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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1905)
TODiFS NEWS TODAY Showers tuDiht and Tomorrow . 5 -A IPW 4 iu v VOLUME IV LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1905 NUMOER 102 LA GilNi i 4 , 1 1 T :7;' JUDGE TANNER : CROSS EXAMINED By 8oripps New Association '. . Portland, Or Jnne 24 In tbe trial ot Senator Mitchell In the Federal court today, Um Henator's former par' ner, Judge A H Tanner, was nnder cross-examination by the defendants attorney . Tanner atated that la a great many ease i Senator Mitchell ap peared before the department! for bis constituent gratltooeiy, aod admitted that, In making the charge of a thou sand dollars to Frederiok Kribs for expediting bis claims to patent, be had not included in bis charge any com pensation for Mitchell's Services io Washington, although' Mitchell received half of the money HORRIBLE CRIME IS DISCOVERED What Dewey Says By Scrlpps News Association Bt Petersburg, Jane 34--The Vado most! print en interview with admiral Dewey in which the admiral la quoted as earing that America was anxious to be on friendly terms with Knasta. He deolined to criticise the taotios ot Rojeetvensky, bat said that Togo's victory was doe lo good (tannery. The Interview created a favorable impress Ion. - ., ' .. -' (By Scrlpps Nsws Association) ' Albuquerque, N. M. June 14. Car mel Baca and Nicholas Sanobes, two wealthy sheep owners, were backed to death with an axe while bringing in a wool clip at Hapoata,' N. M. Tbe bodies were thrown into an abandoned well and tbe wagons were burned. A hallbreed, Amelie MoClur', who was with the party, has been arrested but denies guilt. He says that three Indiana descended upon the camp and committed tbe otiose. PRESIDENT SHEA GIVES HIS IDEAS Sentenced to Hang By Bcripps News Association Warsaw Jane 24 Stephen Okryela, the locksmith who threw the bomb Into the police station on March 20, Injuring six policemen, bas been sen tenced to death, and the workingmen threaten to make a demonstration as a oonsquence. , Agile Wins Stakes (By Sorippa News Association) Bbecpshead Bay, June 24. -In tbe races today for the advance stakes, Agile was first, Beldame second ai d Graziallo third. Time 2:03 4 5. A General Strike By Scrippe News Association Warsaw June 24 The workmen throughout the city btve responded to the call of the Poliah socialists for a general strike As a result of this, business Is suspended. As yet no -"w.n ha nrnmred In the city. EIOTINO AND KILLING' Warsaw, June 24, 3 p m. Rioting th's afternoon spread to the town of Czentaxbau. Tbe strikers organized a demonstration and paraded the streets with red flftgt ,' singing revolutionary songs. They refused to disperse when commanded to do so, and the Ooasaoks charged .tbem, killing twenty three and wounding eighty five. The bakers have Joined the strikers and a bread famine is threatened. A report from Lodz at three this afternoon says that thirty three have been killed today Tbe offioial report of the number killed yesterday is eleven.' j ,' I . r : Sorippa News Association Chicago June 24 President 8 bee of tbe teamsters' anion, said today tbat he would vote again -I eooepliog the peaos proposition o tbe ; employers, upon which various local anion team sters will make a referendum next week.- ' -.' .' i'J : Shea (poke of calling a general strike and lying np the business of this . elty. Heretofor be bas opposed this, arguing tbat tbe strength of the teamster lay in keeping a large portion of tbe ' tnen at work In order to furnish etrike bene flu.- He said that, if it was submit ted by the peace committee. It waa not Improbable that tbey would be asked to vote oa the general strike - proposi tion, . MUST DECIDE AT ONCE Tbe employers bsve issued a state ment tunouoeiog mat, unless Ins teams'ert accept the proprosed terms 'ZTZ M2r arntiatlnna will be off lor Ul the ' time, and ! e strikers will never hi given tbeir old poaitlt ns. ':. RHG1S OF TERROR IN RUSSIAN TOWN AUTO MAKES NEW RECORD j MUST ARREST BOOKMAKERS ROBBERS CAPTURED ' lN FREIGHT CAR Union County Hostess . Miss Olive Sister was elected Union County: Hostess by the Union Co. day pioneers for Union wcoanty at the Lewis and Clark fair on July 5. (By Scrlpps News Association) ' ' Chicago 111. June 34 Trapped in a car which they had planned to plunder of thousands ot dollars worth of silk, Ave robbers were captured todav, after a desperate tight with tbe police, at Wolfe Lake, Ind . One robber escaped Those captured are Alberet Barns, Albert Orefing, Joseph Smith, Jrtiuk Smith and John Metzar, all of Cbloago Tbe police say tbat all are members of a gang of thieves who have 'i stolen hundred thousand dollars worth property In the last six monlba. 22 THE, GREAT JUNE WHITE SALE Offers some of the greatest money saving opportunities of the season, not only in the white goods department alone. Real bargains run rampant in almost every de partment. Space will only permit a mention of a few items, but you will feel amply repaid for a visit to our store Wing this sale, no matter how small -your needs. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AT BETTER TH4N SALE-PRICES mito l8c - y CORSET COVERS 8c Made of high grade muslin with French filled seams. 60c -MUSLIN GOWNS ' 43c Made of high grade mus lin. V and square yoke of tucks, rufUe, embroidery and lace insertion, trim ming at neck and sleeves 50c Corset :Covers SZ2?&t .rfr 25c $1.25 Skirts, 96c SALE PRICE These skirts were bought more than 9 months ego, special for this sale. They are ' made of extra fine muslin, with " extra wide flounces, triinrred with lace and swiss em broidery.' To sell them quick we place them at the special and additional reduced price of Real $ 1 Drawers 69c Here are values unsurpassed. , Of course this very low price is of absorbing interest, but wait uu till you pee them, you wi l be de lighted with their beauty and general air of daintiness, made with wide ruffle of em broidery, tucked, and with fine': lane Zol insertion. Tliij special sale, price V, NOTICE We planned for this underwear sale more than 9 months ago, sud every., item showed durirg this sale are marked at prices which actually represent a saving of 25 per cent. To make this the banntr sa!e in our history we have made a addi tional special reduction of I lie actual sale prices. Come and investigate for yourself. We court comparisons. ' '-f'; r .''n.' , !,,-tj ;;i sb-i-; l'...-;4 1, - , A FEW OF MANY ITEMS OF INTEREST i ;. White India Linen, the yard 10c and 15c Laces 25c Swiss embroidery, 8 inch Embroidered Waist Patterns 5c 5c 19c 78c 15c Turkish Towels -35c Mercerized Lawn 35c Dress Swiss, black figured 60c Silk Grenadine - V I2ic 28c 28c '49c , (8oriprs Ntws Association) 8t PsUrabarg Jans S4 Ths ' tm ot Urror whiob has tarnsd Lods Into a alaojrhtsr pen aa'a rasalt'ol ' ths oob- fllct between ths troops and tha work- iog peopia, , conunass today, ' and a Tarltabla pltohsd bkttla ' is' balng fought oa ths streets. .In response to a eall lor assistance, tha' QoTsuor Qanaral sent thrae rsgtaiants of In fantry and a ealralry fores i to tha scans ot disorder by a special train. , Large casualties , . ; The carnalities yesterday Vera es timated aa high as two thousand. Dur Ing tha night tha Ooiaaoka and dra gons Ireqasotly charged the working men, who , barricaded, themselves and replied from windows and housetops, some hullug jnissles a port ths heads of the solditrs. The workingmen are led by social democrats and a number of Jews, w bo are determined to get revenge for Jlie thirty ssvea socialists killed by tbe troops VI sdheeday. DEAD Nf$P KRUOVRn ' " ,. " i The (sctories and shops are closed and no newspapers apoeared this morning, r A lata report says tbat Col Andn Jeff and teteral soldiers were in jured while leading- a charge ot the troops on tbe rioters. Two bombs were thrown 'Into tbe soldiers', barraoke, killing aod injuring twenty." Mnyol tbe dead are still lying on the streets. ; MOEECABUAtTIES . Lodx Russia June ". 24 Eighteen eastitltiis are reported to have occurr ed as a result ol the riots at noon tc 47.. : "'r !.'.v."V '. . -. -. ; t v MANY KILLED 8o !ar ascertained a hundred and thirty weie killed outright in tbe fight it g ' btre. yesterday, and forty more -hid in the hospitals during tbe night from' the .wounds received, while three hundred and tsnty sus tained slight injuries, All of the hos pitals are-filled and in many eases the wounded are lying on tbe floor. The rioters this morning attempted to set fire lo the govern mnn. buildings, but w.-r? scattred by a strong lotce of troops. A workman was killed in tbe streets during the night lor causes unknown. . t . THURSDAY'S FIGHTING j In the fighting Thursday night, two officers and seven Cossacks were killed. One of tbe latter was shot by a girl of thirteen . Ths rioting con tinued Ul day Friday and at eleven o'clock lu the forenoon all the factory bands struck and flocked into the streets. The soldiers, charged the mobs, firing vollsy after volley into the surging masses. The rioters re plied with revolvers and missels of every cbaraeler. The dead were cart ed oil to tbe oemetories in military wagons, the troops' acting as under takers. Many of the wounded died because of lack of mtdioal attention. vA- ! - ' Wi Millions Involved " . . (By Scrlpps News A soclatlon) New York, June 24 Tbe Johnson Mining Company today filled today n emended,-complaint in' to tali against the Boston and Montane Silver and Goppur Mining Company, alleging that the defendants wrong fully took ores valued at thirty seven dollars from the "Rsros" nines, all of which belonged to tbe pWinilfl. Tbe decision, to this ot.slwill call for a nsw censtruotion in tha. United States mining laws by tbe. fedml court. ' inyecrippsnewe asaoolauon) Nsw York, June 21 Goy Vsnfban who started at one thirty on tbe Em pire track yesterday afternoon in a forty horse power Decauville automo bile to lower tbe no stop" thousand mils record, finished at one and eight twentieths this afternoon,elipping two boura sixteen minutes and forty aeo-1 onds off tbe best time made bvl Wridgway. His time was twenty three j hours, thirty three mioutes and twenty seconds. Vanghan continued and aet a new reoord for twenty four hours, making one thousand fifteen and five eighths milee. ' (By Scrlpps News Association) 8t Louis June 23 Attorney General Haodley today ordered 8h-rirT Harrel at fit Louie to arrest all book takers for a violation, of the anti-gambling law. ' Japs Repulse Attack Scrippe News Association Tokio, June 24. Dispatches from tbe front state that during the recent ll'htina- la the Ylnt Chant district the Japanese drove off a force of three thousand Russian iofantrv and cavalry and, with three gun, occupied Nansanobeng Gun. The Japanese lost two killed and fourteen wounded. . Tbe Russian looses are re ported at over three hundred., Want Leniency Shown , By Sorippe hews Asiooiation Washington June 24 The President this morning received ' a telegram from the Portland Ore. - 'chamber of commerce, recommending a more liberal Interpretation of the' Chinese exoloslon laws, in order to ' avert the boycott of American goods ' Overcome By Gas (By Scrlpps News Association ) Unicsgo June 24 Seven persons were overcome by gas in a boarding bouse on 8trand Street in Houth Chicago this morning. Michael Ma;- ohoviob and Mart a Marts will die. Arrested For Fraud Borippi Niwi Association . New York June 24 In this city Henry VYutff, sx-state treasurer and president of the Continental Finan cial oompany N Y an allegte "get -rich quick" Concern; was arrested this afternoon on a charge cf using the United Sutea' mails lor the purpose of defiauding. Convention Ends : BySortpps News Association San Francisco June 24 Tbe inter- tioa olosed this afternoon. It was decided that the conditions confront ing tbe trade would demand an , an dual convention. : By a unanimous vote tbe local unions are instructed to frame a striot agreement for an eight hour day throughout the country. Woman Must Hang (Scrlpps News Assooiaticn) Liberty, Mo., June 24. Judge Alex ander tbis morning overruled tbe motion for a new, trial, and tbe date fixed tor Mrs Aggie Meyers, ol Kansas Gity, to hang is August 11. She wss oonv'cted of the murder of her hus band -Mrs. Meyers betrayed abso lutely no emotion. Counsel Neare bas not yet appealed to the supreme conn. Mrs Williim Spaniel left this morn In for the Dallee where she will visit relatlvee and frimla for several day. Mr Spaniel will leave hereabout tbe first of the montn and tbey will then visit tbe Portland fair. Plague In Panama , By 8otipps News Asiooiation , Panama June 24 A, longshoreman engaged lu unloading a Chilean ves sel developed a cait Of babonio p'Roe sou died today. Forty of tbe oora. paoionsof the longshoreman are. iso lated and evtry precaution is being taken so prevent a spread of tbe disease. ; Get Real Perfumes " ' The art of making perfumes is so complicated that few master it. It la easy to mttke an odor that will seem desirable when smeiled from the bottle; bet to giye the odor permanence and the quality of remain ing sweet aud unchanged on the ; handkerchief re quires skill that few perfumers possess. It is the maker's name and not the name of the odor that counts. We carry a large assortment of the finer grades of perfumes ; They have tvery quality that good per fumes should have. They cost you uo more than - .the poorer sort. ;. .. ; . :;' , : ; ' ' '' Free Express Delivery Commencing on next Moorisy June 26ih tbe Pacifio Express Gompany will begin to make free, deliveries ol Express mutter to tbe business por tion of the oity. Tnis delivery will be once each day, in tbe forenoon. . Mrs Mary A Reel, well known In this oity, ths mother of Roy aod Ouy Reel and sister of Mrs J W Sorlber, died in 8alem Thnrsdsy morning. Deceased was a daughter of Mr and Mrs Austin Leonard one ot the re speoted pioneer families of tbe state, having moved to Oregon in 1852 when tbey made their hose e in the Waldo Hills. ;j jj NEWLIN DRUG CO. j I zlZ Sii AJ zA ami 2 ii 1 Vi iLi 3L & & J &a ? J ill '.i i? T- "a s ii m HENRY i6,CAR I k. FUNERAL DIRECTORS LICEIUED Ef1BILnER5 lit Lady asristALt Calls answered day and night, . , ' : Phone No. 2L ':''Ky'r.:::H$ ; La Grande Oregon hi I J. C. Henry, residence 664 J. J. Oarr, residence 386 $ '1 i f s A I i J M m . is) i ; ' ; ! e ft