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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1905)
XT'- "J . ESTABLISHED . jThe La Grande National BanlC r Report V ; ' "RttSOURCBB Loans and Discounts -;'..U..f 566,130 38 f; United States' Bonds .....V...... 25,000 00 Real Estate Furniture Fixt' 17,00000 Due from banks and U-S.tres 1 52,74 ; 20 r: Cash on Hand V..;.w.........:.....r 51,331 xo Total ' ' . $812,206 63 f: r ' J ,GeorgePalnier,PresidenL A ?Oeo. L- Cleaver, Assistant Cashier. M . t ' :. J; M. Berry, WitH ample capital, large : experience, and unsurpassed facilities, we offer yon absolute .security for your deposits; and solicit your banking business, promising yon, courteous - treatment and every liberality fi FRESHii GREAfflERY; BtilTER I I ......... HI . Blue Mountain Creamery Company a'?r t4ltjl0lttlltfetttiaaaaaiaaaaai A. e STEAM: PHONE La Granie, ' 1 e U: Should, i NEED YOU : WASHING.;- ,WE DO Keep If j ou have no other way call on the .. , LA GRANDE LIGHT ' and Bates and all prices will be explained at the office J A Fearful Fale It Is a fearful fate to have to endnre i the terrible torture of Files. "I can truthfully say," writes liarry Colson, "' of Mseonville, la., 'that for Blind, h Bleeding, . Itching and Protruding Pile., Bocklen's Arnica 8alve, Is the v best cars made." Also beet for cuts, burns and Injuries. 26o at Newilo V- Drug Co., druggists. ' 3655 of condition, April, aist, 1905 LIABILITIES .,'.' Capital Stock ; $iooxxoo Surplus 20,000 00 Undivided profits.:.-.,... 31,757 41 Circulation ........................ 25,000 00 Deposits...... 635449 27 Total $812,20668 OFFICERS AND -"lilRKCTORS .. ' ,' ' j , W. L. A. B. Conley F. J. Holmes j o - eeaeB; s wueaveu j consistent with conservative Banking. Jw m B. C. LAUNDRY I j 1851 Oregon. i . .' ..... ... come to our laundry of anything ; from a pleasant eniile to clean lineo our ' business IT RIGHT AND POWER CO. Cool secure an . v Electric Fan ' In Mad Chase ! Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of f add Ism to another, when, if the) wonld only eat good food) and keep their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills, their troubles would all pass away. Prompt relief and quirk cure for liver and stomach trouble. 2&o at Newlin Drug Co., drug store; guaranteed. l : Brenholts; Assistant Cashier 'F. M. Byrkit ... . Bounty Frauds Helena Mont Joge 23 County At torney Porter of Uuater County who is here, says that he has' unearthed certain evldenoe of exteoeUe bounty (reads ia easlera Montana, made pos Ible through oillualon between bounty inspector and wollors' or , persons who kill wild aolmalt for bounty. He saTS fraud will run op as high ( at 15,000 in one county. Several accused persons are under arrest and more ar rent ill follow. ' " v - ' ' Death List at Lodz I Lodi JAne 23--Twenty-two persona were killed last night when Cossacks fired Into the procession' of 60,000 workmen which had been organized as Socialist demonstration agalmt the government. Ten of the 100 wounded will die. Two women were crushed to death la the rush ol panio strloken crowds after the firing began.' This morning, in revenge for last nltnts slaughter, some workmen shot and killed a Costack , and two ' polios Cures Old Sores Westmoreland Kane. Mav 6. 1003 Ballard Snow Liniment Co: Yonr oaow LJnlment cored an old sore on the aide of my chin that waa supposed to be a cancer. The sore was stubborn and wonld not yield to treatment, until I tried 8now Liniment, wblob did the work in abort order. My I A A m fi n .aa aiater. aim oopnie uarson, Aliens villa Mlffin Co, Pa; baa a sore and mistrusts that It Is a. cancer. Pleat sedd her a 60o bottle. Found a Cure for Dyspepsia Mrs 8 Lindsay, " of Fort William. Ontario, Caoada. who has suffered quite a number of years from dtsptp sia and great pains in ; the stomach, was advised by her druggist to take Cbtmrt- rlalo's Htomaon and Liver Tab la. She did so and says, "1 find il n' they have dona me a great deal ... j i . . "i gouu. j uave never naa any surxer tng sinoe I began nslng them." It troubled with dyspepsia or lrdlgestlon why not take these Tableta get . well and stay well? For sale by Newlin Drug Co. . j TWO SPECIAL 13 acres adjoining town, can . - - Price, p. L, Meyers, Cashier. 420 acres near Covei all fenced, good outside range, 160 acres fine for fruit or grain, well watered. Fine place for horse ranch. ' Price upon application ma Srando Snvostmont Co. Foley Hotel Building L Grande, Oregon nnoiiG the ' CHURCHES St. PETERS EPISCOPAL CHUBCH Upton B. Cbbt, reotor . flm ttaadsy aftw Trinity MornlDi BrTle. ,11 am Mo Kvaolnf Serrlo iTery on Invltad CHBI8TIAJI BCtXNCB Bonlnl BiiUUb( Oppcalt Polej HoMk 8rkm WadncwU '. " r n t. KMdlng 100m opea daUr xoepUng Bandar bosalOam toll a aadftomloatol pai " " LATTEK DATS1UIT8 BandayaiOMwJ , M , n am BwnhmtrW ... ' , - -p mk MataallmproTomntAuoelaUoa auM oon- tolallrat7'J0p m CATHOLIC CHURCH ' W.l. Whjrta, raetor Ua tt Baaday'... a m, II a m notary IM BakcdioUoa following U a m. days 7:30p FKE8BTTBKIAN CHURCH Bot.K. 8. Haya, pastor Son day BchooL. ianlor EndaaTor J p Heaior Endeavor im n Prayer MaeUnc Thenday KflO p m I Prtiaolilni Bunday Ilia and 8:X) p m ! Momlnt-"BlhtLlTlnc" , Kvnlag-"8onfa of the Bible" . , I The ehorn eholr under the direction ol Mr. Lyla. A cordial Invitation li glrea to aUwno ' aave a ohoreh noma to attend tbeaa aervlcea . CKHTHAl CHURCH 01 CHRIST .. OPPOSITE BOUMBR HOSK ' ? ' a H. King, paator, UM P. St. Bible Bchool...,..... ......lO a m Morning Worablp.........U a m VP8CE meeUo.... 7u n m awasgettatto aerTtee...-.-.....8O0 p m Prayer meeting WedBeday-.a. -..8:00 p m Boys Clab, Saturday evening in the Btady at MorningAt 11 a m the funeral aeivloea of Mri J E Reynolds will be held. Evening preaching aa eeoal at I p m and the , Lord's fJupper.. ' Uemberaareaiked to make special eflur's to attend the evening service. , ; AcotdUUlnvltaUontoalltheaervlOfa. Ue v jl, I,Glllllan,paelor Sunday Brbool...UM...ufM ............ .10 am Epworth Leagne........ 7:CU p m Junior Leaxae..'.................Mn 8 n m Cburrh 8ervloea, a at and aflO p ra Mo.nlng "Education" ty ... . s i Eveulng "Tbyt SolentUt's Heaven' '', BAPTMT CH0RC1I : BeV. J. P. Tay, paator Sunday BoboolM..M..MUMn nl.l0am Vouag People's metlDg...u.......7:0Q p m Prayer Ueeiliig,....,Ttiuraday Spm Boys Oab, Saturday evening at IjX) In tbe church. 1 ' t . z Preaching aervtoel....".m.....-mll a m and I p m Momlag-t-Tho Work of the Lord'' jW, Evening-A Portrait ot Jeaua" . Yon are cordially Invited to come and bring your friends. Strangers made welcome. - . Army Scandal ; ; London June 2 J Under, pressure from all sides Premier Balfour today announced in the ' house of commons that the government would ImmedU ately Introduoa a bill creating a com mission to Inquire Into the army stores scandal. '-, . The laxative effect of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tibials Is so agree able and so natural that yon do not realize It Is the effect of a medicine. For sale by Newlin Drug Co Acute Rheumatism ' : Deep tearing or wrenching pslns, occassloned by getting wet through, worse when at rest, or on first moving the limbs and in cold or damp weatb er, Is oared qalcklv by Ballarb's Snow Lintmont. Oscar Oleson, Gibson City Illinois, Feb 10, 1902: "A year ago I was troubled with a pain in my back. It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One bottle ot Ballard s Snow Liniment cured me " 26a, 60, 11.00. BARGAINS be irrigated, for cash, upon application. .PROFESSIONAL CARD3 PHYSICIANS DR. A. L RICHARDSON, Physidan and Surgeon. Cfflo ovar HtU'i Ora Btora. Offlc nona U6 &eldoPboaHl - N. MOUTOR. D, : PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . Oornar Adam avaaaa aa4 Oapot 8C OffloaPboaaZM . BMldeuet PboM 6&1 ' WILLARD SMITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Pboo TU " .' . - ta1s balldlnc, oppoalu Boamar Hons OffleaHoaia.ltol.f tot BACON & HALL, YS ICIAN3 AN 3 SURGEON S Offle la Foley building, Phona list 0. T. Baeoa, BaaideaoaPbon 119 DBS. B1GGCRS & BIGCCRS Pdysiclans and Surgeons : O W Blggen, M. D. Geo. L. Blggera, M. O Telephonea Offlee VSX Kaaldanoa 1RR1 ' qraoa' Ralatoa Building over J. M. Berry's etora. Kouaenoa on Madlaou AVa. atoand uoor weatofbnner realdenoa. Or. U W.Blggars IMUKAHUI - OKSGOn , Proieaiuwal oalli promptly attended to dayernlghu ' DENTISTS REAVIS BROS. DENTISTS. .U, ' Oflloa Bommat Building ' ' tffioa Phone H : . Iteiidenee Phone 117 C. B. Coutliorn ' DENTIST Offlos Over Hill Drug Store) ; ;. La Granie, Oregon ; R. U. LINCOLN " , -'; ,;;.;' dentist . .. Up stairs, O&f Adams avenue and Depot at. . PhonejrS . ' '. ' VETERINARY 8URQEON Dr. V A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office it A T Hill's Drug Stare La Gr tide, Oregon Phone 1361 Residence phone 701.. . '; Farmers' line 53 ; ; DR. VV. T. DDWNE3. i VKTERr(JA.av , saaaEON and . ' ' ' ; IBNTI3T : : : . Leave orders at Red BaildeneeCor Croaa Dmg store ' ' tb and I at i 1 Thirty Ave yean experience, beat of refereaoa furnUhed ' - - ATTOIIEYS CPAWF0RD & CKAWF0RD Attorneys-at-Law ,; ; LA ORANDB, OREOOM Onioa In Foley balldlng. J. W KNOWLES Attorney and Counsellor At Law v; Office in Ralaton Building Phone 156 LaOrandeOr. ELT.WUIlnma ' a. C. WlUlama williams bros; atiorn . Offlot tn BaUtoa Bnlldlng . ' ' Phone i05 UOraude,Or. Pain may go by the name of rbenma tiatn, neuralgia, lumbago, plea ray. No matter what name , the pains arc called, Uollister'e Rocky Mountain Tea will drive them away. 35 oentj, Tea or Tablets. Newlin Drag Co Lodge Directory. KAULRH La Uranda Alris ivrOli meete every HanrUy nlxht In K. ol P hall at I urn 1 biting bretbern Invited to alteno. J. A. afatoU, W. P. J. B. Pollock, W. S. JPP F-LOr.ile Lodge, Ho is maata heir ball every Haiurday night. Vlalluis mem oera eordially Invited to attend. Uemtery plat ean be aeea at oflioe of City Hoof (toia a W. Bobeiiaon, N i H, E, Oooiidge, Huo. TAR KN(TAlal'MK.Vr No 8L I. a a V. leetaerery Srmt and third Tbnradaye In the month la Odd Pellowa hall. Vial ting patrt- Edmoarf atobtneun. Borlba aUSTERMBTAB OEM Hop Chapter So a meeu the aacoad and fanrtn wedoeaday of acb month at r P m in Monif T.mple . Mertle Aldrioh, W M : Mary A Warniok. Seo " M. W.A. La Qrunrte Vutnp Mo. 7703 meets even tint and third Wadneaday of the month at L O. O. P. Hall. All vialiirg nalrh bora are cordially Invited to attend. - , . u .. , v. E.leialaud,V,0. John Hall, Clerk. roKKHTim or America oonrt Maid m. o meaU eaoh Tbunday night ta K of P nalL Brothen are Invited to attaad. X 8 XUIaon. Chief Baneer. . , U S WlUlama, Pin. See Boart or Truate-iV.a h Blggera, John Kail and Herbert Patnaon OJIFOub 'Ol. Complete aeeortment of WINES, UQUOI15 - AND CIGARS - ' . Cold lunches and mixed drirka . a specialty. Fair and impartial ,: treatment to all. Yon are la- vlted to call and get aco Quintal i r Hint Saio(ia -CMAS, ML ,l'aT,ProirUor. - wines, lioijoi 0 ; and; cigaes , 1 ; -1 . is Finest collections of staged 1 i animal , on the Pacific!) ast. :. . k IMMHIMHMMWtm Blue 'front Saloon E. THOR50N, Proprietor, i . FIKK8T WINES, LI0U0HS I Imported and, domestic. -CIGAESLJ Hot or cold lunch till hours I ' Jefftraoa Aranne OvpoaJU Depot 1 f Tf st eseessessisses' e Palaco Salor a CHAS. ANDERSON, Prop in wmi'f WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS : Always on hand , 1 : :.-. v.: . JaOaraoa Avenne ?1 ' Opposite Depot Mllllll w t anna ana . iirasHBMSBassa aTEHsaBarsasaa isac. THELOUVRE WINES. LIQUORS ; CIQi1R5 e - Gentlemen always Welcome " Fir Street s Eaglo Saloon ? 4 VLiyCH LOTT1S, Prop. , . .... ... y t "V:'.' WINES, LIQUORS ;. and CIGARS v :- Jl ' ' y- ' v i- ..- Lunches are our specialty - JelTttnsoD Atodu OrnLe dnxH i, f. mm am i.?. koob. r.or. - FINE WINES' LIQUORJ . Aad the beat brands oc CIQ1H5 Always on hfttid v. 9 f ''. w : Mlxnu drlnka a auanlalH. a.w ... J see If yon don't get It. Thi is a gen i tlemen'f resort and will be run as stieh t ............ wewe)waaae)ae)e)aje) Tom- Fleming BLACKSMITH v'. W Horsuhoin and Waonwcrk North Fir Street : Many oniidren inherit constitatlot weak and feeble, others dne t ohiU hood troubles. Holllster.s Eock MoanUln Tea , will ;ppstlvely on: children and make them : atrong 6 cents. Tea or Tablets, Newlin Drt" Co. ' ' ' " f BRiSlV Si,