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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1905)
. --I-'.--av'.J -a1 1 V t f2 f9 PROFESSIONAL CARDS PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeon. Cffloa over HlU'i brag lilora. Office Phone 13t4 Reaideaea Faoaa )U PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Corner Adama aranoa and Dapot BC ' Office PliODt ZJ4 Bcaldence PboM 6S1 La Grande Evening Observer Currey Bros., Ed's and Prop. Published daily except Sunday Friday, August II, 1905. Entered . at tha Post Office at La Grande, Oregon, at Second Class Mail Matter. WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN ANDJ SURGEON Phooe,m Iwla tmlldlng, opposite Bommar Bona Offioa Hoora, 1 to 4, T to I BACON & HALL, YSICIANS AND SURGEONS Offloa laj Foley bunding, Psoas 11BL C. T. Bacon, Bcaidanca Pbooe tUU M. K.HaJI(aUkaecSia One year in advance..... .1650 Six monthi in advance. . . .3 60 Pei month 65c Single copy ".. 6c of the valuable service which he rendered it during his arduous life of 53 years, spent in work for the instruction and uplifting of humanity, that oueof its beet and greatest citizens has passed away. It was he, that by reason of nis large heart, that throbbed ever for humanity, and stupond OU3 brain that ceaslessly planned to lessen the hardships ef the life of the poor and lowly, solved the triar problem in the Puilip- pines, and lifted ADVERTISING BATES an enormous burden from the home life of the natives, that weighed them down for centuries, rendering oiapiar Ad ntaa fnrniahed apon application . them homeless wayfarers in their nadln notliw. 10. n. Una flv. mm. native isianas. DBS. BIGGERS & BIGGERS Pbyslciane and 8orgoos C W Blr, M. D. Geo, L. Bigger, If. n Telepbonaa Offloe LSI Residence 1681 Qffloa' Ralaton Balldlng over J. M. Barry's tot. kcaldenee on Madlaon AVa. aacond door weatof ormer reeldenee. Dr. a W.Blggera I GRANDE - . OKKtiON , . Profeuwnal ealla promptly atteaded to day or night. DENTISTS Uoa, 50 per Una for each eabaeqnenl tioa. KeaoliUlone ofeoodoleaee, jeper Una. Card of Uiaaka, te per line. lnaer- SuitCases. Large supply of Suit Cases at a reduced price. Every producer in this couoty This week only. AI Andrews. REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. " Offloe Boramer Building Office Pbooe 5 1 Beeldenee Pbooe 117 C. B. Cauthorn ' DENTIST Office) Over Hill Drug Store La Grande, Oregoa R. L.. LINCOLN DENTIST Op alalia, Cor A da ma aveant and Depot 8k Pbone j-l VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. F A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drag Store L Qrande, Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone red 701 Farmers' line 58 DR. W. T. DDWNE3. "VITKBIKABT 80RQION AND DKSTI8T Leave orden at Red Beeldenee Cor Croat Drug etort On and I at TMrty flra veari experience, beat of referenoa furniened ATTORNEYS CP AWFORD & CRAWFORD Attorneys-at-Law LA O BANDS, OBEOON fllce la Foley bmllding. J. VY KNOVYLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law Office ia Hal ton Balldlng Phone 166 La Grande Or. H.T.WUllnme A. C. WlUlame WILLIAMS BROS. ATTORN EYS-AT.LAW 0 me In Balaton Building Pbone iOj La Grande, Or. L. A. PICKLER GviL Mining, Irrigation Engineering ind Surveying Evtlniateo, Plane, andMittulflfattona. Offlce 1110 AdHiui Avenue, with John Ellojgh La Uranus, Okkoon Lodge Directory. aiULrA-u itranue .ine ,5 VIUng brelheru levitad U, aitem. very minimy night iu K 01 t Hull ' 1 J. A. Alu lull, W. P. p 10 fc. ruiio..k, v. a 1O0 P La Grande Lorit, No 16 n-tevn .11 their ball (Tory Hat urilay uluht. VUltiug ii.em fcr cordially invited tu attend. Omlwy plat can be keen at oOice of Lily Recorder. ,. G. W. Robertaon, N U e)TAB KM'AMPMKNT No 31, I. O. O. F, every Brat and third Tbur.dava In th. hwu iDvoofenuwi nan. viauing imlrl arch alwaye welcome I. R. tiuouk,, C P. Edmond Boblnaon, Scribe EASTERN HT A R OKU Horn Chapter So JV nioma the eecondaud fourth Wedueaday ut cu kuuuvu jw p ut 111 mooir iriupie , Mertie Aldrlcli, W M Mary A Wunick. S M. W, A. La tiraudeUktup So, TTtft mtt every ftntt end third Vi eduesdajr of the monm at i. u. u, r . nun. jiu vititicg tielvn pur are cordially iuviUvl to attend, L. Keulcud. V, C John Hall, Clerk. roRBXTKIW OF A M Kit tf'A Court Maid Marlon, HQ Xi mntta each Thunday night in M. mail, smuiera arc invuea 10 attend. 1 B Tlllsou. ( hlef Kanjrr. Ob Wlillama, Hu. Pec carooi iiBtfe nr.u 1. I'uccra, John W.I Sd Herbert 1 atiiron from this time on should mak e a special effort to see that a sample of this very beat productions should reach the Lewis and Clark fair. Arrangements we think are already made whereby produce or anything ean be left with the proper commercial or ganizations or committies at Elein, Sumtnerville, Cove. Union, Island City, North Pow der or L Grande and forwarded . With what is already there by a combined effort we can put up an exhibit that will bring results. These eastern people who are here with a view of obtaining information did not travel two thousand miles to take in the tril. Their object is to study and see what the resources' ct the west really are. Oregonians often wonder why the states of California and Washington are growing more rapidly in popu latiou than Oregon. There are several reasons why this is so bat those who have spent sever. al days at the fair and visited the state buildings of these two states were immediately im pressed with the fact that they are pushers and are there with the products of their state too. Mothera be caret al of roar children . There ia no baby medii loa In tha world aa good ae -Uollister'a Bock? Mountain Ida. It tnakea tha little onea strong, healthy and aotire. 35 cents. Newlin Drag Co. Cheerfully Recommended lor Rheumatism O O Highee, Danville. 111. writes Deo 2, 1901; "About two years ago I was laid op lor four years witn ruea- matism. 1 tried Ballard's Snow Lini ment; ooa bottle oared me. I can cheerfully recommend it to all eoffer ing from like affliction". 25o, 60c,$ 1.00 Newlin Drug Co J.' R. OLIVER. UNION COUNTY ABSTRACTS Farm Loans a Specialty Best equip) eo abstracter in Union c-inuty. Many years experiences with the Union county records gives me a great ad vint age. It is folly to pur chase realf state without first securing a proper abstiaoL An abstract from my office will show the title just as it appears on the official record. ). R. OLIVER, LA GRANDE, OREGjN Room 31, 8ommer Bdlg. TWO PIECE SUITS 13 i A GREAT AND GOOD MAN In the death of Archbishop Chapelle, of yellow fever at New Orleans on last Wednesday, the Catholio Church, which he served with such remarkable fidelity and ability that he, in space of twenty years, gained world wide renown and an Arch bishop's miter, has sustained a very great loss. The United States, which was his country, feels that on account NEW SECOND HAND STORE All kind of second hand goods bought and sold GEO. GROUT, Prop, 209 Fir St. bet. Adams and Jefferaon I RED FRONT LIVERY BARN YVm. Smith, Prop, Safe and reliable rigs furn at all times. Special ac comodations furnished to commercial travelers, Phone. 3-5 WM, SMITH FEED STORE Hay, Giain and feed. Free delivery to all parte ef the city. Mountain trade a specialty. Phone 1061 Horace, barnesa and wagona bough and sold MERCURY WORSE THAN THE DISEASE The effect of Mercury and Fotash are worse than the rllecta of Contagious Blood Poison, for which these minerals are generally used. They cannot cure the disease, and in addition set up a pois on of their own, producing dyspepsia, by drying up the gastric juices, salivation, sores, mercurial rheumatism, and often necrosis of the bones. Bowling- Qreen, Ky., M itohell House. Qtjntlemen: For over four veara I Buf fered greatly from a aevore caas of Con taginus Blood foison. I want to Hot Sprlnira, etayinir there four montha at a bur expenae. 1 then conaulted physi cian", who prescribed Mercury. Noth tr.n did ino any Rood. In fact the treat. ru-nt proved more harmful than beuerl c;. i'Mi I continued to sutler forfour years. 1 mentioned my cane to a friend, who told ma that H. a. a. had certainly cured him. I at onoe commenced its use, and in eixuiontha could find no trace of thediMt-n.rt whatever. This win about two yera airo, and there haa been no Bi-na of return. D. M. SANDimS. S. S. S., a reniedv made from roots. herbs and bsrks, is the only known an tidote for Contagious Blood Toison. It thoroughly and permanently eradicates tue poison Irom the blood so that no sign is ever seen of the disease in future. S. S. S. builds up instead of tearing down the system, as do Mercury and Potash, and when it has cured the disease every part of the body has been toned up by its purifying and tonic etTects. S. S. S. also removes any etTects of the mineral treat ment from the blood. We offer A - .1 f V tOl rd) for proof that PURELY VEGETABLE. S. S. S. contains r aparticleof liercnry. Potash or any other mineral. Home treatment book and anv medical advice will be given without charge, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ct. "W "i 'sia' VISIT THE- Lewis and Clark EXPOSITION To be held at Portland, June I to Oct. !.5,t 1905. TAKE A TRIP TO CALIFORNIA Through the Williamette, Umpqua and Rogue River Valleys, of Western Oregon, pass Mt. Shasta, througi the Sacramento Valley to tin many famous resorts on tbt line of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC I D. For beautifully illustrate, booklets, descriptive of Cali fornia resorts, address, W. R. COM AN, Gen. Passr. Agt. Portland, Or. URIC ACID In the blood causes Rheu mat ism, Sciut ica , Lumbago, Neuralgia and Gout. You can remove the cause by wearing one of our REX RHEUMATIC I I a" Manufactured by the Rer Rheumatic King Co., Hartford, Co.-ciloiu Prick $2.00 bi J. R. .SMITH, E C DAVIS Prealdent J H CHILD Sec and Trraa. BLUE MOUNTAIN MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. F.A ORANDE OREGON Complete assortment of fin est marble ami grnnit always on hand. Estimates cheerfully furnished upon application. Headstones and Monuments A Specialty G. E. FOWLER Truck and Transfer Wood and Coal Phone 1611 All order given prompt attention. c0REG0i DEPABT TimaBehednl ranu LA t;aAwD. OR -tROM Noa Rait Lake, Danr. Ft Nol 8:50pm Worth, Omaha, Kan- ijUtm ..5(o6 CJty,8t.L0Bi, Cui- No 3,oaa-oandaak 8d0pm o 1 Portland. Dal lea. Pea- dleton. Walla Walla, Kni Dayton, Fomeroy. Col- " &50ain. f 9fwi Bpokane. ,.Dm and poinu erat and pm north via bpokar.a Portland, Dalles, Pen- dleton, Umatilla, Wal Mo5 lula, Lewiston, Collai, No Moacow, Wallace, NVar tin p. ro. ner, Bpokane and other 8:30 a m point eaat and north via Ht-okaae No. 82 Island City, A heal, Ira- Dally ex- bier and ..Igin. Con- Ho 81 cepl ne liona at tlit.u w th Sunday ta-.e lor polnu la V .1- tfiOnm Mi mm 011. r (Jrean Hteamera between Portland and rian Kranciaoo every five d tya. R.r. ainoBK. Ant. YOU WILL HE SATISFIE If ynvT tloketa read andKlo Uiamie Ralli. Llue ot the world'' , the Denver tue "Scenic UEOAUbE 1 here are aoniHUyacenlratf ud ii pnrt (xtlnta of interest .long th. ne twecn Oaden and Denvt l iat i In 1 1 li never iMCoraee tiresome If you aregolnn eat, write for matlon and ret a pintybouic that will tell you allaooatll W C McBRIDE, Agent, 124 Third St. Portlard Oregci Men ! two piece suits grow in favor constantly. Neither J Fcuiuiurt nor genuuiy aeicandn a vest lor summer wear degrees, We've Coat and Tronser Suits in Sincle and r Douhle Bresled sty'es in a varity of patterns, you'll find 3 inere'8 Win OUNCE of superfluous cloth anv- J P wLere, while th graceful lines aud natty appearance of 2 b ht garments are up to our usual and ticellent standard 1 I $7-50, $9.00, $10.00 and $12.50 Is the price range, accompanied by our regular guarantu"'5)sj aw . a i ASH BROS. OUTFITERS TO MANKIND Fil.Ai-AAAAAAAAiAaAAiAAAAA AAAiiiiaA-iAjAiV-)A 500 ACRE FARM FOR SALE This farm is only 15 miles from La Grarde, on the Elgin branch Of the O. R. A N. Railrnnrl ut the, ...... - ' waiv aviuvum i i, K It will make several good homes, and will be sold in emaVS-J tracts if desired. There are three different young bearing orchards, and two good houses on tbe place. In a good school district free from debt. Terms easy. Address, HENRY RJDMEHART, SUMMERVILLE, OREGON. Or call at the farm for full paiiiculars. ICE CREAM SODA It will pay you to walk a block to get the best Ice Cream Soda It costs no more. We are better prepared than ever to stop your thirst and RELIEVE THAT TIRED FEELING. We have only the best crushed fruits aad pure rock candy syrups. Our ice cream is made fiom pure cream and is the best. Let us show you. A. T, HILL Prescription Druggist LA GRANDE, OR iimSS LA GRANDE IRON WORKS Complete Machine Shops and Foundry General Blacksmith. Horse Shoeiogjand Wagon' Work Manufacturer oi The.Fitzgerald Boiler FeMiU D. 'anrvi m k H m S r ' ' E R A U D. - . JdWijft Indigestion With Its compatila, bart bum, flBtuleDoe, torpidity 0( the livei , oon tipatlon. paljiltatiot of the heart, poor blood headach and other uervoui ympton. sallow ekb, fcul tonga., offeosiva brtath and leglou of other Biltnenta, is at oace the most wide spread and destructive malady anions the AnuTicau people. The Uerbiae treatments will cure all these trouble.. So: bottle yewllo Drug Co Boarding and Rooms People rhiting Portland fair and wanting good board and rooms at reas onajil. p,ice.,n on or addresa Mrs. Porl,ih0,0meW' 250 Ui"a August 8 Baseball Players and Foot Racers Louis J Kruger, ex-obampioo long distance fort racer of Germany and Holland, a riles Oct 27 1901; "Daring my training of eight weeks' foot races t Salt Lake City, ln April last, I used Ballard's Sttow Liniment to my great est satisfaction. Therefore, I recom mend Snow Liniment to all who are troubled with spraina, b-osea or rheu matism 25c, 60c, $1.00 bottle. New lm Urug Co. TAKE NOTICE Phot.e RBd 9T1, Old Town atore for wood (30 daya time given). Cheapest groceries and Provisions in tha city. Aw stock and full line of feed. Dted La Grande, Ore., July 26. ept' 1 E J ATKINSON St'