt'- MM m Vi- All Good Dressers Will be interested in looking at the Fall and Winter suitings and overcoatings shown by The Royal Tailors, of Chicago and New York. We have the complete assortment nearly five hundred different styles something to fit all tast es and all purses. The suit or over coat you buy will be made to your measure. It will fit you. It will be stylish and it will cost you less than any other correctly-fitting, right-in-style dress proposition that we know anything about. We are willing to take your order and assume all the risk of satisfy- ing you on tliese points. SEE She 4sIbssbMb Catholic Total Ab Wilkesbarre ON WAY temperance society. tIn oar country tbe happiness of all the rest of oar people depends most of all npon tbe welfare of the wag-worker a ad the welfare of tbe farmer If we can secure tbe welfare of these two classes we can ba reasonably certain that tbe community as a whole wi'l prouper. And we must never forget tbat tbe chief factor in securing the welfare alike of wage-worker and ot farmer, as of everybody else, mast be the man i himself. "I strongly believe in trades unions wisely and justly bandied, in hlcb the rightful purpose to benefit those connected with them is not accom panied by a desire to do injustice or wrong to others. I believe in the duty of capitalist and wageworker to try to seek one another oat, to understand each the other's point of view, and to j endeavor to show broad and kiudly human sympathy one with tbe other. "I believe in tbe work ot these great temperanoe organizations, of ali kind red movement's like tbe Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations, in short every movement which strives to belp a men by t-aoblng bin to belp bimself. But ' most of all I believe in the efficaoy of the man nimselt trying continually to ' increase Ms own self respect by the way In which be does bis duty to bimself and to his neighbor." Surprised Them By Scripp News Association St. Petersburg, Aug 10. The Czar and Czarina made a sudden visit to jTsarkoe 8elo at 6:30 this morning without sending any word. Tbe Czar ordered the alarms sounded and watched the troops assemble. . : i. ;V,''"" V f.:?..:-V ts - ! , '::."' . ''V ;;':. ..J 7 -..t': .-if US "s.. 1 Taggart Case (Sorippi New Association) Wooster Aug 10 On the eve of bit appearance oo the stand, Cept. Tag gart looks worn and haggard. When court opened the deposition from tbe house physician of CbrisU hospital, In Cincinnati, wht-re Mr Taggart spent three month while Taggart wss in toe Philippine, wu read. ' Fever Raging Boripps News Aeeocir tion Memphis, Aug 10 Tbe Southern Railway baa bndoned all ot their through trains on account ot tbe yellow fever scare. New Orleans Aug 10 Five deaths and twelve new eases have )een re ported so far up to noon today. New Orleans Aug 10 Twenty one new cases and five deaths were report ed at throe o'clook. Tbe Avondale detention camp opened today. This indioatei tbe resumption ot the outei Soul hern Paclflo railroad traflo. National Championship By 8oripps News Association CLicago Aug K The elgteenth pole match plav, for ' the national golf championship, - began this morning with tbe temperature In the eighties and not a breath of air. The winners in the first round are Huh Campbell, Wheaton; W N Byers, Pittsburg; O W Potter, Midlothian; Fred Herrescboff, Ekwanoks; R D Hokam, Glen View; Chan Egan, Emmor ; H P Bend, Minn eapolia; Simon Carr, Philadelphia; A L White, Ekawana; Wa ter Travis, Garden City; WC Fowned, Pittsburg; O E Sawyer, Wheaton; D 11 Freder icks, Oil City ; i R Martin, Canada; Percy Piue, Princeton ; Parold Weber, Toledo. Prof Harper Better r(By Scrlpps News Association) Cleveland Aug 10 Aocording to Dr Kiggar, John D Rockfeller'a phy sician, Prof tUrper's condition is so much improved that a second operation is not considered neooessary. Neither Prof Harper nor Mr Kockfeller s can bs seen. , Fined Twenty Dollars Gilbert iiryant was today brought before Justice Hough and plead guilty I to an assault npon a young man. Claud Hale. Tbe trouble arose over a misunderstanding while ; threshing near Suminervil'e. - Mayor To Defence (By Scrlpps News Association) Milwaukee Aug 10 Mayor Rose came to the defense of Pfister In a (11,000 graft indictment today by issuing a statement that tbe combination exists for the accomplishment ot political ends. Pfister says tbe Indictment is tbe grt-atest outrage ever perpetrated ltiseliaved that district attorney MoGovern is after Rose. Temperance Lecture Airs. . L E Halley, of Prohibition Park, Staten Ielanl, N Y will speak on "Home or Saloon, Which?", at the First Baptist Church at La Grande, on Sunday evening, at 8 p m. Admission free. Good" music Come and hear the issues of the day discussed. Collection at the close Badly Scalped Portland Aug 10 As a result of the state circuit upholding the validity of the anti scalping law. passed by tbe last legislature, H G Caspary, the broker upon whom a test of the law was made, has paid bis fine in tbe municipal conn and together with tbe other 13 brokers under arrest lias agreed to leave the oltr and close tbelr establishments. In railroad circles not a little deirree of satisfaction is expiessed at tbe vlctorg.t Lane County Census The assessor of Lane county, Oregon, bas completed tba census ot that county, finding the population to be 23,740. In 1900 the United States census gave tbe pop llation of Lane county at 10.604 and In 1890 at 15,198. The gain for the past firs' yoars wss 5135. Lane connty bas so land area of 4380. JAPANESE TERMS OF PEACE TO RUSSIA IN WRITING THIS MORNING Russia to Study Question and will Reply Adjourns REGULATES OTHER THINGS (Scripps News Association) . Portsmouth Aug 10 The Russian I and Japanese envoys assembled this morning for the seoond days session. Formal axebange ot credentials was made. In making presentation Mr Komura again expressed regret at tbe misunderstanding of yesterday's meet ing, whereby he neglected to bring his papers and ha was attain moat cordially jlvn assurances tbat no inconvenience had resulted, bv Mr Witts. Arrangements for the privacy ot the negotiations were completed. There will be no cards ot admission to tbe grounds doriug the negotiations. When the conference adjourned at 12:45 tbe envoys went to luuoheou in tba naval stors ' building. The next meeting will be at 3 o'clock this after noon. It is expected that Witts will be in a position to reply to the terms within 24 boars Upon the main issue of tbe aeceptaoce oftbebaMs negotl- Negro Confessed Murder (By Scrlpps News Association) Seattle, Aug 10. Geo. LeRoy, a ne gro held in tbB King oountr jail under a life sentence, has confessed that hlui self and . two otber men strangled Jennie Cramer, at Ht rat ford, Connect lout, sixteen years ago, for which i man has been doing time at Weatber fleld penitentiary ever since unless be died in prison. LeKoy says the actual murder was done by Tommie Gardner, the famous white criminal for 81,500, while ha' and another negro named Ed Jackmns, acted as spotters receiving 1200 each. Tbey were puid by a dis carded lover from whom pfie bad se cured considerable money and then jilted him, LeRoy says the lover was an ex convict himself but had settled down under a new name in tbe hotel business. Last heard of him, he was running a hotel in Coney Island. THE SPANISH WAR VETERANS Indianapolis Aug 8 Captain W E English, commander lu chief of the United Spanish War veterans associa tion, has Issued a general order for the second national encampment of the association to open at Milwaukee Hepteinber 7. The ladles auxiliary organization is directed to meet at Milwaukee at the same time. Ship Burned Naunmes, Mew Caledonia Aug 10 waa and The American ship JRoanoke burned to the water edge today sank at her mooring. No Arbitration (Scripps News Association) St. Paul, Aug 10. In reply to a re quest of Governor Johnson of Minnesota, to arbitrate the differences between tbe telegraphers and tbe railroads, Jim BUI, president of the O teat Northern, wind a flat refoss, ENVOYS atlons. WltU I n4 --- accept the conditions as a whole and Japans rejoinder will probably deter mine the fat of the negotiations. Portsmouth, Aug 10. Ths conditions upon which Japan wishes to make peaoe was presented to tbe Russians in writing this morning. They de cided thst the Russians shall study the question and will as soon as poss ible give their answer in writing. Until then tbe peaoe meetings of the conference are adjourned. The question of tbe powers of the envoys was also regulated, so very little difficulty Is expected on that subject. ' Hereafter, official announce ments will be made after the morning meetings. Portsmouth, Aug 10. Elijtro Taka sugl, professor of English in tbe Tokio university is rt the opinion tbat tbe conierence win end In a peace treaty. He said that he understood the terms include the evacuation of Mauchurla, tbe cession of the island of Saghalien, an indemnity of one billion dollars, tbe possession of Vladivostok. Tbe indemnity might te sealed. Portsmouth, Aug. 10. The Japan ese peaoe terms are said to have fairly " BATH REQUISITES Everything for the bathof the quality you ought to have at the price you ought to pay. We" Bell quantities of bath supplies, because we keep what people want, and make the prices right. Sponges Bath Brushes If the opportunity to choose from au ample assorment, or if the saving of money is au object to you, we expect . to furnish you bathing supplies. 1 1 NEWLIN DRUG CO. WELCHE'S ' GRAPE JUICE The'simple unfermented juice of choice Concord grapes. A healthy hot Weather beverage. WE HAVE IT. BAKER Adams Avenue SUBMIT when Conference u Auasmus. Among toe dsmands, ' indemnity . alone being of a portion ot Amur province in Siberia, secession of Sakhalin, secession of Dalny, and relinquishment of all Russian rights in Lia fang peninsula, obligating Russia not to interfere wltb Japanese fortifloations at Port Arthur, secession of the eastern China railroad from . Harbin to Port Arthur, recognition of predominance ot Japsnese Influenoe In - Korea, evacuation of Mauohoria, obligating Russia not to Interfere with the open door policy in Manohorla, turnlog over interned warships at .Shanghai. 8an Franoisoo and Manila, and ths payment of a war indemnity ot three billion dollars. St Peterebarg Aug 10 The Russian government officials are now taking a more cottlmistio view of the oak come ot tbe peace neaotiatlons. It la reported tbat envoy Witte haa telegraphed the Czar tbat he already knows the turn to be demanded by the Japanese and they are acceptable with only a very few amendments which he beleives tbe Japanese will agree aroording to tbe changes ha will reorommend. Toilet Waters Superb Soaps TRY IT. BRO S Phone 29